One Time Password Authentication Scheme Based

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The 5th IEEE National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards Smart World

One Time Password Authentication Scheme based

on Elliptic Curves for Internet of Things (IoT)

Shivraj V L, Rajan M A, Meena Singh, Balamuralidhar P

TCS Innovation Labs, Bangalore 560 066, India,

Email:{shivraj.vl,, meena.s1, balamurali.p}
Abstract—Establishing end-to-end authentication between de- Thus in IoT, existing communications have limited inbuilt
vices and applications in Internet of Things (IoT) is a challeng- single-factor authentication security mechanism, thus not suffi-
ing task. Due to heterogeneity in terms of devices, topology, cient to mitigate the threats and requires augmented authentica-
communication and different security protocols used in IoT, tion scheme. Hence IoT architecture needs to envisage a two-
existing authentication mechanisms are vulnerable to security factor authentication scheme to meet basic security require-
threats and can disrupt the progress of IoT in realizing Smart
City, Smart Home and Smart Infrastructure, etc. To achieve
ments such as confidentiality, integrity and availability of the
end-to-end authentication between IoT devices/applications, the devices and their communications to envisage aforementioned
existing authentication schemes and security protocols require smart applications. The first and foremost requirement of the
a two-factor authentication mechanism. Therefore, as part of communication protocols is to establish authenticity between
this paper we review the suitability of an authentication scheme the digital entities. In the literature, several authentication
based on One Time Password (OTP) for IoT and proposed schemes such as Message Authentication Code (MAC), sig-
a scalable, efficient and robust OTP scheme. Our proposed nature, One Time Password (OTP), secure token and etc., are
scheme uses the principles of lightweight Identity Based Elliptic discussed in the area of banking transactions, ad hoc networks,
Curve Cryptography scheme and Lamport’s OTP algorithm. We digital communication networks [3]–[8]. Due to heterogeneity
evaluate analytically and experimentally the performance of our in terms of computing power, storage, battery power, mobility,
scheme and observe that our scheme with a smaller key size
and lesser infrastructure performs on par with the existing OTP
peer to peer communication and functionality (sense and ac-
schemes without compromising the security level. Our proposed tuate), feasibility to adapt the existing authentication schemes
scheme can be implemented in real-time IoT networks and is need to be addressed. Going forward, most of the data from IoT
the right candidate for two-factor authentication among devices, devices are archived at IoT cloud platform (public, private) for
applications and their communications in IoT. various data analytics and also users/applications are enabled
to command the IoT devices through a platform [4]. Thus,
I. I NTRODUCTION only authenticated and authorized users/applications are able to
Revolution in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) is driving access the data and request/command IoT devices. To facilitate
numerous applications in the area of Smart City, Smart Home, this, authentication and authorization schemes for IoT needs
Smart Health and etc., to enhance the living standards of the to be addressed.
people globally. To realize this, a plethora of digital devices Smart Office
Smart Home
are deployed which communicate with each other directly Cloud
or through gateway or applications. From IoT application Smart City

perspective (Fig. 1), we envisage IoT as interconnected Appli-

cations, Devices, Gateways and Cloud platforms. Devices are Camera
grouped into different clusters wherein cluster head is denoted
as gateway. Gateway manages the devices which belong to
its cluster. Devices within the cluster communicate with each
other directly or through the gateway. Further, these gateways Washing

are managed by IoT cloud platforms. These platforms are Machine

distributed geographically and communicate with each other. Music Player

Thus to enable secured and integrated communications across Mobile

IoT, the application and devices need to authenticate each other
through a cloud platform. Moreover, communication protocols Fig. 1: IoT Architecture
differ from one application to other and are vulnerable to
different security threats. Apart from this, some of the widely
used IoT communication protocols such as MQTT (Message We classify the authentication schemes for IoT as follows:
Queue Telemetry Transport), Constrained Application Protocol (a). Two party authentication through a trusted party with
(CoAP) have no inbuilt security mechanisms [1]. Though key exchange [5], (b). Mutual authentication schemes [9].
CoAP and other protocols for IoT have augmented security (c). Directed path based authentication scheme (DPAS) [6],
solutions such as Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), (d). Session key based authentication [10], (e). Two way
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security authentication [7], (f). Group authentication [11] and (g). One
(TLS), they are vulnerable to known threats [1], [2]. time password (OTP) and SecureID Authentication Schemes

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The 5th IEEE National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards Smart World

