ZlY 101 Genezens 2020-21

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ZLY 101

1. Which of the following is not a type of dispersion?

A. Clumped
B. Random
C. Uniform
D. Territorial
ans: D

2. Formation of cloud occurs in the

A. Troposphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Exosphere
ans: A

3. Competition exclusive principle states that two species with identical niche
A. Can coexist indefinitely
B. Cannot coexist indefinitely
ans: A

4. Who was the first person to define ecology?

A. Charles Darwin
B. Haeckel
C. Odum
ans: A

5. Who defined ecology as the structural and functional unit of life?

A. Haeckel
B. Eugene Odum
C. Charles Elton
ans: B

6. The coldest atmosphere is what atmosphere

A. stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Thermosphere
ans: B
7. Mammals in ocean on getting to the deeper sea find It difficult to _______
A. breathe
B. feed
C. reproduce
D. see
ans: A

8. The most dominant herbivore in the grassland ecosystem is_____

A. cow
B. horse
C. producers
D. insect
ans: D

9. Maximum natality is also known as the following except ________

A. Psychological natality
B. Physiological natality
C. Absolute natality
D. Potential natality.
ans: A

10. Penguins have what kind of dispersion?

A. Uniform
B. Random
C. Territorial
D. Clumped
ans: C

11. Numerical density can be defined as

A. Number of wet mass per unit area
B. Number of biomass per unit area
C. Number of individuals per unit area or volume
ans: C

12. The annual rainfall in tropical dry forest

A. 100-200cm
B. 50-200cm
C. 150-250cm
D. >200cm
ans: B

13. Fresh water habitat can be divide into

A. running and lentic
B. standing and lentic
C. running and lotic
ans: A

14. Benthos are organisms that

A. float
B. swim
C. found in submerged vegetation
ans: C

15. Leopard frog burrows due to

A. high temperature
B. high pressure
C. low temperature
D. low pressure
Ans: A

16. Minerals found in mantle

ans. iron and magnesium

17. Which layer of the earth has iron and nickel?

ans: core

18.Which deals with the form and behavior of the soil?

A. edaphic factor
B. topographic factor
ans: B

19. Fishes subject themselves to diurnal vertical migration due to presence of

A. air filled cavities
B. fluid filled cavities
ans: B

20. Phenomenon in which light controls locomotory activities of lower organisms

A. photokinesis
B. phototaxism
C. phototrophism
D. geotrophism
ans: A

21. In Ranatra, which one is false?

A. if left eye receives more light than right eye then legs on left side is strongly flexed
B. if left eye receives more light than right eye then legs on right side is strongly extended
C. if left eye receives more light than right eye then legs on left side is strongly extended
D. if left eye receives more light than right eye then legs on right side is strongly flexed
*I feel last 2 options are wrong*

22. Which is not a characteristics of community

A. population
B. trophic structure
C. succession
D. dominance
ans: A

23. Presence of prehensile limbs is characteristics of what habitat

A. aquatic
B. aboreal
C. none of the options
D. terrestrial
ans: B

24. Plants use nitrogen in the form of

A. ammonia
B. nitrate
C. nitrite
D. nitrogen
ans: B

25. Phosphorus is
A. solid
B. semi solid
C. liquid
D. gas
ans: A

26. Layer with highest gas density is

A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Exosphere
ans: C

27. Layer where ozone is found is the

A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere
ans: A
28. Which sphere has least storage of matter
A. atmosphere
B. hydrosphere
C. lithosphere
D. biosphere
ans: A

29. Which spheres has highest storage of matter

A. hydrosphere and lithosphere
B. biosphere and atmosphere
C. atmosphere and lithosphere
D. hydrosphere and atmosphere
ans: A

30. The interconnected feeding relationship in an ecosystem is

A. food link
B. food chain
C. food web
D. trophic level
ans: C

31. Autotrophs are also known as

A. primary producer
B. heterotrophs
C. consumers
D. decomposers
ans: A

32. Which is not a type of pyramid?

A. pyramid of number
B. pyramid of size
C. pyramid of biomass
D. pyramid of energy
ans: B

33. The type of succession in swamp is

A. Xerach
B. Psamosere
C. Lithosere
D. Hydrach
ans: D
34. Zone of humus accumulation
A. A2
B. A1
C. B2
D. C
ans: B

35. Zone of Max illuviation is

A. A1
B. B1
C. B2
D. A2
ans: B2

36. Consolidated bed rock

A. C
B. R
C. B
D. A
ans. R

37. Sulphur is involved in the synthesis of the following except

A. Carbohydrates
B. Amino acids
C. Certain enzymes
D. Protein of glycosides
ans: A

38. The layer of soil that is light coloured or so is

A. A1
B. A2
C. B2
D. O1
ans: B

39. The atmospheric layer that prevents direct penetration of ultraviolet rays is
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere
ans: B
40. What fixes atmospheric nitrogen?
A. Azobacter
B. Nitrosomonas
C. Nitrobium
D. Nitrobacter
ans: A

41. Plants use carbon in the formula

A. Carbon monoxide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Limestone
ans: B

42. Plants take in water and release it by

A. Evaporation
B. Transpiration
C. Precipitation
D. Excretion
ans: B

43. What is the correct order of arrangement of the levels of atmosphere?

A. Exosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
B. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
C. Exosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere
D. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
ans: B

44. _________ is the component of nucleotide which serves as energy storage within cells
A. phosphorus
B. carbon
C. sulphur
D. Oxygen
ans: A

45. When Ranatta sp. is flexing its left leg muscle it is

A. Chemotaxism
B. Phototaxism
C. Geotaxism
D. Rheotaxism
ans: B
46. Amount of rainfall per annum in Savannah forest.
B. 1000mm
C 600mm
D. 800mm

47. In the Lithosphere, the mantle is composed mainly of:

A. Calcium and Magnesium
B. Molybdenum and Magnesium
C. Sulphur and Magnesium
D. Iron and Magnesium
ans: D

48. _________ Is the percentage of birth to death ratio

A. Life index
B. Life figure ratio
C. Life ratio
D. Vital index
ans: D

49. In which was ecology first defined

B. 1861
C. 1869
D. 1961
ans: C

50. Ammonium ion is oxidized to nitrite by

A. Azotobacter
B. Nitrosomonas
C. Nitrococcus
D. Nitrobacter
ans: B

51. Odum defined ecology as what?

A. Structures and functions of nature.
B. Study of living things in the environment.
C. Study of organisms in relation to the environment.
ans: A
52. The region of strong air movement and cloud formation is what?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Thermosphere
ans: B

53. What is the thickness of the earth's crust?

A. 16-50km
B. 17- 80km
C. 2880km
ans: A

53. Scansorial adaptation is also known as

A. fresh water adaptation
B. Arboreal adaptation
C. Terrestrial adaptation
D. Estuary adaptation
ans: B

54. The region with temperature range of 24-29°C is

A. Tropical Forest
B. Savanna
C. Sea
D. Desert
ans: A

55. The presence of pointed claws in squirrel is used for_____

A. Climbing
B. Burrowing
C. Clinging
ans: A

56. The dominant species in Savannah region is

A. Goat
B. Beer
C. Camel
D. Horse.
ans: D

57. The following form the basis of a community EXCEPT

A. Competition
B. Symbiosis
C. Dispersion
D. Predation
Ans: C

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