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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer


Engineer Guide

Issue 01

Date 2019-11-30


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Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes how to install, commission, and power on the STS-3000K-H1 and
STS-6000K-H1 smart transformer stations (STSs for short) onsite, and provides frequently
asked questions (FAQs) and troubleshooting methods. Before installing and using the STSs,
read this document carefully to understand the safety information and their functions and

Intended Audience
This document is intended for Huawei technical support engineers and maintenance

Model Specifications
The models and specifications involved in this document are as follows.

Model Rated Power

STS-6000K 6000 kVA
STS-2500K 2800 kVA
STS-6000K-H1 6300 kVA
STS-3000K-H1 3150 kVA

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide About This Document

Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or
unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
Supplements the important information in the main text.
NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury,
equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

Change History
Issue Date Description
01 2019-11-30 The issue is the first official release.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide Contents


About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii

1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installing an STS........................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Hoisting an STS ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Testing Container Doors ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1.3 Removing Sealing Plates from Transformer Room Doors......................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 Collecting All Accessories and Spare Parts and Sending them to the Warehouse ..................................................... 7
1.2 Hoisting Verification ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Checking the Container Enclosure ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.2 Checking a Transformer............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.3 Checking an RMU ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.4 Checking an Oil Level Gauge .................................................................................................................................. 12

2 Onsite Installation ...................................................................................................................... 15

2.1 Connecting External Cables........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.1.1 Connecting an STS to a Ground Grid ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Connecting MV Cables ............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.1.3 Connecting LV Cables ............................................................................................................................................. 21
2.2 Installing STS Accessories.......................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.1 Installing a Transformer Dehydrating Breather ....................................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Removing a Baffle Plate from a Pressure Relief Valve............................................................................................ 27
2.2.3 Removing Shockproof Foam from an Oil Surface Thermometer ............................................................................ 28
2.2.4 Installing MV Lightning Arresters ........................................................................................................................... 28
2.3 Installing STS Peripheral Devices .............................................................................................................................. 30
2.3.1 Installing an SACU .................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.3.2 Installing a UPS ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
2.3.3 Connecting Cables for a Reserved Power Supply.................................................................................................... 39
2.3.4 Connecting Cables for the Power Supply to Trackers ............................................................................................. 39

3 STS Cold Commissioning ......................................................................................................... 41

3.1 STS Overall Check ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.1.1 Checking a Transformer........................................................................................................................................... 41
3.1.2 Mechanical Operations of the MV and LV Switches ............................................................................................... 43
3.2 Interlock Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................ 45

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide Contents

3.2.1 Interlocking Between STSs ..................................................................................................................................... 45

3.2.2 STS Internal Interlocking......................................................................................................................................... 46

4 STS Thermal Commissioning .................................................................................................. 51

4.1 Safety Measures .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.2 Insulation Tests ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.2.1 Insulation Test on the MV Side of an STS ............................................................................................................... 51
4.2.2 Insulation Test on the LV Side of an STS ................................................................................................................ 55
4.2.3 Insulation Test on the LV Bus .................................................................................................................................. 56
4.2.4 Insulation Test on the Auxiliary Loop ...................................................................................................................... 57
4.3 Power-On Tests for STS Components ........................................................................................................................ 59
4.3.1 Safety Measures ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.3.2 230 V (Line Voltage) Auxiliary Power Supply ........................................................................................................ 59
4.3.3 400 V (Line Voltage) Auxiliary Power Supply ........................................................................................................ 60
4.3.4 Powering On STS Auxiliary Devices ...................................................................................................................... 62
4.3.5 Powering On an SACU ............................................................................................................................................ 71
4.4 Protection Function Tests ............................................................................................................................................ 72
4.4.1 Ormazabal RMU Protection Test (Protection Device: rpg) ..................................................................................... 72
4.4.2 Daqo RMU Protection Test (Protection Device: Shenzhen CEC iRelay 50-P) ....................................................... 75
4.4.3 Non-electrical Protection Test .................................................................................................................................. 78
4.4.4 Trip Test of LV ACBs .............................................................................................................................................. 81

5 Commissioning the Communication Between an STS and a SmartLogger .................... 83

5.1 Adding STS Devices by Importing Configuration Files to a SmartLogger ................................................................ 83
5.2 Directly Adding STS Devices to a SmartLogger ........................................................................................................ 86
5.3 Commissioning Signals Between an STS and a SmartLogger ................................................................................... 92
5.3.1 STS Teleindication Signals ...................................................................................................................................... 92
5.3.2 STS Telemetering Signals ........................................................................................................................................ 92
5.3.3 STS Telecontrol Signals ........................................................................................................................................... 93
5.4 Signal Processing of Huawei External UPSs .............................................................................................................. 93
5.5 Commissioning Completed......................................................................................................................................... 94

6 Commissioning the Communication Between an STS and an NMS ............................... 95

6.1 NMS Obtaining STS Data Through Modbus-TCP (Configuration Tool Mode) ......................................................... 95
6.1.1 Address Description of Teleindication, Telemetering, Teleadjust, and Telecontrol Registers .................................. 95
6.1.2 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................... 97
6.2 NMS Obtaining STS Data Through Modbus-TCP (Adding Devices) ........................................................................ 98
6.3 Signal Processing of Huawei External UPSs .............................................................................................................. 98

7 Preparing for Powering On an STS ......................................................................................... 99

7.1 Preparing for Powering On an RMU .......................................................................................................................... 99
7.2 Charging a UPS ........................................................................................................................................................ 101
7.3 30 m Communications Network Cables ................................................................................................................... 101
7.4 Insulation Test on the LV Loop of an ITS ................................................................................................................. 101

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide Contents

7.5 LV PV Array Status of the ITS.................................................................................................................................. 101

7.6 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................................. 102
7.7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................ 102
7.8 Transformer Protection Settings ............................................................................................................................... 103

8 Powering On an STS ................................................................................................................ 104

8.1 Setting the STS Status Before Power-On.................................................................................................................. 104
8.1.1 Setting the Status of a CVC RMU for Overhaul .................................................................................................... 104
8.1.2 Setting the Status of a DVC RMU for Overhaul .................................................................................................... 105
8.2 Setting the LV Cabinet and Auxiliary Loop Before Power-on .................................................................................. 106
8.3 Impulse Test on the RMU and MV Cables (CVC) ................................................................................................... 107
8.3.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the RMU ...................................................................................... 107
8.3.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the RMU Incoming and Outgoing Cable Cabinets ................. 108
8.3.3 Impulse Test on an RMU and Cables ..................................................................................................................... 109
8.4 Impulse Test on the RMU and MV Cables (DVC) ................................................................................................... 110
8.4.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the RMU ...................................................................................... 110
8.4.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the RMU Incoming and Outgoing Cable Cabinets ................. 111
8.4.3 Impulse Test on an RMU and Cables ..................................................................................................................... 112
8.5 Impulse Test on a Transformer (Without a UPS) ...................................................................................................... 113
8.5.1 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1 ............................................................................................................. 113
8.5.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2 ............................................................................................................. 114
8.5.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 3 ............................................................................................................. 114
8.6 Impulse Test on a Transformer (with a UPS) ............................................................................................................ 115
8.6.1 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop ................................................................................................................ 115
8.6.2 Procedure of Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop ........................................................................................... 115
8.6.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1 ............................................................................................................. 116
8.6.4 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Sites 2 and 3 .................................................................................................. 117
8.7 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop ................................................................................................................... 117
8.7.1 Switching On the SPD of the LV Cabinet and the Auxiliary Loop ........................................................................ 117
8.7.2 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Transformer ..................................................................................................... 119
8.7.3 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop ................................................................................................................ 120
8.7.4 Powering On an SACU .......................................................................................................................................... 131
8.7.5 Powering On the Reserved Power Supply and the Tracker Loop .......................................................................... 132
8.8 Supplying Power to the 800 V LV Loop ................................................................................................................... 132
8.8.1 Supplying Power to LV Cabinet A ......................................................................................................................... 132
8.8.2 Supplying Power to LV Cabinet B ......................................................................................................................... 136
8.9 Zero-load Voltage Adjustment Switch ...................................................................................................................... 141
8.10 STS Running Without Loads .................................................................................................................................. 141
8.11 STS Running with Loads ........................................................................................................................................ 141
8.11.1 Supplying Power to Solar Inverters ..................................................................................................................... 141
8.11.2 Checking an STS with Loads ............................................................................................................................... 141

9 Powering off an STS ................................................................................................................. 142

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide Contents

9.1 Powering Off a Transformer for Overhaul ................................................................................................................ 142

9.1.1 Ormazabal RMUs (Upper Isolation Structure) ...................................................................................................... 142
9.1.2 Daqo RMUs (Lower Isolation Structure) ............................................................................................................... 143
9.2 Powering Off an RMU for Overhaul ........................................................................................................................ 145
9.3 Overhauling Cables Between STSs .......................................................................................................................... 146
9.3.1 Overhauling Cables for CVC RMUs ..................................................................................................................... 146
9.3.2 Overhauling Cables for DVC RMUs ..................................................................................................................... 147

10 Component Replacement ...................................................................................................... 149

11 Inspection and Maintenance ................................................................................................. 155
11.1 Maintenance List ..................................................................................................................................................... 155

12 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 159

12.1 Alarm Signal Processing ......................................................................................................................................... 159
12.1.1 Alarm Name: LV SPD Fault ................................................................................................................................ 159
12.1.2 Alarm Name: Heat Exchanger Fault .................................................................................................................... 161
12.2 Troubleshooting Cases ............................................................................................................................................ 173
12.2.1 Case 1: 800 V Fuse Blown of the PT ................................................................................................................... 173
12.2.2 Case 2: Burnt PT .................................................................................................................................................. 173
12.2.3 Case 3: Water Penetration in the MV Room ........................................................................................................ 178
12.2.4 Case 4: Failure to Close the Side Door of an LV Cabinet .................................................................................... 179
12.2.5 Case 5: Alarm for a High Oil Level of a Transformer ......................................................................................... 189
12.2.6 Case 6: Low Oil Level of a Transformer ............................................................................................................. 190
12.2.7 Case 7: Replacing a Heat Sink of a Transformer ................................................................................................. 193
12.2.8 Case 8: Replacing the Sealing Washer on the Top of a Transformer ................................................................... 219

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1.1 Installing an STS

1.1.1 Hoisting an STS
1. Hoist an STS to the installation point using a crane with a hoisting capability of 50 t or
higher. The angle of the fixing point and rope must meet the requirements specified in
the following hoisting diagrams.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

2. Remove the rainproof cloth from the STS.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

3. Use a crimping tool to remove customs locks. (Some customs locks of the same batch of
STSs may be very hard. The external part is plastic and the internal part is steel. Before
installation, you need to prepare a crimping tool with a large torque to cut off the locks.)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1.1.2 Testing Container Doors

Open and close all container doors to test their performance. Each container door should be
opened and closed smoothly. The container doors may be difficult to close if the container is
slightly deformed during transportation or the foundation is not flat enough.
If it is difficult to open or close container doors, it is mainly because that the two side doors of
the low-voltage (LV) cabinet for STS-6000K and STS-2500K are too low. You can take out
metal sheets from an accessory box and insert them at the bottom of the door shaft or of the
support post in the middle of the STS to lift the middle part of the container. You can adjust
the container doors for multiple times until they can be opened and closed smoothly. (It is
easy to solve this problem for now because there is a crane onsite. It could be very
inconvenient to do it later. This problem occurs in a large number of projects and must be paid
attention to.)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1.1.3 Removing Sealing Plates from Transformer Room Doors

1. Remove sealing plate 2.

2. Remove sealing plates 1 and 3.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

3. Remove bracing poles.

4. Use structural adhesives to block screw holes to prevent water from entering the holes and
leading to rust.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1.1.4 Collecting All Accessories and Spare Parts and Sending

them to the Warehouse

1.2 Hoisting Verification

Purpose: Check the STS to identify potential major defects in a timely manner to ask suppliers
to prepare maintenance materials in advance.

1.2.1 Checking the Container Enclosure

Check whether the container enclosure has obvious dents. Check items include container door
panels, structural beams, and top panels.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

1.2.2 Checking a Transformer

Check whether the transformer enclosure is free from obvious deformation, damage, and oil
leakage, and whether the ground of the transformer room is free from oil stains.

1.2.3 Checking an RMU

Check the SF6 barometer on the ring main unit (RMU). Normally, the barometer pointer is in
the green area and is away from the yellow or red area.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Figure 1-1 Barometer 1 under normal pressure

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Figure 1-2 Barometer 2 under normal pressure

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Figure 1-3 Barometer 1 under abnormal pressure

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Figure 1-4 Barometer 2 under abnormal pressure

1.2.4 Checking an Oil Level Gauge

Check the oil level of the transformer. In most cases, the oil level is between 3 and 4. In cold
areas, the oil level is lower. For details, refer to the oil level-temperature curve (given a large
deviation of the curve, an oil level deviation within 0.5 is normal).

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Normal situation 1 (ambient temperature: about 3°C)

Normal situation 2 (ambient temperature: about 25°C)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 1 STS Hoisting and Preliminary Check

Abnormal situation 1

Abnormal situation 2

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

2 Onsite Installation

2.1 Connecting External Cables

2.1.1 Connecting an STS to a Ground Grid
1. Connect the protective earthing (PE) and functional earthing (FE) cables.
Before an STS is delivered, the PE cable and FE cable are connected together. Therefore,
normally, you can directly connect any one of the ground cables to the ground grid.

However, some European customers require that the FE bar be disconnected with the PE
bar inside the STS. Therefore, you need to remove the cables between the two ground
bars, and then connect them to the ground grid separately. In this way, the two ground
bars can be connected to the same ground grid.
PE includes the grounding for electric shock protection, lightning protection, and
antistatic protection.
FE includes the neutral point grounding and shielding grounding.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

2. Ground the container enclosure.

Both sides of an STS container have a ground point, which needs to be connected to the
ground grid respectively.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Figure 2-1 Connecting a PE cable to the chassis enclosure

2.1.2 Connecting MV Cables

Step 1 Cut a cable inlet according to the cross-sectional area of the cables.

Step 2 Prepare terminals and secure them by referring to the installation guide to the split-type
shielded cable connector.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Seal the cable inlet at the bottom using firestop putty, clear the cable room sundries, and close
the door.

The cable room of the load switch cabinet supports the access of two rows of cables. The
actual situation prevails.

Medium-voltage (MV) cable terminals should be made by qualified personnel. They are not
connected to the RMU immediately after being made. Hipot tests such as voltage resistance
and dielectric loss must be performed on the cable terminals to verify their reliability. The MV
cable terminals can be connected to the RMU only after the verification is complete. The
hipot tests are not performed by Huawei. During tests, keep away from both ends of the test
cable. After connecting MV cables, seal the cable inlet with firestop putty. The surface of the
MV cable terminals is made of semiconductor materials. The MV cables need to be connected
to the ground bar. The shielding coats of the cables also need to be grounded in the RMU.
Otherwise, the semiconductors of the cables will be broken down due to discharge.
Note: The connection tube of the RMU is made of copper. If the RMU is connected to an
aluminum cable, use copper-aluminum bimetallic OT terminals.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

(Incorrect cases)

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

2.1.3 Connecting LV Cables

Requirements for OT terminals

Copper bar dimensions

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation


Pay attention to the spacing between cables and the torque of terminals to ensure secure
connection. If the live part of the OT terminals is shorter than 20 mm, ask the customer to add
heat-shrink tubings to the OT terminals.
The wiring bar reserved for the input molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) is a copper bar. If
LV cables are made of aluminum, use copper-aluminum bimetallic OT terminals

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

2.2 Installing STS Accessories

2.2.1 Installing a Transformer Dehydrating Breather
Step 1 Remove the flange cover from the dehydrating breather.
Step 2 Secure the dehydrating breather.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Step 3 Remove the end cover from the dehydrating breather.

