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FEELING THE BEAT (MOVEMENT EXERCISE) Exercise to establish a class beat.

Directions: Ask the class to tap their shoulders on the beat. Do not establish the pulse. As the class taps you will notice that everyone has a different tempo. Instruct the class to watch their neighbors in an effort to establish the class beat. Everyone should be tapping the same beat by the end of the exercise. It may take a bit of time for this to happen. Remind the class that when we play or sing together, in an ensemble, we must all watch and listen to one another. WHERES YOUR RIGHT HAND, WHERES YOUR LEFT? Directions: The song told us that we would be playing an instrument. In order to play the keyboard it is important to recognize the difference between our right and left hands. Student Help: Students will discover that when they hold up their hands and stretch out their thumbs their left hand forms the shape of the letter L for Left. Sing: the following parody to the tune of Frere Jacque. Remember, if you are facing the class reverse your left and right. Teacher sings: Teacher shows class as she/he sings: Teacher sings: Teacher shows class as he/she sings: Teacher sings: Wheres your right hand? Heres my right hand. Wheres your left? Heres my left. Uptown is my right hand, Downtown is my left hand. Heres the test Which ones best?

Supporting Materials: A. Parody of the following song. B. Workbook 1. Identify LH and RH. 2. Left/ Right coloring page.

basic music skills 2 keys to the organ




On the palm of the hands below write L for LEFT HAND and R for RIGHT HAND.

basic music skills 3 keys to the organ

Directions: Listen to the following rap and follow the instructions. Be sure to keep a steady beat. To make your fingers like a ball place your RH fingertips on your LH fingertips.


Make your fingers like a ball, Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle them all. Remember your thumbs are number 1. Wiggle one and start the fun. Now, lets wiggle number 2. Its a challenge, but not for you. Wiggle, wiggle on the beat. Soon well play a piece thats neat. Wiggle, waggle number three, This ones harder, you will see. Threes the middle of the pack. Wiggle three and dont look back. Now its time to wiggle four Close to five - not many more. Fours the hardest one of all, Keep your hand in the shape of a ball. Last of all theres number 5 This is easy, now lets jive! Wiggle up (move hands up) and wiggle down (move hands down), Wiggle all around the town (move hands in a circle).

basic music skills 4 keys to the organ

When preparing students to play the keyboard it is more important that they feel the correct hand position rather than hear a description from the teacher about the correct hand position. The following strategies allow the students to experience good position, away from the keyboard. Younger students often learn to respond to a new concept with reflex speed when practiced during a game. Students are more apt to become involved physically and psychologically if they are having a good time. Too many students become tense and self conscious if the teacher even mentions their hand position, especially if they are struggling with innumerable other playing requirements at the beginning of their study. FIRM FINGERS AND FLEXIBLE ARMS AND WRISTS If you have bell choirs utilize the same tables and the foam for dampening the bells. Have the students stand behind the table. Here, the student has a relaxed opportunity to concentrate on the strength of the finger tip, the tunnel under the knuckles, and the arch of the hand, without looking for the keys and actually playing them. Ask the class to hang on with one finger. The teacher should then walk around the table and try to lift the fingers off the table. By using the idea of hanging on the students are learning the combination of firm fingers and flexible arms and wrists. EXERCISE FOR RELAXED ARMS Have the students raise their hands high above their head. Ask the students to allow their hands to fall to his/her side. Notice that when the hands bounce slightly the students will experience the feeling of relaxed arms. EXERCISE FOR LIGHTNESS WITHOUT TENSION Often method books suggest that students shape their hand as if they were holding a ball. If the student picks up a cotton ball, rather than a regular ball, he/she has an immediate sensation of lightness. The fingers are curved, the knuckles are arched and there is no tightness along the hand or the arm. EXERCISE FOR RELAXED HAND, ARCHED KNUCKLES AND CURVED FINGERS Good hand position can be experienced when students observe how their hand looks when picking up a pencil with their fingertips. Next, roll, swing or slowly shake the wrist and elbow while the pencil remains in a light grasp.
basic music skills 5 keys to the organ

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