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Throughout history, humans have convinced themselves that the complete

dedication of one human to the welfare of another, or even to oneself, is feasible.

Is this a genuine possibility, or are we collectively trapped in a millennia-old

The inherent disposition of humankind is rooted in self-interest. Individuals

almost always prioritize their own well-being above that of others, irrespective of
vows or pledges. It contradicts the fundamental essence of humanity to disregard
one's own existence and pledge oneself entirely to another.

The occurrence of such genuine selflessness can only materialize through the
influence of a higher authority. Love could be deemed as one such transcendental
force. However, this love is not a fragile sentiment, but rather a rarity witnessed
perhaps only a handful of times in a century. While one might claim to love
another, his allegiance will invariably remain with his own self, despite any
avowals made. Without the anchoring power of such invaluable love, the essence
of humanity would find no capacity to commit to another. Ultimately, they owe
you nothing.

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