10 TH Kalviexpress Sci Unit 15

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1. ____ refers to the changes in the environmental condition, that are detected by
receptors present in the body.
● Stimulus
2. Relevant changes in the activities of organisms to a particular stimuli are called their
_____ or _____.
● Reactions or responses
3. working together of various organs in a systematic, controlled and efficient way to produce
proper response to various stimuli is called ______
● Coordination.
4. In animals including human the coordination between the various cells and organs is
essential for their diverse activities to maintain physiological balance called _____
● Homeostasis
5. Nervous systemis formed of three distinct components namely the neurons, ______ and
● Neuroglia and nerve fibres
6. _____ or ____ is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system
● Neuron or nervecell
7. Neuron is the longest cell of the human body with a length of over _____
● 100mm

8. _____ cells are highly specialised to detect, receive and transmit different kinds of
● Neuron
9. Information is conducted through neurons in the form of ______ from one part of the body to
● Electrical impulses
10. Neuroglia are also called as _____
● Glial cells
11. _____ are non-exciting, supporting cell of the nervous system and do not initiate or
conduct nerve impulses.
● Neuroglia
12. The nerve fibres are the long slender processes of _____
● Neurons.
13. Number of nerve fibres are bundled up together to form ______
● Neuron
14. Cyton is also called cell body or _____
● Perikaryon.
15. Cyton has a central nucleus with abundant cytoplasm called ____
● Neuroplasm.
16. The cytoplasm has large granular body called _____ and the other typical cell organelles.
● Nissl’s granules
17. Neurons do not have the ability to
● Divide
18. Several ____ are present in the cytoplasm that help in transmission of nerve impulses to
and from the cell body.
● Neurofibrils
19. ____ are the numerous branched cytoplasmic processes that project from the surface of
the cell body.
● Dentrite
20. ____ conduct nerve impulses towards the cyton.
● Dentrite
21. _____ increase the surface area for receiving the signals from other nerve cells.
● Dentrite
22.The ____ is a single, elongated, slender projection.
● Axon
23. The end of axon terminates as fine branches which terminate into knob like swellings called
● Synaptic knob
24. The plasma membrane of axon is called ____
● Axolemma
25. The cytoplasm of axon is called
● Axoplasm

26.The axons may be covered by a protective sheath called _____

Myelin sheath
27. Axon is further covered by a layer of Schwann cells called___
28. Myelin sheath breaks at intervals by depressions called
● Nodes of Ranvier
29. The region between the nodes of axon is called as
● Internode
30. ____ acts as insulator and ensures rapid transmission of nerve impulses.
● Myelin sheath
31. A junction between synaptic knob of axon of one neuron and dendron of next neuron is
● Synaptic junction
32. Information from one neuron can pass to another neuron through these junctions with the
release of chemicals known as ____ from the synaptic knob.
● Neurotransmitters
33. ____ neuron has only one nerve process arises from the cyton which acts as both axon and
● Unipolar neuron
34. In ___ type of neuron cyton gives rise to two nerve processes of which one acts as an
axon while another as a dendron.
● Bipolar neuron
35. In ____ neuron cyton gives rise to many dendrons and an axon.
● Multipolar neuron
36. Neuron which found only in early embryos but not in adult is ___
● Unipolar neuron
37. ____ Neurons are found in retina of eye and olfactory epithelium of nasal chambers.
● Bipolar neuron
38. Multipolar neurons are found in ____
● cerebral cortex of brain
39. Sensory or afferent neurons which carry impulses from the ____ to ____
● Sense organ to the central nervous system
40. ____ neurons carry impulses from the central nervous system to effector organ such as the
muscle fibre or the gland.
● Motor or efferent
41. Association neurons conduct impulses betweeen ___ and ___
● Sensory and motor neuron
42. Nerve fibres are of two types based on the presence or absence of ____
● Myelin sheath
43. In ___ the axon is covered with myelin sheath.
● myelinated nerve fibre
44. If he axon is not covered by myelin sheathit is called as ____
● Non - myelinated nerve fibre
45. Myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibres form the ____ and ____ of the brain.

● White matter and grey matter
46. All the information from the environment are detected by the ___ located in our sense
● Receptor
47. Information from the receptors is transmitted as electrical impulse and is received by the
____ of the neuron.
● Dendritic tips
48. The flow of nerve impulses from axonal end of one neuron to dendrite of another neuron
through a synapse is called _____
● Synaptic transmission.
49. Each neuron can transmit ___ nerve impulses per second and make as many as ten
thousands of synaptic contacts with other neurons.
● 1,000
50. The important neurotransmitter released by neurons is called ____
● Acetylcholine
51. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals which allow the transmission of nerve impulse from the
axon terminal of one neuron to the dendron of another ___ or to an ____.
● Neuron , Effector organ
52. Human nervous system is differentiated into ___ , ___ and ___.
● CNS, PNS and ANS
53. The ___ acts as centre for information processing and control.
● Central nervous system
54. Central nervous system consists of the __ and the ___
● Brain and Spinal cord.
55. The ___ is made up of the nerves which connect the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the
● Peripheral nervous system
56. The ____ nervous system is formed of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
● Autonomic nervous system
57. Brain is covered by three connective tissue membrane which protect the brain from
mechanical injury.
● Meninges
58. ____ is the outermost thick fibrous membrane.
● Duramatar
59. ___ membrane of brain is the middle, thin vascular membrane which providing web like
● Arachnoid membrane
60. Arachnoid means ___.
● Spider
61. ____ is the innermost, thin delicate membrane richly supplied with blood.
● Piamater
62. Arachnoid membrane and piamater are the two meningeal membranes are called as ___
● Leptomeninges
63. When fluid surrounding the meninges becomes infected it leads to an inflammation of the

meninges. This condition is called as ____.