[8], [12], [13]. From these schemes (a-g), we infer that most from the IoT perspective. Our proposed OTP scheme, based
of the schemes are dependent on the particular type of IoT on IBE curve and Lamport’s OTP algorithm is described in
architecture and used at different layers of IoT protocol stack. Section III. Security analysis of proposed OTP protocol is de-
With regards to security, they are prone to attacks, most scribed in Section IV. In Section V, Results and comparison of
of these schemes need local key management and require our proposed OTP schemes against the existing OTP schemes
infrastructure for storing the keys, hence vulnerable to key are analysed. Finally the paper is concluded in Section VI.
thefts [4], [5].
Gateway-i CLOUD Gateway-k As discussed earlier, the strengths and weaknesses of sev-
eral authentication schemes and their mitigations are proposed
request OTP(CLOUD_B
Gateway-k DEVICE-B1)
in [3]–[8]. OTP based on One Way Function (RSA) is proposed
by Bicakci et al. [16]. RSA based OTP and SecureID token
send generated OTP
algorithms were broken and attacks are reported worldwide
request information (OTP) [17]. It is shown that using number theoretic concepts such
validate OTP and send information as Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), Multiple Polynomial
Quadratic Sieve (MPQS), attacks such as Integer Factorization,
Discrete Logarithmic, Quantum Factoring, Forward, Fixed
Fig. 2: Inter Cloud OTP scheme in IoT Point, Partial Key Exposure, Square Root, etc., are possible
against RSA scheme. Yeh et al. proposed OTP based authen-
Thus we strongly argue that due to the larger deployment tication scheme based on challenge response model [16]. This
of the IoT devices and are connected to the Internet, relying scheme suffers from pre-play and impersonate attacks [16].
upon a single authentication scheme is a security risk, hence a Further, Linear Secret Sharing (LSS) based OTP generation is
two-factor authentication scheme is a requirement for enabling described in [18]. In [8], the author introduced the concept
security of IoT devices and applications. Here an application of OTP to envisage password authentication over insecure
or device requires an information from a remote device or need channel. S/Key OTP system is designed based on Lamport’s
to control a device, which is located elsewhere and does not OTP algorithm. Goyal et al. proposed an efficient OTP algo-
belong to same gateway/cloud and also uses different security rithm [19] to authenticate device for (t + 1)th time, it needs
protocol or scheme. In such scenarios, enabling authentication to submit the (t)th received OTP. But this scheme requires
is cumbersome. In such circumstances, an application/ device reinitialization.
can request the central cloud (cf. Fig. 2) to generate OTP Based on Lamport’s OTP algorithm, other OTP mecha-
and central cloud generates and distributes the OTP to both nisms based on HMAC (HOTP, TOTP) are discovered [12],
the application/device and remote device. In order to get [13]. Further, TOTP uses HMAC based OTP schemes with
authenticated, application/device submits its authentication in- MD5, SHA1, SHA256 AND SHA512 are depicted in [13].
formation along with the OTP to the remote device. The remote Though HMAC based authentication schemes are standardized
device validates the application/device request authenticity by by NIST, ANSI, IETF and are used in Secure Socket Layer
OTP validation along with the authentication information and (SSL), TLS, IPSec, etc., protocols, are prone to attacks such
process the requested information Thus use of OTP along as birthday, forgery, full key recovery and collision [20]–[22].
with the existing authentication scheme for enabling a two-
factor authentication is sufficient and necessary requirement To overcome this, OTP based on bilinear paring is dis-
to mitigate the aforementioned security risks/threats and also cussed in [23]. However, bilinear pairing based scheme is
handles weakness of OTP scheme such as replay and man computationally complex and practically deploying for authen-
in the middle attacks [3], [14], [15]. Hence, we discuss the ticating transactions may be infeasible. Hence we argue that
adaptability of a particular class of authentication schemes our proposed OTP generation technique which is based on the
such as OTP and SecureID token schemes for IoT devices principles of IBE-ECC which does not require storage of the
in Cloud. private information of the users/devices for generating OTP is
a feasible solution for authenticating IoT devices/applications
Based on the literature survey, most of the existing OTP and communications between them.
schemes such as Hash based OTP (HOTP), Time Synchronized
HMAC-SHA512 and Lamports OTP are described in general BASED E LLIPTIC C URVE
and not specific to IoT. Hence as part of our work, we evaluate
the suitability of these schemes for IoT through analytical Identity based cryptography is a public key cryptosystem
analysis and propose efficient lightweight OTP scheme based introduced by Shamir [24]. Further, elliptic curve based pair-
on Identity Based Elliptic Curve Cryptography (IBE-ECC) and ing was developed by Boneh and Franklin [25]. We adapt
evaluate the performance of OTP scheme over some of the lightweight IBE-ECC to design a novel OTP scheme, which is
existing OTP schemes and extend the Lamports OTP scheme a suitable candidate for authenticating IoT devices and appli-
by using IBE-ECC technique. cations. To envisage this, PKG performs the job of the OTP
generator and validator at IoT cloud platform (cf. Fig.1). In
The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes a
the following subsections, we propose a novel OTP generation
related work on existing OTP techniques and their limitations
scheme using IBE-ECC.

