09 Medical Rocks

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Pathways by which trace elements enter the body

Whatever we take
into our system, a
part mixes with
blood, bone and
skeletal parts and
others come out in
the forms of urine,

Atomic Weight Atomic

Elements Elements Weight %
Number % Number
8 O Oxygen 46.4 8 O Oxygen 65.0
6 C Carbon 18.0
14 Si Silicon 28.15
1 H Hydrogen 10.0
13 Al Aluminium 8.23
7 N Nitrogen 3.0
26 Fe Iron 5.63
20 Ca Calcium 1.5
20 Ca Calcium 4.15 15 P Phosphorus 1.0
11 Na Sodium 2.36 16 S Sulphur 0.25
12 Mg Magnesium 2.33 19 K Potassium 0.2
19 K Potassium 2.09 11 Na Sodium 0.15
Total 99.34 17 Cl Chlorine 0.15
12 Mg Magnesium 0.05
Total 99.30
Here we get a list of minerals found in the earth’s crust
so also in the human body.It also provides us the percentage
(by weight) of the element in its necessary location.
Minerals present in our body playing prospectives in our
nutrition are trace elements.From the dose response curve
we learn how concentration of them in our body leads to its
benefits and how their deficiency can be dangerous and even
THE GROWTH and well being of man and animal are
linked to intake of certain essential trace elements.
The landscape disturbance may result in deficiency or
excess of certain essential elements and such
deficiencies or excesses may pose certain health
Unscientific use of land for growth of industry, mining
and habitation has not only robbed us of our balanced
environment but also has told heavily on human and
animal health.
Filling of bad and wetlands by garbage containing
toxic elements and excessive use of chemical
pesticides for cultivation cause poisoning of surface as
well as ground water, which are being tapped
indiscriminately for providing drinking water.

Sediments of the Ganges and Brahmaputra

delta in West Bengal and Bangladesh contain
mostly iron, sulphur and some trace elements
including arsenic.
Parts of Bijapur district of Bihar are also
affected. The arsenic bearing rocks lie in the
intermediate layer of ground water.
Microbes can leech the element from the
sediment and contaminate the ground water.
Among noticeable
Arsenic ones Arsenic is a
highly toxic
element to
the human body.A
recent plague of
Arsenic created
were noticed a
Keratosis on the hands
of an arsenic patient, months ago.It
West Bengal happened most
abundantly in
Bangladesh. A
Arsenic to keratosis, gangrene, skin chart provided here
cancer, melanosis and leucomelanosis shows us the area
problems. of infected and
uninfected people.
Selenium also finds its use in medicinal fields.Selenium
sulphide is used to treat dandruff ,acne,eczema is an
essential micronutrient for plants and animals.but it is
toxic in excess amounts.
Recent studies spell that cancer and heart disease are
related to selenium deficiency. It causes liver necrosis in
animals in Hawaii as also endemic osteorath-ropathy
— a necrosis of cartilage and dystrophy of skeletal
muscles, and cardiomiopathy in Eastern Siberia and
IODINE World Health
(WHO) reports
recently that in
countries more
than 800 million
people are
suffering from
cretinism, a severe
form of mental
retardation, and
goitre from
deficiency of
Haldiati village, Naogaon, Assam
Dental Fuorosis

Skeletal Fuorosis

Fluoride is reported in
groundwater from 17 states
in India affecting 25 million
people. The human body is a
biogeochemical indicator
2 year old 30 year old
Toxic metal contamination
Excess of copper, cadmium, lead, uranium, thallium, mercury,
chromium and tin results in renal failure problems. Kidney
stone generates from excess calcium in water and kidney
failure from mercury.
Zinc deficiency causes loss of fertility, delayed healing, disorder
bones, joints, skin and lung cancer.
Manganese deficiency in soil attributes to increased incidence
of cancer.
Neutropenia and acrodymia result from abnormalities of copper
Deficiency of lithium causes mental disorders and night
blindness. Less magnesium may result in cardiovascular
diseases. Not only deficiency of elements, excess intake of
certain elements causes ailments.
Alumina leads to Alzheimer's disease, lead to kidney failure,
low I.Q., arsenic to keratosis, gangrene, skin cancer, melanosis
and leucomelanosis problems
Dusts contain asbestos, mainly in mining and industrial areas,
soil fungus, spores and toxins and they also go into our system

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