64. The most common causes of meningitis are ___ and ___ infections.
Virus and Bacteria
65. A human brain is formed of three main parts namely ___ ,____ and ___.
● Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain.
66.The forebrain is formed of ___,___ and also consists of dorsal thalamus and ventral
● Cerebrum and diencephalon
67. ___ is the largest portion of brain forming nearly two third of the brain.
● Cerebrum
68. The cerebrum is longitudinally divided into two halves as right and left cerebral
hemispheres by a deep cleft called ____.
● Median cleft.
69. Two cerebral hemispheres are interconnected by thick band of nerve fibres called___.
● Corpus callosum
70. The outer portion of each cerebral hemisphere is formed of grey matter and is called ___
● Cerebral cortex.
71. The inner or deeper part of cerebrum is formed of white matter and is called ____
● Cerebral medulla
72. The cortex is extremely folded forming elevations called ____ with depressions between
them termed as ___ that increase its surface area.
● Gyri and sulci
73. Each cerebral hemisphere is divisble into a frontal lobe, a parietal lobe, a ___ and an ___.
● Temporal lobe , Occipital lobe.
74. Lobes of cerebrum are also known as ____ and are associated with specific functions.
● Cerebral lobes
75. ___ is present in cerebral medulla and it is a major conducting centre for sensory and
motor signalling.
● Thalamus
76. Thalamus. Is acts as a ____
● Relay centre
77. Hypothalamus It lies at the base of the ____.
● Thalamus
78. ____ controls involuntary functions like hunger, thirst, sleep, sweating, sexual desire, anger,
fear, water balance, blood pressure etc.
● Hypothalamus
79. ____ acts as a thermoregulatory (temperature control) center of the body.
● Hypothalamus
80. ___ is an important link between nervous system and endocrine system.
● Hypothalamus
81. _____ is located between thalamus and hind brain.
● Midbrain
82. The dorsal portion of the mid brain consists of four rounded bodies called ____.

● Corpora quadrigemina
83. ___part of brain control visual and auditory (hearing) reflexes.
● Midbrain
84. Hindbrain is formed of three parts __ , ___ and ___ .
● Cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata.
85. The human brain constitutes nearly ___ percent of fat.
● 60
86. The most crucial molecules that determine our brain’s integrity and the ability are ____.
● Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
87. ___ is second largest part of the brain formed of two large sized hemispheres and middle
● Cerebellum
88. Cerebellum coordinates voluntary movements and also maintains ____
● Body balance
89. Pons’ a latin word meaning ____
● Bridge
90. ___ connects the lobes of cerebellum and relay signals between the cerebellum, spinal
cord, midbrain and cerebrum.
● Pons
91. Pons controls respiration and ____.
● Sleep cycle
92. ____ is the posterior most part of the brain that connects spinal cord and various parts
of brain.
● Medulla oblongata
93. Vasomotor centre of medulla oblongata control ___
● Contractions of blood vessels
94. Medulla oblongata also regulates heartbeats, reapiration , _____ and _____
● Vomiting and salivation
95. ____ is an instrument which records the electrical impulses of brain.
● Electroencephalogram (EEG)
96. ____ is a cylindrical structure lying in the neural canal of the vertebral column.
● Spinal cord
97. The posterior most region of spinal cord tapers into a thin fibrous thread like structure called
● Filum terminale
98. Internally, the spinal cord contains a cerebrospinal fluid filled cavity known as the ____.
● Central canal
99. The grey matter of spinal cord is __ shaped
● ‘H’ shaped
100. Afferent root and efferent roots of spinal cord joins to form ____
● Spinal nerves.
101. The ___ is external portion of spinal cord and have bundle of nerve tracts.
● White matter
102. ___ controls reflex actions of the body.

● Spinal cord
103. The brain is suspended in a special fluid environment called ____
● Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
104. ____ is lymph like, watery fluid that surrounds and protects the brain within the skull. It also
f ills the central canal of the spinal cord.
● Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
105. Cerebrospinal fluid also responsible for maintaining a constant pressure inside the___
● Cranium
106. ____ is any response that occurs automatically without consciouness.
● Reflex
107. ____ reflexes are inbuilt and unlearned responses.
● Simple or basic reflexes
108. ___ reflexes are the result of practice and learning.
● Acquired or conditioned reflexes
109. Most of the reflex actions are monitored and controlled by the spinal cord, hence also
known as ___
● Spinal reflexes.
110. T he pathway taken by nerve impulse to accomplish reflex action is called ____
● Reflex arc
111. The nerves arising from the brain is called as ___
● Cranial nerves
112. Nerves arising from spinal cord are called ____
● Spinal nerves
113. There are ___ pairs of cranial nerves in human bebeing.
● 12 pairs
114. Human beings have 31 pairs of ___
● Spinal nerves
115. Each spinal nerve has a dorsal ____ and the ventral ____.
● Sensory root, Motor root
116. Dorsal spinal root conduct impulses towards the ___ and ventral spinal root conduct
impulses away from the spinal cord.
● Spinal cord
117. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is also called as ____
● Visceral nervous system
118. ___ controls the involuntary functions of the visceral organs.
● Autonomic nervous system


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