Step 4 Add clean transformer oil to the end cover. (You can obtain the oil from the oil drain valve of
the transformer.)
Step 5 Reinstall and secure the end cover.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation


Note: There are scale markings on the transformer oil cup. The oil level should be parallel
with the scale markings, with the oil level not being too high or too low.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Correct case

Incorrect case (oil level being too high)

2.2.2 Removing a Baffle Plate from a Pressure Relief Valve

Before the delivery of a transformer, a baffle plate is installed for the pressure relief valve.
Remove the baffle plate onsite.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

2.2.3 Removing Shockproof Foam from an Oil Surface

Step 1 Rotate the cover counterclockwise to remove the glass cover.
Step 2 Take out the foam.
Step 3 Install the cover by rotating it clockwise. Ensure that the white pointer is on the left and the
red pointer is on the right.
Step 4 Rotate the knob at the center to put the red and white pointers together.


2.2.4 Installing MV Lightning Arresters


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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

1. If customers need to perform an AC voltage resistance test on the RMU and transformer
onsite, install lightning arresters after the test is complete.
2. The installation of lightning arresters has high requirements for the environment.
Lightning arresters must be installed in a sunny, dust-free, and wind-free environment.
3. Use a torque wrench to tighten the bolts with a torque specified in the lightning arrester
manual. Some lightning arresters use copper bolts. Excessive torque may cause the bolts to
be deformed or broken. Insufficient torque may cause a loose connection.

2.3 Installing STS Peripheral Devices

2.3.1 Installing an SACU

 The installation position of a smart array controller (SACU) is reserved outside the MV room.
 Before the delivery of an STS, the cables of the SACU have been reserved on the auxiliary
transformer side in the MV room.

Step 1 Install an SACU.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Step 2 Connect a PE cable.

Step 3 Connect three-phase AC power cables.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

 For the SACU that houses one potential induced degradation (PID) module, connect the
three-phase AC power cable to switch FU01, and connect the FE cable to terminal FE01
on the FE bar.
 For the SACU that houses two PID modules, connect the three-phase AC power cables of
the first route to switch FU01, and the corresponding FE cable to terminal FE01 on the FE
bar. Connect the three-phase AC power cables of the second route to switch FU02, and the
corresponding FE cable to terminal FE02 on the FE bar.
 Do not mix up the cables connected to port FE01 with the cables connected to port FE02.
 The following describes how to connect three-phase AC power cables for the SACU that
houses two PID modules. For details about how to connect three-phase AC power cables
for the SACU that houses one PID module, refer to the way of connecting the first route of
the three-phase AC power cables for the SACU that houses two PID modules.

Step 4 Connect an RS485 communications cable.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Step 5 Connect a single-phase AC power cable.

Step 6 Use firestop putty to seal the cable inlet in the container.

1. There are frequent occurrences of SACU cable connection errors onsite, and they may
occur in a batch.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

Incorrect connection position

Correct connection position

2. Each PID module is connected to an insulation monitor device (IMD).
PID 1 is connected to LV cabinet A and the IMD inside.
PID 2 is connected to LV cabinet B and the IMD inside.

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

If the PID and IMD cables are connected wrong, the IMD will generate a continuous
insulation alarm.

2.3.2 Installing a UPS

1.1 (Optional) Connect UPS Cables.
You have obtained the distributed power supply (uninterruptible power supply, UPS) and its
auxiliary materials. Check that the quantity and model of the following materials are correct
based on the packing list.
Table 1-1 Material list

No. Component BOM Number

1 Power supply unit (PSU) 02311LLC
2 Lithium battery 01073568
3 PSU ground cable 25030429
(cross-sectional area: 16 mm2)
4 AC input/output power cable 25030386
5 Signal cable between the UPS 04080342
and the SACU
6 Power cable 04151856
7 Signal cable between the PSU 04080441
and the lithium battery
8 Ground cable between the 04151857
PSU and lithium battery
(cross-sectional area: 10 mm2)
9 Wall mounting kit 21153226
10 Fitting bag (including 02231YSG
terminals, labels, tubing, and
cable ties)

Install the UPS.

Install a mounting kit.

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Move the mounting kit from the rear of a lithium battery to the left side, and install the lithium
battery on the outer wall of the STS.

Install the connecting kit and combine the PSU with the lithium battery.

Install a connecting plate.

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Connect a ground cable.

Connect the cables between the PSU and the lithium battery.

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Connect AC power cables.

Move the plug-in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:3 and 3XUPS1:4 to between terminals
3XUPS1:4 and 3XUPS1:5, and move the plug-in bridge between terminals 3XUPS1:24 and
3XUPS1:25 to between terminals 3XUPS1:25 and 3XUPS1:26. (The 3XUPS1 wiring
terminals are placed in the power distribution box in the MV room.)
Connect a signal cable for the SACU. Insulate the unused cable terminals and bind them in a
cable holder.
Note: The SmartLogger in the SACU has two versions: SmartLogger2000 and

Locate the UPS input and output wiring terminals based on the drawing. The terminals are in
auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room. The following figure shows the UPS power connection. You

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Engineer Guide 2 Onsite Installation

need to remove the JMP01 lug and connect it to terminals -3XUPS1:4 and -3XUPS1:5, and
remove the JMP02 lug and connect it to terminals -3XUPS1:23 and -3XUPS1:24.

2.3.3 Connecting Cables for a Reserved Power Supply

The STS reserves four UPS circuit breakers and two common backup power circuit breakers
to supply power to peripheral devices. The four UPS circuit breakers share one residual
current device (RCD) 3QR1, and the two reserved common power circuit breakers share one
The UPS can connect only to loads with low power (less than 100 W) that cannot be powered
off, such as the power plant controller (PPC) and supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) communications cabinet. Excessive loads affect the UPS battery backup time.
The total load connected to the reserved common power supply should be less than 1500 W.

2.3.4 Connecting Cables for the Power Supply to Trackers

When power needs to be supplied to trackers, the capacity of the auxiliary transformer
increases to 50 kVA, and the STS reserves a loop for connecting to the trackers. The loop of
the trackers consists of a 100 A MCCB (5QR) and eight 16 A miniature circuit breakers
(MCBs) (5FB1 to 5FB8). A maximum of eight power inputs can be connected to the trackers.
Connect ABC three-phase cables directly to the circuit breaker, and connect the neutral wire

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to terminal block 5XN1.

If the customer needs to obtain the power supply of the trackers through a general cable,
remove all cables from the bottom of the 100 A MCCB 5QR and connect the general cable to
the bottom of MCCB 5QR.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 3 STS Cold Commissioning

3 STS Cold Commissioning

3.1 STS Overall Check

3.1.1 Checking a Transformer
1. Check the enclosure.
Check that the transformer enclosure is free of obvious deformation, oil leakage, and oil
stains. The paint is intact without rust.
2. Check the gas relay.
Open the observation window of the gas relay and check whether there is gas inside the
gas relay. If any gas is found, release the gas and deflate heat sinks continuously until no
gas is observed in the gas relay for two consecutive days. In addition, pay special
attention to whether gas is generated in the gas relay when the STS supplies power. (This
problem occurs frequently in the earlier versions of STS-2500K and STS-6000K. The
situation is improved after the supplier injects oil in vacuum mode.)

3. Check the oil thermometer.

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Check the oil thermometer of the transformer based on the current ambient temperature.
The indicator on the oil thermometer should be consistent with the current ambient

4. Check the oil level gauge.

Determine the oil level of the transformer based on the temperature indicated by the
transformer oil thermometer and the oil level-temperature curve. A plate with the oil
level-temperature curve is installed under the transformer nameplate. The oil
level-temperature curve is roughly calculated, allowing a scale deviation of 0.5. In addition, a
certain amount of transformer oil is added before the transformer is delivered. As a result, the
actual oil level is slightly higher than the calculated oil level.
If the oil level gauge indicates a large difference, the internal structure of the oil level gauge
may be stuck after long-time transportation. In this case, slightly knock the oil level gauge to
move the pointer in position.
If the oil level is still low after you knock oil level gauge, contact the supplier to refill the oil.
If there is backup oil onsite, add oil directly. If not, perform an oil mixing test and add the oil
only after the test is qualified.

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3.1.2 Mechanical Operations of the MV and LV Switches

1. Switch on and off the air circuit breaker (ACB) of the LV cabinet for two times.
2. Switch on and off the MCCB in the LV cabinet for two times and perform a tripping
simulation test.

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Switch on the MCCB and press the blue or red trip button to trip the MCCB.

Switch-off status, Switch-on status, Tripping status

3. Switch on and off the circuit breakers, load switches, and ground switches of the RMU
for two times.
4. Check whether the atmospheric pressure of the RMU is normal.

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3.2 Interlock Commissioning

3.2.1 Interlocking Between STSs
1. Interlocking between STSs in the CVC RMU

Cabinet G1 of each STS connects to the power grid. Do not exchange the cables
connected to cabinets G1 and G3. Otherwise, the interlocking between STSs will be in
Mechanical lock K1 is configured at the operation hole of the ground switch in cabinet
G1. After the K1 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn on or
off the ground switch. You can remove the K1 key only after the ground switch is turned
off. Mechanical lock (not a padlock) K2 is configured at the operation hole of the ground
switch in cabinet G3. After the K2 key is inserted, you can turn on or off the ground
switch. You can remove the K2 key only after the ground switch is turned on.
Each STS and each switch have a unique number. The numbers are marked on the key
Obtain hand-in-hand connection diagrams of the STS from customers and put interlock
keys between STSs on corresponding key rings based on the diagram. For the same MV
cable, put the key to the ground switch in cabinet G3 and the key to the ground switch in
cabinet G1 on the same key ring.
For the first STS closest to the booster station, the key to the ground switch of cabinet
G1 needs to be interlocked with the outgoing cable knife switch of the booster station.
The interlocking logic is the same as that of the STS. If the knife switch does not have
the interlocking function, interlocking can be performed with the disconnector of the
booster station. The operation hole of the disconnector should be configured with a
mechanical lock (not a padlock). After the key is inserted, you can turn on or off the
disconnector. You can remove the key only after the disconnector is turned off.
For operation process, see the STS power supply and power failure sections.
If the disconnector and the ground switch do not have the interlocking function, switch
off the ground switch of cabinet G1 and remove the key. Then deliver the key to the
O&M personnel for proper storage. In addition, to ensure operation safety, ask customers
to follow operation procedures when interlocking the ground switch of the booster
station with the ground switch of the first STS.
Operation process: After turning on the ground switch of the outgoing cable cabinet at
the booster station, take out the key to the ground switch of cabinet G1. After the key is
returned, you can switch off the ground switch of the outgoing cable cabinet. For the
STS that is farthest from the booster station, switch on the ground switch in cabinet G3,
remove the key, and deliver the key to the O&M personnel for proper storage.

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2. Interlocking between STSs in the DVC RMU

Cabinet G1 of each STS connects to the power grid. Do not exchange the cables connected to
cabinets G1 and G3. Otherwise, the interlocking between STSs will be in disorder.
Mechanical lock K1 is configured at the operation hole of the cable room door of cabinet G1.
After the K1 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can open the door. You
can remove the K1 key only after the door is closed. Mechanical lock (not a padlock) K2 is
configured at the operation hole of the ground switch in cabinet G3. After the K2 key is
inserted, you can turn on or off the ground switch. You can remove the K2 key only after the
ground switch is turned on.
Each STS and each switch have a unique number. The numbers are marked on the key label.
If cabinet G1 does not have a switch, mark the door number of the cable room. Obtain
hand-in-hand connection diagrams of the STS from customers and put interlock keys between
STSs on corresponding key rings based on the diagram. For the same MV cable, put the key
to the ground switch in cabinet G3 and the key to the cable room door of cabinet G1 on the
same key ring.
For the first STS nearest to the booster station, the door of cable room of cabinet G1 needs to
be interlocked with the outgoing cable knife switch of the booster station. The interlocking
logic is the same as that of the STS.
For operation process, see the STS power supply and power failure sections.
If the ground switch does not have the interlocking function, close the cable room door of
cabinet G1 and remove the key. Then deliver the key to the O&M personnel for proper
storage. In addition, to ensure operation safety, ask customers to follow operation procedures
when interlocking the ground switch of the booster station with the cable room door of
cabinet G1 of the first STS. Switch operation process: After turning on the ground switch of
the outgoing cable cabinet at the booster station, take out the key to the cable room door of
cabinet G1. After the key is returned, you can switch off the ground switch of the outgoing
cable cabinet.
For the STS that is farthest from the booster station, switch on the ground switch in cabinet
G3, remove the key, and deliver the key to the O&M personnel for proper storage.

3.2.2 STS Internal Interlocking

Note: The internal interlocking is configured only for the high-configuration STSs. The
interlocking has been commissioned before delivery and can be tested and verified onsite.
1. STS-6000K-H1 high-configuration STS

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Mechanical lock K3 is configured at the operation hole of the ground switch in the MV
circuit breaker cabinet. After the K3 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted,
you can turn on or off the ground switch. You can remove the K3 key only after the
ground switch is turned on.
Mechanical lock K4 is configured at the operation hole of the disconnector in the MV
circuit breaker cabinet. After the K4 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted,
you can turn on or off the disconnector. You can remove the K4 key only after the
disconnector is turned on.
Mechanical lock K8 is configured for ACB1 in LV cabinet A. After the K8 key (with a
key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn on and off ACB1. You can remove
the K8 key only after the ACB is turned off.

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Mechanical lock K9 is configured for ACB2 in LV cabinet B. After the K9 key (with a
key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn on or off ACB2. You can remove the
K9 key only after the ACB is turned off.
Exchange Box 1, a key switching box, is installed in the LV room. The supported key
numbers are K5, K6, and K7. The K6 and K7 keys can be removed only after the K5 key
is inserted. The K5 key can be removed only after the K6 and K7 keys are inserted
Exchange Box 2, a key switching box, is installed in the MV room. The supported key
numbers are K10, K11, and K12. The K11 and K12 keys can be removed only after the
K10 key is inserted. The K10 key can be removed only after the K11 and K12 keys are
inserted together.
A transformer room has two doors, each of which is configured with a mechanical lock
K13 and K14 respectively. After the K13 and K14 keys are inserted, the corresponding
transformer room door can be opened. You can lock the mechanical locks and remove
the keys only after the transformer room door is closed.
Keys in the STS are put on key rings before delivery, as shown in the following figure.
The K8 key in ACB1 and the K6 key in Exchange Box 1 are put on the same key ring.
The K9 key in ACB2 and the K7 key in Exchange Box 1 are put on the same key ring.
The K5 key in Exchange Box 1 in the LV room and the K4 key to the disconnector of the
RMU circuit breaker cabinet of the MV room are put on the same key ring. The K3 key
to the ground switch of the RMU circuit breaker cabinet of the MV room and the K10
key in Exchange Box 2 in the MV room are put on the same key ring. The K11 key in
Exchange Box 2 in the MV room and the K13 key to the transformer mesh door are put
on the same key ring. The K12 key in Exchange Box 2 in the MV room and the K14 key
to the transformer mesh door are put on the same key ring.
For operation process, see the STS power supply and power failure sections.
2. STS-3000K-H1 high-configuration STS

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Mechanical lock K3 is configured at the operation hole of the ground switch in the MV circuit
breaker cabinet. After the K3 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn
on or off the ground switch. You can remove the K3 key only after the ground switch is turned
Mechanical lock K4 is configured at the operation hole of the disconnector in the MV circuit
breaker cabinet. After the K4 key (with a key ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn
on or off the disconnector. You can remove the K4 key only after the disconnector is turned
Mechanical lock K8 is configured for ACB1 in LV cabinet A. After the K8 key (with a key
ring and a blank label) is inserted, you can turn on and off ACB1. You can remove the K8 key
only after the ACB is turned off.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 3 STS Cold Commissioning

Exchange Box 2, a key switching box, is installed in the MV room. The supported key
numbers are K10, K11, and K12. The K11 and K12 keys can be removed only after the K10
key is inserted. The K10 key can be removed only after the K11 and K12 keys are inserted
A transformer room has two doors, each of which is configured with a mechanical lock K13
and K14 respectively. After the K13 and K14 keys are inserted, the corresponding transformer
room door can be opened. You can lock the mechanical locks and remove the keys only after
the transformer room door is closed.
Before an STS is delivered, the keys have been put in the same key ring as shown in the
following figure. The K8 key in ACB1 and the K4 key to the disconnector in the circuit
breaker cabinet of the RMU in MV room are put on the same key ring. The K3 key to the
ground switch of the RMU circuit breaker cabinet of the MV room and the K10 key in
Exchange Box 2 in the MV room are put on the same key ring. The K11 key in Exchange Box
2 in the MV room and the K13 key to the transformer mesh door are put on the same key ring.
The K12 key in Exchange Box 2 in the MV room and the K14 key to the transformer mesh
door are put on the same key ring.
For operation process, see the STS power supply and power failure sections.