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The 5th IEEE National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards Smart World

A. Proposed OTP Generation To overcome these limitations, we propose an IBE curve

OTP scheme and replace the hash function in Lamport’s
Analogous to IBE-ECC scheme, we model OTP generation
OTP algorithm (cf. Algorithm-1) with our proposed function
scheme in the following four phases
based on IBE scheme. Here initial input to the algorithm
• Setup: In setup phase, PKG generates a pair of prime is device/application identity, time, counter and public pa-
numbers p and q (with p = (2)n ± c, where c ≤ log2 n rameters. Initially algorithm computes the secret key of the
and p ≡ 3(mod 4) and q | p + 1), super singular device/application which is a torsion group point and a new
elliptic curve, torsion point P and a master secret key torsion point is computed by using the x component of the
msk. As discussed in [26], we use these cryptographic current torsion point and time (see step 9 of Algorithm-1).
parameters to optimize the computations over elliptic Thus algorithm repeatedly computes the new torsion point
curve and thus our proposed scheme is lightweight. from the previous torsion point and time till the desired number
of times the operation needs to be performed (see steps 1 to 15
• Extract: In extract phase, the IoT Applications and of Algorithm-1). The output of the algorithm is an OTP which
Devices register to PKG with their identity and obtain can be a truncated value of x component of the resultant torsion
both public and private keys. Note that, both keys are point (see step 16 of Algorithm-1).
torsion points on elliptic curve. For instance, a device
with device id Dev id obtains a public key which is Algorithm 1 : Identity based elliptic curve OTP scheme
a torsion point on elliptic curve PDev id and a private
key skeyDev id which is also a torsion point obtained
2: Input: Device/Application identity Dev App ID, current
by using
time t, counter, public torsion point P , Equation of
skeyDev id = [msk]PDev id . (1) Elliptic Curve y 2 = Ax3 + Bx2 + C, PKG Master Key
msk, field prime number p, prime torsion group order q
• Generate: In generate phase, application 3: Compute Device/Application public key which is a torsion
requests/sends data/command from/to IoT device point on elliptic curve P ublicDev App
(with id Dev id) at an instance of time treq , through 4: Compute Device/Application private key which is also a
a cloud platform. Then PKG at IoT cloud generates torsion point P rivateDev App = [msk]P ublicDev App
the private key of the device skeyDev id which is a 5: xcomponent = P rivateDev App .x
torsion point on the elliptic curve and computes the 6: newT P = P rivateDev App
new torsion point for the given instance of time using 7: loop = 0
the equation 8: while TRUE do
OT Ptreq = [treq ]skeyDev id . (2) 9: newT P = [(t + xcomponent)mod(q)]newT P
10: loop = loop + 1
and extracts the required information to form OT Ptreq 11: if loop ≥ counter then
from this new point and sends it to both the device 12: BREAK
and application. 13: end if
• Validate: In validate phase, the application commu- 14: xcomponent = newT P.x
nicates with the device by submitting OT Ptr eq and 15: end while
device verifies the OTP with that of received one 16: return (newT P.x)
(from IoT cloud) and on successful verification it 17: END
accomplishes required task.
To ensure more security, we adapt Lamport’s OTP algorithm As part of OTP protocol system, application/device in IoT
based on IBE-ECC. submits its identity to the cloud platform to get access to the
device and PKG in the cloud generates the OTP using the
B. Proposed OTP Generation Scheme using Lamport’s OTP Algorithm-1 and shares the OTP to both the Application and
algorithm Device and authentication/validation of the device/application
is done through received OTP from the cloud and the applica-
Lamport’s OTP generation algorithm is based on successive tion/device.
computation of hash function over some random n number of
times with initial random seed. Formally, let H(x) be the hash IV. S ECURITY A NALYSIS
function which takes x as its random seed. Then the Lamport’s
technique computes OTP which is H n (x) We state and prove that the hardness of our proposed
OTP generation algorithm based on Lamport’s OTP technique
H n (x) = H n (H n−1 (H n−2 (...........H 2 (H(x))).....)). (3) is equivalent to solving Computational DiffieHellman (CDH)
The sequence of passwords generated by the above equation (see the following lemmas). Formally CDH is defined as
is H n (x), H n−1 (x),.......H 2 (x),H(x), x. Some of the variants “Computing a new torsion group point [ab]P for a given
of Hash function based Lamport’s OTP algorithm are S/Key, < P, [a]P, [b]P > is hard” [25], [27]. We analyse the hardness
Goyal et al. scheme, HOTP and TOTP. Bicakci et al., scheme of our OTP generation algorithm with respect to (w.r.t) the
is based on RSA public key system. Hash based Lamport’s following situations. Let Dev1 and Dev2 are any two random
OTP scheme and its variants are prone to attacks and other devices of IoT and t1 and t2 are any two random time
schemes are computationally intensive [16], [17]. instances.

