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Dense Morphisms in Commutative Banach Algebras Gustavo Corach; Fernando Daniel Suarez. Transactions of the American Mathematical Sociery, Volume 304, Issue 2 (Dec., 1987), 537-547. Stable URL hitp:/Mlinks jstororg/sicisici=0002-9947% 28 1987 12% 29304%3A2%3C537%3 ADMICBA%3E2,0,CO%3B2-C ‘Your use of the ISTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at hhup:/www, stor orglabout/terms.html. ISTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the sc printed page of such transmission. ‘Transactions ofthe American Mathematical Society is published by American Mathematical Society. Please contact the publisher for further permissions regarding the use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at hup:/www,jstor-org/joumals/ams. htm]. Transactions ofthe American Mathematical Society (©1987 American Mathematical Socity ISTOR and the ISTOR logo are trademarks of JSTOR, and are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office For more information on JSTOR contact jstor-info@umich edu, ©2003 JSTOR hupslwww jstor.org/ Mon Aug 4 12:36:18 2003 DENSE MORPHISMS IN COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS. GUSTAVO CORACH AND FERNANDO DANIEL SUAREZ [Aastnact: Using a new notion of stability we compute exactly the stable rank of the polydise algebra, extend Oka's extension theorem to n-tuples of functions without ‘common zeros and giv an estimation fora question mised by Swan concerning the Stable cank ofa dense subalgebra of a given Banach algebra 0. Introduction. The stable rank of a ring A (2] is an algebraic invariant of A ‘which turns out to be closely related to the topology of the spectrum of A when A is 1 complex commutative Banach algebra (see [4, 7, 8). In this paper we study certain approximation and interpolation problems which are related to that notion. Our ‘main result (Theorem 2.7), whose statement is too technical to be described here, has several applications. Fist, we find exactly the stable rank of the polydisc algebra 4, of C*: st(4,) = [n/2] +1. Moreover, for every n-generated algebra A, sr(A) < [2/2] + 1 and the equality holds if the joint spectrum of a system of m generators of A has nonvoid interior in C". Next, we obtain a result in connection with an old problem of Cartan [3] who looked for conditions on an r-tuple of holomorphic functions on a domain 9 in C* without common zero to be completed to an invertible matrix of such functions. This problem has been considered by Lin [16] and Sibony and Wermer [20]. We prove that if 4 is n-generated then every metuple @=(ay.-.,y), Such that 44,...,4,, have no common zero (see Definitions below), can be completed to an invertible matrix with entries in A for m > (n/2] +1. Another application isa k-dimensional version of Oka’s extension theorem. Finally, we give a partial answer to a question of Swan (23, Remark, p. 206] if there exists a morphism f: A B with dense image such that “/(a) invertible = a invertible” then s1( A) < st(B) < sr(A) +2. Preliminaries. In this paper Banach algebra means a complex commutative Banach algebra with identity. The spectrum of a Banach algebra A is the space X(A) of all nonzero complex homomorphisms of 4; the elements of X(4), called characters, are continuous and X(4) is a compact Hausdorff space with the induced weak* topology. The Gelfand transformation *: A C(X(A)) is defined by a(h) = h(a) (aE A, hE