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

4 STS Thermal Commissioning

4.1 Safety Measures

Set a safety fence around the STS and hang a warning hazard sign. After the STS is powered
on, forbid unauthorized personnel to enter the safety fence.

4.2 Insulation Tests

4.2.1 Insulation Test on the MV Side of an STS
Perform insulation tests on the MV loop of the transformer and the RMU before the incoming
cables are installed and sealed. Before the test, set the switch to the position shown in the
following figure.

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Test device: insulation resistance tester (5000 V) (If there is no tester of the voltage level, use
a 2500 V insulation resistance tester.)
1. Use two temporary ground cables to ground the busbars of LV cabinets A and B
respectively (any phase of A, B, or C).
2. Turn off the load switch in cabinet G1, turn on the ground switch, and open the door of
the cable room.
3. Route the cables of the insulation resistance tester into the cable room from the bottom
of cabinet G1. Connect the positive cable to the MV bushings and the negative cable to
the ground.

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4. Close the door of the cable room of cabinet G1, turn off the ground switch, and turn on
the load switch. Then, perform the test. Perform the test for 1 minute, and record the
resistance values at 10s, 30s, and 60s. The resistance values should be greater than 100
megohms. In normal cases, the resistance values are greater than 1 gigaohm.

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5. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Turn off the load
switch, turn on the ground knife-switch, and open the door of the cable room. Discharge
the test loop by connecting the ground cables to the high-voltage (HV) bushing. Remove
the test cables and close the door of the cable room. Remove the two temporary ground
cables from LV cabinets.

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4.2.2 Insulation Test on the LV Side of an STS

Perform an insulation test on the LV loop of the STS and the RMU. Before the test, set the
switch to the position shown in the following figure. If LV incoming cables are connected,
switch off all the MCCBs. If the SACU has been installed, turn on the knife fuse switch and
switch off the 800 V switch inside the SACU. If an insulation monitor device (IMD) is
installed, disconnect the IMD fuse.

Test device: insulation resistance tester (2500 V)

1. Use a temporary ground cable to ground the busbar of LV cabinet B (any phase of A, B,
or C). Connect the positive cable of the insulation resistance tester to the busbar of LV
cabinet A (any phase of A, B, or C), and connect the negative cable to the ground.
2. Perform the test for 1 minute, and record the resistance values at 10s, 30s, and 60s. The
resistance values should be greater than 10 megohms. In normal cases, the resistance
values are greater than 100 megohms.
3. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Discharge the test loop,
connect the ground cable to the bus of cabinet A, and remove the test cables. Remove the
temporary ground cable from LV cabinet B.
4. Use a temporary ground cable to ground the busbar of LV cabinet A (any phase of A, B,
or C). Connect the positive cable of the insulation resistance tester to the busbar of LV
cabinet B (any phase of A, B, or C), and connect the negative cable to the ground.
5. Perform the test for 1 minute, and record the resistance values at 10s, 30s, and 60s. The
resistance values should be greater than 10 megohms. In normal cases, the resistance
values are greater than 100 megohms.

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

6. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Discharge the test loop,
connect the ground cable to the bus of cabinet B, and remove the test cables. Remove the
temporary ground cable from LV cabinet A.

4.2.3 Insulation Test on the LV Bus

Perform an insulation test on the LV bus. Before the test, set the switch to the position shown
in the following figure. If LV incoming cables are connected, switch off all the MCCBs. If the
SACU has been installed, turn on the knife fuse switch and switch off the 800 V switch inside
the SACU. If an IMD is installed, disconnect the IMD fuse.

Test device: insulation resistance tester (2500 V)

1. Measure the insulation resistance between phase A and phases B and C, and ground the
bus of phases B and C to LV cabinet A using a temporary ground cable. Connect the
positive cable of the insulation resistance tester to the bus of phase A and the negative
cable to the ground.
2. Perform the test for 1 minute, and record the resistance values at 10s, 30s, and 60s. The
resistance values should be greater than 100 kilohms. In normal cases, the resistance
values are greater than 10 megohms.
3. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Discharge the test loop,
connect the ground cable to the bus of phase A, and remove the test cables. Remove the
temporary ground cables from the bus of phases B and C.
4. Measure the insulation resistance between phase B and phases A and C, and ground the
bus of phases A and C. The test procedure is the same as that of phase A.
5. Measure the insulation resistance between phase C and phases A and B, and ground the
bus of phases A and B. The test procedure is the same as that of phase A.
6. The insulation test method for LV cabinet B is the same as that for cabinet A.

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4.2.4 Insulation Test on the Auxiliary Loop

Before testing the insulation of the auxiliary loop, set the switch to the position shown in the
following figure. Switch on the main switch of the auxiliary loop and disconnect the neutral
wire. Switch on the circuit breaker of the heat exchanger power supply (the heat exchanger
power supply has SPDS inside), and switch off circuit breakers 3FB2 and 3FB10 of the
auxiliary loop SPDs (for details, see the actual diagram). Switch on all the other auxiliary
circuit breakers.

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Test device: insulation resistance tester (1000 V)


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1. Locate terminal 3XDY1:12 in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room, and disconnect the
terminal from the cable (cable 683) to the auxiliary transformer.

2. Test the insulation of phases A, B, C, and N to the ground. The test terminals are
terminals 3XDY:1, 3XDY:5, 3XDY:9, and 3XDY:14. When a phase is tested, other
phases are disconnected. Perform the test for 1 minute, and record the resistance values
at 10s, 30s, and 60s. The resistance values should be greater than 10 megohms. In
normal cases, the resistance values are greater than 10 megohms.
3. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Discharge the test loop.
Reconnect the N phase cable and switch off all the auxiliary loop circuit breakers.

4.3 Power-On Tests for STS Components

4.3.1 Safety Measures
Obtain the phase diagram. In the auxiliary control cabinet of the MV room, switch off general
circuit breaker 3FB of the auxiliary loop, and seal the switch using insulation tape in bright
color or attach a label indicating that the switch cannot be turned on.

4.3.2 230 V (Line Voltage) Auxiliary Power Supply

1. Obtain the STS diagram and find the wiring terminals for the general power supply of
the auxiliary loop. The terminals are in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room.
2. Temporary auxiliary power supply: three-phase diesel generator (DG)
Connect the temporary power supply to the auxiliary loop terminals. Connect phase A to
terminal 3XDY1:4, phase B to terminal 3XDY1:7, phase C to terminal 3XDY1:11, and phase
N to terminal 3XDY1:16.

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4.3.3 400 V (Line Voltage) Auxiliary Power Supply

1. Obtain the STS diagram and find the wiring terminals for the general power supply of
the auxiliary loop. The terminals are in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room.
2. Temporary auxiliary power supply: single-phase DG
Prepare a temporary cable to short-circuit the three phases A, B, and C of auxiliary loops.
Connect the temporary power supply to the auxiliary loop terminals. Connect the live
wire L to 3XDY1 terminal 10 and the neutral wire N to 3XDY1 terminal 15.

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3. Temporary auxiliary power supply: three-phase DG

Connect the temporary power supply to the auxiliary loop terminals. Connect phase A to
terminal 3XDY1:4, phase B to terminal 3XDY1:7, phase C to terminal 3XDY1:11, and phase
N to terminal 3XDY1:16.

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4.3.4 Powering On STS Auxiliary Devices

Note: The diagram shows the power-on for the 400 V auxiliary power supply. The procedure
for the 230 V auxiliary power supply is the same. The diagram may be different from the
actual one. The actual diagram prevails.
1. Check that all auxiliary loop circuit breakers (including those in the RMU) are switched
off. Switch on circuit breakers 3FB2 and 3FB10 of the SPD of the auxiliary loop. Switch
off all 800 V input MCCBs.

2. Start the DG to power on the STS auxiliary loop.

3. Turn on the switch for the power supply to the UPS and LV auxiliary device in the PDB
of the MV room. If any UPS is configured, the UPS will be started. Check the PSU and

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lithium battery indicators. Ensure that the green indicators are blinking slowly and that
the yellow and red indicators are off.

4. Switch on switch 4FB1 for the power supply to the temperature and humidity controllers,
smoke sensors, and light in the auxiliary PDB of the MV room. The temperature and
humidity controllers should be started and display the current temperature and humidity.
The smoke sensor indicators should blink slowly and no alarm should be generated. The
light should be turned on. After the container doors of the MV room are closed, the light
should be turned off.

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5. Switch on circuit breaker 4FB2 for the heat exchanger in the auxiliary PDB in the MV
room: After the heat exchanger is powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That
is, the internal fan rotates for about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s.
After the self-check is complete, the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the
internal fan runs at a low speed.

6. Switch on circuit breaker QF1 for the control power supply to cabinet G2 in the RMU.
When switches are charged, the circuit breaker can be switched on and off. If no energy
is stored, switch on the circuit breaker (in the secondary room on the top of cabinet G2 in
the RMU) for the energy storage loop. Then, switches start to store energy. The energy
storage is complete after about 10s. Then, switch on and off the circuit breaker. (The
circuit breaker numbers of RMUs may vary depending on the manufacturer. Operate
circuit breakers based on the actual diagram.)

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7. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB1 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
operating power supply to the ACB in LV cabinet A, and the ACB starts to be charged.
The green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on. Switch the remote/local
switch to the local position, and press the ON button to switch on the circuit breaker,
then the red indicator (green indicator for the Spanish version) is on. After the circuit
breaker is switched on, it is charged again. Press the OFF button to switch off the circuit
breaker. Then, the green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

8. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB2 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
power supply to the measurement and control device, temperature and humidity
controllers, and insulation monitor IMD (if any) in LV cabinet A.
The measurement and control device should be started with the LCD energized.
The temperature and humidity controllers should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.
The IMD should start running and a self-check. The operation sequence is as follows:
The IMD conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4s. The HM LED blinks fast.
The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
detected. Then, the IMD conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4s. The HM
LED blinks slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the
internal circuit is detected. Check the insulation after 2s if no fault is found. The normal
running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the LED light
strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(insulation resistance ≤ 10 kilohms or ≥ 2 megaohms). The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly or fast.

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9. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB3 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
light and smoke sensors in the LV room, and the smoke sensor should be started. The
smoke sensor indicators in the LV room and transformer room blink slowly, without
alarm sound. The light should be turned on. After the container doors of the LV room are
closed, the light should be turned off.

10. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB4 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
power supply to the heat exchanger in LV cabinet A: After the heat exchanger is
powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That is, the internal fan rotates for
about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the self-check is complete,
the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs at a low speed. The
heating plate in LV cabinet A is energized (not running).

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

11. Switch on circuit breaker 2FB1 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
operating power supply to the ACB in LV cabinet B, and the ACB starts to be charged.
The green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on. Switch the remote/local
switch to the local position, and press the ON button to switch on the circuit breaker,
then the red indicator (green indicator for the Spanish version) is on. After the circuit
breaker is switched on, it is charged again. Press the OFF button to switch off the circuit
breaker. Then, the green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

12. Switch circuit breaker 2FB2 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
power supply to the temperature and humidity controllers and IMD (if any) in LV
cabinet B.
The temperature and humidity controllers should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.
The IMD should start running and a self-check. The operation sequence is as follows:
The IMD conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4s. The HM LED blinks fast.
The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
detected. Then, the IMD conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4s. The HM
LED blinks slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the
internal circuit is detected. Check the insulation after 2s if no fault is found. The normal
running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the LED light
strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(insulation resistance ≤ 10 kilohms or ≥ 2 megaohms). The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly or fast.

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13. Switch on circuit breaker 2FB3 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
power supply to the heat exchanger in LV cabinet B: After the heat exchanger is
powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That is, the internal fan rotates for
about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the self-check is complete,
the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs at a low speed. The
heating plate in LV cabinet B is energized (not running).

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

4.3.5 Powering On an SACU

1. Open the SACU panel and switch off the 800 V circuit breaker and 220 V SmartLogger
power supply circuit breaker.
2. Switch on the SACU auxiliary power supply 3FB3 in auxiliary PDF 1 in the STS MV

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

3. In the SACU, switch on the 220 V auxiliary power supply of the SmartLogger. The
running indicator of the SmartLogger will blink about 30s later.

4.4 Protection Function Tests

1. All protection devices are set according to the Smart Transformer Station Set Value
Setting before delivery. Customers have the right to reset the set values of an STS. If the
setting needs to be changed temporarily for the test, restore the setting after the test
according to the Smart Transformer Station Set Value Setting. If the customer has set
new values before the test, record these values before changing them. After the test is
complete, restore the values set by the customer.
2. In normal cases, Huawei signs supervision contracts with customers instead of onsite
commissioning contracts. Huawei service personnel do not operate and are not qualified
to operate the devices onsite.

4.4.1 Ormazabal RMU Protection Test (Protection Device: rpg)

Device requirements: relay protection tester (supporting the output of secondary current
ranging from 0 A to 10 A)

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

The current of the Ormazabal rpg protection device needs to be input from the primary side of
the current transformer (CT), and the device directly displays the primary side current.
Connect the current cable of the relay protection tester to the test terminals of the CT. Connect

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

phase A to terminal L1 of the CT, phase B to terminal L2 of the CT, phase C to terminal L3 of
the CT, and phase N to the ground bar.
To test overcurrent and quick-break protection, set the rated current of the protection device to
about 5 A and the quick-break value to about 1.3 times. Inject the three-phase current of about
6.6 A (the currents of phases A, B, and C are the same, with the included angle difference of
120°), the overcurrent protection should be triggered. Inject the three-phase current of about
8.5 A (the currents of phases A, B, and C are the same, with the included angle difference of
120°), the quick-break protection should be triggered.
To test the zero-sequence current protection, set the rated current of the protection device to
about 5 A and inject about 1.5 A single-phase current (1.5 A for phase A and 0 A for phases B
and C). The zero-sequence protection should be triggered.
After the protection action is performed, the protection trip indicator is turned on, and a
pointing arrow is displayed on the top of the panel, pointing to the protection action.
After the test is complete, restore the protection set values.

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4.4.2 Daqo RMU Protection Test (Protection Device: Shenzhen

CEC iRelay 50-P)

Device requirements: relay protection tester (supporting the output of two routes of secondary
current ranging from 0 A to 10 A)
The current of the iRelay 50-P protection device of the Shenzhen CEC can be input from the
secondary current terminal block. Open the secondary compartment on the top of the RMU
cabinet G2 and find a dedicated current terminal. Connect the three-phase cables (A, B, C,
and N) of the first test group into current terminals XT:1, XT:2, XT:3, and XT:4. Connect the
three-phase cables (A, B, C, and N) of the second test group into current terminals XT:9,
XT:10, XT:11, and XT:12. The first group of currents is the power supply to the self-powered
protection device. You can inject a three-phase current of about 1 A (the currents of the three
phases A, B, and C are the same, with the included angle difference is 120°) to ensure that the
protection device keeps running. The second group of currents is the protective currents of the
self-powered protection device.
To test the overcurrent and quick-break protection, set the overcurrent protection threshold of
the protection device to 1 A and the quick-break protection threshold to 2 A. When the current
of the three phases (phases A, B, and C) is 1.1 A (the currents of phases A, B, and C are the
same and the included angle difference is 120°), overcurrent protection should be triggered.

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When the current of the three phases (phases A, B, and C) is 2.1 A (the currents of phases A,
B, and C are the same and the included angle difference is 120°), quick-break protection
should be triggered.
To test the zero-sequence current protection, set the l0 overcurrent protection value to 1 A and
inject about 1.1 A single-phase current (1.1 A for phase A and 0 A for phases B and C). The
zero-sequence protection should be triggered.
After the protection action is performed, the protection trip indicator is turned on and the
corresponding protection action signal is displayed on the panel.

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

To test overcurrent and quick-break protection, set the rated current of the protection device to
about 5 A and the quick-break value to about 1.3 times. Inject the three-phase current of about
6.6 A (the currents of phases A, B, and C are the same, with the included angle difference of
120°), the overcurrent protection should be triggered. Inject the three-phase current of about
8.5 A (the currents of phases A, B, and C are the same, with the included angle difference of
120°), the quick-break protection should be triggered.
To test the zero-sequence current protection, set the rated current of the protection device to
about 5 A and inject about 1.5 A single-phase current (1.5 A for phase A and 0 A for phases B
and C). The zero-sequence protection should be triggered.
After the protection action is performed, the protection trip indicator is turned on, and a
pointing arrow is displayed on the top of the panel, pointing to the protection action.
After the test is complete, restore the protection set values.

