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Wonacademy wifistudy Which of the following acid does not contain oxygen? frrrferhed A fou onqet A SATA oie FET B- nes Avnitric acid /-TRRR US caret v4 B. sulphuric acid / ATS US— C. Hydrochloric acid / 7 0 allofthe POA HY [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAII" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subscription i Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (e) Cy Hydrochloric acid / BISSIPAE SHC Acid Name HF——* hydrofluoric acid hydrochloric acid hydrobromic acid hydroiodic acid hydrocyanic acid hydrosulfuric acid Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Us cade "MERALI" fr 0% OlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton “ Wunacademy wifistudy aa —— © The sound takes see time to reach from one place to another. It is - Ea eS UECS DE hans aad 1mg___ 2 Serums} Tevet t fa Mteept pe pane ses nme ae : :) Maxi in wit oe es set an | gunnce Sreeod FR ann | - ie a ec em ones ceo & 3 Follow ‘Neeraj Jangld” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Cy Maximum in winter / Wa & siftrenae ect The sound takes some time to reach from one place to another, this time is maximum in winter and minimum in summer. aR We AUS GUE AU Ge MY A Gr THT A @, we aa hea A wT Fara sta 8 “Wonacademy eG wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton “ Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy fat 09104] FReauEACY ae El aeetal (A) Fi / eae Cin ah (C) Velocity / (0) Amplitude / TT [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERAIA" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content ge Gy Frequency / ight ‘The property of a sound that causes us to call a sound shrill or thin is called pitch. The sound pitch depends onit onits audacity. aa a 3 a A HR GH Yah HA aT oe wea, ae Hee 81 eat HT ada Saat ana | Frequency & Pitch Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% OlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton ” Wunacademy € wifistudy (On what. roc dock sation wo? eure fave fate Ue ere eT 87 (A) Conversion of current into sound / UIT taf Hf Wuieor (Greece of sound into current / {Gf @T SRT AY SURO (C))Reflection of voice / Yah" SLURadT Reflection of light / W&PIRI 1 2, [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subscription b Follow ‘Neeraj Jangld” @Unacademny App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content eg Cy Reflection of voice / ‘af a1 URada Stethoscope is a medical device, which is used to listen to the sound inside the body, mainly of the heart and lungs. In stethoscope, the sound of the patient's heartbeat eaehes te doctats ears ue fo repens i tions. a Sere eg ew , SE au best A aT aret eait a ak mee ai ae a eg ay aft aR - aR URTa & GRU Spex & Gril aw gad @1 J secon of rte 2 tebe S|] Muluple rece Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% OlcountonUnacaeny Sbirpton Wunacademy « wifistudy The baking soda is- GA ara e- A. Sodium chloride / WSI8 PANIES (B.Sodium bicarbonate / STA aIeSTaE C. Sodium sulfate / AS D. sodium hydroxide / SSAA SSS PATS [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIL" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content Sodium bicarbonate / SSH aIgeratye Sodium bicarbonate, also commonly known as baking soda, is commonly seen as a white, fine powder and has the chemical formula|NaHCO3, = Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Us cade "NERA" fr 0% OtcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton a Wunacademy wifistudy Abody produces sound only when it ! ue fs afl at aqua etal @, Ta ae 1 (A) Made of iron / eure & ett Bt (8) Made of hollow wood / Gkaeht aaah & SA a (C) Made of wire / OR Ya Bt (Qviorses Sua were FA f3 [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption a a ik» Follow “Neeraj Jagd” @Unacademy App for More Special Free lasses & Quality Content eg Cy Vibrates / UH eal Bt A body produces sound only when it vibrates. A sound is a type of energy that orienates fo from vibrating something or the other. Feotienmagecnentoean Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacany Sbirpton 2 Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy Which of the following is used in an MRI machine? rl Fafa 8 Pe A a febaepr war fear ara e? (A) Sound wave / {af a1 (8) X-ray / CPAP UA , (C) Ultrasonic wave / TIAGA TT (D) Magnetic wave / Gaeta eT Ss [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “EERAI1" for 10% Discount on Unecademy Subscription Sie oo ) ee Fw “ee rg @ttnacadery hop fr Moe Speci Free Cases Cnty Carte eg Cy Magnetic wave / Saata ae MRI meang Magnetic resonance imaging) In this medical method, the patient is aaimited inside the MRI machine and tested by magnetic rays. fafa MRI Apes Wry een oT deat Fear | ge fafeoeten a BT Man HRS oo Ge OT PT TF fei ERT TaBT wdlaror fara Gre @1 i, Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Us cade "NERALI" fr 0% DlicountonUnacadny