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1. In what year was the World Wide Web (WWW) publicly introduced, marking a significant
milestone in internet history?
a. 1985
b. 1991
c. 1995
d. 2000

2. What was the first commercially successful personal computer, introduced in 1977, and
often credited with popularizing the use of personal computers at home?
b. Commodore 64
c. Apple II
d. Altair 8800

3. Who is known as the "Father of the Computer" for his work on the analytical engine, an
early mechanical general-purpose computer design?
a. Alan Turing
b. Charles Babbage
c. Ada Lovelace
d. John von Neumann

4. What landmark event is considered the birth of the modern smartphone era, featuring the
introduction of the first iPhone?
a. 2005
b. 2007
c. 2010
d. 2012

5. The first successful graphical web browser, Mosaic, was developed by a team at which
U.S. university?
a. Stanford University
b. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
c. University of California, Berkeley
d. Carnegie Mellon University

6. What coding language, created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, is often

associated with its "write once, run anywhere" capability?
a. Python
b. Java
c. C++
d. Ruby

7. In 1983, which internet protocol was introduced, providing the foundation for secure
communication over the internet?
c. FTP
d. SSL

8. Who co-founded Microsoft alongside Bill Gates and played a crucial role in the
development of the company's early software products?
a. Steve Jobs
b. Paul Allen
c. Steve Wozniak
d. Larry Page

9. What was the first mass-produced computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) and a
mouse, released by Apple in 1984?
a. Macintosh
b. Lisa
c. Apple II
d. Power Macintosh

10. The first electronic general-purpose computer, ENIAC, was completed in 1945. What
does ENIAC stand for?
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
b. Electronic Network for Information and Arithmetic Computation
c. Enhanced Numerical Integration and Automatic Calculator
d. Early Numeric Instrument for Automatic Computation

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