4.4.3 Non-electrical Protection Test

An STS transformer has three non-electrical protections to trip MV circuit breakers in the
following three scenarios: heavy gas, transformer pressure release, and ultra-high oil
temperature. When the protection device (Ormazabal rpg or Shenzhen CEC iRelay 50-P) is

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

self-powered for protection, the self-powered current loop needs to be injected with currents
to start the protection device. At the same time, switch on the MV circuit breaker.
1. Heavy gas

As shown in the figure, open the protective cover above the gas relay, and there is a red
protective cap. Rotate and remove the protective cap to expose a button-shaped metal
pole. Press the metal pole downward to simulate heavy gas. Once a heavy gas signal is
sent out, the MV circuit breaker should trip, and the protective device generates a
message indicating that the corresponding input circuit breaker trips (or that the IN trips).
2. Transformer pressure relief

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Engineer Guide 4 STS Thermal Commissioning

As shown in the figure, pull out the red plastic rod upwards to simulate the action of the
pressure relief valve. Once a pressure relief signal is sent out, the MV circuit breaker
should trip, and the protective device generates a message indicating that the
corresponding input circuit breaker trips (or that the IN trips).
3. Ultra-high oil temperature

As shown in the figure, rotate and remove the protective cover outside the oil temperature
meter. Push the red, blue, and green trapezoidal plates in the green circle to the left of the
silver pointer (to reduce the protection threshold to a value lower than the ambient
temperature). Then, the ultra-high oil temperature of the transformer is simulated. Once the
ultra-high oil temperature signal is sent, the MV circuit breaker should trip, and the protective
device generates a message indicating that the corresponding input circuit breaker trips (or
that the IN trips). Do not move the silver pointer. Otherwise, the oil temperature gauge error
will increase.

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4.4.4 Trip Test of LV ACBs

Each air circuit breaker (ACB) in the LV cabinet is configured with a controller. After the
controller is powered on, you can perform a trip simulation test. The following figure shows
the controller of a Nader ACB.

Switch on the ACB, press the up and down buttons on the controller to turn on the test
indicator, and press the Enter key. The ACB should trip, with a red cylinder button on its
upper left corner poping out. In this case, switch on the ACB, and the mechanical and
electrical switch-on functions fail. Press the red cylinder button to withdraw all protection
actions. The electrical and mechanical switch-on functions are restored.

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Engineer Guide and a SmartLogger

5 Commissioning the Communication

Between an STS and a SmartLogger

5.1 Adding STS Devices by Importing Configuration Files

to a SmartLogger

If the SmartLogger software version is earlier than V200R002C20SPC116, you can add a
device by importing a configuration file.
The following projects require importing configuration files to add devices:
1. The Mexican Bester PV project (120 MW) in 2018
2. The Cambodian Richgrid PV project (60 MW) in 2018
3. The Mexican Enel Magdalena II PV project (220 MW) in 2018
4. The two Malaysian AB PV projects (10 MW) in 2019
5. The Ukrainian Scatec PV project phase 4 (148 MW) in 2019
6. The Brazilian Enel Sgl II PV project (138 MW) in 2019
The following screenshots are for reference only.
Obtain the project configuration tool.
Download the SmartLogger customized device configuration tool of the corresponding
project and generate a .cfg file.

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Log in to the SmartLogger WebUI as an Advanced User.

Parameter Description
Language Select the language as required.
User Name Supports Common User, Advanced User, and Special User.
Select Advanced User.
Password The initial password is Changeme. You are advised to change the
password immediately after the first login to ensure the account

Set RS485 parameters for devices to connect to the COM port.

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Engineer Guide and a SmartLogger

Parameter Description Example: STS Default Value

Protocol Protocol, Baud rate, Parity, and Stop Set this parameter to Modbus.
Bit should be consistent with those of
Baud rate the STS. Set this parameter to 9600.
Verification Set this parameter to None.
Stop Bit Set this parameter to 1.
Start address Start address ≤ STS communications Retain the default value 1.
address ≤ End address
End address Retain the default value 247.

Import a .cfg file.

Add a user-defined device.

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Parameter Description
Device type Supports user-defined device 1/2/3/4/5. Set this parameter based on the
generated .cfg file. For example, if you import the
modbus_equip_custom_1.cfg file, select Custom Device 1.
Port Set this parameter based on the COM port number of the STS.
Address Set this parameter based on the STS address.

Check the running information to ensure that the STS data is correct.

5.2 Directly Adding STS Devices to a SmartLogger

If the SmartLogger software version is V200R002C20SPC116 or later, you can directly add a
device. You are advised to upgrade the SmartLogger to the latest version. The following
screenshots are for reference only.
The STS supports optional configuration. Some signals are not displayed on the SmartLogger
by default. You need to select signals onsite. If the customer has extra signal requirements,
change the corresponding reserved signal as required.
1. Log in to the SmartLogger WebUI as an Advanced User.

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Parameter Description
Language Select the language as required.
User Name Supports Common User, Advanced User,
and Special User.
Select Advanced User.
Password The initial password is Changeme. You are
advised to change the password
immediately after the first login to ensure
the account security.

Set RS485 parameters for devices to connect to the COM port.

Parameter Description Example: STS Default Value

Protocol Protocol, Baud rate, Parity, and Stop Set this parameter to Modbus.
bit should be consistent with those of
Baud rate the STS. Set this parameter to 9600.
Verification Set this parameter to None.
Stop bit Set this parameter to 1.
Start address Start address ≤ STS communications Retain the default value 1.

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End address address ≤ End address Retain the default value 247.

Add an STS.

Parameter Description
Device type Set this parameter to STS.
Port Set this parameter based on the COM port number of the STS.
Address Set this parameter based on the STS address.

Check the running information to ensure that the STS data is correct.

Tab Page Function Description

Teleindicati Views the device status, such as the on and off -
on status of a circuit breaker.
Telemeterin Views the real-time data of the device, such as -
g the voltage.
Telecontrol Controls the on and off status of the ACB and Delivers commands
RMU remotely. based on situations.
Performance Exports device logs. -
About Views the serial number (SN) and -
communication-related information of a device.

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Select signals (optional IMD) onsite and select Low-voltage cabinet A IMD warning and
Low-voltage cabinet A IMD alert.

Switch to the remote communication screen, and IMD signals are displayed.

Modify special reserved signals onsite.

The following signals are not displayed by default in SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119.
You need to change the name of the reserved remote communication signals and select
Display. Some signals are not displayed by default in later versions. Select Display and view
the information. Check whether physical goods are available onsite. Some signals are
displayed by default in later versions.

Teleindication Name Default Register Bit V200R002C2

Name Address 0SPC120
Maintenance-free dehydrator Reserved 1 3 11 Manual
fault selection for
Maintenance-free dehydrator Reserved 2 3 12 Manual
starts heating selection for
Reserved Reserved 3 3 13 Manual
selection for
Reserved Reserved 4 3 14 Manual
selection for
Overtemperature tripping of Reserved 5 3 15 Displayed by

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the MV room/LV cabinet default

Note: The teleindication name must be consistent with the register address and bit, and
cannot be crossed or repeated. If the teleindication name does not match the information,
the signal will be disordered after the SmartLogger is upgraded.


Telemetering Default Name Register Gain Unit V200R002

Name Address C20SPC12
Outdoor Reserved 1 10052 10 °C Displayed
ambient by default

Note: The telemetering name must be consistent with the register address and bit, and
cannot be crossed or repeated. If the telemetering name does not match the information,
the signal will be disordered after the SmartLogger is upgraded.

Modify special reserved signals onsite.

The following signals are not displayed in SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119 by default
and cannot be displayed by changing the reserved name. You need to configure the
SmartLogger configuration tool, which can be downloaded from

Signal Name V200R002C20SPC12 Remarks

0 and Later
Transformer overvoltage action Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
display with high-standard

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station 5 Commissioning the Communication Between an STS
Engineer Guide and a SmartLogger

Transformer undervoltage action Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
display with high-standard
Transformer medium-voltage Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
switch delayed automatic switch-on display with high-standard
Transformer medium-voltage Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
switch control loop disconnection display with high-standard
Protection action and switch-on Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
blocking display with high-standard

Transformer voltage on the MV Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs

side UA display with high-standard
Transformer voltage on the MV Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
side UB display with high-standard
Transformer voltage on the MV Manual selection for Applicable only to RMUs
side UC display with high-standard
Other signals required by customers Supported if the signal
requirement is

1. Processing of the displayed error signals in SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119

The following signals are displayed by default in SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC119.
You need to check whether some signals exist onsite. This problem will be resolved in
SmartLogger V200R002C20SPC120.

Signal Name V200R002C20S Onsite Situation V200R002C20SPC120

High temperature of Displayed by Optional Manual selection for
transformer winding default display
Ultra-high temperature Displayed by Optional Manual selection for
of transformer winding default display
Transformer oil level Displayed by None Not displayed

2. Check the running information to ensure that the STS data is correct.

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5.3 Commissioning Signals Between an STS and a

5.3.1 STS Teleindication Signals

5.3.2 STS Telemetering Signals

Perform a test on the current and voltage of the STS.

The PT change ratio is 800/100, and the CT ratio is 2500/5. To test the current and voltage
signals of the STS, use a relay tester to inject the secondary current and voltage at the current
and voltage terminals of the measurement and control device. Inject 57.7 V voltages to phases
A, B, and C, and the angle difference is 120°. The phase voltage displayed on the
SmartLogger is 462 V, and the line voltage is 800 V. Inject currents to phases A, B, and C. The
phase current is 5 A, and the angle difference is 120°. The currents of Ia, Ib, and Ic displayed
on the SmartLogger are 2500 A, and the zero-sequence current I0 is close to 0. If you adjust

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the voltage and current angle, then the active power P, reactive power Q, and power factor
cosφ change accordingly.

5.3.3 STS Telecontrol Signals

Figure 5-1

5.4 Signal Processing of Huawei External UPSs

The Huawei external UPS (DPU) has four signals: UPS AC power failure alarm, major alarm,
minor alarm, and warning alarm. The four signals need to be directly connected to the DI
signal ports of the SmartLogger.
The SmartLogger in the SACU2000B provides eight DI signal ports: DI1 (GND1) to DI4
(GND1), and DI5 (GND2) to DI8 (GND2). DI3 to DI6 can be used.
The SmartLogger in the SACU2000D provides four DI signal ports: DI1 (GND1) to DI4
(GND1). DI2 to DI4 can be used. The minor alarm and warning alarm signals should be
short-circuited. For normalization, connect the UPSs for the STS-3000K-H1 and
STS-6000K-H1 by combining minor alarms and warning alarms.
Log in as a Special User. Choose Settings > DI, and the DI page is displayed.
STS-2500K and STS-6000K UPS signals (matching SACU2000B)

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STS-3000K-H1 and STS-6000K-H1 UPS signals (matching SACU2000B)

STS-3000K-H1 and STS-6000K-H1 UPS signals (matching SACU2000D)

5.5 Commissioning Completed

After the commissioning is complete, remove the temporary power supply and switch off all
auxiliary circuit breakers. If there is a UPS, transfer the UPS mode to standby mode (power
supplied by the battery).

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station 6 Commissioning the Communication Between an STS
Engineer Guide and an NMS

6 Commissioning the Communication

Between an STS and an NMS

6.1 NMS Obtaining STS Data Through Modbus-TCP

(Configuration Tool Mode)

The PPC and SCADA access modes are the same as those on the NMS.
The signal forwarding information tables of the following items can be downloaded from
1. The Mexican Bester PV project (120 MW) in 2018
2. The Cambodian Richgrid PV project (60 MW) in 2018
3. The Mexican Enel Magdalena II PV project (220 MW) in 2018
4. The two Malaysian AB PV projects (10 MW) in 2019
5. The Ukrainian Scatec PV project phase 4 (148 MW) in 2019

6.1.1 Address Description of Teleindication, Telemetering,

Teleadjust, and Telecontrol Registers
Type Start Calculation Formula
(DI) 0x1001 Each DI value occupies one register. The register
Teleindication address is calculated as follows: 0x1001 + (No. – 1).
(AI) 0x2001 Each AI value occupies two registers. The register
Telemetering address is calculated as follows: 0x2001 + (No. – 1) x 2.
(AO) 0x4001 Each AO value occupies one register. The register
Teleadjust address is calculated as follows: 0x4001 + (No. – 1) x 2.
(DO) 0x3001 Each DO value occupies one register. The register

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Telecontrol address is calculated as follows: 0x3001 + (No. – 1).

 No.: the value specified in the field of No. in the SmartLogger Custom Device Config
Tool Excel file.
Packet examples: (The following uses the STS address of 1 as an example.)
 Example 1: reading the first two DI values
Packet sent by the NMS: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 03 10 01 00 02
00 00 00 00 00 06: Modbus-TCP packet header. 06 indicates the data length.
01: STS address. Set this parameter to the communication address on the Modbus-TCP
03: function code
10 01: address of the first DI register
00 02: the number of read registers. Multiple registers can be read consecutively. In this
example, two registers are read.
Packet replied by the SmartLogger: 00 00 00 00 00 07 01 03 04 00 01 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 07
01: STS address
03: function code
04: length of the response data, which is twice the number of registers read by the NMS
00 01: the first DI value, which indicates that the DI value read by the NMS is 1
00 00: the second DI value, which indicates that the DI value read by the NMS is 0
 Example 2: reading the first two AI values
Packet sent by the NMS: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 03 20 01 00 04
00 00 00 00 00 06
01: STS address
03: function code
20 01: register address
00 04: the number of read registers
Packet replied by the SmartLogger: 00 00 00 00 00 0B 01 03 08 00 00 00 12 00 00 00
34 00 00 00 00 00 0B
01: STS address
03: function code
08: length of the response data, which is twice the number of registers read by the NMS
00 00 00 12: the first AI value, 0x00000012 = 18
00 00 00 34: the second AI value, 0x00000034 = 52
 Example 3: AO value setting
Packet sent by the NMS: 00 00 00 00 00 0B 01 10 40 01 00 02 04 00 00 00 12
00 00 00 00 00 0B
01: STS address
10: function code. To set two or more registers, use 0x10.
40 01: the address of the first AO register

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00 02: the number of registers

04: the number of bytes
00 00 00 12: the value set on the STS. 0x00000012 = 18
Packet replied by the SmartLogger: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 10 40 01 00 02
00 00 00 00 00 06
01: STS address
10: function code
40 01: register address
00 02: the number of registers. If the number is the same as that delivered by the NMS,
the setting is successful.
 Example 4: DO value setting
Packet sent by the NMS: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 06 30 01 FF 00
00 00 00 00 00 06
01: STS address
06: function code. 0x06 is used to set a single register.
30 01: register address
FF 00: the set value. The STS usually uses 0xFF00.
Packet replied by the SmartLogger: 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 06 30 01 FF 00
If the reply packet is the same as the packet delivered by the NMS, the setting is

6.1.2 Troubleshooting
 After a device is added, no real-time data is displayed on the SmartLogger. After a while,
the device is displayed as disconnected.
a. Check whether the communication parameters on the SmartLogger are consistent
with those on the third-party device.
b. Check whether the communication address of the third-party device on the
SmartLogger is the same as that of the peer device.
c. Check whether the communications cable between the SmartLogger and the
third-party device is properly connected.
d. Use a serial port tool to send test packets to the STS and check whether the
third-party system responds.
 After a device is added, no real-time data is displayed on the SmartLogger, but the
device is always online.
a. Check whether the site is in the commissioning phase. If the STS is not powered on
properly, the telemetering data may be all 0.
b. Use a serial port tool to listen to packets or start packet recording on the
SmartLogger (if supported) to analyze whether the displayed information on the
SmartLogger is consistent with the packets.
 The status parameter displayed on the teleindication page is abnormal.
a. Check whether the 1st to 8th states and the 9th to 16th states are interchanged on
the teleindication page. If yes, the Byte order of the status or Byte order is

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b. Use a serial port tool to listen to packets or start packet recording on the
SmartLogger (if supported) to analyze whether the displayed information on the
SmartLogger is consistent with the packets.
 The data displayed on the telemetering page is abnormal.
a. Check whether the number of decimal places is different from the actual value. If
yes, the magnification configuration is incorrect.
b. Check whether the Word order and Byte order are correctly configured.
c. Use a serial port tool to listen to packets or start packet recording on the
SmartLogger (if supported) to analyze whether the displayed information on the
SmartLogger is consistent with the packets.

