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Writting Portfolio 1
Currently on social networking platforms, there are many talent search shows. The
programs attract a large number of viewers and fans. Of all the talent search shows, Rapviet
is the one that has attracted a large audience in general and hip-hop lovers in particular. In
my opinion, this is a talent search program in the music field, it helps people have an
objective view about music and rap and hip-hop. I think every person is born with a natural
talent and thanks to the program they can express their passion and live with their passion.
I hope Vietnam organizes many similar programs so that young talents can express their
passion. Some examples of talent search programs in Vietnam: Vietnamese Children's
Voice, Road to Olympia, Vietnamese Super Intelligence,...

Writting Portfolio 2
The graph shows information about boys and girls who read books. They are students in
the Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). It shows the trends between 2019 and the present
day. Overall, the girls has had stable increased than the boys who has had fluctuation.
According to the chart, the number library books read by the boys grow up slowly from
2019 to 2021 and peaked at 2021 with 90 books. However, suddenly drop came over 20
books in 2022. On the other side, although the girls had minimal incline from 2019 to 2021,
it jumped rapidly between 2021 and 2022.
In 2021, both of boys and girls had intersection point because they had the same amount
books they ever read in the library after the gradual upward. Nevertheless, they had
different path. The girls keep rose the books they read until get a peaked at 140. For the
girls, the amount books growing from 2019 to 2022 is 95 books. It was 25 books in the
beginning and 125 books in the last. For boys, it was fluctuative from 50 books, reached
peak at 80 books in 2021,but dropped to 80 books in the end of 2022.

Writting Portfolio 3
Tourism is already a big industry, and this is expanding rapidly in many developing
countries. Many such countries have taken extensive initiatives to expand their tourism
sector, and many of them have gained enviable popularity. I believe that the reasons for
developing countries to embark on this enterprise are many folds, and this is a positive
development for them.
First and foremost, popularity and recognition around the world is the reason many
emerging countries are improving their tourism. They know that prevalence and exposure
to the world are the keys to expanding their presence and dominance in the world. For
instance, Malaysia is a well-known Asian country, and the expansion of its tourism sector
has established its presence on the global map.
Second, the tourism industry brings foreign money that can be used for the development
of the country. For instance, developing countries like Thailand, China and Spain are
earning huge foreign currency from their tourism industries. Tourism creates job
opportunities for local people and gives the host country an excellent opportunity to
develop its infrastructure. With these two aspects in mind, many developing countries are
expanding their tourism to international visitors at a rapid speed.
I believe that, despite some negative effects, the tourism industry offers numerous benefits
to a country and hence could be considered a positive development. In this era of
globalisation, countries cannot shut their doors to foreigners. So the tourism industry is
rapidly enhancing and a country should take advantage of it. Earning foreign remittances,
creating jobs for local people, introducing unique traditions, improving the transportation
system, and knowing cultural diversity are some of the quite advantages that the
development of tourism can offer.
In conclusion, the main reason developing countries are extending their tourism enterprises
is that they understand the immense potential and benefits this industry offers. Without any
doubt, this is a positive development for those developing countries

Writting Portfolio 4
Constructing a hydroelectric dam involves a series of intricate steps and considerations.
The process encompasses planning, engineering, and execution, combining natural
resource utilization with technological expertise. Here's a concise outline of the steps
1. **Site Selection:** Identifying an ideal location is crucial. Factors like water volume,
topography, and environmental impact assessments are considered. The dam needs a steady
water source, often in a river or reservoir, with adequate elevation drop to generate
significant hydroelectric power.
2. **Planning and Design:** Engineers create blueprints outlining the dam's
specifications, considering its size, height, reservoir capacity, and turbine systems.
Environmental impact studies are conducted to mitigate potential effects on ecosystems,
habitats, and local communities.
3. **Construction Preparation:** Clearing the construction area, creating access roads, and
establishing temporary facilities for workers are initial steps. This phase involves securing
necessary permits and acquiring materials like concrete, steel, turbines, and other
4. **Dam Construction:** The primary structure, usually made of concrete or earth-fill, is
built to harness the water flow. Construction may involve pouring concrete into molds to
form walls or using earth-moving equipment to create embankments. This stage often
includes building spillways, intake structures, and outlet gates.
5. **Turbine Installation:** Turbines and generators, essential for converting water flow
into electricity, are installed within the dam structure. These components are integral to the
energy generation process.
6. **Reservoir Filling:** As construction nears completion, the dam is gradually filled with
water to create the reservoir. This process is carefully managed to avoid flooding
downstream and to ensure the dam's structural integrity.
7. **Power Generation:** Once operational, the dam harnesses the water's kinetic
energy to generate electricity. Water released from the reservoir flows through turbines,
spinning them to produce electricity.
8. **Ongoing Maintenance:** Regular inspections and maintenance ensure the
dam's safety and efficiency. Monitoring for sediment build-up, structural integrity,
and environmental impact remains vital throughout its operational life. Building a
hydroelectric dam demands meticulous planning, adherence to environmental regulations,
and expertise in engineering and construction. Successful execution not only contributes
to renewable energy generation but also requires a balanced approach to minimize
environmental impact and ensure sustainable energy production .

Writting Portfolio 5
The wave-air generator consists of two chambers: an upper chamber which protrudes above
sea-level and a lower chamber which is anchored to the sea bed. When waves go into the
lower chamber, the air is compressed and forced into the upper chamber where the pressure
pushes the spindle. As with the hydroelectric dam, the spindle then produces electricity in
the generator, but instead of being sent to power lines, the electricity travels directly to a
lighthouse or buoys.
Overall, both methods provide a renewable source of energy. The only obvious difference
is that one relies on the natural ebb and flow of the tides whereas the other has to be
regulated by the opening and closing of a gate built into an artificially created reservoir.

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