Sbirpton Pa Wunacademy wifistudy Black bodies can absorb which radiation? Sete ats forwan faferwor ef sraenftia ax aed 82 (3*¢) (A) Low wavelength only / ae rate (B) Intermediate senna ont Sas a ee (HD) (C) High wavelength onl / Pat yl wavelengths / ae swe o [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERAIL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow ‘Neeraj Jangld” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content eg Cy All wavelengths / Get eres The black body absorbs radiation of all wavelengths and also emits radiation of all wane qs Se) apg or Rafe areata eh @ ae wh ae ‘Sates 1 ~_ ene Blackbody Radiation + When matter is heated, it cemts ndston 1+ blackbody is a cavity in 3 2 + Blackbody radiation i theoretically intresting. because the radiation properties ofthe backbody are independent ofthe particular material. Physicists can study the properties of intensity versus wavelength at fied temperatures Wunacademy @ wifistucly _WeeRAl si Use Code “NEERAII for 1% Dicounton Unacademy Subscription = Wunacademy € wifistudy Which of the following conservation principles apply to a ae po tise Safe oe Pafefed Fa PRAT (A) Conservation of mass / RqUHM eT Bawa it HTT B) Conservation of charge / 4TG3I I BRAM ‘onservation of momentum / Wa #1 SAAT (D) Energy conservation / Gull 1 Ga [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code“EERAI" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subsrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content Conservation of momentum / Sat &I GAA © The principle of linear momentum PRINCIPLE = conservation applies to rocket speed. If no external force is applied on the body of a group of particles, then the total momentum of that body remains Yee Fa oe ee saree rece nee engines ieee ee alee raid ary eter 21 ae wut & feet =" cet engines-by accelerating an impulse carrier to high speeds. we at ge Para ar ga Bae Prat Mechemical energy stored inthe fuel is converted into kinetic i energy by burning it in the thrust chamber and subsequent Go expansion in the nozzle, in the process creating thrust Kec H:0 Strong | Weak Acidic |HC! + NH,OH 9NH,Cl + H20 AAwesk Strong | Basic Tercoors (neon > CH;COONa + H:0 Weak | Weak | Neutral |CH;COOH + NH,OH > CH;COONH; +H20 .. Wonacademy wifistucy ween sit] Use cade "NERA" fr 0% DlcountonUnacadeny Sbicrpton 26 Wunacademy wifistudy Zinc phosphide is commonly used as- WRUPIES HT TAA OR ANT fear Tae (A)Fungicide / PAPA & Say ® As herbicide / STATS & ST FY Z ©Prodenticide / ora e ait a) Deodorant / THER & BTA a [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIA" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subscription Se Follow "Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Cy Rodenticide / Papareht Bu Zinc phosphide is commonly used as a rodenticide. BT SMTA TR Soa & Sa A wat fea aT a Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim] Use cade "NERA" fr 0% DlcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton » Wunacademy wifistudy Which metal ions is present in Vitamin B12? 8127 Ma Ug sad Gua eat BP (A) Cobalt / Praree (8) Zinc / foie (C) tron / STR (D) Nickel / Fret [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERAIL" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content OMe Cyanocobalamin is another name for vitamin B12. Its sources are meat, fish, liver, egg, milk etc. Its function is to synthesize a nucleic acid by growth, red blood cells. ‘The major component of vitamin B12 is otal facia nie, Hoch, forre, 3 au SqUie Seet a ater Soha ae eae wea aye wea 81 facta tt 12 or RE Uew Fate eI — Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERALI" fr 0% DlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy How many.canines are there in an adult human? We cae FAME H fered Bact (a2 (8) 8 (c) 6. (D)4 [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code“EERALI" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subsrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content OD Ob: ‘An adult man has 4 canines. The pinnacle of these teeth is sharpened or pointed to tear the ribs. ae # TAH ONC TS Bl SF iat ar Rao wt TA orey Beary sae! talihds Zonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Us cade "MERALI" fr 0% DlcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton 2 Wunacademy € wifistudy Which of the following is not a chemical reactions? agi e? ear A. Paperburning /@PTS BI vie =H, O Mev . To cook food / ISH @T Ta (Conversion of water into steam D. Burning of coal / BlIet G1 Very [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIA" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content Cy Conversion of water into steam / UPA abr UI A aqeraT Wunacademy @ wifistucly _WeeRal Sit UseCode“NEERA!I" for 1% Dicounton Unacademy Subscription a Wunacademy wifistudy The aquaria used by goldsmiths is made by combining the following- GSES nn sh ner eee opp Si gets ere HNo. GARENYy Hyg 4u daly tre A. Nitric acid and sulfuric acid / AIgige Set Te ATLL nite fea enor acid Ta a TU rR C. