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Sustainable development: The process of conducting business in a way that considers long-

term environmental, social, and economic impact.

Social responsibility: The concept is that business hve a responsibility to positively impact
society and the environmen beyond maximizing profits.

Ethical practices: Conducting business in an honest, fair, and morally responsible manner,
following ethical principles and values.

Value proposition: The unique combination of benefits and value that a business offers to its
customers, differentiating it from competitors.

Innovation progress: The progess of the introduction of new ideas, products, processes, or
business models thar create value and drive growth.

Competitive advandtage: Unique qualities, resources, or strategies that give a business an

advantage over its competitors in the market.

Economic growth: The increase in the production and consumption of goods and services led
to overall expansion and development in the economy.

Risk management: The progress of identifying, assessing, and reducting risks that could
impact the success or reputation of a business.

Market share: The portion or percentage of a market that a business or product controls or

Customer satisfaction: The level of satisfaction or happiness experienced be customer in a

relation to the products, services, or experiences provided by a business.

Capital (n) a sum of money that invested or is used to begin a new business.

Consume (v) to use goods, resources or services.

Consumer (n) a person who buys goods or services for their own purpose.

Director (n) a person who has overall resonpability for an activity, department or organization.

Durable goods (n) products such as cars, television, ect.., that are expected to last for a long
time after purchase.

Employ (v) to hire someone for work in exchange for payment.

Emplyee (n) a person hired by an employer to do a job.

Expand (v) to get bigger in size or amount.

Finance (n) capital that a person, organization or country has;

(v) the act of providing money to enable something to happen.

Human resources (n) the department within a company that deals with the hiring, deployment
and development of employees.

Industrial (adj) relating to industry, espacially factories.

Input (n) things such as raw materials that are needed for a manufaturing process.

Invest (v) to put money into a business so that the business can multiply it.

Investment (n) money that is put into a business or bank so as to make a return.

Labour (n) the people who work in an organization.

Liabilty (n) an amount owned by business.

Limited liability (n) having liabily legally limited to a fix sum.

Machinery (n) the mchines or mechanisms involved in a process.

Manufacturing (n) the process od creating a product

Income (n) money that is earned by working, investing or selling goods or services.

Market (n) all the people who wish to purchase a particular product or service.

Market research: the gathering and analysis of information relating to the size, location and
makeup of a market.

Operations (n) the day-to-day activities of a company.

Output (n) the result od a process.

Ownership (n) the people or entitites that own the value created by an organization.

Partnership (n) an arragement in which two or more people or organizations work together.

Performance (n) how well someone does a task or job.

Permises (n) the land and buildings owned by a businessterm.

Product (n) something that is made or grown to be sold.

Production (n) the process of making or growing things for false.

Promotion (n) advertising the existence of something to increase its popularity.

Raw materials (n) the basic materials used for making a finished product.

Research and development (R&D) (n) invstigation carried out to try to ideas for new products
or ways of going doing things, or to improve on existing ones.

Resource (n) the money, materials, staff and other assets that a company can use in the course
of doing business.

Salary (n) the money paid for an employee’s services.

Service industry: the sector of business that provides services to people.

Set up (v) to start a business.

Shareholder (n) somebody who hold shares in a company.

Sole trader (n) the only person to be involved in the ownership and activities of a particular
business, who can keep all profits after tax, but is also responsible for all losses.

Stakeholder (n) a person who is directly affected by s process or business activity.

Subcontractor (n) an indivitual or business that does a protion of the work that has been given
to another individual or business.

Transformation (n) a process through which one things is converted into another.

Technology (n) the use of scientific knowledge for practial purposes.

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