X(A)), For any ntuple a = (a,...,4,) € A” we write (dyy.2054,): X(A) > C% the image of a is the joint spectrum of a, which we denote o(a) and we recall that (a) = {X= (Ayye--yAy) © C% LEA -(a,— Ay) +A). ~ Restved by the eitors November 18, 1986 1980 Mathematics Subjet Clasfication (1985 Revision). Pimary 46015, 18F2S; Secondary 32520, S225, $5935, ‘1967 American Mathematial Society (002.994 /87 $1.00 + $25 pe page sa7 538 GUSTAVO CORACH AND F. D. SUAREZ. If a=(4)),<1 is a (possibly infinite) system of generators of A and o(a) = {(A(a))),¢1 € Cl: h © X(A)), then o(2) is a polynomially convex compact subset of C! (where a compact subset X of C! is polynomially convex if it coincides with its hull X= {2 © C!: |p(z)| < sup{|p(x)|: x © X} for every polynomial p) (22). Moreover @: X(A) + 0(a) is a homeomorphism. For a compact subset X of C! we define P(X) as the closure, in C(X), of the polynomial functions. The spectrum of P(X) is identified to X. Observe that there exists a continuous homomorphism A P(o(a)) (where a = (a) is a system of generators), with dense image. Some- times we identify X(A) to o(a) and write P(X(A)) instead of P(o(a)). We put U,(A)= (a A": 0 a(a)); its elements are called unimodulars. A unimodular (4,,..-,d,_y,4,) i8 reducible if there exist x,,...,2,- in A such that (y+ 40-25 2yy + qd) is unimodular. The stable rank of A is the least n such that every a © U,, (A) is reducible, We use the symbol A for the closed unit disc of the complex plane C. Given spaces X,Y, C(X, ¥) denotes the set of all maps from X into ¥. Deriviriow L1. Let E, B, and X be Hausdorff topological spaces. Suppose that B is metrizable with a metric d and X is a compact space. A map p: E > B has property (H) with respect to X if for every commutative diagram x weg a dp (1= [0,1], (x) = 0,x)) Ixx > 2 and e>0 there exists a map Fi [x XE such that Fi=f and sup(d( pF(t, x), f(t,x): 1E 1, xX} B is a Serre quasi- Jibration if it has property (H) with respect to every cube 1” (m > 0). When e ‘we get the classical notion of Serre fibration (see [14, pp. 61-64). PROPOSITION 1.2. Let @: A —> B be a dense morphism of Banach algebras (i.e. $ is 4 continuous homomorphism with dense image). Consider the induced group homomor- phism 4: GL,(A) -> GL,(B), with image L. () for b © GL,(B), BL (the closure of L in GL,(B)) if and only if there exists b’ © L which belongs to the connected component of b in GL,( B); (2) @: GL,(A) > GL,(B) is a quasi-fibration. Proor, (1)(=) Let b L; then there exists a € GL,(A) such that |jg(a) ~ bl| < ]o-'1 and b + ¢(¢(a) — b) (1 € 1) defines an arc in GL,(B) joining b and (a): in fact, bb + t(o(a) ~ b)) = 1 + g(a) —b) and lo(o(a)~byh exp(a,)) € OGL,(A)o) for some y,-.+54, © My(A); this proves our assertion Now, ifG, is connected component of GL,(B) and Gy = GL,(B)o, for u € G, the translation x — xu defines a homomorphism Gp > G, whose inverse map is yyw"! Then, if b € Gy and B © G, OL we get B(WY! © Gy CL, but BL Which isa subgroup of GL,(B), thus b = B(b)¥8' € L, to. (Q) Firstly, we prove that : GL.,(4) + GL.,(B) has property (H) with respect to 1° = (0}. For this, we consider the commutative diagram 4 Guta) al te (i(0) = (0,0)) 1x(0} 3 GL(B) and we look for a map F: 1 (0) > GL,(A) such that F(0,0) = (0) and sup( i$ F(1,0)) ~ f(4,0)|i €€ 1) 0 (where the norm is that of ‘M,(B), which is induced by that of B). Observe that we can think of f and /(0,0) as elements of GL,(C(J, B)); moreover, they