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I. LISTENING (5 points) (0.2/câu x 25=5)

Part 1:
1. flashy technology
2. independent (films) (không có chữ ‘film’ vẫn chấm đúng, nếu có chữ ‘film’ mà không có ‘-s’ vẫn
chấm đúng)
3. several hundred million
4. a hook/ a high concept (thiếu ‘a’ trừ 0.1)
5. plot-driven and character-driven storylines (thiếu –s trừ 0.1)
Part 2:
6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T
Part 3:
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
Part 4: (phải đúng như đáp án mới có điểm, nếu sai 1 lỗi trong đáp án (như thiếu giới từ, thiếu –s, thiếu
‘a’, ‘an’, ‘and’, etc.) còn 0.1, sai từ 2 lỗi trở lên thì mất hết điểm)
16. a humbling testimony 21. an onion /onions
17. supernatural beings 22. slow and expensive
18. in its heyday 23. burial
19. (very few) inscriptions 24. high status / a ruler
20. stone tipped spears 25. digging
II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (2 points) (0.1/câux20=2)
Part 1:
26. A 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. B 32. D 33.
34. A 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. C
Part 2:
41. misrule/unruliness 42. tyrannical 43. unspeakable
44. unbalanced 45. succession/successor

III. READING (5 points) (0.1/câux50=5)

Part 1:
46. more 47. by 48. abreast 49. something/places 50. on
51. but 52. depend/rely/lean/count/bank 53. sharp/keen/good
54. task/goal/aim/objective/end/mission 55. reduce/cut
Part 2:
56. x 57. iv 58. i 59. viii 60. vi 61. NOT GIVEN
62. FALSE 63. TRUE 64. FALSE 65. D 66. F 67. H 68. I
Part 3:
69. C 70. G 71. E 72. A 73. H 74. F 75. B
Part 4:
76. C 77. B 78. D 79. D 80. A 81. C 82. A
Part 5
83. F 84. A 85. C 86. E 87. A 88. D 89. B
90. F 91. B 92. C 93. D 94. E 95. E

IV. WRITING (6 points)

Part 1: (1.5 points)
Contents: 1 point
Page 1 of 3 pages
The summary MUST cover the following points:
- The urgent need for new environmentally-friendly energy sources
- Biofuels and landfill gas
- Nuclear power
- ‘Renewable’ energy sources
The summary MUST NOT contain personal opinions (a penalty of 0.1 point to 0.2 point will be
given to personal opinions found in the answer.)
Language Use: 0.5 point
The summary:
- should show attempts to convey the main ideas of the original text by means of paraphrasing
(structural and lexical use). (0.3 points)
- should demonstrate the correct use of grammatical structures, vocabulary and mechanics (spelling,
punctuation). (0,1 point)
- should maintain coherence, cohesion, unity throughout (by means of linkers and transitional
devices). (0.1 point)
Part 2: (1.5 points)
Contents: 1 point
The report MUST cover the following points:
- Introduce the charts and state the overall trends and striking features (0.4 points)
- Describe main features with relevant data from the charts and make relevant comparisons (0.6
The report MUST NOT contain personal opinion (a penalty of 0.1 point to 0.2 point will be given to
personal opinions found in the answer.)
Language Use: 0.5 point
The report:
- should demonstrate a wide variety of lexico and grammatical structures. (0.3 points)
- should have correct use of words (verb tenses, word forms); and mechanics (spelling, punctuations,
…) (0.2 point)
Part 3: (3 points)
Criteria Points
1 Introduction: 0.5
- Introduction is presented. 0.3
- It has a clear thesis statement. 0.2
2 Body: 1
- It should have at least two body paragraphs. 0.6
- Ideas are well-organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and unity.
- Ideas are adequately supported and elaborated with relevant explanations, 0.2
examples, evidence, personal experience, etc. 0.2
3 Conclusion: 0.5
- summaries the main points 0.3
- offers personal opinions (prediction, recommendation, consideration, …) on 0.2
the issue.
4. Language Use: The essay should 1
- demonstrate of a variety of topic-related vocabulary 0.2
- have excellent use of control of grammatical structures 0.2
- have a length of around 350 words 0.2
- have correct punctuation and no spelling mistakes 0.2
- have legible handwriting 0.2
Total 3.0
Lưu ý:
- Nếu thí sinh vừa chọn đáp án ở phần A, B … vừa ghi vào phần Your Answers thì chấm phần đáp án ở
phần Your Answers.
- Nếu thí sinh chỉ làm ở phần A, B … thì vẫn chấm.

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