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Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094

Class: 8th Summative Assessment-1 Max Marks-90

No of pages: 08 ENGLISH Time-3 hrs

General Instructions:
1.All questions are compulsory.
2.You may attempt any section at a time.
3. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (10 marks)

The Olympic flame or Olympic fire is a symbol of the Olympic Games.

Commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek God Zeus by Prometheus, its origin
lies in ancient Greece, where a fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of
the ancient Olympics. For the ancient Greeks, fire had divine connotations.
Therefore, a fire permanently burns on an altar in Olympia. During the Olympic
games which honoured Zeus, additional fires were lit at his temple and that of his
wife, Hera. The modern Olympic flame is ignited at the site where the temple of Hera
used to stand. Fire did not appear at the modern Olympics until 1928. The Dutch
architect Jan Wils had included a tower in his design for the Olympic stadium for the
1928 Amsterdam Olympics and came up with the idea of having a fire burn
throughout. It has been part of the modern Olympic games ever since. The idea of
an Olympic flame was met with enthusiasm, and was incorporated as a symbol of
Olympism. The modern torch relay was introduced at the 1936 summer Olympics in
Berlin. German sports official and sports scientist Carl Dien conceived the idea of an
Olympic relay for the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin. More than 3000 runners
carried the torch form Olympia to Berlin. German track – and – field athlete Fritz
Schilgen was the last to carry the torch, igniting the flame in the stadium. The
Olympic flame is nowadays ignited several months before the opening celebrations
of the Olympic games at the site of the ancient Olympics in Olympia, Greece. Eleven
priestresses, played by actors, light the fire by placing a torch in a concave parabolic
mirror which concentrates rays from the sun. The torch is then transported to the
host city of the upcoming Olympics by means of a torch relay.

Choose the correct alternative from the given options and complete the
sentences. Write only the answer in your answer script:

I (1) Olympic games honoured the Greek God __________.

(2) The Olympic flames burnt on an __________.

(3) A fire permanently burns on an altar in Olympia because __________.

(4) Olympic flame is lighted at the __________.

5) The idea of an Olympic flame was met with __________.

(6) They light the fire by placing a torch __________.

II Fill in the blanks with one word only :

The Olympic games are an (a)__________ sports festival held every

(b)__________ years in a different country. Its purpose is to encourage
(c)__________ in games and to forge (d)__________ among people of the

III Find words in the passage that mean the following :

(a) everlasting (b) extinguish

Q2. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls : typical owls and barn owls. Owls
live in almost every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they
are awake at night. Owls are predators - they hunt the food that they eat. Owls hunt
for mice and other small mammals, insects, and even fish. Owls are well adapted for
hunting. Their soft, fluffy feathers make their flight nearly silent. They have very good
hearing which helps them to hunt well in the darkness. The sharp hooked beaks and
claws of the owl make it very easy to tear apart their prey quickly, although owls also
eat some prey whole.

Owl's eyes are unusual. Like most predators, both the eyes of the owl face front. The
owl cannot move its eyes. Owls are far - sighted, which means they can see very
well far away... but they can’t see up close very well at all. Fortunately, their distant
vision is what they use for hunting, and they can see far away even in low light. Owls
have facial disks around their eyes, tufts of feathers in a circle around each eye.
These facial disks are thought to help the Owl's hearing. Owls can turn their heads
180 degrees. This makes it look like they might be able to turn their heads all the
way around, but 180 degrees is all the owl needs to see what’s going on all around
him. Perhaps because of the Owl's mysterious appearance, especially its round eyes
and flexible neck, there are a lot of myths and superstitions about owls. Many
cultures believe that owls are unusually wise. Because owls are nocturnal, some
cultures associate owls with bad omens. The screech of the barn owl is considered
by many to sound eerily human, like a person screaming. However, owls probably do
not interact with the fates of humans at all. In fact, some owl species may become
extinct because of humans.

(a) Which of the following is not true about owls?

(i) Owls eat small animals.

(ii) Owls are able to fly silently.

(iii) Owls have the best hearing of all birds.

(iv) Owls have poor vision

(b) The eyesight of the owl is used for __________ .

(i) flying

(ii) hunting

(iii) sleeping

iv) none of these

(c) The purpose of this short article is __________ .

(i) to entertain

(ii) to inform

(iii) to persuade

(iv) none of these

(d) Another good title for this story can be __________ .

(i) Owls hunt at night

(ii) Owls can fly silently

(iii) Owls are interesting animals

(iv) Owls have flexible necks

(e) Which of the following is true ?

(i) The facial disks of the owl help them to see.

(ii) Owls have a strong, bent beak.

(iii) Most owls hunt for food during the day.

(iv) Owls are dangerous to humans

Q3.Read the following poem carefully: (5 marks)

I lay in sorrow, in deep distress;
My grief a proud man heard;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold,
But not a kindly word.

My sorrow passed – I paid him back
The gold he gave to me;
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks
And blessed his charity.

I lay in want, and grief and pain;

A poor man passed my way,
He bound my head, he gave me bread,
He watched me night and day.

