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Thinking Skills

B1 He demonstrates the ability to find effective solutions to problems.

B2 He explores various approaches to problem-solving.
B3 He analyses problems and situations with effectiveness.
B4 He draws logical conclusions based on evidence.
B5 He displays readiness to embrace challenges.
B6 He asks thought-provoking questions to the assigned tasks.
B7 He effectively articulates novel ideas and concepts.
B8 He exhibits creativity in thinking and problem-solving.
B9 He approaches challenges with enthusiasm.
B10 He innovatively devises solutions to problems.
B11 He demonstrates independent thought and decision-making.
B12 He listens attentively and provides constructive feedback.
B13 He expresses opinions with decisiveness and persuasiveness.
B14 He possesses a vivid imagination and thinks creatively.
B15 He demonstrates well-honed application skills.
B16 He excels in divergent thinking.
B17 He showcases creativity during class activities and eagerly embraces challenges.

B18 He actively introduces novel ideas and concepts, going beyond established norms.

B19 He actively supports and motivates others during group activities.

B20 He willingly volunteers for special assignments.
B21 He explores diverse approaches to executing a single activity.
B22 He diligently works on developing application skills.
B23 He comes prepared for assigned tasks.
B24 He demonstrates self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
B25 He displays both internal and external locus of control.
B26 He adeptly gathers pertinent information from reliable sources.
B27 He demonstrates originality and innovation in decision-making.
Social skills
B28 He extends assistance to classmates in academic and personal difficulties.
B29 He actively seeks feedback from teachers and peers for self-improvement.
B30 He engages himself as an active and attentive listener.
B31 He embraces and appreciates diverse viewpoints.
He effectively captures the attention of others when speaking in class, school
assemblies, and other occasions.
B33 He proficiently explains and communicates concepts for better understanding.
B34 He demonstrates sensitivity to the needs of differently-abled individuals.
B35 He effectively displays leadership skills.
B36 He adheres to social norms and conducts himself appropriately.
B37 He actively contributes to skill and competency development in others.
B38 He interacts effectively with both peers and teachers.
B39 He maintains a cheerful and friendly demeanor.
B40 He exhibits refined social skills.
B41 He readily shares and discusses feelings with others.
B42 He responsively addresses others' interests and concerns.
B43 He actively participates in group conversations.
B44 He possesses strong communication skills.
B45 He demonstrates excellent listening skills.
B46 He efficiently employs non-verbal communication.
B47 He shows respect for others.
B48 He treats peers with respect.
B49 He willingly and eagerly extends help to others.
B50 He exhibits sensitivity to the needs of others.
B51 He patiently listens during group tasks.
B52 He offers support to classmates facing challenges or feeling low.
B53 He corrects errors promptly when they are pointed out.
B54 He possesses a high level of self-confidence.
B55 He patiently waits for his turn to express his opinion.
B56 He maintains a positive approach toward others.
B57 He approaches interactions with a friendly and approachable demeanor.
He feels comfortable sharing ideas with others and shows respect and courtesy
inside and outside the classroom.
B59 He appreciates classmates and acknowledges their efforts.
B60 He maintains comfortable and appropriate eye contact.
B61 He adheres to rules and conducts himself politely.
Emotional Skills
B62 He proficiently identifies and manages emotions.
B63 He demonstrates excellent emotional management skills.
B64 He readily shares feelings with both peers and teachers.
B65 He expresses feelings in a healthy and constructive manner.
B66 He responds positively in challenging situations.
B67 He maintains a positive attitude toward assigned tasks.
B68 He willingly accepts tasks and responsibilities during group work.
B69 He actively seeks out opportunities to take on challenges and responsibilities.
B70 He is open to accepting help and suggestions.
B71 He persistently endeavours to improve.
B72 He seeks assistance from teachers or partners when faced with difficult situations.
B73 He diligently works on improving weaker areas through regular practice.
B74 He openly shares his problems with others.
B75 He shows respect for the system and maintains discipline.
B76 He expresses respectful disagreement when necessary.
Work Education
B77 He actively participates in helping and organizing events.
B78 He demonstrates the ability to work effectively in teams.
B79 He efficiently organizes group work even on short notice.
He actively participates in school clubs, including socio-environmental, IT & Media,
Entrepreneurship, Cookery, and Robotics clubs.
B81 He represents the class, school, and even participates at inter-school levels.

