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Daniela Simonelli November 27th

Assignment: Wife of Bath -Canterbury Tales

1) Who is the source of experience and who is the source authority in matters
of marriage?
2) How does the Wife of Bath attempt to legitimize her opinions regarding
3) Which metaphors does the Wife of Bath use to discuss "virginity" and
4) According to the Wife of Bath, who should have the upper hand in marriage
and how should that be achieved?
5) What was the power relationship like between Alice and Jenkins? Develop
as much as you can.

1)The wife of Bath considers herself the source of experience in marriage as she
had married five times and had five husbands.The woman's experiences in her
marriages taught her how to behave and be dominant in a relationship.The
experiences she had in her past, makes her a source of authority in the marriage
institution.She believes she knows everything about men, love and how to keep a
marriage together. The first marriage happened at the age of 12 years old.She
experienced different life stages as she grew older and had different marriage
experiences with her five husbands and she considers herself an expert in
marriage.The following quote shows her source of experience : “if there were no
authority on earth,except experience, and that's enough for me,all goes to show that
marriage is a misery and a woe..”(Wife of Bath's prologue, p.276).She also resorts
to the scriptures as a source of authority in marriage.She married at churches.The
quote shows the connection between marriage and God : “ five husbands have I had
at the church door”. Marriage is only possible if you get married in a
church.Thus,God is a source of authority in marriage.She comments that
someone preached to her in order to persuade her and change her mindset about
marrying more than once.By admitting someone tried to persuade her to change her
way of thinking she considers the church as a source of authority. This is
exemplified in this quote : “someone said recently for my persuasion that as Christ
Daniela Simonelli November 27th

only went on one occasion to grace a wedding- in Cana of Galilee-He taught me by

example there to see that marriage is wrong to marriage more than once. (Wife of
Bath´s prologue,P.277)She believes she has authority over men because of the
scriptures.This is shown in this quote: For mine shall be the power all his life over
his proper body and not he ,Thus the apostle Paul has told it me, and bade our
husbands should love us well, there is a command on which I like to dwell (wife of
Bath´s prologue,P.281)

2)The wife of Bath legitimizes marriage by citing the Bible, the scriptures.She refers
to the scripture as evidence of her arguments. She claims that Christ graced
marriage because he once went to bless a wedding in Cana of Galilee.She interprets
the scriptures in her favour.The wife´s of Bath attempts to distort the wording of the
scriptures in her favour is seen in this quote : “ God bade us all to wax and
multiply”.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P. 277) She also rhetorically asked herself if it is
not God´s command that a husband leave his family- mother and father- to take his
wife .She states that there is no reference to the number of marriages a person
could have.This is shown in this quote :” No word of what the number was to
be,Then why not marry two or even eight?”.She also makes reference to the old
testament.She put the example of King Solomon who was a king in Israel and a
successor of King David.King Solomon had many wives and by referring to him as
he is in the scriptures she wants to legitimizes that marrying more than once is not
seen as a sin.An example if this is seen in this quote :” Take wise King Solomon of
long ago,We hear he had a thousands wives or so and would to God it were allowed
to me to be refreshed,aye, half so much as he!He must have had a gift of God for
wives.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P.277)
The wife of Bath also refers to the apostles to prove that marrying is not a sin. This
is seen in this quote :” For then, so says the apostle,I Am free to wed, o´God´s
name, where it pleases me.Wedding´s no sin, so far as I Can learn.(Wife of Bath's
prologue,P.276) She also mentions Abraham and Jacob, characters in the
scriptures.She states they were holy men, yet they had many brides.The following
quotes illustrates this : “I know that Abraham was a holy man and Jacab too-I speak
as best I can- Yet each of them, we know, had several brides like many another holy
men besides”.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P.278)
Daniela Simonelli November 27th

