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Detailed Lesson Plan in Beauty Care Services

Different Shapes of Nail

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the different shapes of nail;
b. Appreciate the importance of the different shapes of nail through oral questioning,
c. Draw the different shapes of nail.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Different Shapes of Nail
References: Module 3
Materials: PowerPoint, Visual Aid and Pictures
Values Focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Greetings

Good morning class!

Good morning ma’am!

B. Prayer

Before anything else kindly stand for the

prayer. Ms. Khaye kindly lead the prayer.
Lead the prayer

Before you sit down kindly pick up some

pieces of paper under your chairs and align
your chairs properly.
(Students do as told)

C. Checking of attendance

Do we have any absentees today? If there is,

Ms. Secretary kindly list down the names of
the absentees and pass it to me later.
Ms. Secretary check the attendance

D. Classroom Rules

Like other teachers I also have a classroom

rules for us to have a harmonious class.

 Listen to teacher
 Avoid any unnecessary noise
 Raise your hand if you want to answer
 Be nice to others

Are my rules clear class?

Yes ma’am!
E. Review

Before we start, lets have a review first.

Who can recall what was our last topic last

(Students raise their hand)
Yes, Quimado?

Our topic last meeting is all about ________

Very good! I am glad that you still remember
our discussion last meeting.

F. Motivation

Before we proceed to our discussion this

morning, let’s have a game first. The game is
called “ROLL AND TELL”.


1. The teacher will play a song while the

student holding the dice must pass it to the
next classmate.
2. When the music stops, the student holding
the dice to get a number.
3. The number obtained has a corresponding
question that must be answered and the twist
is there are only 4 questions and 2 lucky
winners to get apricde.

Am I clear class?
Yes ma’am!
Are you all excited?

Yes ma’am!
Did you enjoy the activity class?
Yes ma’am!
Do you want more?

Yes ma’am!
1. Lesson Proper

A. Activity

Okay let’s have another activity, this time it’s

a group activity. You will be group according
to your clan.


1. The teacher will let the students to pick a

paper inside the box to identify which clan do
you belong. After you know your clan you
willgo to your group.
2. Each clan has a treasure inside it, the
students will assemble the question.
3. The clan will choose 1 representative to
read their answer in front. Eachgroup will be
given 3 minutes to do task.

Am I clear class?
Yes ma’am!
Your timer starts now!

B. Analysis

Okay, let’s check your works.

Let’s start with the 1st clan, 1st clan

representative be here in front and read the
answers you had from your group.
Good morning everyone! I am from 1 st team
our answer as I shown the picture it is a
coffee its belong to non-alcoholic beverages..

Wow! What a great answer from the 1st clan .

Let’s give them a three claps. Now let’s have
the 2nd clan
Good morning everyone! I am from 2nd team
our answer as I shown the picture it is a beer
it’s belong to alcoholic beverages
Great answer 2nd clan, let’s give them a three .
claps. And now let’s proceed to the 3rd clan .
Good morning everyone! I am from 3rd team
our answer as I shown the picture it is a juice
it’s belong to non-alcoholic beverages.
Very good 3 team! Let’s give them three

Good job everyone, let’s give everyone a

barangay clap.

Do you have any idea of what would be our

topic this morning?
(students raise their hand)

Yes, Windy? Our topic this morning is all about different

shapes of nail

Thank you Windy!

C. Abstraction

Precisely, our topic this morning is all about

the different shapes of nail.

Before we proceed to our discussion kindly

read our objectives first.
a. Identify the different shapes of nail,
b..Appreciate the importance of the different
shapes of nail through oral questioning,
c. Draw the different shapes of nail.

First, let’s define what is shapes of nail.

The shapes of nail conforms to the fingertips
of an individual.

Thank you!

So there are different shapes of nail that we

are going to tackle this mornng.
Do you have any idea what are those shapes?
(students raise their hand)

Yes, Inelyn?
I think one of those shapes is square.

Very good, Inelyn!

Another hand do you have any idea what are

those shapes?
(student raise their hand)

Yes, khaye?
I think one of those shapes is round.

Wow! You really had an idea.

The first shape is oval nail

Everybody please read what is oval nail.

This is common among people with long,
perfect nail beds. it may be styled slightly
rounded at the base and slightly pointed at the
fingertips. Most often this type of nails has a
natural look very good in a shorth medium

Thank you everyone!

Next is round nail

Boys, please read what is round nail

It is ideal for shorter nails, the nail is allowed
to grow out straight at the sides for
approxmately 1.5 mm and then the tip is
filled into a rounded shape. This is a strong
shape which is great for those who keep their
nails short.

Thank you boys!

Next is stilleto/pointed nail

Girls please read what is stilleto/pointed nail

Unfilled away at the sides to a point at the
tip,this shape is very weak as the sides of the
nails are totally lost.

Thank you!

And the fourth one is squoval nail

Who wants to read?

Yes permarie!
As above, but followed by squaring off the tip
this gives the nail tip strength over the oval
Thank you permarie!

And the last one is the square nail

Everybody please read square nail

The square shape nail is the most famous
among the nail shape. It is created by
allowing the nail to grow out straight across at
right angle with the rest of the nail plate.

Thank you everyone!

Great you have a nice idea!

That is all our discussion for today.

Did you understand our discussion class?

Any clarifications or questions about our

topic today?

Now that you really understand our

discussion I have some questions.

Ms. Ukay

Is it crucial to know those shapes of nail?

For me it is crucial because in nail industry
shapes of nail is a big factor it is one tha
makes the nail of our client more attractive
and elegant.

What a great idea Ms. Ukay. Let’s give her a


Another question, among the five shapes of

nail what is the most famous shape?
The student raise their hand.

Yes, Quimado?
The most famous shape of nails is the square

Very good, Quimado!

For the last question

What are the five shapes of nail?

Ms. Alapan
The five shapes of nail are oval nail, round
nail, stilleto/pointed nail, squoval nail, and
square nail.

Very good! You really listen on our


D. Application

Seems like you already understand our topic

let’s have an activity.

Direction: In a 1 whole sheet of paper draw

the five shapes of nail. You are given 5
minutes to do the task.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: In a ¼ sheet of paper, write the
correct answer

1.) It is the most famous among the nail 1. Square nail

shape. 2. Round nail
3. Oval nail
2.) It is ideal for shorter nails. 4. Sqouval nail
5. Stilleto/pointed nail
3.) What shape of nail that is common among
6. Oval nail
people with long, perfect nail beds?
7. Round nail
4.) It gives the nail tip strength over the oval 8. Stilleto/pointed nail
shape. 9. Sqouval nail
10. Square nail
5.) What shape is very weak because the side
of the nail are totally lost?
6.-10.) What are the five shapes of nail?

V. Assignment:
Read advance our next topic which is Getting
Nails into shape and bring the following
1. Nail file
2. Nail brush
3. Nail cutter

Prepared: Mae Ann M. Suan

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