He takes the initiative to plan and manage various events, such as festivals,
environment weeks, fundraisers, seminars, quizzes, and morning assemblies.
B83 He excels in collaboration and coordination when executing tasks.
B84 He displays originality of ideas and follows them through.
B85 He completes assigned tasks with a strong sense of responsibility.
B86 He exhibits a keen sense of observation and makes well-informed decisions.
B87 He efficiently handles IT equipment and gadgets.
B88 He approaches problem-solving in a systematic, step-by-step manner.
B89 He applies theoretical knowledge effectively in practical situations.
B90 He plans and adheres to activity and project timelines.

B91 He takes the initiative in organizing and participating in technology-related events.

B92 He displays a keen interest in computer-related activities.

B93 He proactively assists, guides, and facilitates others.
B94 He has a keen sense of observation who adeptly makes decisions.
B95 He generates innovative ideas.
B96 He adheres to ethical norms when using technology.
Art Education
B97 He takes an innovative and creative approach.
B98 He displays aesthetic sensibilities.
B99 He excels in observation skills.
B100 He demonstrates interpretation and originality.
B101 He correlates concepts effectively with real-life situations.
He actively seeks to experiment with different art modes and mediums, such as
sketches or paintings.
B103 He proficiently generates computer animations.
B104 He demonstrates proportion in size and clarity in their work.

B105 He has a deep understanding of the importance of colour, balance, and brightness.

B106 He actively participates in dance and drama.

B107 He appreciates the work of artists and enjoys following them.
B108 He excels in demonstrating appreciation skills.
B109 He actively participates in aesthetic activities at various levels.
B110 He takes the initiative to plan, create, and direct various creative events.

B111 He reads and demonstrates a high level of awareness in a particular domain of art.

B112 He experiments with various art forms.

B113 He demonstrates a high degree of imagination and innovation.
B114 He exhibits an artistic temperament in all actions in school and outside.
Health Education
B115 He demonstrates physical fitness and agility.
B116 He displays flexibility of the body effectively.
B117 He exhibits sportsmanship.
B118 He adheres to safety norms related to games and sports.
B119 He follows the rules of the games.
B120 He shows interest in training and coaching...
B121 He makes strategic decisions effectively within games.
B122 He organizes and provides leadership in this area.
B123 He takes the initiative and interest in Physical Education and Wellness.
B124 He displays keenness and interest.
B125 He breathes correctly during meditation.
B126 He lets go of a stream of thoughts.
B127 He remains undisturbed for a while.
B128 He allows all Yoga skills to work together.