belong to the some connected compo- nent of GL, (C(I, B)), for > f(st,0) is an are which begins at 7(0,0) and ends at J. Observe also that $: A + B induces a dense morphism g: C(I, A) > CUI, B) Which induces, as ¢ before, a group homomorphism GL,(C(I, A)) -» GL,(C(, B)), which we denote again g. It is clear that /(0,0) = 4(/(0) belongs to (GL, (C(I, A))). By the remarks above and part (1), there exists a © GL,(C(I, A)) such that lj@(a) jij < &” for a given e’ > 0, We shall prove that, for e” small enough, F = f(0)a(0)"'a is the map we look for (where we are identifying 1 with 1x {0} and looking at f, a: 1x {0) + GL.,(A)). For this, keep ¢ © J fixed; then Jo(7@aQoy*ar)) - 7) |] 0 such that the whole expression is less than e, Then, for every # € 1, |16(/(0)a(0)"'a(t)) ~ f())|< e, a8 claimed, Next, we must prove that the map : GL.,(A) » GL,(B) has property (H) with respect to 1” for every positive integer m; but we can reduce the general case to the above situation by observing that the commutative diagram m 4 Gia) a te ta) = (9) rx" GLB) can be transformed into do (0) GL,(C(", A)) mn te . 1x(0} GL,(CU", B)) wt where g(0) = f and g(1,0) Conoutary 1.3. If 6: A> B is a dense morphism of Banach algebras then the induced map 4: U,(A) -» U,(B) is a quasifibration PRoor. As before, it suffices to prove that 4” has property (H) with respect to 1° = (0). Let a © U,(A), 6 = #(a) € U,(B), 7: I + U,(B) be an are beginning at b, and >. Consider the commutative diagram: + GLA) % GLB) 6 boa te 4 rea UA) > U(B) 0b ’ It is known that ¢, is a Serre fibration [4,6] so there exists an are 74: I+ GL,(B) such that 7,(0) = 1 and ¢,°y, = y. Now, using the fact that $ is a quasi-fibration, we find an are yy: > GL,(A) such that 7,(0) = 1 and ||6(13(0)) — y(0)I < e/I (1 1), This easy to see that 7 = 1, © 7, verifies (0) = a and [g'(G(A)) ~ 1) < for every 1€ 1. ReMAnk 14. For @ a surjective morphism, an analogous (and easier) proof shows that @: GL,(A) + GL,(B) and ¢': U,(A) > U,(B) are not only quasi-fibrations but also Serre fibrations. The frst result is well-known theorem of Michael (17) If A DENSE MORPHISMS IN COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS san is a complex commutative Banach algebra with spectrum X(4) then the Arens- Novodvorski-Taylor theory [24] identifies the set of connected components of U,(A) with the set of homotopy classes of maps X(A) > CZ: in symbols, x,(U,(A)) = [X(A), CET XA), S°-"] (where S$ is the unit sphere of R*"). Observe that the transpose of a morphism f: A —» B, f*: X(B) -> X(A), induces a map [X(A), S*] — [X(B), $4), By combining the above results we get the following: COROLLARY 1.5. Let f: AB be a morphism of Banach algebras. (1) If fis dense, then the induced map f: U,(A) > U,(B) has dense image if and “only if the mapping [X(A), S*-*] > [X(B), S"*-] is surjective. 2) If f is surjective, then f: U,(A)—> U,(B) is surjective if and only if [X(A), 8°!) > [X(B), 82] is surjective. 