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Fake News Detection


This project addresses the pervasive issue of fake news in the digital era, where the
internet and technology have become integral to every aspect of life. With online
activities ranging from grocery shopping to virtual meetings, reliance on the internet
for news consumption has surged. The widespread use of social media platforms
further amplifies the reach of news, but it also raises concerns about the propagation
of misleading information. The project emphasizes the urgent need to combat
rumors, especially in growing nations like India, and advocates for a focus on true
and established issues. Acknowledging the challenges posed by the emergence of
fake news globally, the project highlights the role of artificial bots fueled by the
development of Artificial Intelligence. To tackle this issue, the project proposes an
automatic fake news detection system using the "kaggle real and fake news" dataset.
The approach involves training a random forest model, with detailed background
studies and comparative analyses. The final results are presented with various
measures and visualizations, offering insights into the effectiveness of the proposed
model in addressing the complex challenge of fake news.

Nithin V Mathew
Fake-image detection with Robust Hashing


This research paper investigates the efficacy of robust hashing techniques in

detecting fake images, particularly when subjected to multiple manipulation
techniques, including JPEG compression, for the first time. The proposed method
for fake image detection, based on robust hashing, is experimentally evaluated and
compared against state-of-the-art techniques using diverse datasets, encompassing
fake images generated through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The
results of the experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach consistently
outperforms existing methods, showcasing its robustness in accurately identifying
manipulated images. The findings suggest that robust hashing holds promise as an
effective tool for image forensics, offering enhanced detection capabilities in the
presence of various image manipulation strategies.

Nithin V Mathew
Road Damage Detection Using YOLO with Smartphone

Deep learning-based technology is a good key to unlock the object detection tasks
in our real world. By using deep neural networks, we could break a problem that is
dangerous and very time-consuming but has to be done every day like detecting the
road state. This paper describes the solution using YOLO to detect the various types
of road damage in the IEEE BigData Cup Challenge 2020. Our YOLOv5x based-
solution is light-weight and fast, even it has good accuracy. We achieved an F1 score
of 0.58 using our ensemble model with TTA, and it could be an adequate candidate
for detecting real road damage in real-time.
Index Terms—Deep Learning, Road Damage Dataset, YOLO

Nithin V Mathew

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