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The Surprising Power

of Atomic Habits
Discover how tiny changes can unlock remarkable transformations in
your life, compounding into significant outcomes over time.

Learn More Get Started

Identity & Habits Intertwined
Reflections of Self Belief Transformation Consistent Actions

Habits are a mirror of our Changing habits goes hand Consistent actions, no
identities, shaping who we in hand with altering our matter how small, are the
are and who we become. self-beliefs, forging a path to building blocks of our
Each action casts a vote for the identity we seek to identity, reinforcing the self-
the type of person we aspire embrace. image we cultivate.
to be.
Building Better Habits
1 Cue
Make the cues of good habits obvious and visible, paving the way for change.

2 Craving
Transform your cravings by making the habits you desire attractive and appealing.

3 Response
Simplify the response to make the execution of good habits easy and frictionless.

4 Reward
Ensure the rewards are satisfying, reinforcing the habit loop positively.
Case Study:
Transformation Through
Small Changes, Big Impact

Examining the profound effects of incremental habit

adjustments on behavior and identity over time.

Identity Shift

How a series of small habit changes can lead to a significant

transformation in one's self-perception and actions.
The Two-Minute Rule for New Habits

1 2 3

Start Small Build Up Consistency Over

Break down habits into Gradually increase the
tasks that take less than complexity of the habit as Emphasize the regularity of
two minutes to start, the small actions the habit to foster long-
focusing on the initiation compound into significant term adherence and
rather than the duration. changes. impact.
Creating and Sustaining Habits

1 Make It Obvious 2 Make It Attractive

Increase the visibility of cues to trigger Enhance the appeal of habits to boost
desired habits effortlessly. motivation and engagement.

3 Make It Easy 4 Make It Satisfying

Reduce complexity and barriers to make Link habits to satisfying outcomes to
habit actions more accessible. ensure positive reinforcement.
Breaking Bad Habits
Identify Cues Alter Cravings
Recognize the triggers that lead to Shift your cravings towards healthier
undesirable habits to begin the change alternatives to weaken the grip of bad
process. habits.

Change Response Update Rewards

Adopt new responses to disrupt the Find new, satisfying rewards that support
habitual cycle and create new patterns. the adoption of better habits.
Behavior Change &
Self-Control Through Design

Enhance self-control by structuring your environment to naturally

encourage desired behaviors and reduce temptations.

Adapting to Unpredictability

Learn to build resilient habits by focusing on controllable

responses, even in changing environments.
Behavior Change Framework
Make It Obvious Make It Attractive Make It Easy Make It Satisfying

Visible cues Appealing rewards Simplified actions Enjoyable

Embracing the Habit Journey

1 2
Continuous Identity
Improvement is an ongoing process, not a one- Transform your identity through the power of
time goal. habit.

3 4
Systems Growth
Develop systems that make desired behaviors View challenges as opportunities to learn and
automatic. evolve.

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