B129 He shows improved balance.
B130 He shows reduced stress and anxiety.
B131 He demonstrates increased energy and decreased fatigue.
B132 He maintains regular attendance at school.
B133 He displays sincerity in work.
B134 He exhibits good behaviour at all times.
B135 He keeps himself and his surroundings clean.
Attitudes and values
B136 He maintains a positive attitude towards learning.
B137 He accepts suggestions in the right spirit.
B138 He follows teachers' instructions.
B139 He acts honestly and sincerely.
B140 He helps peers and teachers.
B141 He expresses ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
B142 He contributes ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
B143 He demonstrates kindness and helpfulness.
B144 He inspires other group members.
B145 He respects differences among peers.
B146 He inspires classmates and peer group members.
B147 He maintains punctuality and regularity in attending school.
B148 He participates enthusiastically in school programs.
B149 He shoulders responsibilities willingly.
B150 He takes good care of his belongings and school properties.
B151 He shows sensitivity to environmental and community issues.
B152 He displays pride in being a good citizen.
B153 He takes pride in work.
Towards Teacher
B154 He shows respect and courtesy at all times.
B155 He demonstrates attitudes that are positive and conducive to learning.
B156 He respects and follows teachers and school rules.
B157 He accepts criticism in the right spirit and follows teachers' advice.
B158 He is ready to help teachers and takes responsibilities willingly.
Towards Schoolmates
B159 He shares a healthy rapport with peers and classmates.
B160 He interacts effectively with classmates.
B161 He expresses ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
B162 He contributes ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
B163 He inspires members of the class or peer group.
Towards School Programmes
B164 He is punctual and regular in attending school programs.
B165 He participates and volunteers often for school programs.
B166 He delivers assigned work effectively, responsibly, and promptly.
B167 He inspires others to participate in school programs.
B168 He displays leadership skills and a healthy school spirit.
Towards Environment
B169 He respects school properties.
B170 He participates in school-driven activities related to caring for the environment.
He participates in community-driven activities related to caring for the
He takes the initiative and plans activities directed towards the betterment of the
He cares for others, respects life, respects Mother Earth, and displays love for their
B174 He shows responsibility towards the environment.
B175 He displays a high level of patriotism.
Value Systems
B176 He understands the need for rules and follows them.
B177 He acts honestly.
B178 He maintains a high level of self-respect.
B179 He acts politely and courteously towards everyone.
B180 He exhibits leadership qualities.
B181 He respects diversity.
B182 He demonstrates kindness, helpfulness, and responsibility.
B183 He displays commitment in his work.
B184 He works efficiently and respects their own time and that of others.
He displays a positive attitude towards peers, adults, and the community; actively
seeks and provides solutions.
B186 He has the ability to find happiness within himself.
B187 He excels in spelling.
B188 He possesses an extensive vocabulary.
B189 He excels in numerical skills.
B190 He displays keen interest in Mathematics.
B191 He demonstrates curiosity in various subjects.
B192 He displays well-honed reading and speaking skills.
B193 He has excellent handwriting.
B194 He turns in high-quality project work.
B195 He thoroughly enjoys competitions and enthusiastically participates in them.
B196 He enjoys circle time and actively participates in it.
B197 He enjoys show and tell and actively participates in it.
B198 He enthusiastically participates in music classes.
B199 He enthusiastically participates in swimming classes.
B200 He converses effectively in English.
B201 He demonstrates fluency in English.
Areas to be improved
B202 He requires improvement in listening skills.
B203 He can enhance comprehension skills with a broader vocabulary base.
B204 He will benefit from improved spelling for enhanced writing skills.
B205 He needs more regular handwriting practice.
B206 He should read storybooks regularly.
B207 He requires greater consistency in work.
B208 He can achieve better results with consistent hard work and effort.
B209 He needs to put in effort.