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid / SHAS Te SrESIp sat D. Citric acid benzoic acid / fafea> set SI ‘ eee Teen eun ete i) Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid / gfe set TU BIgSlpehttey stye Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim} Us cade "MERALI" fr 0% DtcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton a Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy ‘Soda water made when carbon dioxide flows in water ae A ards Sigaipargs Valea eI WX Fa SST aL Asan oxidizer. / UP SPUR BI B. Is of alkaline nature. / &1 Wepfa #1 e1 is acidic in nature. / SPU Weta BT | D. Isa reducing agent. /U saa @1 [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERALA" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Hg (oF Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Cy is acidic in nature. / 3Ca Upfa wT eI @- H,O co, Wunacademy « wifistudy [NEERAJ SR | Use Cade "NERA" for 10% Olicounton Unacadeny Subtrption Il HCO, carbonic acid Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy What is Neela Thotha(Blue Vitriol)? eherepar @? fo. A. Copper sulphate tux aeibe ——” ates B. calcium sulfate / @feTTH ele C. Iron sulfate / START D. Sodium sulfate / SAA Beye [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Gy Copper sulphate / SIU Hepe det or Ghee whee weve arerPer ater & freer wea ee (so 8 Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim] Use cade "NERA/I" fr 0% DtcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton Py Wunacademy wifistudy Find the een of ae ua of two lenses with 2-1 anfp capacities. 2-D dul 4-D ena aa 2 ot ae aa at r=(h uty Ci ae = (8) 2D (c) 4/30 (} Hone ofthese tr [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code“EERAI" for 10% Discount on Unecademy Subsrption zo Y Gy oe The power of the lens is measured in the diopter. It is displayed as D. If the power of the two lenses is D1 and D2 respectively, then the combined capacity P = D1 + D2 = 2D+4D> 6D fa ot aman sate A anh ott 81 Fa o wate fear rer 1 ae a chat at QA HAR: D1 Te D2 Bi, ct PAwpal ae! P = D1 + 02 =20+40> 6D Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "NERA" fr 0% DicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton 2 Wunacademy « wifistudy Which of the following is called strategic metal? Pnpafeea Aa fore agetore tg ed 8? (A) Silicon / Fferety (8) Germanium / SPT (C) Titanium / (0) Uranium / [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIA" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow ‘Neeraj Jangld” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Cy Titanium / ere Metals such as titanium, chromium, manganese, zirconium, etc. are used in the manufacture of defense materials, as these metals are light, withstand wear and tear and do not cause corrosion even when they are in the air for a long time. . These metals are called strategic or strategic metals. , miftaa, Spy, Heh. cana oils Get angel ar soar van aA in Frater a fear ran @, parle F ; SrA act a ag a da waa ' ik ee coat ge rate egah Site rear eget Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacadeny Sbirpton Wunacademy « wifistudy When the temperature of a medium increases, the velocity of light in that medium is - ara fore are aor TG aga 8, ct Te ATTA A wepTR eT aT (A) Increases / 1g Sat (8) Decreases / We Tat (C) Remains unchanged. PSs ene (D) Decreases rapidly / [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIA" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow ‘Neeraj Jangld” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content eg Cy Remains unchanged / #Ufafeld tea & The velocity of light does not depend on heat. No medium is required for the transmission of light. The velocity of light will remain unchanged even when the temperature increases. oT Pak & tern & fee fret sees et eee a ey ake Wonacademy wifistucy ween sim] Us cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacany Sbirpton “ Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy What is equal to one Bar? We aR fad erat bl (A) 10? Pa (8) 100 Pa (C) 10° Pa (D) 10* Pa [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code“EERALI" for 10% Discount on Unecademy Subsrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content oO Ci 1 bar = 100,000 (10°) is Pascal 1 JR = 100,000 (105) Twat Sa VI Pressure Conversions 1 atm = 1.01325 x 10° Pa 1 bar= 1x 108 Pa 1 millibar (mb) = 100 Pa 1 atm = 1.01325 bar 60 torr Wunacademy @ wifistucly _WeERAl Si Use Code “MEERA! for 1% Dicounton Unacademy Subscription ss Wunacademy wifistudy The SI unit of electrical charge is- HAR BI $1 TH B- (A) Ampere / UPRER (8) Coulomb, (C)ES.U. / FoUToyo (D) Calvin / [NEERAJ St | Use Code“EERAII" for 10% Discount on Unecademy Subsrption Wunacademy wifistudy Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content OQ Chem The