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The 5th IEEE National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards Smart World

Android Mobile Device
3000 The primary goal of this paper is to analyse both math-
Time (ms)

ematically and experimentally, the suitability of existing au-

2000 thentication system based on OTP for IoT and also devise an
efficient OTP scheme for IoT. As part of this, we implemented
OTP schemes based on Lamport, HOTP, TOTP, Goyal et al.,
Bicakci et al., Chefranov and Yeh et al. and also our proposed
64 128 160 256 512 OTP scheme based on lightweight ECC [26] and Lamport’s
Size of Prime Number (bits)
OTP schemes in JAVA 6.
Fig. 3: Performance of IBE-ECC based OTP Algorithm on
android smart phone and Server A. System Setup
For experimentation purpose, we deployed OTP schemes
Lemma 1: Computing new OTP from the known OTP of on a desktop and a mobile phone (cf. Table-I). The OTP
a device is CDH. generation is deployed at a server whose configuration is
mentioned in (cf. Table-I). We conducted load testing at the
Proof: Let OT Pt1 and OT Pt2 are the OTPs generated at server with varying number of OTP generation requests. To
two different instances of time t1 and t2 respectively for Dev1 enable this, we envisaged multi-thread programming in Java.
and are given by
OT Pt1 = [t1 ]skeyDev 1 (4) TABLE I: Experimental Setup
OT Pt2 = [t2 ]skeyDev 1 (5) Computing Environment Desktop, Server, Android Phone
Server Hardware Intel Core i5-2400 CPU@3.10 Ghz
From the known OTPs OT Pt1 and OT Pt2 , computing the OTP Server Primary Memory 4 GB
Server Operating System Windows 7, 32 bit
OT Pt3 for the device Dev1 at t3 with t3 > t2 > t1 is CDH. Web server Apache Tomcat-6.0.33
Android Phone OS Kitkat (4.4.2)

Lemma 2: Computing OTP for a device/application from

the known OTP of another device at same instance of time is TABLE II: Parameters for OTP Evaluation
CDH. OTP Size (bits) 64, 128, 160, 256, 512
Proof: Let OT PtDev1 and OT PtDev2 are the OTPs gener- HMAC Technique
ECC Curve Details
MD5, SHA-[1, 256, 512]
y 2 = x3 + x
ated for the two devices Dev1 and Dev2 at time t respectively
and are given by B. Performance Analysis
OT PtDev1 = [t]skeyDev 1 (6) We conducted performance analysis in two phases. In the
first phase, we experimented to evaluate the performance of the
OT PtDev2 = [t]skeyDev 2 (7) aforementioned OTP schemes and our proposed OTP scheme
By CDH definition computing OT PtDev2 from the given w.r.t. computation time against parameters (cf. Table-II). We
OT PtDev1 without knowing skeyDev 2 is CDH and in general randomly generated OTPs for random number of devices for
this is applicable for more than two devices and OTPs (known). a given instance of time and tabulated the mean computation
time to generate the OTPs. In the second phase, we computed
the expectation of time taken to generate simultaneous OTPs
Lemma 3: Computing OTP for a device/application from (in 10, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 numbers) by the aforemen-
the known OTP of another device at different instance of time tioned OTP algorithms at server (cf. Table-I). Note that, though
is CDH. in all the plots we consider OTP sizes much greater than six
Proof: Let OT PtDev 1
and OT PtDev2
are the OTPs gen- digits, to the end user only truncated six digits of OTP is
1 2
erated for the two devices Dev1 and Dev2 at time t1 and t2 transmitted and verified. The truncation can be adaptable to any
respectively and are given by number of required OTP digits and computation time remains
OT PtDev1
= [t1 ]skeyDev 1 (8)
1 Fig. 3 describes the OTP generation based on our proposed
OT PtDev2
= [t2 ]skeyDev 2 (9) IBE-ECC algorithm deployed on android mobile phone and
Server. The time taken to compute the OTP is plotted for
By CDH definition computing OT PtDev2
from the given various OTP sizes mentioned in Table-II. The computation
Dev1 times are averaged with various time instants and device
OT Pt1 without knowing skeyDev 2 is hard.
ids. From the figure as expected computational complexity
Lemma 4: Computing OTP for a device/application from increases with the OTP size. The OTP computation time on
the known OTP of same/another device at same/different server is much less when compared with that of mobile. Thus it
instance of time based on Lamport’s OTP algorithm is CDH. is evident from our arguments that OTP generation algorithm
Proof: By Lemmas 1-4, this lemma is proved. Thus OTP needs to be deployed at IoT cloud server rather than at the
generation based on Lamport’s OTP algorithm is stronger devices.

