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Why Do You Understand English But Can't Speak Fluently?

I understand English but when it comes to speaking… well, I can't!!! what can I do?
Today we will find the answer to that question: what to do when you understand English
but can't speak it fluently. Many people who are non-native English speakers face this
problem including me obviously, because I'm a non-native English speaker. I'm from
Mexico and I learned English from scratch and by the way I’ve learned by myself, I
mean I’m autodidact so we are on the same team, so you know, this is a very common
and absolutely natural issue, I will give you specific solutions to unlock your speaking
Let's start with the facts and let's understand our physical body and brain, our human
brain processes languages in different ways when it comes to understanding and
speaking according to a study published in the Journal of neuro-linguistics, two
different areas of our brain are involved when it comes to these two activities, the left
hemisphere which is like the left part of our brain is responsible for processing
grammatical rules and the structure of the language in general, this is what we call
understanding, the left part of our brain understanding and in the other hand the right
hemisphere which is the right part of our brain is responsible for intonation and Melody
of a language which is obviously speaking, so can you see we have two parts of our
brain involved in different activities? that's why you can't speak but you understand
English because you stimulate just your left hemisphere the most, so in order to
stimulate both parts of our brain we need to speak as much as we listen to English, I
repeat: these two skills need to be equal or actually speaking needs even more emphasis,
my conclusion of the first point of this explanation understanding versus speaking is that
you can’t just listen to English, you need to produce it because unfortunately just
listening is not going to bring any results so you need to speak as much as you can, as
often as you can, with as many people as you can.
But, How can I do that? Ok, you wanna get fluent in English, we have that clear already,
well, there is no better way than diving-head first into the English language immersion
experience, I mean seriously, What could be more effective than surrounding yourself
with English and soaking up the language like a sponge? it doesn't have to be anything
complicated, just make sure that English is a part of your daily routine, that is
everywhere around you and that you receive it as much as you produce it so, you need to
find some English speakers who you can talk as much as you can, you can binge-watch
some Netflix shows, you can listen to music in English, you can play games in English
whatever comes to your mind, just make sure that English is in your life, doing all of
these activities that I've mentioned, you will pick up on idioms, slang words, and fixed
phrases so everything that you need and then you need to make sure that you produce it
on your own, that you have this thinking process inside of your head.
How to use these words? for example I binge to watch a Netflix series and they were
saying all the time ‘You're slaying’ and I didn't understand then I checked it in Google,
I did my research and then I started using it, it wasn't really natural, I was like oh you're
slaying girl it means that you know someone is cool or classy or like looks so fresh but
then with the pass of the time I started using it very naturally so the same is gonna
happen to you, so what are you waiting for?
Those who watch this video and at the end don't use the English language will have a
little anxiety. Now let’s talk about some uncomfortable stuff. I understand that learning
a language can be a very difficult task, so it is for me especially when it comes to a
language like English which has so many nuances and complexities.
I just want to tell you and support you that feeling anxious about making mistakes or not
understanding certain concepts it's completely normal, I've been there and I am here
because I am still learning English and as I said many times in my Instagram stories that
learning a language is like a lifetime process, so yes, I'm still making mistakes and most
probably I'm gonna make them till the end of my life but every time I learn from them
and I try to improve from the bottom of my heart.
I want to encourage you to not let those fears stop you from achieving your goals. We
already know that learning a language is a lifetime Journey that requires, patience
persistence, and a lot of regular practice but one more time: It's okay to make mistakes
and not get everything right the first time. I believe in you, I know with the time and
effort and a little bit of patience you will be able to achieve your goals and overcome
these fears just take it one step at a time and be kind to yourself because you get this to
wrap up, this video let's remember that the balance between different parts of our brain
is absolutely crucial to speak fluently speak as much as you listen to English don't let
the mistakes discourage you treat yourself with kindness and empathy while learning
languages thank you guys so much for watching this video If you find this video
informative subscribe to this channel for more content like this and to support my work
if you need a language buddy sign up for one-to-one classes with me I share exclusive
tips with you that I don't share anywhere on my social media what's more I use modern
teaching methods and the classes are always strictly adapted to your needs so let me
help you rock your English write me an email DM me on Instagram or just sign up for
my course would you like to take your English to the next level by having one-to-one
meetings with me I've created something especially for you my eight weeks program is
going to change your life you are going to sound natural learn English in funny creative
way using examples taken from real life what's more you are going to forget about
memorizing boring grammar rules so if you wish to start exploring the world with the
Practical knowledge of English the link is in the description down below lots of love
and hope to see you soon see you in the next one bye

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