6.2 NMS Obtaining STS Data Through Modbus-TCP

(Adding Devices)

The PPC and SCADA access modes are the same as those on the NMS.
For details, see the description of the Modbus interface of the STS, and the protocol
forwarding information table of the STS.

Function Code List

Function Code Description Remarks

0x01 Reads teleindication Supports continuously reading a
information. single register or multiple registers.
0x03 Reads telemetering Supports continuously reading a
information. single register or multiple registers.
0x06 Writes a single register. Writes into a single register.

6.3 Signal Processing of Huawei External UPSs

The northbound transfer address of UPS signals is:

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7 Preparing for Powering On an STS

7.1 Preparing for Powering On an RMU

Note 1: The O&M personnel need to check the STS before it is powered on.
Note 2: This document uses the 38 kV RMU provided by Ormazabal as an example. The
operations for RMUs from other vendors are the same. The networking of three STSs uses
hand-in-hand mode.
Ensure that the switch numbers of the RMU have been posted and are consistent with those in
the drawing. Write the procedure guide based on switch numbers. (The switch numbers in this
case is the actual number of the Mexican Bester project.)
Ensure that all mechanical interlock keys between STSs have been put on correct key rings.
Ensure that all test items of the STS have been completed and accepted, and that cable inlets
have been sealed.
Check whether the atmospheric pressure of the RMU is normal.

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Switch numbers at site 1

In this case, cabinet G3 at site 3 is the end cabinet without a switch number. Post an
instruction for not using the cabinet.
Ensure that in the end cabinet, the load switch is OFF and the ground switch is ON.

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7.2 Charging a UPS

Note: Huawei external blade power supply DPU does not have the power-on and power-off
buttons. The DPU is powered on by the 220 V mains, and is powered off by removing the
lithium battery communications cable and power cable.
Set the UPS standby power to about 4 W, and then keep the UPS in standby mode for about
one week. Charge the UPS one or two days before powering on it. After the charging is
complete, switch off all circuit breakers of the auxiliary loop, and set the UPS to standby
mode (no load). If the power supply is delayed for more than one week, charge the UPS

7.3 30 m Communications Network Cables

If a project is configured with a UPS, you can remotely switch on the MV circuit breaker for
the first time to perform the first live shock on the transformer. Prepare a 30 m network cable
for connecting the laptop to the SmartLogger.

7.4 Insulation Test on the LV Loop of an ITS

Note: The insulation test of the LV loop of an integrated telecom shelter (ITS) is a part of the
thermal test. This test must be performed three days before power supply and after all LV
loops are installed.

7.5 LV PV Array Status of the ITS

Switch on the switches in the switch box (if any) and the MCCBs of LV incoming cables of
the STS. Switch off the MCCB of the SPD. Switch on the ACB, knife fuse switch of the PT
loop, and the knife fuse switch of the SACU loop (switch off the 800 V circuit breaker in the
SACU). Perform an insulation test on the solar inverters, switch box (if any), LV side of the

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STS, and LV cables.

7.6 Procedure
1. Connect the positive pole of the insulation resistance tester to the bus (any phase of A, B,
or C) of LV cabinet A, and connect the negative pole to the ground.
2. Perform the test at the voltage of 2500 V for 1 minute and record the resistance values at
10s, 30s, and 60s. The resistance values are greater than 10 megohms.
3. After the test is complete, turn off the insulation resistance tester. Discharge the test loop,
connect the ground cable to the bus of cabinet A, and remove the test cables.
4. Perform the loop insulation test for LV cabinet B. The test method is the same as that for
LV cabinet A.

7.7 Troubleshooting
To check whether the insulation value is low, switch off MCCBs one by one and observe the
value change of the insulation megohmmeter. If the resistance becomes normal after an
MCCB is disconnected, the insulation of the MCCB loop is abnormal. Switch on other
disconnected MCCBs one by one and observe the value change of the insulation
megohmmeter. If the value remains within the normal range, only one insulation fault occurs
in the LV system. If switching on one MCCB causes another low insulation value, the

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insulation of the MCCB loop is also abnormal. Switch on the rest disconnected MCCBs until
all the normal MCCBs are switched on.
Locating a fault: Turn off the switch in the switch box (combiner box) of the faulty loop, and
use an insulation megohmmeter to measure the insulation resistance of the switch of the solar
inverter and that of the STS. If the insulation of the STS is faulty, the cables are faulty. If the
insulation of the solar inverter is faulty, check the cables first. If the cables are short, perform
a visual check on the cable insulation layers. If no exception is found or they cannot be
observed, remove the solar inverter cables and measure the insulation of the solar inverter and
the cables to locate the fault.

7.8 Transformer Protection Settings

Communicate with the customer and ask the customer to reset the transformer protection set
values. If the customer does not provide the protection set values, communicate with the
customer about the default protection set values.

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8 Powering On an STS

Note: This document uses the 38 kV RMU provided by Ormazabal as an example. The
operations for RMUs from other vendors are the same. The networking of three STSs uses
hand-in-hand mode.
All operation instructions of the STS are delivered by the booster station in sequence based on
the operation order. Do not perform operations without authorization.
Wear protective equipment when operating the STS HV loop. Configure the safety hooks.
One person performs the operation and the other person ensures safety.

8.1 Setting the STS Status Before Power-On

8.1.1 Setting the Status of a CVC RMU for Overhaul
1. Set the RMU status as follows:
Cabinet G1: Switch off the load switch, and switch on the ground switch.

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Cabinet G2: Switch off the disconnector, and switch on the ground switch and circuit
Cabinet G3: Switch off the load switch, and switch on the ground switch.
Remote/local switch of the circuit breakers: local
Insert the interlock key between STSs at the ground switch in cabinet G1.
2. Set the status of the gas insulated substation (GIS) outgoing cable cabinet as follows:
Disconnector: OFF
Grounding switch: ON
Circuit breaker: ON

8.1.2 Setting the Status of a DVC RMU for Overhaul

1. Set the RMU status as follows:
Cabinet G2: Switch off the disconnector, and switch on the ground switch and circuit
Cabinet G3: Switch off the load switch, and switch on the ground switch.
Remote/local switch of the circuit breakers: local
Insert the interlock key between STSs at the door lock of the cable room in cabinet G1.
2. Set the status of the GIS outgoing cable cabinet as follows:
Disconnector: OFF
Grounding switch: ON

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Circuit breaker: ON

8.2 Setting the LV Cabinet and Auxiliary Loop Before

1. Set the status of 800 V switches as follows:
ACBs: all OFF, remote/local switch: local
250 A incoming cables of MCCBs: all OFF
63 A auxiliary transformer MCCB: OFF
2. Set the status of auxiliary circuit breakers as follows:
Power MCBs: all OFF
Secondary loop circuit breaker of the potential transformer (PT): OFF
PT circuit breakers: all OFF
3. Set the status of knife fuse switches as follows:
Knife fuse switches of the PTs: all OFF
Knife fuse switches of the PID modules: all OFF
Knife fuse switches of the IMDs: all OFF

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8.3 Impulse Test on the RMU and MV Cables (CVC)

8.3.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the RMU
After the STS overhaul status is checked, the booster station issues a cold standby instruction
to the STS.
1. Perform the following operations at site 3:
Cabinet G1: Turn off ground switch 50037, and pull out the mechanical interlock key for
ground switches 50037 and 57027.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56037 and circuit breaker 56035.
Cabinet G3: Pull out the mechanical interlock key for the ground switch.
2. Perform the following operations at site 2:
Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key to ground switches 50037 and 57027,
and turn off ground switch 57027.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56027 and circuit breaker 56025.
Cabinet G1: Turn off ground switch 50027, and pull out the mechanical interlock key to
ground switches 50027 and 57017.
3. Perform the following operations at site 1:
Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key to ground switches 50027 and 57017,
and turn off ground switch 57017.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56017 and circuit breaker 56015.
Cabinet G1: Turn off ground switch 50017, and pull out the mechanical interlock key for
ground switches 50017 and 51017.
Report to the booster station that the cold standby status of the STS is confirmed. Submit
the mechanical interlock key to ground switches 50017 and 51017 and the mechanical
interlock key to the ground switch of cabinet G3 at site 3 to the booster station. The
booster station performs cold standby for the outgoing cable loop.
4. Perform the following operations at the booster station:
Turn off circuit breaker 51015 and receive the mechanical interlock key to ground switches
50017 and 51017. Turn off ground switch 51017.
Save the interlock key for the ground switch of cabinet G3 at site 3.

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8.3.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the RMU
Incoming and Outgoing Cable Cabinets
After confirming that the operation of the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station is
complete, issue an instruction to switch cold standby to hot standby for the incoming and
outgoing cable cabinets of the STS.
1. Perform the following operations at site 1:
Cabinet G1: Turn on load switch 50011.
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57011.
2. Perform the following operations at site 2:
Cabinet G1: Turn on load switch 50021.
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57021.
3. Perform the following operations at site 3:
Cabinet G1: Turn on load switch 50031.
Report to the booster station that the hot standby status of the incoming and outgoing
cable cabinets of the STS has been confirmed. The booster station switches the outgoing
cable loop to hot standby.
4. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn on disconnector 51011.

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8.3.3 Impulse Test on an RMU and Cables

After confirming that the operation on the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station is
complete, issue an instruction to evacuate all personnel around the STS. After all the
personnel are evacuated, issue an instruction to conduct the impulse test.
1. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn on circuit breaker 51015.

2. Check the running status of the RMU.

Site 1: The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G3 are blinking. The electric display of
cabinet G2 is not blinking.
Site 2: The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G3 are blinking. The electric display of
cabinet G2 is not blinking.
Site 3: The electric display of cabinet G1 is blinking. The electric displays of cabinets G2 and
G3 are not blinking.

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After checking the running status, report to the booster station. After the booster station is
checked, the impulse test is complete.

8.4 Impulse Test on the RMU and MV Cables (DVC)

8.4.1 Switching from Overhaul to Cold Standby for the RMU
After the STS overhaul status is checked, the booster station issues a cold standby instruction
to the STS.
1. Perform the following operations at site 3:
Cabinet G3: Pull out the mechanical interlock key for the ground switch.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56037 and circuit breaker 56035.
Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground
switch 57027 of cabinet G1 at site 3.
2. Perform the following operations at site 2:
Cabinet G3: (Insert the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground
switch 57027 of cabinet G1 at site 3.) Turn off ground switch 57027.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56027 and circuit breaker 56025.
Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground
switch 57017 of cabinet G1 at site 2.
3. Perform the following operations at site 1:
Cabinet G3: Insert the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground
switch 57017 of cabinet G1 at site 2. Turn off ground switch 57017.
Cabinet G2: Turn off ground switch 56037 and circuit breaker 56035.
Cabinet G1: Pull out the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground
switch 51017 of cabinet G1 at site 1.
Report to the booster station that the cold standby status of the STS is confirmed. Submit
the mechanical interlock key to the cable room door and ground switch 51017 of cabinet
G1 at site 1 and the mechanical interlock key to the ground switch of cabinet G3 at site 3

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to the booster station. The booster station performs cold standby for the outgoing cable
4. Perform the following operations at the booster station:
Turn off circuit breaker 51015 and receive the mechanical interlock key to the cable room
door and ground switch 51017 of cabinet G1 at site 1. Turn off ground switch 51017.
Save the interlock key for the ground switch of cabinet G3 at site 3.

8.4.2 Switching from Cold Standby to Hot Standby for the RMU
Incoming and Outgoing Cable Cabinets
After confirming that the operation of the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station is
complete, issue an instruction to switch cold standby to hot standby for the incoming and
outgoing cable cabinets of the STS.
1. Perform the following operation at site 1:
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57011.
2. Perform the following operations at site 2:
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57021.
Report to the booster station that the hot standby status of the incoming and outgoing
cable cabinets of the STS has been confirmed. The booster station switches the outgoing
cable loop to hot standby.
3. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn on disconnector 51011.

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8.4.3 Impulse Test on an RMU and Cables

After confirming that the operation on the outgoing cable cabinet of the booster station is
complete, issue an instruction to evacuate all personnel around the STS. After all the
personnel are evacuated, issue an instruction to conduct the impulse test.
1. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn on circuit breaker 51015.

2. Check the running status of the RMU.

Site 1: The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G3 are blinking. The electric display of
cabinet G2 is not blinking.
Site 2: The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G3 are blinking. The electric display of
cabinet G2 is not blinking.
Site 3: The electric display of cabinet G1 is blinking. The electric displays of cabinets G2 and
G3 are not blinking.

After checking the running status, report to the booster station. After the booster station is
checked, the impulse test is complete.

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8.5 Impulse Test on a Transformer (Without a UPS)

Note: During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the RMU. The
operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

8.5.1 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1

1. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn off circuit breaker 51015.
2. Perform the following operation at site 1:
Cabinet G2: Turn on disconnector 56011 and circuit breaker 56015.

Evacuate all personnel around site 1 to a safe place.

1. Perform the following operation at the booster station:
Turn on circuit breaker 51015.

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When the transformer at site 1 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually weakens and
becomes even after 5 seconds.
The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 at site 1 are blinking. The protective devices
are running properly.

8.5.2 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 2

1. Turn off load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1.
2. Turn on disconnector 56021 and circuit breaker 56025 in cabinet G2 at site 2, and
evacuate all personnel around the STS at site 2 to a safe place.
3. Perform the following operation at site 1:
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57011.
When the transformer at site 2 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually weakens and
becomes even after 5 seconds.
The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 at site 2 are blinking. The protective devices
are running properly.

8.5.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 3

1. Turn off load switch 57021 in cabinet G3 at site 2.
2. Perform the following operations at site 3:
Cabinet G2: Turn on disconnector 56031 and circuit breaker 56035.
Evacuate all personnel around site 3 to a safe place.
3. Perform the following operation at site 2:
Cabinet G3: Turn on load switch 57021.

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When the transformer at site 3 is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually weakens and
becomes even after 5 seconds.
The electric displays of cabinets G1 and G2 at site 3 are blinking. The protective devices are
running properly.

8.6 Impulse Test on a Transformer (with a UPS)

Note: During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the RMU. The
operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

8.6.1 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

1. If a Huawei outdoor UPS is used, the UPS has no temporary power supply for charging
and startup, and the transformer protection device uses the self-power supply protection,
then the power supply process is the same as that without a UPS.
2. If a Huawei outdoor UPS is used and the protection device is a normal protection device,
ensure that the UPS is running before power supply. Charge the UPS using a temporary
power supply 1 to 2 days before supplying power to the UPS. After the charging is
complete, the UPS keeps running with power and cannot be shut down.

8.6.2 Procedure of Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

1. Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop
Turn on circuit breaker QF1 in cabinet G2 of the RMU. The protection device starts with
power on, and the circuit breaker control loop is energized. Turn on energy storage
circuit breaker QF2 in cabinet G2 of the RMU. The circuit breaker starts to be charged,
which takes about 10 seconds. Switch on measurement and control device 1FB2 in the
auxiliary control room in LV cabinet A. The measurement and control device starts with
power on. Switch on power supply circuit breaker 3FB3 of the SACU in auxiliary PDB 1
in the MV room.

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2. Supplying Power to the SmartLogger

Open the door of the SACU and switch on the circuit breaker for the power supply to the
SmartLogger. The running indicator of the SmartLogger blinks half a minute later.
Note: During the impulse test, do not perform any operation on cabinet G1 of the RMU. The
operation procedure on the DVC is the same as that on the CVC.

8.6.3 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Site 1

Connect the SmartLogger to the PC using a prepared 30 m network cable.
Turn the remote/local handle of cabinet G2 to the remote position and turn on disconnector
Evacuate all personnel around site 1 to a safe place.
Issue a remote turn-on instruction over the SmartLogger to turn on switch 56015.

When the transformer is electrified, it hums loudly. The hum gradually weakens and becomes
even after 5 seconds.

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The electric displays of cabinets G1, G2, and G3 are blinking. The protective devices are
running properly.