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The 5th IEEE National Symposium on Information Technology: Towards Smart World

x 10
8 cations. To authenticate and perform communication between
Bicakci et al.
ECC−Lamport them, a robust, scalable and efficient authentication scheme is
Time (ns) 6
required. Thus proposed OTP schemes are scalable and with
a smaller key size, greater security can be achieved along
with two-factor authentication. Further due to heterogeneity of
devices and applications, IoT requires heterogeneous authenti-
cation schemes. By tuning the key sizes in our proposed OTP
64 128 160 256 512
schemes, this is achievable. Hence we argued and shown that,
Size of Prime Number (bits) OTP based on IBE-ECC is the right candidate for enabling
authentication in IoT.
Fig. 4: Performance of Bicakci et al.’s and Lamport’s OTP
based on IBE-ECC 1000
x 10 HMAC−SHA1
12 800

Time (ms)
10 600
Yeh et al.
Time (ns)

Lamport 400
Goyal et al.

2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of Requests Served
Hash Algorithms Fig. 6: Load testing: HMAC-OTP on Server
Fig. 5: Performance of hash-OTP generation algorithms
x 10
64 bit Prime Number
Fig. 4 describes the OTP generation time based on Bicakci 2.5 128 bit Prime Number
160 bit Prime Number
et al. and our proposed IBE-ECC Lamport algorithm (100 Time (ms) 2 256 bit Prime Number
successive OTPs are generated and the time taken to compute 512 bit Prime Number

the 100th OTP is plotted) for various OTP sizes (cf. Table-II).

The computation times are averaged with various time instance
and device/application ids. From the figure it is expected 0.5

that as the OTP size increase, computational complexity also 0

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
increases and also our proposed algorithm takes more time Number of Requests Served
when compared to Bickci et al. algorithm. Note that 160 bit
OTP based on IBE-ECC Lamport is equivalent to 1024 bit Fig. 7: Load testing: Proposed scheme based on IBE-ECC-OTP
OTP based on RSA technique. on server
Fig. 5 describes the performance analysis of variants of
HOTP, TOTP, Chefranov, Yeh et al., Lamport and Goyal et 8
x 10

al. algorithms. Further computation time of TOTP algorithm 64 bit Prime Number
128 bit Prime Number
is more in comparison with HOTP algorithm and less in 6 160 bit Prime Number
Time (ms)

comparison with ECC based OTP algorithm. Figures. 6-10 256 bit Prime Number
512 bit Prime Number
describe the load test analysis of various OTP generation
algorithms at server. Results are tabulated based on time taken 2
to compute number of simultaneous OTPs generated.
From these experimental results, though our proposed OTP 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
generation based on IBE-ECC and IBE-ECC Lamport takes Number of Requests Served
more time when compared to other schemes, security with
a 160 bit OTP size, our proposed scheme offers equivalent Fig. 8: Load testing: Proposed scheme based on IBE-ECC-
(almost) security of 1024 bit RSA. Note that from the experi- Lamport-OTP on server
mental results, time complexity of our proposed scheme (with
a 160 bit OTP size) is approximately similar to that of other 5000
OTP schemes (cf. Figures 3, 4 Vs 5 and Figures 7-8 Vs 6, 10). HMAC−MD5
In addition to this, our proposed OTP generation algorithms 4000
Time (ms)

based on IBE-ECC, PKG doesn’t require any infrastructure 3000


(and hence less vulnerable to attacks) for user management

w.r.t private information, as it can be generated using PKG’s
master secret key and also we have used lightweight IBE- 1000
ECC algorithms. On the other hand, existing OTP schemes
do require infrastructure (and hence vulnerable to attacks) and 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of Requests Served
As discussed in IoT, there are plethora of devices and appli- Fig. 9: Load testing: HMAC-Lamport-OTP on server

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