3) The wife of bath uses the metaphor” white loaves of bread” to refer to virginity or
maidenhead.Whiteness connotes purity, youth and softness.They are white because
they have not committed acts of sin whereas wives have sinned and are not holy as
virgins.She uses the metaphor of bread to refer to women.White loaves of bread
(virgins) are for God and Barley bread(wives) are for ordinary men.She argues that
barley bread also feed and suffice men although they are not as good as white
bread.However, barley bread is eatable and can be used.White bread probably is
more expensive and special than barley bread. Being a virgin also connotes
cleanness in soul and body.Thi is shown in this quote : “ there are those who mean
to live in their virginity,as clean in body and soul.Virginity is better than being a wife
for God but marriage is accepted.An example of this is shown in this quote :”the
apostle was a virgin….He wished that everyone were such as he, it all mere counsel
to virginity”. The wife of Bath regards this as advice, not mandatory. People can
choose to remain virgin for God or lead a regular life as ordinary people.

The wife of Bath praises virginity but she states not everyone wants to stay
virgin.She argues that there are people who follow in Christ footsteps and remain
virgin but others prefer not to.She also states virginity is much preferred and praised
than marriage.However,marriage and virginity is not for everyone. This is shown in
these quotes: “there is a prize offered for virginity”, “It is not everyone who hears the
call, on whom God's wills he let His power fall. (Wife of Bath's prologue, P.278)
She also reflects that virginity is not possible if people do no have sexual
relations.She stresses the point that virginity could be praised only if other people
have sexual relations and reproduce to have offspring.This is shown in this quote :
“And certainly if seed were never sown, how could ever virginity to be grown?”(Wife
of Bath´s prologue,P.278)

4) Women should have the upper hand in marriage.She expresses how she
dominates her husbands in the relationships. She has a strong- willed character and
men are submissive to her .She exerts her authority by using sex and by being
dominant This is shown in this quote: I have to laugh outright, remembering how I
made them work at night.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P.282) She boasts that she can
make them do what she wants because of her willingness.She is independent and a
woman who is not ashamed to express how she feels although she does not
Daniela Simonelli November 27th

conform to the traditional norms of the Middle Ages.She is not afraid to enjoy and
speak her sexual life.She is not like the other women in the Middle Ages.Women in
these times were not supposed to be so open.-minded about their desires.The
following quote shows her thinking and her control over men : “”and as they ´d
yielded their their gold and land,why take trouble to provide them pleasure unless to
profit and amuse my leisure.”( Wife of Bath's prologue,P282).She thinks about her
own pleasure.The following quote shows how she controls her husband : “ I
managed them so well by my technique and each was delighted to go out and seek
and buy some pretty thing for me to wear…”(Wife of Bath´s prologue, P.282).She
also treats them badly.This is illustrated in this quote: “God knows how spitefully I
used to scolded them “ (Wife of Bath's prologue,P.282).She controls them and have
sovereignty over them. She has control over them because she controls their
property. She states the husbands gave their treasures to her.This is shown in these
quotes: “ they´d given me their treasures, and so I had no need of diligence winning
their love, or showing reverence”.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P.282) ;
but as I had them eating from my hand and as they ´d yielded me their gold and
land.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P. 282).
The wife of Bath also lies to have power over them.She tells their husbands they are
drunk and unfit to judge her and she has witnesses to prove she is right. She admits
she lies and some of their husbands are innocent.This is seen in this quote :
innocent as they were,without remorse! For I could bite and whinney like a horse and
launch complaints when things were my fault.”(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.287).She
admits how she proceeds with them in this quote : “ I attacked first and they were
overborne, giad to apologize and even suing pardon for they'd never thought of
doing”.(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P. 287).

The wife of Bath admits she has the upper hand in the relationship in this quote : “
so there's one thing at least I can boast, that in the end I always ruled the roast”
(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.287).She uses cunningness or force to achieve what she
wants.We can see her behaviour in this quote: “Cunning or force was sure to make
them stumble…” ( Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.287).She also admits that in bed she
also has sovereignty over them as she scolds them and baulks their fun. She
importunates them in bed by hesitating and also they had to paid.This is shown in
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this quote.”I would never abide in bed with them if hands begin to slide till they had
promised ransom, paid a fee”.(Wife of Bath's prologue,P. 287)

5) What was the power relationship like between Alice and Jenkins? Develop
as much as you can.