2. We recall two definitions. A closed subset F of X(A) is a hull if there exists, ECA such that hull(Z)= (h € X(4): h(a) = 0 (a € E)} =F. For a closed subset F of X(A) we put = (h © X(A): |h(a)| < lldllp (a © A)}. F is A-convex if P = F. It is clear that every hull is A-convex, but the converse fails, in general Proposition 2.1. Let f: A+ B be a dense morphism. Then the transpose f* X(B) > X(A) is injective and its image f*(X(B)) is A-convex; moreover, iff is onto then f*(X(B)) isa hull For the proof, we need the following result, which follows easily (22, Theorem 5.8} Lena 22, Let A bea complex commutaive Banach algebra and (a; 1€ 1) a system of generators of A. Then a = (G,: i € 1): X(A) + o(a)< C! is a homeomor- phism, o(a) is polynomially convex, and if R C o(a) is polynomially convex then @-\(R)E X(A) 8 Aconex. Conversely, if Fis A-convex then F) is pobmamially PROOF OF THE PROPOSITION. Let a= (a: i € I) be a system of generators of A. Then f(a)=(f(a,): i € 1) generates B and a( f(a))< o(a) is a polynomially convex compact subset of C! and /*(X(B)) = a"(o((a))) < X(A) is A-convex, by the lemma. If f is onto then B can be identified with 4/ker , so X(B) ~ X(A/ker f) = hull(kerf) and the second assertion follows easly. We need the following result of Duchamp and Stout (11, p. 53] which is a consequence of a classical result of Andreotti and Narasimhan (1) Lemon 2.3. Let T be a polynomially convex compact subset of C*. Then for k > n the Cech cohomology groups H*(T) with integer coefficients are trivial. ‘THeoREM 2.4, Let ¥ ¢ X be ovo polynomially convex compact subsets of C". Then for k > nthe restriction induces a surjective mapping {X, S*|~ [¥, S* Proor. We consider, first, the case when X= P and Y= Q are polynomial polyhedra (12, p. 66]. Then P and Q are triangulable and H™(P) = H™(Q) = 0 (m > 2n 1) 80 [14, p. 228} if i denotes the inclusion QC P then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) i: HA(P) + HQ) is an isomorphism for k > n and an epimorphism for k cy GUSTAVO CORACH AND F. D. SUAREZ. (2) i*: @*(P) > *(Q) is an isomorphism for k > n and an epimorphism for k =n (where #4(T) is the kth cohomotopy group of T). By the lemma above, H*(P) = H*(Q) = 0 for k > n, so (2) holds and we get that [P, S*] + (0, S*] is onto for k > n. We consider now the general case, We must prove that for every map f: YR (RYT = RH1\ (0)) there exists an extension of f, FX —> Ry! (k > n), Let P be a p-polyhedron such that P > X and extend f: P >» R'**; let QC P be a p-polyhedron such that Q > Y and f(Q).¢ RS"; by the first case, JQ admits an extension G: P > R4*! and then F'= G|X verifies F(X) ¢ RS" and F|Y = IY. In the following we use the notation s, = [1/2] +1 Conortary 25. Let YC X be two polynomially convex compact subsets of C" Then the mapping [X,C£] + [¥, CE] ts onto for every k > 5, Poor. It suffices to observe that 2k — 1 > n for k > s, and use the theorem. Conoutany 2.6. Let ¥ be a polynomially convex compact subset of C*. Then [YC] is vial fork > sy. Proor. Take a ball X containing ¥ and use the corollary above. Mat THEOREM 2.7. Let f: A B be a homomorphism of Banach algebras and suppose that B is n-generated. (1) IPfis onto, the induced map U,(A) > U,(B) is onto for k > 5, 2) If f is a dense morphism, then the induced map U(A) > U,(B) has dense image for k > 5, PROOF. Let byy...+b, € B be generators of B. Ibis well known (12, 22} that X(B) is homeomorphic to the joint spectrum ap(b,.....®,). which is a polynomially convex compact subset of C". Then, for k > s,, (Ug B)) = [X(B), CE] = [09(B,.