How shall I pay him back again

For all he did to me?
Oh, gold is great, but greater far
Is heavenly sympathy.
Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options:

1. How did the proud man help the poet when he was in deep distress?

(a) He gave him jewels

(b) He took him home

(c) He gave some gold

(d) He pitied the poet

2. What was it he did not give the poet?

(a) money

(b) gold

(c) food

(d) sympathy

3. How did the poor man take care of the poet?

(a) The poor man gave him some money and food

(b) The poor man gave gold and kind words

(c) The poor man gave food to the poet and took care of him day and night

(d) He took the poet home and bound his head which was hurt

4. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) The poet repaid his debt to the proud man by thanking him

(b) The poor man blessed the charity of the poet

(c) When the poet was in sorrow he was given money

(d) The poet says he cannot repay the poor man for his sympathy

5. Which word in the poem means ―giving money to a person who is in need?

(a) charity

(b) sympathy

(c) kindness

(d) distress

Section B
(Writing – 25 Marks)

Q4. Meenakshi Goyal is Sports Captain of Navoday school. The sports day is (4 marks)
to be held on March 25th, which is just two weeks away. She has to
inform House Captains that they have to submit the names of the
participants to her in a week’s time. Students cannot take part in more
than three events excluding the relay race. Any delay or wrong
information will lead to disqualification of the student. Write a notice for
Meenakshi in not more than 50 words.

Q5. You are invited for a late night birthday party of your friend.. Since your ( 6 marks)
examinations are approaching you know your mother will not allow you.
Construct a dialogue between yourself and your mother wherein you
convince her why she should allow you to go for the party.. (100 words)

Q6. Given below is the outline of a story. Construct the story using it and (7 marks)
give it a suitable title.(120 words)
A boy falls in bad company—father brings some apple-put them in the
cupboard—places a rotten apple among them—next day all apples
rotten----teaches a lesson---- moral.

Q7. You visited your uncle’s house. You saw that your cousin has gained a (8 marks)
lot of weight due to his faulty eating habits and lack of physical exercise.
Write a letter to your cousin suggesting him ways how he can improve
his health and reduce his weight.

Section C
(Grammar – 20 Marks)

Q8. In the following passage one word has been omitted. Write the (4marks)
missing word in your answer sheet against the correct blank

Disturbances in the eco-system have led (a) _________ a significant

decline in the number (b) _______________ migratory birds which
used to fly across (c) ________ Himalayas in (d) _____________
winter months to warm marshy areas around Kolkata.
(a) (i) to (ii) from (iii) with (iv) in
(b) (i) for (ii) of (iii) from (iv) on
(c) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) on
(d) (i) the (ii) some (iii) few (iv) many

Q9. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful (4.marks)
sentences. Write your answers neatly in your answer sheet.

(a) had /charming/ Indira Gandhi / and / personality / powerful / a

(b) visit / good / Sabarmati Ashram /her /to / made a /impression/on
(c) highly disciplined / at Shantiniketan / led / she /a/ life
(d) thinking / greatly / Mahatma Gandhi / affected / also/ her
Q10. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in (4 marks)
each of the nine lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction
as given in the example against correct blank number. Also
underline the correction.

Error Correction
The Dead Sea Scrolls are a (a) a the
oldest known manuscript of any book (b) ____ _____
of the Bible. Some of the scroll (c) ____ _____
are more than 2000 year old. (d) ____ _____
They are discovered in the mid (e) ____ _____
1900s in caves near a northwestern (f) ____ _____
shore of Dead Sea in Palestine and Israel.
The first group of scrolls are discovered (g) ____ _____
in 1847 by a group of school boys on (h) ____ _____
a cave. Bedouins and others has found (i) ____ _____
ten more caves containing ancient writings.
Q11 Do as directed: (8 Marks)

a. Why your spirits are at------------ today. You look so

depressed.(Complete the sentence with suitable phrase using low )
b Noun form of endure is-------------------.
c. Ajay ----------- (has to/ have to / had to)finish his work before he could
come out to play.
d. The earth trembled, but not many people felt the---------( complete the
sentence with the correct form of the word ‘tremble’)
e. When I reached the station , the train------------(fill the correct form of
the verb ‘leave’)
f. Meghna was swept away by the waves.(change the voice)
g. We should not disobey our elders. (change the voice)
h. Sohini said to me, “My father will bring a beautiful dress for me on my
birthday.” (change the narration)

Section D

Literature (25 Marks)

Q12. A Read the extract and answer the following questions by (3 marks)
choosing the most appropriate options:

Sword in hand, the king came in his chariot

He hold my hand and said, “I will hire you with my power.

a. The king’s sword suggests:

(a)weapon (b) wealth (c)power
(d) more power than wealth.
b. A bargain is an agreement :
(a)when one party promise to do something for other.
(b) one party gives money to other.
(c)both parties agrees to do something for each other.
c. At last the man was hired by:
(a) A child (b) a maid (c) a merchant (d) a king

Q12. B Read the extract and answer the following questions : (3 marks)

Folks call it a fable. I’ll warrant it true;

Some crickets have four legs, some have two.

a. Identify the poem and the poet.

b. What do ants never do according to the poem.
c. Explain the last line ”some -----------------two”.

Q13. Answer the following questions in about25-30 word 2×5=10
a. What according to the writer, did his experience as an everester
teach him?
b. What are the two different ideas about why so few animals were
killed in the tsunami?
c. What was the effect of close window on eight sisters?
d. Why did Velu run away from his home? Give two reasons.
e. Who were the main four guests in giant’s garden when there was
Q14. Answer the following question in about 40 words: (3 marks)

Describe Hafeez Contractor as a student

Give few examples to show that Bepin Babu was a rich man.

Q15. Imagine you are Jim and you have returned home after the war got (6 marks)
over. Write a diary entry how you felt after you met Conie, your wife.
Also express your ideas about war.

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