flow of electric charge is called electric current. There are two types of charge, positive charge and negative charge. The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb. Units for Electric Charge The symbol for electric charge is usually a “g”. The elementary charge unit (e) is equal to the charge of a single proton or electron: Gpona = +he Gevceen = —1e The elementary charge unit is not the standard SI unit. The SI system uses the Coulomb (C) as the standard unit of charge. [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code "NEERAJ" or 10% Discount on Unacaden Subscription © Wunacademy wifistudy Whose example is a wheel barrow? ue ufean Son fewer SeeRu (A) Class Ill lever / X0ft 1 eae (B) Pulley system / faR-t worrett (C) class Hever / X0ft 1 (D) Class tl lever / SOFT u etae [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERALA" or 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Cy Cassi lever / of HR ‘A wheel barrow is an example of a Class.I liver. We UST Sen HUH 1 cha aT SATS | Second Class Levers: Wonacademy wifistucy ween sit] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton ® Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content aise Fulcrum s Force load Force Load Fulcrum x Fulcrum Load Wunacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "NERA" fr 0% OlcountonUnacadny Sbirpton 8 Wunacademy € wifistudy By applying zinc coating, iron does not rust. This process is called- 6 foie HT aU HT a4 S che Hoi el eT ga sea wT Hed e (A) Galvanization / SRC ASTAT (8) Corrosion / Hem (C) Sublimation / BEATA (D) Reduction / HOqa7 sea elated tai ey ee Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content (o) Gy Galvanization / OIC Agra Applying zinc does not rust the iron. This yrocess is called Galvanization (zinc plating). Fier Gace 2a 8 te A set gh cra Be Disa a GET ASAT Hed eI Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Us cade "MERA" fr 0% DlcountonUnacadeny Sbirpton “ Wunacademy wifistudy Which of the following is the largest endocrine gland in the human body? aa SAR A gee aS) sie: Gare sah Pa BS pret C2 (A) Thyroid / UEVAS (8) Parathyroid / TRIMTETTS (C) Adrenal / (D) Pituitary / [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERALL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption € wifistudy Follow k cademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code "NEERAJ" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subscription e Wunacademy wifistudy By which the milk ame sour(make cul Pe & GRI GU GENET FAT STAT ) feUT TAT B- (A) Protozoa / Hletsitsit (8) Bacteria / (C) Virus / TERE. (0) Nematode / Pacts [NEERAJ Sit | Use Code “NEERAIA" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subrption Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content yim Milk is converted into curd by bacteria Lactoba called Lactobacillus. lus Lactobacillus is a species of lactic acid bacteria ame apdifar eee qu a cdecatica (SI) ‘ufvatta far sitet Lactobacillus casei and rhamnosus - abundant in re ah # a raw milk and are commonly used as probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus occurs in fermented se cream, some cheeses, frozen yogurt and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, added to milk to curdle it—used in yogurt alongwith streptococcus thermophilus Wunacademy @ wifistucly —WeeRAl sit Use Code “MEERA! for 10% Dicounton Unacadery Subscription © Wunacademy € wifistudy What is the minimum speed for a rocket to escape Earth? 6 fee alamo tye 8 cee & fery EEA fort af ah act @2 (A) 10 km / min (8) 11.2 km / min (C) 11.2 km / sec (D) 12 km / min [NEERAJ St | Use Code “EERAI" for 10% Discount on Unecademy Subscription Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content OMe b= The escape velocity for the escape of an object from the Earth is 11.2 km / s. Therefore, the rocket is given a velocity of 11.2 km /s to escape the Earth, zee feet agg & care & fee vera 11.2 ferttordo 81 afd: wee ST ged @ ueras & fey 11.2 ferftodo wr an fear ‘oH 1 -v(2GM/R) Escape velocity v7 = V(GM/R) Parking orbit R Wonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERALI" fr 0% DicountonUnacadeny Sbirpton n Wunacademy ¢ wifistudy ata ah ca ol ea eg RR - (A) Grows up / Ga (8) Decreases / Wea 2 (C) Remains the same / del Teal (D) None of these re Oe [NEERAJ St | Use Code “NEERAIL" for 10% Discount on Unacademy Subscription Follow “Neeraj Jangid” @Unacademy App for More Special Free Classes & Quality Content OQ Cis Its density decreases when the copper ball is heated, as the effective density decreases as the ball's volume increases. Density = Mass / Volume (While the mass of the ball remains constant.) aid Bl Her WY SAT WA Veal e, Halle te & anaas a ga era wordt wrqa oa Bt orate! Wada = SGU / ora ( safes aq er aquar Pad wea 81) Zonacademy wifistucy ween sm] Use cade "MERA" fr 0% DlicountonUnacaeny Sbirpton n

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