8.6.4 Impulse Test on the Transformer at Sites 2 and 3

The method is the same as that for site 1. For details, see the impulse test on the transformer at
site 1.

8.7 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

8.7.1 Switching On the SPD of the LV Cabinet and the Auxiliary
1. Switch on the 800 V SPD in LV cabinet A.
Switch on SPD switch 1QA19 in the auxiliary control room of LV cabinet A.

2. Switch on the 800 V SPD in LV cabinet B.

Switch on SPD switch 2QA19 in the auxiliary control room of LV cabinet B.

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3. Switch on the auxiliary loop SPD.

Switch on circuit breakers 3FB2 and 3FB10 of the auxiliary loop SPD in auxiliary PDF 1 in
the MV room.

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8.7.2 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Transformer

Turn on the 63 A MCCB 3QA of the auxiliary transformer on the power supply side to
energize the auxiliary transformer. MCCB 3QA is in the auxiliary control room of LV cabinet

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8.7.3 Supplying Power to the Auxiliary Loop

1. Turn on general switch 3FB (in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room) for the auxiliary
power supply.

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2. Switch on circuit breaker 3FB1 (in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room) for the general
power supply to the UPS and low-power auxiliary equipment.
If a UPS is configured, the UPS should transfer from battery mode to normal mode.
Check the indicators on the PSU and energy storage modules (ESMs). Ensure that the
green indicators are blinking fast at 4 Hz and that the yellow and red indicators are off.
Some auxiliary loops have been powered before the transformer is powered on.

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3. Switch on switch 4FB1 for the temperature and humidity controllers, smoke sensors, and
light in the auxiliary PDB in the MV room.
The temperature and humidity controllers should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started. The smoke sensor indicators should blink slowly and no
alarm should be generated. The light should be turned on. After the container doors of
the MV room are closed, the light should be turned off.

4. Switch on circuit breaker 4FB2 for the heat exchanger in the auxiliary PDB in the MV
room: After the heat exchanger is powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That
is, the internal fan rotates for about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s.
After the self-check is complete, the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the
internal fan runs at a low speed.

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5. Switch on circuit breaker QF1 for the control power supply to cabinet G2 in the RMU.
Switch on the battery loop circuit breaker (in the secondary room on the top of cabinet
G2 of the RMU). The circuit breakers start to be charged. The energy storage is complete
after about 10s. (The circuit breaker numbers of RMUs may vary depending on the
manufacturer. Operate circuit breakers based on the actual diagram.)

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6. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB1 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
operating power supply to the ACB in LV cabinet A, and the ACB starts to be charged.
The green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.

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7. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB2 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
power supply to the measurement and control device, temperature and humidity
controllers, and IMD (if any) in LV cabinet A.
The measurement and control device should be started with the LCD energized.
The temperature and humidity controllers should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.
The IMD should start running and a self-check. The operation sequence is as follows:
The IMD conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4s. The HM LED blinks fast.
The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
detected. Then, the IMD conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4s. The HM
LED blinks slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the
internal circuit is detected. Check the insulation after 2s if no fault is found. The normal
running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the LED light
strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(insulation resistance ≤ 10 kilohms or ≥ 2 megaohms). The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly or fast.

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8. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB3 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
light and smoke sensors in the LV room, and the smoke sensor should be started. The
smoke sensor indicators in the LV room and transformer room blink slowly, without
alarm sound. The light should be turned on. After the container doors of the LV room are
closed, the light should be turned off.

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9. Switch on circuit breaker 1FB4 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A) for the
power supply to the heat exchanger in LV cabinet A: After the heat exchanger is
powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That is, the internal fan rotates for
about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the self-check is complete,
the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs at a low speed. The
heating plate in LV cabinet A is energized (not running).

10. Switch on circuit breaker 2FB1 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
operating power supply to the ACB in LV cabinet B, and the ACB starts to be charged.
The green indicator (red indicator for the Spanish version) is on.

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11. Switch circuit breaker 2FB2 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
power supply to the temperature and humidity controllers and IMD (if any) in LV
cabinet B.
The temperature and humidity controllers should indicate the current temperature and
humidity after being started.
The IMD should start running and a self-check. The operation sequence is as follows:
The IMD conducts measurement on the negative pole for 4s. The HM LED blinks fast.
The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the internal circuit is
detected. Then, the IMD conducts measurement on the positive pole for 4s. The HM
LED blinks slowly. The indicators on the LED light strip are lit in sequence, and the
internal circuit is detected. Check the insulation after 2s if no fault is found. The normal
running status is as follows: The WR LED indicator (green) is on, and the LED light
strip (yellow) is on. The eight LED indicators indicate the insulation resistance
(insulation resistance ≤ 10 kilohms or ≥ 2 megaohms). The HM LED indicator blinks
slowly or fast.

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12. Switch on circuit breaker 2FB3 (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B) for the
power supply to the heat exchanger in LV cabinet B: After the heat exchanger is
powered on, the fan should start for a self-check. That is, the internal fan rotates for
about 10s. Then, the external fan rotates for about 10s. After the self-check is complete,

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the heat exchanger works in normal mode, and the internal fan runs at a low speed. The
heating plate in LV cabinet B is energized (not running).

13. Switch on circuit breakers 1QR1 and 1XD1 of the UPS auxiliary sockets, and the sockets
are energized. Switch on circuit breakers 1QR2 and 1XD2 of the common power supply
socket, and the sockets are energized.

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8.7.4 Powering On an SACU

If the auxiliary power supply to the SACU has been powered on before the transformer
supplies power, skip this step.
Switch on circuit breaker 3FB3 (in auxiliary PDB 1 in the MV room) for the power supply to
the SACU.

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Open the door of the SACU and switch on the circuit breaker for the power supply to the
SmartLogger. The running indicator of the SmartLogger blinks half a minute later.

8.7.5 Powering On the Reserved Power Supply and the Tracker

The power-on time of the backup power supply and the tracker loop may be much later than
that of the STS. The power supply operation is performed by the customer.

8.8 Supplying Power to the 800 V LV Loop

8.8.1 Supplying Power to LV Cabinet A
1. Supply power to the bus in LV cabinet A.
Switch remote/local switch 1SAC of the ACB in LV cabinet A to the local position. Press
ON button 1SF2 to turn on the ACB. The red indicator (green indicator for the Spanish
version) is on. After the ACB is turned on, it is charged. Switch remote/local switch
1SAC to the remote position.

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2. Supply power to the PT loop in LV cabinet A.

Turn on knife fuse switch 1FA in LV cabinet A. PT TV is energized. Turn on the
secondary circuit breaker 1FB5 of the TV. Measurement and control device CK displays
the first group of voltage, and power meter 1MFM displays the current operating

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3. (Optional) Supply power to the IMD 800 V loop in LV cabinet A.

Turn on knife fuse switch 5FA (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A). The
IMD runs properly (see the IMD commissioning part). If the resistance decreases
significantly or an alarm is generated, the insulation is faulty. The IMD should be
powered off.

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4. Supply power to the PID/PLC (MBUS) loop in LV cabinet A.

Turn on knife fuse switch 3FA (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A). In the SACU
cabinet, turn on the first 800 V MCB (see 17 in the figure), and turn on PID 1 input switch
(see 3 in the figure). The PID module is energized. Commission the PID module after
powering it on. For the detailed commissioning procedure, see the SmartPID2000 User
When an IMD is installed, set the IMD device access status in PID 1 to Disable. After PID 1
runs, the HM LED indicator of the IMD in LV cabinet A is off, indicating that the IMD is
enabled and the cable connection is correct. Set the IMD device access status in PID 1 to
Enable and set the IMD and PID running periods.

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8.8.2 Supplying Power to LV Cabinet B

1. Supply power to the bus in LV cabinet B.
Switch remote/local switch 2SAC of the ACB in LV cabinet A to the local position. Press
ON button 2SF2 to turn on the ACB. The red indicator (green indicator for the Spanish
version) is on. After the ACB is turned on, it is charged. Switch remote/local switch
2SAC to the remote position.

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2. Supply power to the PT loop in LV cabinet B.

Turn on knife fuse switch 2FA in LV cabinet B. PT TV is energized. Turn on the
secondary circuit breaker 2FB5 of the TV. Measurement and control device CK displays
the second group of voltage, and power meter 2MFM displays the current operating

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3. (Optional) Supply power to the IMD 800 V loop in LV cabinet B.

Turn on knife fuse switch 6FA (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet B). The
IMD runs properly (see the IMD commissioning part). If the resistance decreases
significantly or an alarm is generated, the insulation is faulty. The IMD should be
powered off.

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4. Supply power to the PID/PLC (MBUS) loop in LV cabinet B.

Turn on knife fuse switch 4FA (in the secondary control room of LV cabinet A). In the SACU
cabinet, turn on the first 800 V MCB (see 17 in the figure), and turn on PID 2 input switch
(see 4 in the figure). The PID module is energized. Commission the PID 2 module after
powering it on. For the detailed commissioning procedure, see the SmartPID2000 User
When an IMD is installed, set the IMD device access status in PID 2 to Disable. After PID 2
runs, the HM LED indicator of the IMD in LV cabinet B is off, indicating that the IMD is
enabled and the cable connection is correct. Set the IMD device access status in PID 2 to
Enable and set the IMD and PID running periods.

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8.9 Zero-load Voltage Adjustment Switch

8.10 STS Running Without Loads

After the preceding steps are complete, the STS needs to run without loads for 24 hours.

8.11 STS Running with Loads

8.11.1 Supplying Power to Solar Inverters
Note: Supply power to the solar inverters after the STS has run without loads for 24 hours.
1. Turn on all MCCBs of the 800 V incoming cables on the LV side.
2. Turn on all switches of combiner boxes (if any) of the PV array, and turn on the DC
switches of solar inverters. (If the insulation of the LV PV array is measured before
power is supplied, the switches of the combiner boxes can be turned on.)
3. Connect a PC to the SmartLogger, search for solar inverters, assign solar inverter
addresses, upgrade the SmartLogger software version, and upgrade the solar inverter
software version.
4. The solar inverters are running and feeding current.

8.11.2 Checking an STS with Loads

1. Check the current of LV cabinet A displayed on the ammeter and the current displayed
on the electronic tripper of the ACB. The three-phase currents should be equal or close.
2. Check the current of LV cabinet B displayed on the ammeter and the current displayed
on the electronic tripper of the ACB. The three-phase currents should be equal or close.
3. Check the current displayed on the protection device of the MV cabinet. The three-phase
currents should be equal or close.

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9 Powering off an STS

9.1 Powering Off a Transformer for Overhaul

9.1.1 Ormazabal RMUs (Upper Isolation Structure)
1. STS running status before maintenance

2. Procedure
Remotely turn off the ACBs in LV PANEL A and LV PANEL B, and remotely turn off the
circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the RMU. Manually turn off the disconnector of cabinet G2 in
the RMU. Manually turn on the circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the RMU. Manually turn on
the ground knife switch of cabinet G2 and lock the operation hole. Install a sign to forbid any

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Engineer Guide 9 Powering off an STS

operation. Manually turn off all MCCBs of the incoming cables and discharge the busbar of
the LV cabinet using a ground cable.

9.1.2 Daqo RMUs (Lower Isolation Structure)

1. STS running status before maintenance

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2. Procedure
Remotely turn off the ACBs in LV cabiney A and LV cabinet B, and remotely turn off the
circuit breaker of cabinet G2 in the RMU. Manually turn off the disconnector of cabinet G2 in
the RMU. Manually turn on the ground knife switch of cabinet G2 and lock the operation hole.
Install a sign to forbid any operation. Manually turn off all MCCBs of the incoming cables
and discharge the busbar of the LV cabinet using a ground cable.

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9.2 Powering Off an RMU for Overhaul

The overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo RMUs are the same. The overhaul
procedures for DVC and CVC are the same.
This document uses Ormazabal CVC RMU at site 2 as an example.
STS running status:

1. Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.
2. Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.
3. Turn off load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of cabinet
G3 does not blink, turn on ground switch 57017 in cabinet G3 (pull out the mechanical
interlock key to ground switches 57017 and 50027). Install a sign to forbid any

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4. The main loop of the ring main unit at site 2 has been powered off and safety measures
have been taken for overhaul.

9.3 Overhauling Cables Between STSs

9.3.1 Overhauling Cables for CVC RMUs
For CVC RMUs, the cable overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo are the same.
This document uses the Ormazabal CVC RMU (cables between site 1 and site 2) as an
STS running status:

1. Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.
2. Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.
3. Turn off load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of cabinet
G3 does not blink, turn on ground switch 57017 in cabinet G3 (pull out the mechanical
interlock key to ground switches 57017 and 50027). Install a sign to forbid any
4. Turn off load switch 50021 in cabinet G1 at site 2. (Insert the mechanical interlock key
to ground switches 57017 and 50027.) Turn on ground switch 50027 of cabinet G1.
Install a sign to forbid any operation.
5. Both ends of the cables between site 1 and site 2 are grounded, safety measures are taken,
and the cable compartment doors at both ends are unlocked.

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9.3.2 Overhauling Cables for DVC RMUs

For DVC RMUs, the cable overhaul procedures for Ormazabal and Daqo are the same.
This document uses the Ormazabal DVC RMU (cables between site 1 and site 2) as an
STS running status:

1. Cut off the STS loads at site 3 and turn off circuit breaker 56035 at site 3.
2. Cut off the STS loads at site 2 and turn off circuit breaker 56025 at site 2.
3. Turn off load switch 57011 in cabinet G3 at site 1. After the electric display of cabinet
G3 does not blink, turn on ground switch 57017 in cabinet G3 (pull out the mechanical
interlock key to the cable room door and ground switch 57017 of cabinet G1 at site 2).
Install a sign to forbid any operation.
4. One end of the cables between site 1 and site 2 is grounded and safety measures are
taken. The door of the cable room at site 1 is unlocked. The door of the cable room at
site 2 can be unlocked by inserting the mechanical interlock keys to ground switch 57017
and the door of the cable room of cabinet G1 at site 2.

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Engineer Guide 10 Component Replacement

10 Component Replacement

Note: To reduce energy yield loss, you are advised to replace components at night. You can
power off the main transformer at night to ensure safety.
1. Replace an MCCB.
Switch off the ACB in the LV cabinet and take safety measures at the mechanical
switch-on position. Switch off the circuit breaker of the control power supply to the ACB
and take safety measures.
2. Replace an LV SPD.
Switch off the MCCB for the SPD and ACB in the LV cabinet, and take safety measures
at the mechanical switch-on position. Switch off the circuit breaker of the operating
power supply to the ACB and take safety measures.
3. Replace a transformer measurement and control device.
Switch off the circuit breaker for the power supply to the measurement and control
device in the STS. Power off the transformer and take safety measures. Switch off the
control power supply to the MV circuit breaker and LV ACB. Except the current and
voltage terminals, other terminal blocks can be inserted or removed as a whole.
Disconnect the cables of the current and voltage terminals. Take photos of cable
connections before disconnecting them. Ensure that the cable connections after
replacement are the same as before. Pay special attention to the installation of short
connecting plates.

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Note: For STS-3000K-H1, STS-6000K-H1, and later versions, standardized

measurement and control devices are used. These devices have version numbers
specified according to Huawei naming rules. The initial version is V100R001C00. The
later versions are compatible with earlier versions. For example, if the version of the
measurement and control device to be replaced is V100R001C00, use V100R001C01 as
the spare device for replacement.
After a measurement and control device is replaced, set the set values of the device after
it is powered on. The following table describes the value settings.
Measurement and control device (HND)
PT1 Ratio 8
Ue1 100 V
CT1 Ratio 500
Ie1 5 A
PT2 Ratio 8
Ue2 100 V

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Engineer Guide 10 Component Replacement

CT2 Ratio 500

Ie2 5 A
Addr Setting 2
Baud rate 9600
Device Info (consistent with the 0 STS-6000K
model on the STS nameplate)
1 STS-2500K
2 STS-6000K-H1
3 STS-3000K-H1
Default F (consistent with the 50 Hz
frequency on the STS
nameplate) 60 Hz

MV T1 Info 52 52 (Pacific)
LV T1 Info 52 52 (Pacific)
MV T2 Info 52 52 (Pacific)
LV T2 Info 52 52 (Pacific)
MV Prot Info 1 Shenzhen CEC iRelay 50-P
2 Ormazabal ekor.rpg
3 Siemens 7SJ58 (Vietnam JUWI)
4 Nanjing INT PA620-L1
5 Ormazabal ekor.rpa
6 Nanjing INT
PA620-L1 (Vietnam PECC 2)

4. Replace an oil surface temperature controller.

There is a hydraulic tube between the probe and the gauge of the oil surface temperature
controller. The replacement of an oil surface temperature controller includes the
replacement of the hydraulic tube, probe, and the gauge. Do not only replace the probe or
the gauge. Power off the transformer and take safety measures. After the transformer
cools down, disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control device (if a
UPS is configured).
5. Replace a gas relay.
Power off the transformer and take safety measures. After the transformer cools down,
disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control device (if a UPS is
configured). The supplier or a professional maintenance team designated by the customer
is responsible for the replacement.
6. Replace a pressure relief valve.

