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The role of leadership

The role of leadership in There is marked difference in the orientation between management and leadership.
Both involve:
change management" •deciding what needs to be done
•developing the capacity to do it
•ensuring that it is done.
However, while management is concerned with order and consistency, leadership is
concerned with change.

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• 1. Sense making. Making sense of the world and identifying

Management vs • Managerial work , in times of change, is the opportunities and threats that require attention.
increasingly a leadership task • 2. Visioning. Identifying a vision of what a more desirable
Leadership state of affairs might look like and what needs to be done
to move towards this.
Management Leadership
• 3. Sense giving. Communicating the vision to a wider
audience and responding to feedback as required to win
The role of
Deciding what needs to be done
commitment to the change.
Planning and budgeting Creating a vision
Planning and goal setting, formulating steps for achieving goals and Creating a vision and developing strategies thatwill deliver the changes • 4. Aligning. Promoting a shared sense of direction so that
identifying the resources that will be required

Developing the capacity to achieve it

required to achieve thevision.
leadership people can work together to achieve the vision.
Organizing and staffing Communicating the new direction
• 5. Enabling. Removing obstacles and creating the
Creating organizational structures and work roles that will facilitate the Communicating the new direction in a way that enables people to conditions that empower others to implement the change.
achievement of goals, appointing qualified people, communicating plans understand what needs to happen if the vision is to be achieved and
and delegating appropriate levels of responsibility. creating the conditions necessary to align their efforts to deliver the vision. • 6. Supporting. Recognizing and responding to the concerns
of those affected by the change.
Ensuring that it is done
• 7. Maintaining momentum and sustaining the change.
Controlling and problem solving Motivating and inspiring
Monitoring performance, identifying deviations from plans and taking Motivating and inspiring people to achieve the vision. Showing commitment and ‘walking the talk’ to keep people
corrective action focused on the change

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