-+-5b,) CE] is trivial for the last corollary and the result follows from Corollary 1.5. RewaRk 2.8. The proof shows that U,(B) is connected fork > 5, 3. Applications. The rest of the paper is devoted to applications of the Main ‘Theorem. The dense stable rank. It is well known (4, 8] that if A is a commutative ring with identity then st(A) U,(B) is onto, This statement yields to the following notion of stabil DEFINITION 3.1, The dense stable rank of a Banach algebra A, denoted by dst( A), is the least integer m such that for every dense morphism f: A — B, the induced map U,(A) -> U,(B) has dense image. We write dst(A) = +00 if there exists no such n. It is obvious that sr(A) < dsr( 4), but we do not know if equality holds for every commutative Banach algebra 4. This question is related to a problem raised by Swan [23]. We will discuss this later. DENSE MORPHISMS IN COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS: 543 A Banach algebra A is said to satisfy condition D, if f(U,(A)) is dense in U,(B) for every dense morphism f: A B. PROPOSITION 3.2. IfA satisfies condition D, then it satisfies D, PRoor. Let f: AB be a dense morphism and take b’=(b, by.) (bjy-++1 Bp Brot) © Uys(B). Let I be the closed ideal generated by b, 1, C= B/T and : BC the natural projection. Then =(b) © U,(C) and wf: A» C is dense. Given e > 0 there exists a € U,(A) such that |lnf(a) — (b)]| < e. Then, there exist Yiveees Jp im B such that [f(a,) ~ b,~ ybyeill < (i = 1,...4). By the density of (A) in B there exist xy5..65%95 yy in A such that f(x) ~ yl] <= 1,5) and f(aqe1)— Byeall <€. Then a = (ay — Xap tyeoee dy ~ Xue ae ys) E Uy. (A) and || f(a’) — Bi < €. This proves that A satisfies D,. ‘A trivial consequence of the remarks above and the identification m(U,(A)) = [X(A), CE] is that (4) = min(n: [X(A), Cf] > [F, CZ] is onto for every hull F of X(A)). The analogous property for dsr is the following. PRopostrion 33. ds1(A) = min(m: [X(A),CZ] + [F,CE] is onto for every A- ‘convex F< X(A)}. Proof. Lets be the number in the right-hand side. Suppose that dsr(A) < n. If Fis A-conver, we consider the dense morphism A Ay = closure in C(F) of AVF. Then f(U,(A)) is dense in U,(A,), which implies that [X(4), C3} > [F,C2] is onto. This proves that s < dA}. Conversely, iff: A -> B is a dense morphism, JAUAA)) 18 dense in UCB) iff [X(A),CA} + [X(B),CE] 8 onto; but X(B) is hhomeomorphic to (*(X(B)) which is A-convex, by Proposition 21. Then dsr) < « a It is known that so(A)= {dim X(4)/2]+1 if A is regular (4, 8], The last proposition shows that dsr(4) = (dim X(A)/2] +1 if every compact F.C X(A) is ‘A-convex (see [10] for a generalization of this property). In particular, we get Si) = dst( A) if Ais regular. THEOREM 3.4. Let A be a n-generated Banach algebra, then dse(A) < [n/2] +1 = Se PROOF. Let aj,...,a, be a system of generators of A and suppose that f: A > B is a dense morphism; then by = f(a)...» , = (dq) generate B and by the Main “Theorem U,(A) > U,(B) has dense image for k > s, Proposition 35, Iff: A Bisa dense morphism then dst(B) < dst( A) PRooF. Suppose that dsr(4) B. We say that f(A) is an n-full subalgebra of B if f(A") 0 U,(B) = f(U,(A)). We say that f is an n-full morphism if f-(U,(B)) = U,(A). We say that f is full when f is 1-full. Of course, if f is n-full then f(A) is n-full, but in general the converse fails. However, iff is injective, both conditions are equivalent. oa [GUSTAVO CORACH AND F.D, SUAREZ. Lema 3.6 [9]. If f: A > Bis a homomorphism of Banach algebras then f: A —> B is nfull for every integer n if and only if f*: X(B) > X(A) is onto Lemma 3.7. Iff: A -> Bisa dense full morphism then f is n-full for every n. ‘The proof is routine. Proposition 3.8. I/f: A + Bisa dense full morphism then dss() = dst(B), PRooF. It suffices, by the last proposition, to see that