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Power off the transformer and take safety measures. After the transformer cools down,
disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control device (if a UPS is
configured). If oil needs to be drained, the supplier or a professional maintenance team
designated by the customer is responsible for the replacement.
7. Replace an oil level gauge.
Power off the transformer and take safety measures. After the transformer cools down,
disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control device (if a UPS is
configured). If oil needs to be drained, the supplier or a professional maintenance team
designated by the customer is responsible for the replacement.
8. Replace a common dehydrating breather.
Power off the transformer and take safety measures. Perform operations after the
transformer cools down.
9. Replace a maintenance-free dehydrating breather.
Power off the transformer and take safety measures. Perform operations after the
transformer cools down. Disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control
device (if a UPS is configured), and disconnect the power supply to the maintenance-free
dehydrating breather. Remove the corresponding external cables, and replace the entire
10. Replace a microprocessor replay protection device.
Power off the main transformer, disconnect the power supply to the MV circuit breaker
and the protection device (if a UPS is configured).
11. Replace an ACB.
Power off the transformer and take safety measures. Perform operations after the copper
bar cools down. Disconnect the power supply to the measurement and control device and
disconnect the operation power supply (if a UPS is configured). The ACB weighs about
60 kg and needs to be removed or installed using a forklift truck.
12. Replace a PT.
Turn on the 800 V knife fuse switch of the PT and take safety measures. Turn off the
ACB of the LV cabinet and take safety measures (to secure bolts for replacing a PT, you
need to put your hand into the busbar room). Change the voltage of the voltmeter from
800 V to 0 V and take photos of cable connections before disconnecting them. Ensure
that the cable connections after replacement are the same as before.
13. Replace a current transformer.
It is difficult to replace a current transformer. It involves removing the main copper bar
from the current transformer. Power off the transformer and take safety measures.
Perform operations after the copper bar cools down.
14. Replace a digital voltmeter.
Switch off the 100 V circuit breaker on the PT. Reduce the voltage in the SmartLogger
voltmeter from 800 V to 0 V. Disconnect the power supply to the digital voltmeter and
then perform the operation. Take photos of cable connections before disconnecting them.
Ensure that the cable connections after replacement are the same as before.
15. Replace a digital ammeter.
Replace the digital ammeter when the current is 0 A. Switch off the corresponding ACB
and power off the digital ammeter before replacement. Take photos of cable connections
before disconnecting them. Ensure that the cable connections after replacement are the
same as before.
16. Replace a digital ammeter and voltmeter.
The replacement requirements for the digital voltmeter and ammeter must be met.

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17. Replace a remote/local switch, switch-on/off button, and switch-on/off indicator.

Disconnect the operating power supply to the ACB in the LV cabinet (the disconnection
does not affect the ACB protection trip). Take photos of cable connections before
disconnecting them. Ensure that the cable connections after replacement are the same as
18. Replace a temperature and humidity controller.
To replace the body and probe of a temperature and humidity controller, power off the
temperature and humidity controller. Take photos of cable connections before
disconnecting them. Ensure that the cable connections after replacement are the same as
To replace the sensor probe of the temperature and humidity controller in the LV cabinet,
switch off the ACB of the LV cabinet where the probe is located and take safety
19. Replace a heating plate.
Power off the temperature and humidity controller, switch off the ACB, and take safety
20. Replace an emergency stop button.
Power off the transformer, switch off the MV circuit breaker, and disconnect the
operating power supply to it.
21. Replace a heat exchanger.
A heat exchanger is heavy. Its replacement needs multiple persons. Disconnect the power
supply to the power-supply board of the heat exchanger and take safety measures. Take
photos of cable connections before disconnecting them. Ensure that the cable
connections after replacement are the same as before.
22. Replace an IMD and IMD PSU.
Turn off the 800 V knife fuse switch of the IMD and take safety measures. Disconnect
the 220 V AC power supply of the IMD and take safety measures.
23. Replace an MCB, MCCB, and residual current devices (RCDs).
To replace the main MCB of the auxiliary loop, switch off the 800 V MCCB on the
auxiliary transformer and take safety measures.
To replace other MCBs and RCDs, switch off the MCBs and take safety measures.
24. Replace a UPS.
Determine the UPS faults, and use a temporary supply power.
The UPS is connected to the SmartLogger and then to SCADA through the SmartLogger. If a
UPS fault signal is detected, check the UPS operating status onsite.
If the UPS is faulty, you can change the position of the plug-in bridge to connect the power
supply loop without the UPS.
If a UPS is configured in the project, the terminals connected to the plug-in bridge are
terminals -3XUPS1:4, -3XUPS1:5, -3XUPS1:23, and -3XUPS1:24. You need to change the
terminals to terminals -3XUPS1:3, -3XUPS1:4, -3XUPS1:22, and -3XUPS1:23. Before
changing the plug-in bridge, switch off the circuit breaker on the power terminal.

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Engineer Guide 10 Component Replacement

Replace the UPS immediately.

Switch off the main MCB of the auxiliary loop and take safety measures. Replace the MCB
after the UPS shuts down.
The UPS works in bypass mode after it is faulty.
Switch off the main MCB, disconnect the UPS incoming and outgoing cables, and
short-circuit the cables using a short-circuit cable to shut down the UPS.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 11 Inspection and Maintenance

11 Inspection and Maintenance

11.1 Maintenance List

No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance
1 System running Check whether the equipment and internal Once a month
status and equipment are damaged or deformed. (5 minutes)
Check whether there is abnormal sound
when the device is running.
Check whether the temperature inside the
equipment or the temperature of the
equipment enclosure is too high.
Check whether warning labels are clear and
replace them if necessary.
Check whether the equipment is too humid
and dusty. Clean the equipment if
2 Cable Check whether power cables are loose. If Once every 6
connection so, properly connect them according to months after the
specified torques. first
Check whether power cables and control once every 2
cables are damaged and whether the cable years after that.
exterior in contact with the metallic surface (You can use an
is scratched. infrared imager
to check
Check whether the insulation binding tapes
whether the
on the wiring terminals of power cables are
screws are
loose. The
check takes 10
3 Heat exchanger Check the working status of the heat Once every 6
exchanger. months after the
Check whether the heat exchanger produces

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Engineer Guide 11 Inspection and Maintenance

No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance

abnormal sounds during operation. commissioning;
once every 6 to
12 months after
that. (2 minutes)
4 Device For the maintenance of various devices -
maintenance inside the STS, refer to the related manuals.
5 LV cabinet Check the voltmeter, ammeter, and on/off Once a month
indicator of the LV input cabinet. Check (5 minutes)
whether the actual voltage is normal.
Check whether the measurement and control
equipment displays normally.
Check whether the SPD indicator is normal.
If the indicator is red, the SPD is faulty and
needs to be replaced.
Check whether the cables to the primary and
secondary control loops are securely
Check whether the bolts for AC input power
cables are tightened properly and whether
cable inlets are sealed properly.
Check whether there is condensation on the
internal side panel and top cover.
Test the SPD. Check whether the cables to Once a year
the primary and secondary loops are (recommended:
secured. 10 minutes)
Perform a drive test on the LV cabinet. Every three
Maintain the internal dynamic contact of the (recommended:
circuit breaker, and perform a preventive 10 minutes)
test on the controller.
6 Transformer Check the oil level gauge indication of the Once a month
transformer. If the oil level is low, power (10 minutes)
off the transformer and refill it in time.
Check whether there is oil leakage around
the pressure relief valve. If yes, tighten the
Check whether there is oil leakage on the
phase sleeves of the HV and LV cabinets. If
yes, tighten the valve.
Check whether oil leakage occurs at the
connection point between the transformer
heat sink and the oil tank flange. If so,
tighten the screws.

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Engineer Guide 11 Inspection and Maintenance

No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance

Check whether the real-time temperature of
the oil level temperature controller is
normal. If the difference between the
temperature and the temperature displayed
on the data collector exceeds 1°C, the
temperature controller is faulty and needs to
be repaired in time.
Check whether the sound of the transformer
is normal during operation. If there are
abnormal noises, power off the transformer
and repair it.
Check whether the gas relay and its
collector box (optional) are filled with oil
and whether there is air. If yes, take air
samples or exhaust air.
Check whether the humidifier damps and is
blocked with foreign matters. If the
humidifier is abnormal, replace it in time.
Test the transformer oil (chromatographic Once a year (5
analysis). minutes for oil
Clean the transformer, and tighten the bolts
on the lap surface.
Test the insulation, DC resistance, and Every three
voltage ratio of the transformer, and years (30
perform voltage resistance and slug tests on minutes)
the transformer oil.
7 RMU Check the SF6 atmospheric pressure meter Once a month
to see whether the pointer is in the green (2 minutes)
range. If the pointer is close to red, stop
running it in time and supply it with air.
Check whether the L1/L2/L3 indicator is
normal. If the indicator is abnormal, replace
Test the RMU SPD, and tighten the bolts of Once a year (20
power cables. minutes)
Perform manual operation tests on the
operating mechanism to check the
Perform an SF6 leakage test on the RMU to Every three
check whether there is gas leakage. years (10
8 Other devices Replace the damaged lights in time. If necessary

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Engineer Guide 11 Inspection and Maintenance

No. Check Item Check Method Maintenance


Replace the faulty smoke sensor promptly.

Replace the temperature and humidity
controller in time.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

12 Troubleshooting

12.1 Alarm Signal Processing

12.1.1 Alarm Name: LV SPD Fault

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The LV loop has four SPDs, which are in LV cabinet A (800 V loop), LV cabinet B (800 V
loop), main loop of auxiliary power distribution (400 V), and UPS power supply loop (230 V).
If the alarm of LV SPD fault is displayed, check the four SPDs and locate the faulty one.
Before replacing an SPD, disconnect its power supply to ensure that the SPD wiring terminal
is not energized.

12.1.2 Alarm Name: Heat Exchanger Fault

After receiving the fault signal of a heat exchanger, check the fault onsite. Check the status of
indicators at the rear of the heat exchanger.

If the power indicator is off, check the running status of the 220 V AC to 48 V DC power
supply of the heat exchanger.
If the power indicator is on, locate the fault according to the status of the alarm indicator.

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If the fan is faulty, replace the fan by performing the following steps:
Replace the internal fan of a 270 W heat exchanger (high-power heat exchanger).

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Replace the external fan of a 270 W heat exchanger (high-power heat exchanger).

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Replace the internal fan of a 150 W heat exchanger (low-power heat exchanger).

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Figure 12-1

Replace the external fan of a 150 W heat exchanger (low-power heat exchanger).

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

If the fault is not caused by the fan, replace the control board.
Replace the control board of a 270 W heat exchanger (high-power heat exchanger).

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Replace the control board of a 150 W heat exchanger (low-power heat exchanger).

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After the replacement is complete, power on the UPS. If the alarm signal disappears, the fault
is rectified.

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

12.2 Troubleshooting Cases

12.2.1 Case 1: 800 V Fuse Blown of the PT
Symptom: The LV cabinet A voltage displayed on the background is 0 V. The onsite check
shows that the 100 V MCB of the PT is properly switched on. After taking out the 800 V fuses,
it is found that all three fuses are blown.
Troubleshooting method: This fault does not affect the running of the STS. Rectify the fault
after the STS is powered off at night. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the 800 V
fuses. If there is no voltage, measure the resistance. Measure the ground resistance of phases
A, B, and C of the lower part of the knife fuse switch. The ground resistance is greater than 1
megaohm, indicating that no short circuit occurs. Measure the resistance between phases A
and B and between phases B and C again. The resistance between phases A and B is greater
than 1 kilohm, and the resistance between phases B and C is about 1 ohm. It is found that the
PT internal winding of phases A and B is blown.
Criteria: The 800 V and 100 V sides of the PT are copper coils, so the resistance should be
low. If there is a high resistance, an open circuit exists in the loop.
Solution: Replace the PT of phases A and B, and replace the blown fuses.
Cause: The PT is faulty.

12.2.2 Case 2: Burnt PT

Symptom: The LV cabinet A voltage displayed on the background is 0 V. The onsite check
shows that the 100 V MCB of the PT is properly switched on. The O&M personnel directly
switch on the MCB without checking it. After a period of time, the MCB trips again. The
O&M personnel switch on the MCB again later. After about 10 minutes, the PT starts to burn.
Then the O&M personnel immediately turn off the 800 V knife fuse switch.
Troubleshooting method: The problem is found at night. Rectify the fault after the STS is
powered off. MCB tripping indicates that there is a short circuit on the 100 V side of the PT.
Switch off the MCB and use a multimeter to measure the resistance between phases A and B,
B and C, and C and A at the lower part of the MCB. The resistance values are all greater than
1 kilohm with relay protection, indicating that there is no short circuit between phases. Use a
multimeter to measure the ground resistances of phases A, B, and C. The ground resistance of
phase A is about 2 ohms, which is abnormal. Remove the phase A voltage cable from the
voltage wiring position of the measurement and control device, and measure the ground
resistance of the phase A wiring terminal and phase A cable. It is found that the ground
resistance of the phase A wiring terminal is low, indicating that there is a fault inside the
measurement and control device. Replace the measurement and control device, and remove
the current and voltage board. It is found that the voltage and current loops of the internal
phase A are short-circuited.
Criteria: Normally, the secondary side of the PT should not be short-circuited. The resistance
between phases A, B, and C at the lower part of the MCB should be close to 100 ohms.
Phases A, B, and C are not grounded.
Solution: Replace the burnt PT, faulty MCB, and measurement and control device.
1. Main cause: The voltage and current terminals inside the measurement and control
device are short-circuited. Phase B on the 100 V side of the PT is designed to be
grounded. If phase A is also grounded, phase A and phase B are short-circuited.

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2. Minor cause: The circuit breaker is switched on again without identifying the cause
when an exception occurs, aggravating the fault.
3. Unexpected cause: Normally, if a short circuit occurs, an MCB trips. The MCB in this
case should have failed because it has tripped twice but does not trip at the third time.

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12.2.3 Case 3: Water Penetration in the MV Room

Symptom: Water is found on the surface of the RMU in the MV room.
Troubleshooting method: Check the container onsite. No crack is found. After the water is
cleaned, water enters the MV room the next day. After the customer closes the door and
checks the container, it is found that the container doors are not closed properly. The top
bracing pole is not inserted into the fixing bolt.

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

12.2.4 Case 4: Failure to Close the Side Door of an LV Cabinet

Symptom: The side door of an LV room cannot be closed. The container doors are hung
downward, and the bracing pole cannot be properly installed.

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

The following operations apply only to STS-2500K and STS-6000K. The columns for the
rotating shaft of the LV room side door are between the LV room and the transformer room.
There are two types of container foundations: column foundation and platform foundation.
Foundation 1: column foundation

Foundation 2: platform foundation

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Solution: Insert metal sheets under the middle part of the beam at the bottom of the container.
Tools: one 10-ton vertical transmission jack (it is better if a crane is available to lift the
container), a hammer, metal sheets (used to level a container)

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Use a jack to jack up the beam at the bottom of the container by 3–5 mm (the container cannot
be lifted too quickly). The metal sheets can be hammered into the gap between the container
beam at the bottom of the container and the columns to bear more pressure. Take out the jack
and test whether the door can be closed. If it is difficult to close the door, continue to adjust
the door. If the door still hangs downward, insert more metal sheets. If the door bracing pole
is too high, reduce the number of metal sheets until the door can be closed.
Foundation 2: platform foundation

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Solution: Insert metal sheets under the middle part of the beam at the bottom of the container.
Tools: one 10-ton vertical transmission jack (it is better if a crane is available to lift the
container), a hammer, metal sheets (used to level a container), two L-shaped steel angles, two
sets of screws and nuts (used to secure the L-shaped steel angles)

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Use L-shaped steel angles and screws to make a Z-shaped holder rack, as shown in the
following figure.

