A Ghostly Love Affair

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A Ghostly Love Affair

In the shadows deep, where the moonlight creeps,

Lurked a ghost with a thirst, making everyone weep.
He roamed the night with a blood-curdling wail,
Searching for souls with a relentless trail.

But fate had a twist, a cosmic jest,

For he stumbled upon a god, so blessed.
A forgotten deity, kind and serene,
Whose aura of love was like nothing seen.

The ghost was intrigued, his curiosity piqued,

As he watched the god perform miracles sleek.
Saving the lost, the lonely, the low,
Even ghosts like him, with nowhere to go.

So, the ghost devised a mischievous plan,

To win the god's heart, if he can.
He followed him 'round, with a spectral charm,
Trying to woo him with a ghostly alarm.

He rattled chains and moaned in despair,

But the god just smiled, with a heavenly air.
He offered him flowers, all dripping with gore,
But the god just laughed, asking for more.

He left flowers, all wilted and freed,

But the god, divine, found beauty in need.
He wrote love poems with a ghostly duet,
But the god, wise, saw through his set.

Then came the ghost's grandest plan yet,

To scare with a yawn, his final bet.
But the god just chuckled, "Your act's quaint,
But I prefer love without any taint.

Despite his attempts, the ghost couldn't dismay,

The god's heart was pure, come what may.
But as time went on, a change did occur,
The god found himself falling, for sure.

For in the ghost's eyes, he saw a spark,

A longing for love in the dark.
And so, against odds, in a twist of fate,
The god and the ghost found their soulmate.

Now they roam hand in hand, in the moon's gentle light,

A bloodthirsty ghost and a god, what a sight!
Their love knows no bounds, a celestial bliss,
In a world where even ghosts find their kiss.

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