dsr(A) < dsr(B). But, using the characterization (Proposition 3.3) of dsr(A) and observing that *: X(B) > X(A) is a homeomorphism which transforms, bijectively, B-convex subsets of X(B) in A-convex subsets of X(4), itis clear that ds A) = dst(B). Corowtary 3.9. dsr(A) = dsr( P(X(A))) COROLLARY 3.10. If f: A= B is a dense full morphism and se(A) = dst(A) then sx(B) = dsr(B) = st). Pxoor. It is well known that st(4) < sr(B). Then sr(A) < sr(B) < dse(B) = dsr(A) = s1( A), REMARK 3.11, Swan [23] asked if a dense full subalgebra A of B has the same stable rank. The last corollary shows that this is, in fact, the case when sr(A) = disr( 49. But, a it was remarked before, we do not know if sr(4) = dsr( A) in general THEOREM 3.12. Let (ay,...44,) be a set of generators of A such that its joint spectrum o(a) = {(I(a,),-..,h(a,)): k= X(A)) has nonvoid interior (in C*). Then st( A) > 5, = [n/2] + 1. Proor. There is no loss of generality if we suppose that B,(0) = (z € C": Eyaalzi? < 1) C a(a). Observe that o(a) is a polynomially convex compact subset of C" homeomorphic to X(A) via a = (dy,...,4,): X(A) > 0(a). Thus, we have & homomorphism g: A — P(o(a)) sending a, into z, (the ith-coordinate function). ‘The theorem will be proved when we show that, for m= 2k or 2k +1, (2452550025 F241» P) © Ug ( P(o(a))) is not reducible, where p(2) = 22) + 2524 Hore Fay 1294 — Le In fact, im this case (ay, 095... 424-55 PC@)) © Ups A) is not reducible; otherwise, there should exist b,,....b, €A such that (a, + 4, p(a)), © U,(A) and then (25,_, + (b,)p), © Uy(A) contradicting the irreduci- bility of (2, 23,---5 224-1» P)- Suppose that uw is reducible. Then, by (8, Theorem LE) = Cup 255-0+5 224-0), fe 0a) > CH, and Z, = (2 € oa): pz) = 0}, SZ, Z, > Ch Let $= {2 © BO): 25) = Fay k). Then f|Z,0 8 can be extended to $—> Cf and then the inclusion i: $2! Ck admits an extension B,(0) —> Ck, whichis false, by elementary topology (21) Conorary 3.13. dsr(P(X)) = st(P(X)) = 5, ifX is the n-polydise A" = (2 © C™: lel < 1 @= 1,...,0)) or the ball (2 © C% EE? <1) or X is any compact subset of C* with nomvoid interior. DENSE MORPHISMS IN COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS 545 PRooF. It is a combination of Theorems 3.4 and 3.12. REMARK 3.14. P(A) was the first example of a Banach algebra A such that tsr(A) ~ sr(A) > 0 [7,15]. Next, it was proved that for 4, = P(A"), tst(4,) =n + 1 and s*(A,) B is a dense morphism and, if e > 0 and f € Bsc. f(z) # 0 for every 2 © X, there exists F © A such that F(2) + 0 for every 2 © A and sup,|f— F| U,(A) defined by o> last column of 0. The fibration properties of (see §1 and the references there) show that a is in the image of rif and only if some b in the connected component of a in U,( A) belongs to the image of t. Supose that A is an n-generated Banach algebra. Then ¢ is onto, ie. every element of Uy(A) is the last column of an invertible matrix, for every m > Sy. In fact, by the Main Theorem U,,(A) is connected and is onto. This improves the results of Lin and Sibony and Wermer in the case of finitely generated algebras. ‘On Oka’s extension theorem. Let # be a polynomial polyhedron (shortly, a p-polyhedron) in C”. x = {2 € MY: |p(z)| <1, j= 1,-..47) for some polynomials Diy-v>» Dyin n variables Let ¢: > C™" be the embedding (2) = (2, pi(2)-+-» p,{z)) (where 2 = (2,..01Z»)). Then, 6 is a homeomorphism of w onto the subset of A**” defined by the equation Fyn PZ) (F= Lever) ‘Oka’s extension theorem states that for every holomorphic function fon a neighbor- hhood of = there exists @ holomorphic function F on a neighborhood of 4°" such that F(z, pilz)s- (F is called an Oka extension of f.) (2) = f(z) zen). ‘Tueonen 3.15. Let f be a k-tuple of holomorphic functions on a neighborhood of w such that f() © Ck. Suppase that k > sy. Then, there exists an Oka extension F: U > Ck for some neighborhood U of &**”. 