The relationship between Alice(Alison) and Jonny(Jenkins) was different from the
others.In this relationship the man had control over her.This power relationship
changed at the end of the tale.Alice could not control him and she behaved like
another woman.She doesn't seem to be the same person as with the other
husbands.She changed completely.She was the dominant in the other relationships
and in this one she was submissive.

Jonny was a young student, poor and a man who liked reading books about wicked
women.We can also notice that she gave her all her money and land that she had
ever possessed.This shows who is dominant in this relationship.This is shown in this
quote : “ I handed him the money,lands and all that ever had been given me
before.”(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.293).It seems she doesn't care about property
anymore.She wants to be with him.

The man hit her regularly and was persuasive and good in bed. This let us into
thinking he had the power in this relationship.He was good with words and could
persuade her into doing anything he wanted.This is shown in this quote : “but in our
bed he was so fresh and gay,so coaxing, so persuasive..”(Wife of Bath´s
prologue,P.290).Alice was totally subjected to him.The love blinded her reasoning
and she could not stand up against his violence. In this quote it is illustrated how he
beat her regularly and how she loved him in spite of her malice: ”although he had
beaten me in every bone he still could wheedle me to love, I own. I think I love him
best, I'll tell you no lie. (Wife of bath´s prologue.P.290) She admits women crave
what they can´t have and a man difficult to control made her love him. This is
shown in this quote :” when something is difficult or can't be had, we crave and cry
for it all like mad .(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P. 290) She admitted he loved him
although she could not control him..He was disdainful in his love.That why She admits
Daniela Simonelli November 27th

she married for love and not for wealth. Alice married for love and for his physical
appearance. She does not marry for wealth as with the others. This is shown in this quote : “
the one I took for love and not for wealth”(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.290)

Jenkins was not willing to satisfy her desires sometimes. It could not only be sexual
needs.May be she wanted to do some things that pleased but he would allow her.He was
independent and decided what to do when he wanted. This is shown in this quote : “none of
my pleasures he would let me seek ''(Wife of Bath´s prologue.P. 293).Jenkins changed her
way of thinking and also her emotions.All the things she once craved were no longer of
interest to her.In the following quote we can notice how deeply in love she was with
him.She does not even care if he really liked her or how poor he was :“Little I worried , if he
was fond of me ,how poor he was or what rank he might be.(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.293)

Jenkins pastime was to read books about wicked women.In these books women
had brought about the disgrace and ruin of men.He read a book called
“Theophrastus Valerius” when he had time .As he wouldn't stop reading it she
grabbed the book from his hands and tore three pages out of it.As a result he beat
so hard she believed she was dead.Although he almost killed her she still loved him.
This is shown in these quotes : Have you murdered be, you robber, you to get my
land? , “Before I'm dead I'll kiss you all the same”.(Wife of Bath´s prologue.P.298)
Alice suffered domestic violence and the man was a woman abuser.He justified
hitting her because she deserved it and yet he promised not to do it again.It was a
toxic abusive relationship.
In the end of the tale, the relationship changed.Finally he gave the control of the
relationship to her and she dominated him in the end.He gave her the land for her to
control.He subjected to his wife.He does not hold the power of persuasion anymore
and stopped hitting her. This is shown in this quote : he gave the bridle over to my
hand, gave me the government of house and land, of tongue and fist…” We can see
her submission to her in this quote : “ my own and truest wife , do as you pleased for
the rest of my life..”.(Wife of Bath´s prologue,P.298).
The relationship between Alice and Jenki is asymmetrical but her other relationships
were too. In the other relationships men were the victims and the abused and in this
last relationship she experienced abuse and she is totally subjected to him.At the
end, he had a changed of heart and his violence diminished.He seemed like a wild
Daniela Simonelli November 27th

horse that is finally tamed because of the passing of time or hard work.He explicitly
gave the control of the relationship to her and she gains sovereignty over him.

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