His consistent study schedules will significantly improve his performance in
B211 A regular study schedule will greatly improve his academic performance.
B212 He needs to practice study skills more effectively.
B213 He has the capability to achieve a higher grade in _______.
He can improve his listening skills by exposing himself to various audio inputs like
songs, news, etc.
B215 He can enhance his comprehension skills by reading a variety of books.
B216 He needs to work on _______ skills (spelling, writing, reading, Mathematics).
B217 He needs more handwriting practice.
B218 He needs to be more consistent in attending school.
B219 He should memorize and revise multiplication tables regularly.
B220 He needs more practice with basic mathematical operations.
B221 He needs to focus more on calculations.
B222 He should improve application skills in Mathematics.
B223 He needs to work on improving mental calculations.
B224 He excels in quick calculations.
He needs to practise different mathematical problems to improve his application
B226 He should avoid careless mistakes for better results in Mathematics.
Social Science
B227 He is proficient in answering HOTS questions.
B228 He displays highly commendable knowledge of current affairs.
B229 He has strong map skills.
B230 He needs improvement in creating mind maps.
B231 He should improve application skills.
B232 He should memorize scientific terms and terminology.
B233 He should thoroughly memorize chemical formulae, symbols, and equations.
B234 He converses effectively in English.
B235 He is fluent in English, which benefits in all subjects.
B236 His comprehension skills can improve with a broader vocabulary base.
B237 His improved spelling will enhance his writing skills.
B238 His handwriting requires improvement.
B239 His vocabulary can improve by reading a variety of books.
B240 Engaging in conversations in English will enhance his speaking skills.
B241 He needs improvement in applying grammar rules.
B242 Regular reading will help improve his English language skills.
Optional Remarks
B243 He composes poems and lyrics.
B244 He writes short stories.
B245 He writes literary criticism.
He actively participates in literary and creative activities at school, interschool, state,
national, and international levels.
He plans and organizes literary events such as debates, recitations, and book

B248 He reads books and maintains a high degree of awareness in the field of literature.
He appreciates well-written or spoken pieces representing various genres (prose,
poetry, plays).
B250 He creatively expresses ideas and opinions in different forms.
B251 He displays originality of ideas and opinions.
He inspires others and involves a large portion of the school and community in
different events.
B253 He verifies existing knowledge before accepting it.
B254 He seeks new and more effective solutions to problems.
B255 He conducts experiments efficiently and effectively.
He takes keen interest in scientific activities in laboratories and field-based
experiments at school, interschool, state, national, and international levels.
He takes the initiative to plan, organize, and evaluate various science-related events
such as quizzes, seminars, and model making.
B258 He maintains a high degree of curiosity and reads science-related literature.
B259 He is a keen observer who makes well-informed decisions.
He possesses good experimental skills and practical knowledge of everyday
B261 He uses technology effectively in creating projects and models.

Thinking Skills
G1 She demonstrates the ability to find effective solutions to problems.
G2 She explores various approaches to problem-solving.
G3 She analyses problems and situations with effectiveness.
G4 She draws logical conclusions based on evidence.
G5 She displays readiness to embrace challenges.
G6 She asks thought-provoking questions to the assigned tasks.
G7 She effectively articulates novel ideas and concepts.
G8 She exhibits creativity in thinking and problem-solving.
G9 She approaches challenges with enthusiasm.
G10 She innovatively devises solutions to problems.
G11 She demonstrates independent thought and decision-making.
G12 She listens attentively and provides constructive feedback.
G13 She expresses opinions with decisiveness and persuasiveness.
G14 She possesses a vivid imagination and thinks creatively.
G15 She demonstrates well-honed application skills.
G16 She excels in divergent thinking.
G17 She showcases creativity during class activities and eagerly embraces challenges.

G18 She actively introduces novel ideas and concepts, going beyond established norms.