546 [GUSTAVO CORACH AND F. D. SUAREZ. Proor. Let > Oand m= (2 © At,2 [p(2)|<1+e1 A/T the natural projection, Then 9(G) € U A/T) because X(A(I)) is the hull of I and G|hull(/) = f|hull(/) never assumes the value 0 = (0,...,0)¢C*. Observe that A/I is generated by (2.)--59(Z,). Then, for k > s, p(U,(A)) = Us(A/D), by the Main Theorem, part (1). In particular, there FE U,(A) such that p(F) = @(G); in other words F = (Fy..-5) = (Gy + Hyyss.Ge + Hy) for some H,..., Hin I, Thus, F is holomorphic on a neighborhood of A", F(A") C Cf and FC, Pa(2ens PAE) = Ge, Py(2)o-o-s PAz)) = f(2) for 2 & a. On a problem of Swan. In [23] Swan asked if the existence of a dense full morphism f: A — B implies that sr(4) = sr(B). It is easily proved that st(4) < st(B) and we have seen that, for A such that sr(4)=dsr(A), the answer is affirmative. We conjecture that Swan's question always has an affirmative answer but we have been unable to prove this. However we can show that sr(B) cannot exceed st( A) by more than 2. We begin with ‘Taiones 3.16. st P(X(A)) < st(A) + 2. Proor. Let n= st(4). By [8 theorem 1.4] it suffices to prove that for every b © P(X(A)) and every map f: Z, > Cf*? there exists a continuous extension F of J Fi X(A)—» Ce". Given a map f: Z,— Cx", consider an extension /: X(A) + C**? and a compact neighborhood V of Z, such that /(V) Cy*®, Let 8 = min{|b(A)|: hE X(A)\V} > 0, a © A be such that lla — b]| < 8/4 and R (He X(A): |hi(a)| < 6/2). We have Z,C RC V. Consider the algebra C(A, A) and the element 6: w > a~(5/2)0 (w € A) of B. It is known that st(B) < sr(A) +2 [5], so we get a surjective mapping [A x X(A), Cy*?] > [Zp,CE°] (where Zy = ((h, 2) © X(A) X Bs h(G(.o)) = 0}). We prove now that the first projection p: (A,@) — h defines a homeomorphism from Z, onto R; the continuity of p is obvious; if h € R then h(a) = Awith [A] < 8/2 and @ = (2/8) € A; (A, 2) © Zy and, of course ph, ) = h, which proves that p is surjective, if (qs) and (hg, 3) belongs to Zy then hoa) = (8/2), = (8/2), $0 0, = &. Finally, R being homeomorphic to Z, we get the surjection [4x x(4), c2??] > [R,c2"?] which becomes, using the contractibility of 4, [x)),c27] > [R,c3"7] This shows that f|R: R-» CZ*? admits an extension F: X(A) > Cz*? (see [8, ‘Theorem 1.4)), which proves the theorem. 0. DENSE MORPHISMS IN COMMUTATIVE BANACH ALGEBRAS, sar REMARK 3.17. Itis not known if st(C(A, A)) < 1+ sr(A). If this inequality would hold then the proof above shows that sr(P(X(A))) < 1 + sr(A). ConoLLaRy 3.18. If f: A> B is a dense full morphism then st(A) < st(B) < se A) +2. ProoF. It is well known that P(X(4)) is isomorphic to P(X(B)) and then se(B) < st( P(X(B)) = st(P(X(A))) < st A) + 2. REFERENCES 1, A. Andreotti and R, Narasimhan, 4 topological property of Runge pairs, Ann. of Math. (2) 76 (1962), 49-509, 2.H, Bass, K:sheory and stable algebra, Publ. Math Inst Hautes Etudes Sci. no. 22, 1964, pp 5-60. 3. HL Carta, Sur ler matrices holomorphes de ncariables complexes, 1. 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