Syllabus Link For All Programmes

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Details of Syllabus and Link

S.No. Programme Programme Name Link for Syllabus
School of Historical Studies
1. HISB M.A. Ancient History and Archaeology View
2. HISA M.A. Historical Studies View
School of Social Studies
3. SSSA M.A. Anthropology View
4. SSSB M.Sc. Criminology and Criminal Justice Science View
5. SSSR M.Sc. HRD Psychology View
6. SSSC M.Ed. View
7. SSSM M.A. Human Resource Management View
8. SSSE M.A. Sociology View
9. SSSF M.A. Women Studies View
10. SSSP M.S.W. Social Work View
11. SSST M.Sc. Counselling Psychology View
12. SSSK M.Sc. Cyber Forensics & Information Security View
School of Political and International Studies
13. PSIK M.A. Public Administration (Tamil Medium) View
14. PSIR M.A. Public Policy View
15. PSIP M.A. Development Administration View
16. PSIC M.A. Public Administration (English Medium) View
17. PSIJ M.A. Political Science View
18. PSIH M.A. International Relations View
19. PSIA M.A. Defence and Strategic Studies View
20. PSID LLM (M.L. International Law and Organization) View
21. PSIE LLM (M.L. Constitutional Law and Legal Order) View
School of Economics
22. ECOA M.A. Economics View
23. ECOB M.A. Econometrics View
24. ECOC M.A. Financial Economics View
School of Information and Communication Studies
25. CISB M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication View
26. CISA M.J. Online Media View
27. CISD M.Lib.I.Sc. Library and Information Science View
School of Philosophy and Religions Thought
28. PRTA M.A. Indian Philosophy View
29. PRTP M.A. Buddhism View
30. PRTC M.A. Comparative Religion and Philosophy with View
Specialization in Saiva Siddhanta Studies.
31. PRTM M.A. Saiva Siddhanta - Philosophy and Practices View
32. PRTD M.A. Vaishnavism View
33. PRTE M.A. Jaina Studies View
34. PRTB M.A. Comparative Religion and Philosophy with View
Specialization in Christian Studies
35. PRTH M.A. Christian Scriptures View
36. PRTF M.A. Islamic Studies View
School of Fine and Performing Arts
37. FPAA M.A. Indian Music View
38. FPAB M.A. Bharathanatyam View
School of English and Foreign Languages
39. EFLA M.A. English View
40. EFLB M.A. French View
School of Tamil and other Dravidian Languages
41. TDLD M.A. Tamil Studies View
42. TDLC M.A. Tamil Literature and Culture View
43. TDLG M.A. Telugu View
44. TDLB M.A. Malayalam View
45. TDLA M.A .Kannada View
School of Sanskrit and other Indian Languages
46. SILD M.A. Sanskrit View
47. SILC M.A. Hindi View
48. SILA M.A. Arabic View
49. SILB M.A. Urdu View
School of Management Studies
50. BUSD M.Com. International Business & Finance View
51. BUSM M.Com. Business Data Science View
52. BUSB M.B.A. View
53. BUSK Executive - M.B.A. View
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
54. MSIA M.Sc. Mathematics View
55. MSID M.Sc. Statistics View
56. MSIE M.Sc. Actuarial Science View
57. MSIC M.C.A. View
58. MSIG M.Sc. Computer Science View
School of Earth and Atmospheric Science
59. EASC M.Sc. Applied Geography View
60. EASE M.Tech. Geoinformatics View
61. EASA M.Sc. Geology View
62. EASB M.Sc. Applied Geology View
School of Chemical Sciences
63. CHEA M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry View
64. CHEB M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry View
65. CHEC M.Sc. Organic Chemistry View
66. CHED M.Sc. Physical Chemistry View
67. CHEH M.Sc. Chemistry (Polymer Chemistry) View
School of Physical Sciences
68. PHYA M.Sc. Biophysics View
69. PHYB M.Sc. Physics (Department of Nuclear Physics) View
70. PHYC M.Sc. Physics (Department of Theoretical Physics) View
71. PHYM M.Sc. Materials Science View
72. PHYN M.Sc. Information Technology View
School of Life Sciences
73. LIFB M.Sc. Botany View
74. LIFC M.Sc. Zoology View
75. LIFA M.Sc. Biochemistry View
76. LIFD M.Sc. Biotechnology View
School of Basic Medical Sciences
77. BMSC M.Sc. Anatomy (Three years) View
78. BMSK M.Sc. Neuroscience View
79. BMSD M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry View
80. BMSA M.Sc. Biomedical Genetics View
81. BMSE M.Sc. Medical Microbiology (Three years) View
82. BMSG M.Sc. Physiology (Three years) View
School of Nano Science and Photonics
83. NSPA M.Sc. Photonics and Bio- Photonics View
84. NSPB M.Sc. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology View
Department of Physical Education
85. PESA M.Sc. Yoga View

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