Work Book 01

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Unit 1 - All About Me

We’re Neighbors!

Answering personal questions

1. Complete the dialogues with the questions below.

How old are you? • How are you? • What’s your address?
What’s your name? • What’s your phone number? • Can I help you?

b. _________________?
How old are you
a. What·s your address?

I’m 24.
18 Farm Road.

d. _________________?
c. _________________?
What´s is your phone number
What´s your name

It’s 789-4567.
Sarah Jones.

f. _________________?
Can i help ou
e. _________________?
How are you

I’d like to register

Fine, thank you. for classes.

2. Read about Fernando and Clara. Complete the text with the words below.

student • neighbors • Road • I’m

Hi! I’m Fernando. a I·m 21. I’m a b ________.

student I live on 17 Philips c _________.
This is Clara. She lives on 16 Philips Road. We’re ________.

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I’m Tom Smith

Introducing yourself

1. Put the dialogue in the correct order.

a. I’m from Mexico.

b. Nice to meet you. I’m Ana Lopez.
c. Where are you from, Ana?
d. Hi, I’m Paulo Scardi.

1. d 2. ___
b 3. ___
c 4. ___

2. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

I’m • England • Where • from • meet

Sue: Hi, a Im Sue Jones.

Tony: Nice to b _________

meed you, Sue. I’m Tony Roberts.

Sue: c _________
where are you from?

Tony: I’m from d _________.

England Where are you from?

Sue: I’m e _________

from the United States.

3. Mark the correct word.

a. Nice to meet / I’m / from you.

b. Nice / Where / How are you from?

c. Hi, you’re / we’re / I’m Tom Smith.

d. I’m ne / from / to the United States.

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Register Today!

Reading an ad

1. Look at the text below. What is it? Mark the correct answer.
a. an ad
b. a letter
c. an application form

EEng es!!
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r rinfinf maon
orati tion
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juan @hig
road coeg
dcoll gedu
llee.e .edu

2. Read the text again and mark the sentences true ( ) or false ( ).

a. The name of the college is Juan Fernandez.

b. The address of the college is 15 High Road, Trenton. ✔

c. You can email Juan Fernandez for information. ✔

d. The English classes are only in the morning.

e. The phone number of the college is 987-4456. ✔

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Steve’s Application Form

Completing an application form

1. Read the application form and mark the sentences true ( ) or false ( ).

Parker Community College

Application Form

Name: Sam Hill

Age: 21
Address: 22 Main Street, Miami, Florida
Country: United States
Telephone: (305) 768-5599

a. The name of the college is Sam Hill Community College.

b. Sam Hill is 21. ✔
c. Sam is from Mexico. ✔

d. Sam lives on 24 Main Street. ✔

e. Sam’s phone number is (305) 768-5599. ✔

f. Sam’s email is

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2. Complete the application form with the words below.

Name • Email • Age • Address • Telephone • Country

Parker Community College

Application Form
a. Name : Sam Hill
b. age : 21
c. address : 22 Main Street, Miami, Florida
d. Country : United States
e. Telephone : (305) 768-5599
f. Email :

3. You are applying to Parker Community College. Complete the

application form with information about yourself.

Parker Community College

Application Form

Name: Darío Ramírez

Age: 20

Address: Tegucigalpa, calle los Alcaldes,col. Las Torres

Country: Honduras

Telephone: 95747826


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Numbers 21-100

Practicing numbers
1. Circle the correct word.

a. 21: twenty / twenty-one / twenty-two

b. 45: forty- ve / fourteen / fty-four

c. 57: seventy- ve / thirty- ve / fty-seven

d. 66: fty-six / sixty-six / seventy-eight

e. 92: twenty-three / ninety-two / eighty-one

2. Write the correct words under the numbers. Use the words below.

eighty • forty • ninety • twenty • fty

sixty • one hundred • thirty • seventy • ten

10 60
a. ten 40 f. _________
sixty 90
d. _________
forty i. _________

20 70
b. _________
twenty 50 g. _________
e. _________
j. _________

30 80
one hundred

c. _________
thirty h. _________

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