G19 She actively supports and motivates others during group activities.
G20 She willingly volunteers for special assignments.
G21 She explores diverse approaches to executing a single activity.
G22 She diligently works on developing application skills.
G23 She comes prepared for assigned tasks.
G24 She demonstrates self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
G25 She displays both internal and external locus of control.
G26 She adeptly gathers pertinent information from reliable sources.
G27 She demonstrates originality and innovation in decision-making.
Social skills
G28 She extends assistance to classmates in academic and personal difficulties.
G29 She actively seeks feedback from teachers and peers for self-improvement.
G30 She engages herself as an active and attentive listener.
G31 She embraces and appreciates diverse viewpoints.
She effectively captures the attention of others when speaking in class, school
assemblies, and other occasions.
G33 She proficiently explains and communicates concepts for better understanding.
G34 She demonstrates sensitivity to the needs of differently-abled individuals.
G35 She effectively displays leadership skills.
G36 She adheres to social norms and conducts herself appropriately.
G37 She actively contributes to skill and competency development in others.
G38 She interacts effectively with both peers and teachers.
G39 She maintains a cheerful and friendly demeanor.
G40 She exhibits refined social skills.
G41 She readily shares and discusses feelings with others.
G42 She responsively addresses others' interests and concerns.
G43 She actively participates in group conversations.
G44 She possesses strong communication skills.
G45 She demonstrates excellent listening skills.
G46 She efficiently employs non-verbal communication.
G47 She shows respect for others.
G48 She treats peers with respect.
G49 She willingly and eagerly extends help to others.
G50 She exhibits sensitivity to the needs of others.
G51 She patiently listens during group tasks.
G52 She offers support to classmates facing challenges or feeling low.
G53 She corrects errors promptly when they are pointed out.
G54 She possesses a high level of self-confidence.
G55 She patiently waits for her turn to express her opinion.
G56 She maintains a positive approach toward others.
G57 She approaches interactions with a friendly and approachable demeanor.
She feels comfortable sharing ideas with others and shows respect and courtesy
inside and outside the classroom.
G59 She appreciates classmates and acknowledges their efforts.
G60 She maintains comfortable and appropriate eye contact.
G61 She adheres to rules and conducts herself politely.

Emotional Skills

G62 She proficiently identifies and manages emotions.

G63 She demonstrates excellent emotional management skills.
G64 She readily shares feelings with both peers and teachers.
G65 She expresses feelings in a healthy and constructive manner.
G66 She responds positively in challenging situations.
G67 She maintains a positive attitude toward assigned tasks.
G68 She willingly accepts tasks and responsibilities during group work.
G69 She actively seeks out opportunities to take on challenges and responsibilities.
G70 She is open to accepting help and suggestions.
G71 She persistently endeavours to improve.

G72 She seeks assistance from teachers or partners when faced with difficult situations.

G73 She diligently works on improving weaker areas through regular practice.
G74 She openly shares her problems with others.
G75 She shows respect for the system and maintains discipline.
G76 She expresses respectful disagreement when necessary.
Work Education

G77 She actively participates in helping and organizing events.

G78 She demonstrates the ability to work effectively in teams.
G79 She efficiently organizes group work even on short notice.
She actively participates in school clubs, including socio-environmental, IT & Media,
Entrepreneurship, Cookery, and Robotics clubs.
G81 She represents the class, school, and even participates at inter-school levels.
She takes the initiative to plan and manage various events, such as festivals,
environment weeks, fundraisers, seminars, quizzes, and morning assemblies.
G83 She excels in collaboration and coordination when executing tasks.
G84 She displays originality of ideas and follows them through.
G85 She completes assigned tasks with a strong sense of responsibility.
G86 She exhibits a keen sense of observation and makes well-informed decisions.
G87 She efficiently handles IT equipment and gadgets.
G88 She approaches problem-solving in a systematic, step-by-step manner.
G89 She applies theoretical knowledge effectively in practical situations.
G90 She plans and adheres to activity and project timelines.

G91 She takes the initiative in organizing and participating in technology-related events.

G92 She displays a keen interest in computer-related activities.

G93 She proactively assists, guides, and facilitates others.

G94 She has a keen sense of observation who adeptly makes decisions.
G95 She generates innovative ideas.
G96 She adheres to ethical norms when using technology.
Art Education

G97 She takes an innovative and creative approach.

G98 She displays aesthetic sensibilities.
G99 She excels in observation skills.
G100 She demonstrates interpretation and originality.
G101 She correlates concepts effectively with real-life situations.
She actively seeks to experiment with different art modes and mediums, such as
sketches or paintings.
G103 She proficiently generates computer animations.
G104 She demonstrates proportion in size and clarity in their work.

G105 She has a deep understanding of the importance of colour, balance, and brightness.

G106 She actively participates in dance and drama.

