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API Testing


There are five groups of HTML status codes:

 informational responses (100-199);
 success (200-299);
 redirection (300-399);
 client errors (400-499);
 server errors (500-599).

What is a client?
 A client is a computer or host that sends the request for a specific service or
data to a server through the HTTP protocol in the form of a URL and
receives a response.

What is a server?
 A server is a remote machine that accepts the request, processes it, and sends
the response information through the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Note: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol specifies how the client should
send a request to the server and how the server should respond.

Note: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts the data before
sending it to the client or the server.

Client/Server Architecture

 One – Tier Architecture

 Two-Tier Architecture
 Three – Tier Architecture
Application Programming Interface(API): is the way of communication between two
applications where applications may differ in their platform or in terms of technology.

Front end of the application

Middle Layer(API)

Back end of the application

An API stands for an Application Programming Interface. It is an end-point

created by a developer or a company that allows using any features of a program in
a different place or another program.

API Testing Tools There are a variety of tools for working with API. Some of the
most widely used are:

Postman – an API platform that is used not only for testing but building and using
APIs as well.
REST-assured – a tool for testing and validating REST services that promises to
make this process as simple as possible.
JMeter – an open source software written in Java and originally designed for
testing web apps.
SOAP UI – a tool available as an open source or commercial solution that also
promises to create, manage, and execute tests easily.
Tricentis – a codeless platform for automating end-to-end tests, fully driven by AI
Apigee – an API management and testing platform that is now a part of the Google
Cloud ecosystem.
Katalon – a multi-functional low-code test automation platform that offers API
testing among the other capabilities.
As the experience shows, the greatest share of automation tasks falls on Postman
API testing. Nevertheless, getting familiar with a variety of platforms is always a
benefit for a QA specialist.

Types of API

1. Simple object Access Protocal(SOAP)

2. REST(Representational State Transfer)

API Vs Webservice

 Web service is an API wrapped in HTTP.

 All web services are API but APIs are not web services.
 A web sevices needs a network while an API doesn’t need a network for its


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