At the door shaft of the LV room side door, use a jack and the Z-shaped holder rack to jack up
the beam at the bottom of the container by 3–5 mm (the container cannot be lifted too

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Insert metal sheets into the gap between the beam at the bottom of the container and the
platform. Ensure that the metal sheets are fully inserted. The metal sheets can be hammered
into the gap between the container beam at the bottom of the container and the columns to
bear more pressure. Take out the jack and test whether the door can be closed. If it is difficult
to close the door, continue to adjust the door. If the door still hangs downward, insert more

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

metal sheets. If the door bracing pole is too high, reduce the number of metal sheets until the
door can be closed.

12.2.5 Case 5: Alarm for a High Oil Level of a Transformer

Symptom: A transformer reports a high oil level alarm. After an onsite check, it is found that
the oil level is 10.

This problem will occur in the early stage of power supply. During this period, you can notify
the supplier to solve the problem.
Cause: The floating ball of the oil level gauge reaches the top of the bladder, but the bladder is
not fully expanded before delivery. This is a manufacturing process problem of the supplier.
The supplier has added the procedure of inflating the bladder before delivery. A bladder with
20 kPa air can solve this problem in principle. This problem will not occur on the products
delivered in October 2019 or later.
Solution: Remove the top cover of the transformer, wear clean plastic gloves, put your hand
into the oil, press the floating ball to the bottom of the bladder, and extend the bladder to
cover the entire oil surface. Reinstall the cover.
Troubleshooting method: For a running transformer, continuously observe the relationship
between the oil level and temperature of the transformer. In normal cases, the changes of oil
level match those of temperature based on the oil level-temperature curve. When the
temperature is low, the oil level is low. When the temperature is high, the oil level is high. If
the oil level does not change or not change accordingly when the temperature changes, a fault

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12.2.6 Case 6: Low Oil Level of a Transformer

Symptom: The oil level reported by a transformer is 0, but no oil leakage is found onsite.

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This problem will occur in the early stage of power supply. During this period, you can notify
the supplier to solve the problem.
Cause: The rod connecting the oil level gauge and the floating ball is broken. This is caused
by poor component selection by the supplier. The faulty connecting rod is made of aluminum.
The material for projects delivered in September 2019 or later has been changed to stainless

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Solution: Drain oil from the transformer, drain all oil from the conservator tank, remove the
oil level gauge, and replace the connecting rod of the floating ball. After the replacement,
install the oil level gauge, inject oil, and observe the change of the oil level. If the oil level is
normal, the repair is complete. Check whether oil leakage occurs again.
Troubleshooting method: When an STS is transported to the site, check the oil level gauge of
the transformer when unpacking the STS. If the oil level gauge displays 0, it is faulty.

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

12.2.7 Case 7: Replacing a Heat Sink of a Transformer

The following are devices required for heat sink replacement (provided by the transformer
service provider).
A small crane with a bearing capacity of 3 t and a support arm which can be slightly adjusted.
The front end of the arm should be about 20 cm high. Ensure that the arm can extend to the
right above the heat sink and there is space for hanging and moving a heat sink.

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A clean container for transformer oil, with a capacity of more than 4 m3 (oil tank or oil storage

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

A vacuum oil filter (with vacuum pumping and oil filtering functions)

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A high-power DG

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Tubes and flanges for oil transmission (prepared in advance due to flange standard differences
across countries)
Perform the following steps to replace a heat sink:
(1) Drain oil from the transformer.
Use a tube to connect the oil drain valve at the bottom of the transformer to the oil filter, and
connect the oil filter to the oil storage bag.

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Open the air exhaust valve on the top of the transformer conservator tank, and use a clean
gauze to block the valve, preventing sand and dust from entering the transformer.
Open the valves on both sides of the gas relay.
Open the oil drain valve at the bottom of the transformer.
Start the DG, set the oil filter temperature of the transformer to 55°C, drain the oil from the
transformer, and filter the oil for the first time.
The oil draining takes about one hour.

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After the oil is drained, shut down the oil filter, close the air exhaust valve on the top of the
conservator tank, and close the oil drain valve at the bottom of the transformer.
Disconnect the oil pipe from the flange of the oil drain valve at the bottom of the transformer,
clean the oil pipe surface, and insert the oil pipe into the spare oil bucket. Start the DG, pump
the spare oil into the oil storage bag, and filter the oil. (If a large amount of oil leak from the
transformer, spare oil is required.)
(2) Remove a heat sink.
Use a thin wood board or cardboard to block the faulty heat sink and its surrounding heat
Remove the horizontal bracing poles between heat sinks. There is one horizontal bracing pole
at the top and one at the bottom of the heat sinks.

Slowly put a crane arm into the top of the heat sink to be replaced and keep the crane arm
horizontal. Use the metal buckle at the front end of the crane arm to buckle the lifting hole of
the heat sink. After the step, slightly lift the crane arm to ensure that it is bearing the weight of
the heat sink.

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Remove the screws from the bottom of the heat sink.

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Remove the screws from the top of the heat sink.

Before removing the heat sink, hang an oil bucket at the bottom of the heat sink to prevent the
remaining oil from dropping and causing pollution during lifting. When removing the heat
sink, hold the heat sink to avoid collision. A heat sink is not very heavy. You only need to use
a gentle force for support. Pat attention to personal safety.

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Use clean materials to seal the installation holes of the heat sink.

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(3) Install a new heat sink.

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When a new heat sink is transported to the site, it is laid flat and fixed by a metal frame.
Secure the two ends of the heat sink using lifting ropes, and lift the entire heat sink using a
crane. Take care to avoid collision.
Place the heat sink on a soft ground. You can lay a cardboard or wooden board on the ground
and put the heat sink on it.
Remove the lifting ropes from the bottom of the heat sink and lift it to stand vertically. During
the lifting, keep the heat sink steady to prevent it from colliding with other objects and
exerting force on the corners of the heat sink.
Place the heat sink vertically on the ground. Four persons are required to hold the heat sink in
all directions. Remove the lifting ropes from the top of the heat sink, and use the metal buckle
at the front end of the crane arm to buckle the lifting hole on the heat sink.
Check the sealing rings at the installation port of the old heat sink and the sealing rings
delivered with the new heat sink. Install two good sealing rings to the sealing groove at the
installation port of the new heat sink.
Lift the new heat sink gently to the installation position (same as the removal process) to
prevent it from colliding with other objects.
Remove the sealing materials from the transformer installation port, and connect the heat sink
installation port to the transformer.
Install screws on the top of the heat sink, but do not tighten them.
Install screws on the bottom of the heat sink, but do not tighten them.
Check that the heat sink is free from misalignment and collision. Tighten the screws.

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Withdraw the crane arm.

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Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Install the horizontal bracing poles between heat sinks. There is one horizontal bracing pole at
the top and one at the bottom of the heat sinks. The installation of the new heat sink is
(4) Vacuumize the transformer (to check the sealing performance of the STS shell).
Close the valves at both ends of the gas relay and remove the gas relay.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Seal both ends of the gas relay using clean cloth or sealing plates.
Seal the conservator tank aisle holes using sealing plates.

Connect the oil pipe to the oil conduit on the top of the transformer through a flange and open
the aisle valve on the side of the gas relay.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Start vacuuming.
About one hour later, check the values displayed on the vacuum meter. When the vacuum
degree reaches 20 Pa (standard atmospheric pressure: 101 kPa), the transformer
vacuumization is complete (do not shut down the vacuum pump), indicating that the
transformer has no crack (it is difficult to pump low atmospheric pressure if there is a crack).

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

(5) Inject oil into the transformer.

Exchange the oil inlet and outlet of the vacuum oil filter and start oil injection. At the same
time, start the second oil filtering. The vacuum oil filter continues to work.

You can touch the shell of the transformer to check the oil level inside the transformer. The oil
temperature of the transformer after filtering will become higher, which can be obviously
When the transformer oil is close to the top, prepare to shut down the vacuum pump. It
involves two persons to work together. One person goes to the vacuum pump and the other
person observes the status of the vacuum tube on the top of the transformer. When the
transformer oil starts to flow out of the vacuum tube, immediately notify the person beside the
vacuum pump to shut down the vacuum pump and the oil filter, and close the oil drain valve
at the bottom of the transformer.
Close the valve on the transformer side of the gas relay and remove the vacuum flange.
Remove the baffle plate on the conservator tank side of the gas relay and install a gas relay.
Open the gas release valve on the top of the conservator tank, block the gas release port with
clean cloth (to avoid damage to the bladder), and open the gas relay valves on the conservator
tank side and on the transformer side (in this case, some space in the transformer pipe is still
in a vacuum state, so a large amount of gas will be poured into the pipe when the valve is
opened with explosion sounds and perceptible vibration). Close the gas release valve on the
top of the conservator tank.
Remove the baffle plate of on the installation hole of the dehydrating breather to allow the
bladder to breathe.
Open the gas release valve on the top of the conservator tank and block the gas release port
with clean cloth.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Start the DG, continue to inject oil, and knock the oil level gauge gently when injecting oil.
After the oil is completely injected, close the gas release valve on the top of the conservator
tank, and shut down the DG.
The bladder will shrink in the conservator tank (to prevent the bladder from blocking the oil
pipe during oil circulation).
Connect the vacuum pipe to the installation port of the dehydrating breather, and open the
vacuum pump to vacuumize the dehydrating breather for less than 10s.
Remove the vacuum pipe from the installation port of the dehydrating breather, install the
sealing baffle plate, and secure it.
The vacuum oil filter performs the oil filtering cycle.
Remove the oil pipe from the oil bucket, and connect the oil pipe to the oil drain valve on the
conservator tank.
Exchange positions of the inlet and outlet pipes of the vacuum oil filter.
Power on the oil filter and perform the vacuum oil filtering cycle of the transformer. The oil in
the transformer circulates for four times, which takes about four hours.
After the oil circulation, keep the oil filter running, close the oil drain valve at the bottom of
the transformer, and loosen the flange of the oil drain valve so that the oil filter pumps the
transformer oil in the pipeline to the oil filter.
Open the gas release plug on the top of the conservator tank and inject the remaining oil of the
oil filter into the transformer conservator tank. When the oil in the oil pipe does not flow to
the conservator tank, close the conservator tank drain valve. Remove the flange and install the
sealing cover.
(6) Bladder expansion and air exhaust in the conservator tank
Connect the nitrogen tank to the bladder breathing port and open the air exhaust plug on the
top of the conservator tank.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

One person leans on the top of the STS to observe the oil outlet of the air exhaust hole.
Another person slowly opens the valve of the nitrogen tank to inject nitrogen into the bladder.
The bladder expands to discharge the air from the conservator tank. When transformer oil
flows out of the air exhaust port on the top of the conservator tank, close the valve of the
nitrogen tank. After a while, the oil in the gas release port decreases slightly. Fill in a small
amount of nitrogen again. After the oil level in the air exhaust port does not decrease, close
the gas release port on the top.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Clean the overflowed oil stains.

Remove the flange from the bladder breathing port.
(7) Perform an oil pressure test.
Perform a transformer oil sampling test. (It is recommended that oil samples be taken 24
hours after the transformer oil is stored. If the supplier is in a hurry to take the oil sample back,
collect the oil sample first, and then store the oil sample in the lab for 24 hours before the
Install an oil drain flange at the oil drain valve at the bottom of the transformer.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Use a clean glass bottle to hold the transformer oil. Place one third of the glass bottle with oil,
close the bottle cover, shake the bottle violently, and pour out the oil. Repeat the step for
another two times. Finally, fill the whole bottle with transformer oil, close the bottle cover,
and place it properly.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Use a new injector to extract the transformer oil, extract an entire pipe of transformer oil to
exhaust the air, block the injection port using a plug, and properly place the injector.
(8) Clean the STS.
Use a high-pressure water gun to clean the transformer. Ensure that the stains flow into the
emergency oil pool.
(9) Exhaust air from the transformer heat sinks and gas relays.
After the transformer is kept in static state for 24 hours, exhaust air from the heat sinks and
gas relays of the transformer.
To exhaust air from a heat sink, use a wrench to loosen the air exhaust plug on the top of the
heat sink. The air is gradually exhausted until a small amount of oil is exhausted. Then,
tighten the air exhaust plug and clean the oil stains. Exhaust air for each heat sink.
To exhaust air from a gas relay, open the protective cover of the gas relay, remove the
protective cover of the gas release port, and open the gas release valve to exhaust gas. When
oil starts to flow out, close the gas release valve, install the protective cover of the gas release
port, clean the oil stains, and install the protective cover of the gas relay.

Gas release must be performed for three consecutive days.

12.2.8 Case 8: Replacing the Sealing Washer on the Top of a

Symptom: Oil leaks from the edge of the conservator tank on the top of a transformer.

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Cause: The sealing washer inside the top of the transformer is not properly installed, causing
oil leakage.

Solution: Replace the sealing washer.

Tools: clean oil bucket (200 liters), clean transformer oil (100 liters), plastic hose,
hand-operated oil pump, crowbars (2 PCS), M10 full-threaded bolts (1 PCS x 6, 20 cm),
screws (2 PCS x 6), nuts (2 PCS x 6), sealing washer of the same size (This sealing washer
must be of the same size. Otherwise, it is not applicable.), M10 wrenches (4 PCS, operated by
2 persons), large flat-head screwdriver, and flange (1 PCS, matching the oil drain valve port)

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 221

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Perform the following steps to replace a sealing washer:

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 224

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Power off the transformer, and ground the ground knife in cabinet G2 of the RMU.
Connect a flange to a plastic tube, and connect the flange to the oil drain valve of the
transformer. Open the gas release plug on the top of the conservator tank, and drain about 200
liters of oil from the transformer. Observe from the gas relay window to ensure only gas is left
inside. Close the valves at both ends of the gas relay and close the gas release plug on the top
of the conservator tank to ensure that all the oil is drained.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 225

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

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STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Remove all the screws (about 60 screws) from the top cover of the transformer using a
wrench. It takes about 4 hours to remove all the screws.

Insert a screwdriver to a corner of the STS edge and slowly pry up a gap between the body
and the top cover.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 227

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Insert one end of the crowbar into the tilted gap and continue to pry up the gap to about 3 cm

Insert a bolt into a screw hole on the tilted part from the top cover, install two nuts in the gap,
and then insert the spindle out from the screw hole on the body panel. Remove the crowbar.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 228

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Use the same method to insert bolts and nuts to the other three screw holes of the top cover.
The gap between the top cover and body panel is about 3 cm.

Use a wrench to rotate one nut on the top to increase the distance between the two nuts. The
top cover will be raised. Rotate the nuts in turn to lift the cover steadily. Ensure that the gap is
about 8–10 cm high with enough space for checking and replacing the sealing washer. (If the
top of the transformer is greatly deformed, secure two bolts between long panels.)

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 229

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

The onsite check shows that the sealing washer is damaged, and a replacement is required.

After the sealing washer is replaced, use a wrench to rotate the higher nut to shorten the
distance between the two nuts, with the top cover lowered. Rotate the nuts in turn to lower the
cover steadily. Stop lowering the cover until the two nuts in each set are close with each other.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 230

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Insert a crowbar into the corner gap, slightly pry up the top cover, and remove the bolts and

Use the same method to remove the other three sets of bolts and two nuts. Because of the
support of four bolts, the holes between the top cover and the body panel are in a one-to-one
mapping after the top cover is lowered, without adjustment requirements, and an installation
can be directly performed by using screws.
Open the valves at both ends of the gas relay to connect the conservator tank to the main

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 231

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Connect the hand-operated oil pump to the transformer to add clean transformer oil to the
transformer. Check whether there is oil leakage and whether the oil level gauge works

Open the gas release port of the gas relay to exhaust the gas inside.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 232

STS-(3000K, 6000K)-H1 Smart Transformer Station
Engineer Guide 12 Troubleshooting

Clean the surface of the gas relay and the surrounding oil stains. Observe the relay for three
days to check whether there is oil leakage.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 233

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