G107 She appreciates the work of artists and enjoys following them.
G108 She excels in demonstrating appreciation skills.
G109 She actively participates in aesthetic activities at various levels.
G110 She takes the initiative to plan, create, and direct various creative events.

G111 She reads and demonstrates a high level of awareness in a particular domain of art.

G112 She experiments with various art forms.

G113 She demonstrates a high degree of imagination and innovation.
G114 She exhibits an artistic temperament in all actions in school and outside.
Health Education
G115 She demonstrates physical fitness and agility.
G116 She displays flexibility of the body effectively.
G117 She exhibits sportsmanship.
G118 She adheres to safety norms related to games and sports.
G119 She follows the rules of the games.
G120 She shows interest in training and coaching...
G121 She makes strategic decisions effectively within games.
G122 She organizes and provides leadership in this area.
G123 She takes the initiative and interest in Physical Education and Wellness.
G124 She displays keenness and interest.
G125 She breathes correctly during meditation.
G126 She lets go of a stream of thoughts.
G127 She remains undisturbed for a while.
G128 She allows all Yoga skills to work together.
G129 She shows improved balance.
G130 She shows reduced stress and anxiety.
G131 She demonstrates increased energy and decreased fatigue.
G132 She maintains regular attendance at school.

G133 She displays sincerity in work.
G134 She exhibits good behaviour at all times.
G135 She keeps herself and her surroundings clean.
Attitudes and values
G136 She maintains a positive attitude towards learning.
G137 She accepts suggestions in the right spirit.
G138 She follows teachers' instructions.
G139 She acts honestly and sincerely.
G140 She helps peers and teachers.
G141 She expresses ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
G142 She contributes ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
G143 She demonstrates kindness and helpfulness.
G144 She inspires other group members.
G145 She respects differences among peers.
G146 She inspires classmates and peer group members.
G147 She maintains punctuality and regularity in attending school.
G148 She participates enthusiastically in school programs.
G149 She shoulders responsibilities willingly.
G150 She takes good care of her belongings and school properties.
G151 She shows sensitivity to environmental and community issues.
G152 She displays pride in being a good citizen.
G153 She takes pride in work.
Towards Teacher
G154 She shows respect and courtesy at all times.
G155 She demonstrates attitudes that are positive and conducive to learning.
G156 She respects and follows teachers and school rules.
G157 She accepts criticism in the right spirit and follows teachers' advice.
G158 She is ready to help teachers and takes responsibilities willingly.
Towards Schoolmates
G159 She shares a healthy rapport with peers and classmates.
G160 She interacts effectively with classmates.
G161 She expresses ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
G162 She contributes ideas and opinions effectively in a group.
G163 She inspires members of the class or peer group.
Towards School Programmes
G164 She is punctual and regular in attending school programs.
G165 She participates and volunteers often for school programs.
G166 She delivers assigned work effectively, responsibly, and promptly.
G167 She inspires others to participate in school programs.
G168 She displays leadership skills and a healthy school spirit.
Towards Environment
G169 She respects school properties.
G170 She participates in school-driven activities related to caring for the environment.
She participates in community-driven activities related to caring for the
She takes the initiative and plans activities directed towards the betterment of the

