Cuttingtools LP

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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. identify the cutting tools used in SMAW
b. value the importance and uses of cutting tools
c. draw and label the measuring tools used in SMAW


Topic : Measuring Tools used in SMAW
Reference : TESDA (2016) K-12 Basic Education
Materials : laptop, marker, bondpapers,

1. Preliminaries
(Ice breaker/Energizer)
Checking of attendance
A. Review
Good afternoon class before we start our new lesson
this afternoon. Please allow me to present my rules in
my class so the first rule is R-raise your right hand if
you want to answer, P-participate in my class and R-
respect me as your teacher and I respect you also as my
students. Is that clear class? Students: Yes sir!

So now class what was our last discussion that we discussed

yesterday? It is all about the Measuring Tools sir.

Very good! Give me one example of a measuring tool?

Very Good! Pull-push rule sir.

2. New Lesson

A. Motivation
Today, I will divide the class into 2 groups. Count
from until 2 and right after that proceed to your group.

Please observe the picture on the screen.

The picture shows that the there are many cutting
metals sir.
So group 1 what have you observe in the picture?
It shows a variety of tools sir specially for cutting.

Okay very good how about group 2?

(Students’ answer may vary.)

Thank you for your cooperation class, now what do you think
will be our topic for today? Any idea?

Okay very good!

Excellent! Almost there, but today our lesson focuses
on Cutting Tools use in SMAW.

B. Presentation / Lesson Proper

We are going to discuss about the different cutting

tools that used for SMAW. But before that, please read
our objectives for our lesson today.

Everybody please read the objectives. Students follow and read the objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be
able to:
 identify the cutting tools used in
 value the importance and uses of
cutting tools
 draw and label the cutting tools
used in SMAW

Excellent! Thank you.


(Students possible answer)

What do you think will happen if there we’re no
cutting tools?

Very well said! Cutting tools is very important not

just in SMAW but in our daily habit.

I am so glad that even though we are not yet

starting with our discussion you already have an idea
on how important of the measuring tools.

a. Abstraction
Now let’s proceed to our discussion. Since we are done discussing
about the Measuring Tools, let’s proceed to the Cutting tools that
specifically used in SMAW.

Cutting Tool – is any tool that is used to remove some material from
the work piece by means of shear deformation.

a. Hacksaw - It is a tooth cutting tool mainly used in

cutting metals like plates, pipes, rods, bars, angular, etc. but
of minimal thickness, width and length. Sometimes this tool
is used for cutting plastic pipes and other materials that suit
to its purpose.
b. Files – are made of high-grade steel which are
hardened and tempered. Each file has rows of teeth that form,
shape and finish metal by removing small chips and
smoothing rough edges of the metal surface. They differ in
length, shape, cut and coarseness.
Kinds of Files:
b.1. Mill File - a single-cut file used for filling and finishing brass
and bronze.
b.2. Flat file – is usually rectangular in shape and tapered slightly in
width and thickness. It is one of the most commonly used files for
general work.
b.3. Round File – is used primarily for enlarging holes.
b.4. Triangular File – is used for filling surfaces that meet at least
90°. It is exclusively used for sharpening wood saws and for
smoothening rectangular opening. It is also known as three-square
Types of Cold Chisel:
c.1. Flat chisel- is used for chipping flat surfaces; cutting off rivets
or metal or metal fasteners, thin sheets, and small bars; and for
general purposes.
c.2. Cape Chisel – has a narrow edge suited for cutting narrow
grooves or slots.
c.3. Diamond-point chisel – has a diamond-shaped cutting edge
intended to cut V-grooves.
c.4. Round-nose chisel – is used in removing points, burrs, and
sharp edges from metal surface and similar parts. This tool is made
of hardened steel of various shapes that fit according to each
Types of Scrapers
d.1. Flat Scraper – for the removal of the high spot on metal
d.2. Sharper Scraper – for scraping the surface of cylindrical
bearing when fitting shafts into place.

Punch/Punches – a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel

that is variously shaped at one end for different operations (such as
forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting).
Kinds of Punches
e.1. Prick punch – a small center punch which is also known as a
layout puncher. Its point is placed an angle of 30 degrees.
e.2. Center Punch – has one end guard to a 90 degrees’ conical

Now class do you have any question? Student’s: None so far sir

All rights since you don’t have any questions, I will be

the one to ask questions. So give at least 1 example of
cutting of cutting tool? Cold Chisel sir.

Very good!

Excellent! It seems that everyone really understood our

topic this afternoon.

Since we are done with the discussion now let’s check
further if you really understood our topic. We are going
to have an activity.

This activity is a group work. I will group you into 2,

same group that you have in the first activity. What you
are going to do is to draw at least 2 cutting tools and (Students perform and follow the instruction and
label it. I will give you 5 minutes to discuss with your will graded according to their performance)
group on what you are going to draw. After that,
present your outputs here in front. But here’s the twist,
before you present your outputs create a jingle related
to our topic.


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Is any tool that is used to remove some material from the work piece by means of shear deformation
a. hacksaw b. files c. Cold chisel d. try square

2. Are made of high-grade steel which are hardened and tempered. Each file has rows of teeth that form,
shape and finish metal by removing small chips and smoothing rough edges of the metal surface.

a. hacksaw b. Files c. cold chisel d. Micrometer caliper

3. A type of file that has a single-cut file used for filling and finishing brass and bronze

a. flat file b. triangular file c. Mill File d. Round File

4. _____ has a narrow edge suited for cutting narrow grooves or slots.

a. Scraper b.Flat Chisel c.Diamond-point chisel d. Cape Chisel

5. a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously shaped at one end for different
operations (such as forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting).
a. Punch/Punch b. Cold Chisel c. Hacksaw d. dividers


Study and research in advance in the Driving Tools use in SMAW.

Prepared by: Dave V. Cali-at

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