6240 Power System Operation and Protection 6240 S 2020

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S/2020/6240 [1] Total Pages : 4

Fifth Semester
Electrical Engineering
Seventh Semester
PTDC Elect.
Scheme July 2008
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : i) Attempt total five questions out of eight.
Hw$b AmR> ‘| go nm±M àíZ hb H$s{OE&
ii) In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question
should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$
àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&

1. a) What do you understand by A.C. and D.C. calculating. Board

and its uses? 3
E.gr. Am¡a ‹S>r.gr. Ho$ëHw$boqQ>J ~moS>© go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢ BZHo$ Cn¶moJ
b) Explain per unit system and write its advantages. 3
à{V BH$mB© nÕ{V ³¶m h¢ Am¡a BgHo$ bm^ {b{IE&
c) Prove that A =
where A is transmission line constant. 6
{gÕ H$s{OE H$s
Ohm± A g§MaU bmBZ pñWam±H$ h¢&

S/2020/6240 P.T.O.

d) Draw vector diagram and equivalent circuit of “T” equivalent of

medium transmission line level it. 8
“T” ZoQ>dH©$ H$m do³Q>a S>m¶J«m‘ Ed§ B³drboÝQ> g{H©$Q> ~ZmH$a Ad¶d Ho$
Zm‘ {b{IE&
2. a) Draw a single line diagram of a power system. Write advantages
of single line diagram. 3
EH$ e{³V àUmbr H$m EH$b bmBZ {MÌ ~ZmH$a CgHo$ bm^ {b{IE&
b) Write down the advantages of inter connected system. 3
e{³V àUmbr ‘| A§Vag§¶w³V àUmbr Ho$ bm^ {b{IE&
c) Write advantages and disadvantages of HVDC system over
HVAC system. 6
CÀM dmoëQ>Vm E.gr. {gñQ>‘ H$s VwbZm ‘| CÀM dmoëQ>Vm S>r.gr. {gñQ>‘
Ho$ bm^ d hm{Z¶m± {b{IE&
d) Explain line to ground fault with sequence network. 8
bmBZ Qy> J«mD$ÝS> (LG) fault ’$mëQ> H$mo {g³d|g ZoQ>dH©$ ~ZmH$a g‘PmBE&

3. a) Prove that 1 + α + α 2 = 0 . 3
{gÕ H$amo 1 + α + α 2 = 0 .
b) What is sequence impedance? 3
{g³doÝg à{V~mYm ³¶m h¢?
c) What is fault? Explain the reasons of fault in electrical power
system. 6
’$mëQ> ³¶m h¡ {dÚwV e{³V àUmbr ‘| ’$mëQ> Ho$ H$maUm| H$mo g‘PmB¶o&
d) If line current are I R = ( 7 + 10 j ) , IY = (12 − 14 j ) and

I B = ( −2 + 8 j ) , find symmetrical component. 8

¶{X bmBZ Ymam IR = ( 7 + 10 j ) , IY = (12 − 14 j ) , IB = ( −2 + 8 j )

h¡ Vmo {g‘o{Q´>H$b H$ånmoZoÝQ>²g kmV H$am|&

S/2020/6240 Contd.....


4. a) Define following : 3
{ZåZ{b{IV H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE …
i) Fusing current
ii) Fusing factor
iii) Arcing time
b) What do you mean by following terms : 3
{ZåZ{b{IV go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢ …
i) Time Multiplier Setting (TMS)
ii) Plug Multiplier Setting (PMS)
c) Write down working principals of earth fault relay with diagram.
{MÌ H$s ghm¶Vm go AW© ’$mëQ> [abo H$m H$m¶©H$mar {gÕm§V {b{IE&
d) Describe the construction and working principal of minimum oil
circuit braker. 8
ݶwZV‘ Am°¶b g{H©$Q> ~«oH$a H$s ~ZmdQ>, H$m¶© {gÕm§V H$mo g‘PmBE&
5. a) Explain internal and external cause of over voltage in power
system. 3
e{³V àUmbr ‘| A{V dmoëQ>VmE| CËnÞ hmoZo Ho$ Am§V[aH$ Ed§ ~mø H$maU
b) What is shunt reactor and its uses. 3
eÝQ> ar¶³Q>a ³¶m h¡ Am¡a BZHo$ Cn¶moJ ~VmBE&
c) Describe the method of neutral earthing. 6
ݶyQ´>b ^y-gånH©$Z H$s {d{Y¶m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE&
d) Describe the construction and working principle of SF6 circuit
breaker. 8
SF6 g{H©$Q> ~«oH$a H$s ~ZmdQ>, H$m¶© {gÕm§V H$mo g‘PmBE&
6. a) Draw a circuit in which relay, battery, trip coil C.T. and C.B. are
used. Explain the function of circuit in brief showing fault in the
line. 3
EH$ n[anW {MÌ It{ME {Og‘| [abo, ~¡Q>ar, {Q´>n ³dmBb gr.Q>r. VWm
n[anW {d¶moOH$ bJ| hmo Bg n[anW H$m H$m¶© g§jon ‘| bmBZ àXmof
{XImH$a g‘PmBE&
S/2020/6240 P.T.O.

b) Give the classification of protection relay. 3

àmoQ>o³eZ [abo H$m dJuH$aU H$s{OE&
c) Explain principle of impedance relay. 6
à{V~mYm [abo H$m {gÕmÝV g‘PmBE&
d) Explain distance relays. 8
Xÿar [abo H$mo g‘PmBE&
7. a) Explain causes of insulation failure in the power system. 3
e{³V àUmbr ‘| Hw$MmbH$m| Ho$ Ag’$b hmoZo Ho$ H$maUm| H$mo g‘PmBE&
b) Write down the difference between circuit breaker and fuse and
protection relays. 3
â¶wO, n[anW {d¶moOH$ Am¡a [abo ‘| A§Va {b{IE&
c) Explain different type of lighting arrester. 6
{d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ bmBQ>qZJ EaoñQ>a H$mo g‘PmBE&
d) Explain Merz price protection scheme with diagram. 8
‘O© àmBg àmoQ>o³eZ ¶moOZm H$mo {MÌ ~ZmH$a g‘PmBE&
8. a) What do you understand by travelling waves. 3
àJm‘r Va§J (Q´>odqbJ dod) Ho$ ~mao ‘| Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢ {b{IE&
b) Explain under voltage protection? 3
{ZåZ dmoëQ>Vm (under voltage) gwajm H$mo g‘PmBE&
c) A 25kVA and 11kV generator on this base per unit impedance
value of 0.25Ω for new base 50 kVA and 3kV find new per unit
impedance value. 6
EH$ 25kVA VWm 11kV ~og na EH$ O{ZÌ H$s à{V BH$mB© à{V~mYm
0.25Ω h¡ Z¶o ~og 50 kVA Ed§ 3kV na Z¶o à{V ¶y{ZQ> à{V~mYm H$m
‘mZ kmV H$s{OE&
d) Explain how a Buchholz relay is used in protection of transformer.
Q´>mÝg’$m‘©a Ho$ ajU Ho$ {bE ~w³bmoO [abo H$m {H$g àH$ma Cn¶moJ {H$¶m
OmVm h¢ {b{IE&


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