Assignment Eco - Similajau Cost

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Similajau, Bintulu

Initial cost Value Explanation Reason

1 Land Acquisition 4 The cost of purchasing land for Important to the project and establishes
development. its scope and location

2 Planning and Design 3 Expenses related to environmental Guarantees the viability of the project,
planning, engineering, and architecture. adherence to rules and ideal design.
3 Permits and 3 The costs involved in securing regulatory Reduces legal hazards and makes
Approvals clearances and building licences. ensuring zoning laws are followed.
4 Construction 4 Expenses related to purchasing tools like Important for constructing buildings
Materials and excavators and cranes as well as supplies and maintaining their durability and
Equipment like steel and concrete. quality.
5 Labour Costs 5 Pay and perks for skilled labourers and Represents the human resources
project managers in the construction needed for a project to be completed
industry. successfully.
6 Site Preparation and 4 Expenses related to clearing the property, Enables the smooth progress of the
Demolition demolishing the old buildings, and moving project and gets the site ready for
the utilities. building.
7 Waste Management 3 Expenses related to the collection, Ensures adherence to environmental
and Disposal transportation, and disposal of regulations and reduces its impact.
construction trash.
8 Insurance and 4 Expenses related to getting project Ensures project completion and shields
Bonding completion bonds and insurance for it from unanticipated circumstances.
construction hazards.
9 Financing Costs 3 Payments for fees and interest related to Gives the money required to finance
obtaining building loans. the project's start.
10 Contingency Reserve 3 A budget set aside to handle unforeseen Guarantees that the project will be
expenses and reduce project risks. completed within budget and offers a
safety net for unanticipated events.
Recurring cost Value Explanation Reason
1 Building 5 Ongoing expenses for maintaining and Guarantees the building's long-term
Maintenance fixing the built structure. functionality and protects its worth.
and Repair
2 Utilities and 4 Expenses related to trash management, Essential to making use of the structure
Operating water and electricity use, and other and keeping it operational.
Expenses running costs.
3 Cleaning and 4 Expenses related to keeping the building Guarantees that residents are in a cosy
Janitorial hygienic and tidy. and healthful atmosphere.
4 Security and 3 Expenses related to CCTV surveillance, Shields the people of the building from
Surveillance alarm systems, and security guards. potential security risks.
5 Landscaping 3 Expenses related to upkeep of the Improves the building's appearance and
and building's grounds and landscaping. fosters a healthy atmosphere.
6 Insurance 5 Recurring premiums for liability, property, Shields the building's owners from
Premiums and other pertinent insurance. monetary damages brought on by
unanticipated circumstances.
7 Property Taxes 4 Taxes imposed on the value of property Aids in the development of
and by governmental bodies. infrastructure and public services.
8 Waste 3 Ongoing expenses for the collection and Reduces environmental impact and
Management disposal of garbage produced by building encourages environmental
and Recycling residents. responsibility.
9 Energy 3 Expenses related to putting in place Lowers running expenses and promotes
Efficiency systems and technologies that increase environmental sustainability.
Upgrades energy efficiency.
10 Reserve for 4 A budget set aside for upcoming Guarantees the long-term viability of
Future Capital upgrades, significant repairs, and the building and guards against
Expenditures equipment replacements. unforeseen financial obligations.


1 Potential for structure defect 5 Over time, exposure to extreme weather, seismic
activity and other environmental factors can lead to
structural damage.

2 Loss of green space 4 Green space is very important to us. Increased

physical activity, less stress levels and better mental
health are all linked to access to green space.

3 Risk of cost overruns and 5 Unexpected site situations can cause delays and
delay higher expenses. Examples include coming upon
toxic soil, unstable geological conditions or
concealed utilities.

4 Environment 3 Exposure to poisonous chemicals, asbestos, or

other harmful compounds.

5 Legal disputes and permit 4 Disagreements between the owners, contractors,

and subcontractors as well as other parties to the
construction contract.

6 Negative social impact 5 Cultural heritage may be lost as a result of

construction projects that affect historical or
cultural places.

7 Ongoing maintenance and 5 Utilising and managing material and equipment

repair cost warranties to resolve flaws or malfunctions.

8 Competition with new 4 Obtain sufficient funding and practise sound

development project financial management. In order to guarantee
financial viability, create a thorough financial plan,
investigate different funding options, and control

9 Waste management cost 3 Analyse the kinds and amounts of waste that the
construction project is anticipated to produce.

10 Security and crime 4 Replacement of damaged or pilfered construction

prevention cost equipment might be necessary. Expensive
replacement expenses for equipment and tools
have an effect on the project budget.

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