She cares for others, respects life, respects Mother Earth, and displays love for their
G174 She shows responsibility towards the environment.
G175 She displays a high level of patriotism.
Value Systems
G176 She understands the need for rules and follows them.
G177 She acts honestly.
G178 She maintains a high level of self-respect.
G179 She acts politely and courteously towards everyone.
G180 She exhibits leadership qualities.
G181 She respects diversity.
G182 She demonstrates kindness, helpfulness, and responsibility.
G183 She displays commitment in Her work.
G184 She works efficiently and respects their own time and that of others.
She displays a positive attitude towards peers, adults, and the community; actively
seeks and provides solutions.
G186 She has the ability to find happiness within herself.
G187 She excels in spelling.
G188 She possesses an extensive vocabulary.
G189 She excels in numerical skills.
G190 She displays keen interest in Mathematics.
G191 She demonstrates curiosity in various subjects.
G192 She displays well-honed reading and speaking skills.
G193 She has excellent handwriting.
G194 She turns in high-quality project work.
G195 She thoroughly enjoys competitions and enthusiastically participates in them.
G196 She enjoys circle time and actively participates in it.
G197 She enjoys show and tell and actively participates in it.
G198 She enthusiastically participates in music classes.
G199 She enthusiastically participates in swimming classes.
G200 She converses effectively in English.
G201 She demonstrates fluency in English.
Areas to be improved
G202 She requires improvement in listening skills.
G203 She can enhance comprehension skills with a broader vocabulary base.
G204 She will benefit from improved spelling for enhanced writing skills.
G205 She needs more regular handwriting practice.
G206 She should read storybooks regularly.
G207 She requires greater consistency in work.
G208 She can achieve better results with consistent hard work and effort.
G209 She needs to put in effort.
Her consistent study schedules will significantly improve her performance in
G211 A regular study schedule will greatly improve her academic performance.
G212 She needs to practice study skills more effectively.
G213 She has the capability to achieve a higher grade in _______.

She can improve her listening skills by exposing herself to various audio inputs like
songs, news, etc.
G215 She can enhance her comprehension skills by reading a variety of books.
G216 She needs to work on _______ skills (spelling, writing, reading, Mathematics).
G217 She needs more handwriting practice.
G218 She needs to be more consistent in attending school.
G219 She should memorize and revise multiplication tables regularly.
G220 She needs more practice with basic mathematical operations.
G221 She needs to focus more on calculations.
G222 She should improve application skills in Mathematics.
G223 She needs to work on improving mental calculations.
G224 She excels in quick calculations.
She needs to practise different mathematical problems to improve her application
G226 She should avoid careless mistakes for better results in Mathematics.
Social Science
G227 She is proficient in answering HOTS questions.
G228 She displays highly commendable knowledge of current affairs.
G229 She has strong map skills.
G230 She needs improvement in creating mind maps.
G231 She should improve application skills.
G232 She should memorize scientific terms and terminology.
G233 She should thoroughly memorize chemical formulae, symbols, and equations.
G234 She converses effectively in English.
G235 She is fluent in English, which benefits in all subjects.
G236 Her comprehension skills can improve with a broader vocabulary base.
G237 Her improved spelling will enhance her writing skills.
G238 Her handwriting requires improvement.
G239 Her vocabulary can improve by reading a variety of books.
G240 Engaging in conversations in English will enhance her speaking skills.
G241 She needs improvement in applying grammar rules.
G242 Regular reading will help improve her English language skills.
Optional Remarks
G243 She composes poems and lyrics.
G244 She writes short stories.
G245 She writes literary criticism.
She actively participates in literary and creative activities at school, interschool,
state, national, and international levels.
She plans and organizes literary events such as debates, recitations, and book

G248 She reads books and maintains a high degree of awareness in the field of literature.

She appreciates well-written or spoken pieces representing various genres (prose,

poetry, plays).
G250 She creatively expresses ideas and opinions in different forms.

G251 She displays originality of ideas and opinions.
She inspires others and involves a large portion of the school and community in
different events.
G253 She verifies existing knowledge before accepting it.
G254 She seeks new and more effective solutions to problems.
G255 She conducts experiments efficiently and effectively.
She takes keen interest in scientific activities in laboratories and field-based
experiments at school, interschool, state, national, and international levels.
She takes the initiative to plan, organize, and evaluate various science-related events
such as quizzes, seminars, and model making.

G258 She maintains a high degree of curiosity and reads science-related literature.

G259 She is a keen observer who makes well-informed decisions.

She possesses good experimental skills and practical knowledge of everyday
G261 She uses technology effectively in creating projects and models.


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