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While I don't have specific information on a case study by Edward F.

Vengrouskie or others titled "Human Resources as Ethical Gatekeepers," I can

provide you with a general understanding of the concept.

The term "ethical gatekeepers" in the context of human resources (HR)

suggests that HR professionals play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards
within an organization. Here are some key points related to this concept:

1. **Recruitment and Hiring Practices:**

- HR is responsible for recruiting and selecting candidates who not only
possess the necessary skills but also align with the company's values and ethical
- Ethical gatekeeping starts at the recruitment stage by ensuring fair and
unbiased hiring practices.

2. **Code of Conduct and Policies:**

- HR is often involved in the development and enforcement of the
company's code of conduct and ethical policies.
- They communicate these policies to employees, fostering a culture of
ethical behavior.

3. **Training and Development:**

- HR plays a role in implementing training programs that educate
employees about ethical guidelines and expectations.
- Ongoing training helps reinforce ethical behavior and keeps employees
informed about any updates to policies.

4. **Conflict Resolution:**
- When ethical dilemmas or conflicts arise, HR may act as a mediator to
resolve issues in a fair and ethical manner.
- This involves addressing concerns, investigating allegations, and taking
appropriate action to uphold ethical standards.

5. **Whistleblower Protection:**
- HR may establish mechanisms to protect employees who report unethical
behavior, encouraging a transparent and accountable workplace.

6. **Promoting a Positive Culture:**

- HR contributes to creating a positive organizational culture by promoting
values such as integrity, respect, and responsibility.
- This involves not only addressing unethical behavior but also actively
promoting ethical conduct as a positive aspect of the company's identity.

7. **Compliance:**
- HR ensures that the organization complies with legal and regulatory
requirements, contributing to the overall ethical framework.

In summary, the term "HR as ethical gatekeepers" emphasizes the role of

HR professionals in fostering an ethical workplace culture, from recruitment and
policy development to conflict resolution and ongoing training. They serve as a
key component in maintaining and promoting ethical standards within an

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