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2021 - 2022 Crédit : 2 IÉSEG - School of Management

Class code : 2122_SYL_MKT_2075 MKT

Niveau Année Semestre Campus Langue d'enseignement

Master - S1 L/P Anglais

Lecturer(s) FITZGERALD David


Learning objectives complémentaires

1.A Demonstrate an international mindset / 1.C Communicate effectively in English / 2.B Solve professional dilemmas using
concepts of CSR and ethics / 2.C Generate sustainable solutions for organizations / 5.D Make effectual organizational
decisions / 6.A Thoroughly examine a complex business situation

Description du cours

Assessment / Feedback

Element noté 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Projet de Examen
Type d'épreuve

Nombre heure si
examen écrit

2nd session

Coefficient 50.0 50.0


Lecture recommandée
Kollock, P (1998), Social Dilemmas: The Anatomy of Cooperation, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 24,183– 214
Steg.L, Dreijerink.L, Abrahamse.W (2009) Factors inuencing the acceptability of energy policies: A test of VBN theory,
Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (2005) 415–425

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Stern, N (2006) Stern Review Final Report: The Economics of Climate Change - (full executive summary)

Summary for Policymakers - IPCC (2007, In: Climate Change 2007: Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, 2013, Working
Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Summary for

Charge de travail

Type de cours Nombre d'heures

Face to face

Lecture 10.0

Interactive courses 6.0

Independent study

Personnal work 14.0

Collective project 5.0

Individual project 5.0

Independent work

Reading reference manuals 5.0

Research 5.0

Total 50.0

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