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Summative assessment test for 4th term

Grade 7 ----- Full name _______________________________________

Task 1. Listening. Listen and circle correct options
1. What does the salesperson try to sell the man first?
a) a ring
b) a bracelet
c) a necklace
d) a national hat
2. Why is the man not interested in that item?
a) It was the wrong style.
b) It was too expensive.
c) It was made of cheap materials.
d) It was heavy to wear
3. The man doesn't want to buy his wife the watch because ____________.
a) she already has one
b) it doesn't look attractive
c) it isn't a name brand model
d) she is old-fashioned
4. The shirt costs _____
a) $35
b) $30
c) $25
d) $150
5. The man can't go to another souvenir shop because ______.
a) they are located too far away
b) he doesn't have enough time
c) they are all now closed
d) he likes this souvenir shop (5)

Task 2. Reading.

Back in the 16th century, sailors wore pants called «genes» or «jeans». In 1853, Levi
Strauss, who was a tailor, arrived in America with a roll of canvas from which he sewed tents for
builders. One day the gold digger ordered pants in which he could spend the night on the street.
He liked them, and soon Strauss opened a workshop for sewing trousers in San Francisco. In the
1860s, Jacob Davis proposed the use of iron rivets. In the mid-1870s Strauss began to sew jeans
made of thick cotton fabric. During World war II, army soldiers of the US wore jeans. Then
jeans are trapped in Europe and Asia, where they bacame very popular. However, after the war
people forgot about jeans. But in the 60s of XX century there was a real revolution in the history
of denim fashion. Hippies began to decorate their clothes with different interesting things. Many
famous designers liked their ideas. And now all people in the world wear jeans.
Check «true» (T), «false» (F) or «not stated» (NS).
1) Jeans appeared only in the 20th century. _________
2) In 1853, tailor Levi Strauss arrived in North America. __________
3) Hippies organized a world revolution. __________
4) During World War II, the jeans became part of the
uniform of the American army. ________ (4)
Task 3. Language focus. Connect the sentences
1. If the weather had been nice …
2. I wouldn’t have bought that book …
3. If I hadn’t taken an umbrella …
4. You could have done much better in the exam …
5. That building wouldn’t have fallen down …
a. … if it hadn’t been so old.
b. … if I’d known how boring it was.
c. … I would have got wet.
d. … we could have gone horse-riding.
e. … if you had taken private lessons. (5)

Task 4. Vocabulary Match the words with their definitions.

junk food

A. a strong need that someone feels to regularly take something harmful.

B. something in food that people and animals need to live and grow .
C. something that you do regularly or often, without thinking about it.
D. the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness.
E. something that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat. (5)

Task 5. Writing (35-40 words. Use: usually, sometimes, every day, rarely, often, occasionally).
Example: I usually wear uniform at school.

Questions will help you. What clothes would you wear:

o at a party?
o on the beach?
o in the evening at home?
o at school?
o on a cold day in winter?
________________________________________________________________________ (5)
Shop Employee: Hi. How can I help you?

Customer: Uh, I’d like to get a souvenir for my wife. Something special from this area.

Shop Employee: Okay. Well, how about this nice pearl necklace? It’s locally sourced from the
nearby sea.

Customer: Uh, yeah…Let me see that. .Oh, no. NO! That’s way too expensive. I’m not going to
spend $120 for something like that.

Shop Employee: Okay. How about this nice watch?

Customer: Oh, OH! That’s way too expensive, plus she already has a watch and a phone, so she
can check the time of day whenever she likes.

Shop Employee: Ok, um. What about this nice shirt? It’s made with traditional designs,
local tailor. Only $30.

Customer: Well, Oh! Oh no!

Shop Employee: Let me guess. It’s the price. Is it too expensive?

Customer: Well, it’s . . . .well, kind of.

Shop Employee: Didn’t you say this was for your wife? Shouldn’t you be getting her something
nice? I mean, come on.

Customer: Hey. If you’re suggesting that I’m cheap or something, I’ll just, well, I’ll just go to
another souvenir shop. They’ll probably offer a lot better than you are.

Shop Employee: Yeah, good luck. They [What?], they all closed while you were carrying on. I
mean, we closed 15 minutes ago. [Oh!]. You can pick up something at the airport if you want,
but they’ll charge you an arm and a leg.

Customer: Uh, um. Whoa. Whoa. Wait, wait. How much is this candy bar? She really likes

Shop Employee: Are you serious? This is a Snickers bar. It’s not even one of their
special novelty flavors. You can get this literally anywhere. How about this box of nice
chocolates? They’re Belgium. I mean that’s not local, but they’re nice.

Customer: No. No, no, no, no, no. Whoa. No, no, no, no.

Shop Employee: Look. Take it. [What?] I’m done. Least I can do is save your marriage.

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