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Preps Training

Preps Training

Exported on 03/30/2024
Preps Training – Preps Training

Table of Contents
1 Preps Activity Guide ............................................................................................. 7
1.1 Training summary ......................................................................................................................7
1.2 Other learning and support resources......................................................................................7
1.3 Welcome to Kodak Preps software training .............................................................................7
1.3.1 How to use the Activity Guide.................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.2 If you’re preparing to participate in the WebEx session ........................................................................................ 8
1.4 MODULE 1: Introduction to Preps .............................................................................................8
1.4.1 Module summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Introduction to Preps............................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Preps user interface ................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 Preps Help menu...................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.5 Review: Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 9 Review questions ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 MODULE 2: Configuring Preps .................................................................................................10
1.5.1 Module summary ................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.5.2 Activity 1: Edit preferences .................................................................................................................................... 10 Preferences............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Editing preferences ................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.5.3 Activity 2: Add media and stock ............................................................................................................................ 11 The Resources pane ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Adding media ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Adding stock........................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.4 Activity 3: Duplicate and create SmartMarks........................................................................................................ 12 Marks ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Duplicating a mark................................................................................................................................................. 12 Renaming a mark ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Creating a crop mark ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Creating a custom mark and mark group ............................................................................................................. 13
1.5.5 Activity 4: Search layouts....................................................................................................................................... 13 Searching layouts................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.5.6 Review: Configuring Preps..................................................................................................................................... 14
1.6 MODULE 3: Basic layouts, templates, and jobs ......................................................................14

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1.6.1 Module summary ................................................................................................................................................... 14

1.6.2 The Press Runs view............................................................................................................................................... 15
1.6.3 The Pages view....................................................................................................................................................... 15 The Pages List......................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.6.4 Creating layouts and templates ............................................................................................................................ 15
1.6.5 Activity 1: Create a template without a fold pattern ............................................................................................ 15 Creating an imposition .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Saving the layout as a template ............................................................................................................................ 16
1.6.6 Activity 2: Create a template with a fold pattern.................................................................................................. 16 Shingling (creep) .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Bottling (rotation) .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Creating an imposition .......................................................................................................................................... 17
1.6.7 Activity 3: Edit a template...................................................................................................................................... 18 Editing an existing template.................................................................................................................................. 18
1.6.8 Activity 4: Create a job using an existing template............................................................................................... 18 Adding pages to a job............................................................................................................................................. 18 Saving and printing a job....................................................................................................................................... 19
1.6.9 Activity 5: Manually create a ganged job .............................................................................................................. 19 Creating ganged layouts........................................................................................................................................ 19 Step and repeat...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Manually create a ganged job:............................................................................................................................... 19
1.6.10 Basic layouts, templates, and jobs review............................................................................................................ 20
1.7 MODULE 4: The Assembly view................................................................................................21
1.7.1 Module summary ................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.2 Activity 1: Create a job with a product intent ....................................................................................................... 21 Adding product intent............................................................................................................................................ 21 Adding a cover part ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Adding a text part................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.7.3 Activity 2: Work in the Assembly view ................................................................................................................... 22 Adding a new part to an existing product............................................................................................................. 22 Splitting a section .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Combining, moving, and changing binding styles of sections ............................................................................ 23
1.7.4 Activity 3: Add a second product to an existing job ............................................................................................. 25 Jobs with multiple products ................................................................................................................................. 25 Adding a new product and part............................................................................................................................. 25

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1.7.5 Activity 4: Work with JDF jobs ............................................................................................................................... 25 JDF imposition jobs ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Mark rules and Mark Rules Editor.......................................................................................................................... 26 Configuring JDF preferences ................................................................................................................................. 26 Creating a mark rule .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Creating a JDF job .................................................................................................................................................. 26
1.7.6 The Assembly view review ..................................................................................................................................... 27
1.8 MODULE 5: AutoGanging .........................................................................................................27
1.8.1 Module summary ................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.8.2 The AutoGang feature............................................................................................................................................ 27
1.8.3 Activity 1: Create a ganged job with an AutoGang preset .................................................................................... 27 AutoGang presets................................................................................................................................................... 27 Creating an AutoGang preset ................................................................................................................................ 28 Creating an AutoGanged job ................................................................................................................................. 28
1.8.4 Activity 2: Create an AutoGang job with hot folders............................................................................................. 28 AutoGang with hot folders..................................................................................................................................... 28 Setting up the root hot folder................................................................................................................................ 29 Creating a mark rule .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Setting up an AutoGang hot folder ....................................................................................................................... 29 AutoGanging a job.................................................................................................................................................. 29 Changing an AutoGang hot folder to automatic print ......................................................................................... 30
1.8.5 AutoGanging in Preps review ................................................................................................................................ 30
1.9 MODULE 6: Advanced layouts .................................................................................................31
1.9.1 Module summary ................................................................................................................................................... 31
1.9.2 Custom fold patterns ............................................................................................................................................. 31
1.9.3 Step-and-repeat placeholder ................................................................................................................................ 31
1.9.4 Activity 1: Create a come-and-go layout............................................................................................................... 31 Come-and-go layouts ............................................................................................................................................ 31 Creating a come-and-go layout............................................................................................................................. 31
1.9.5 Activity 2: Create a multi-web layout .................................................................................................................... 32 Multi-web layouts................................................................................................................................................... 32 Creating a multi-web layout .................................................................................................................................. 32
1.9.6 Activity 3: Create a multi-section layout ............................................................................................................... 33 Multi-section layouts ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Creating a layout with multiple sections .............................................................................................................. 33

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1.9.7 Advanced layouts review....................................................................................................................................... 33

1.10 Preps training wrap-up ............................................................................................................34
1.10.1 Training wrap-up review........................................................................................................................................ 34

2 Post-training review activities........................................................................... 36

2.1 Preps video series: Review of online training .........................................................................36
3 PREPS Page Marks Behaviour ........................................................................... 37

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Welcome to the training documents for the KODAK Preps Imposition Software.
If you have any questions about or suggestions for these documents, please use the Provide Feedback link at the
bottom of the page.
You can create and download a PDF of the online content by clicking the Tools menu (three dots at the top right of
the page) and then selecting Export to PDF. Various templates are available for downloading a single page, a page
with its child pages, or all the content listed in the table of contents in the left pane.
Links to other Preps documentation:
• Preps 10.0 release notes and user guide1
• For troubleshooting items, please go to Partner Place service and support portal2
Note: if JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the content or the functionality of this Website can be limited or


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1 Preps Activity Guide

1.1 Training summary

After completing this training, you should be able to:
• Navigate the Preps user interface
• Add resources
• Search for templates and fold patterns
• Create layouts, templates, and jobs
• Create a ganged layout
• Work in the Assembly view
• Work with JDF files
• Create and use AutoGang presets
• Use AutoGang with hot folders
• Create advanced layouts
• Set up mark rules

1.2 Other learning and support resources

If you need more information or you are looking for other resources on Preps, you can:
• Use the online help and demonstrations provided with Preps imposition software
• Complete the activities provided with the Preps demonstrations
• Log on to the Partner Place portal to look for additional documentation, demos, downloads, and
troubleshooting answers.
Partner Place also includes a catalog of self-training resources, including video demonstrations and activity
files that can be downloaded for use with the activities in the Preps Activity Guide. Please see the Catalog of
self-paced KODAK UWS training resources3 for more information.

1.3 Welcome to Kodak Preps software training

Purpose of training
This training serves as a high-level introduction to the basics of the Kodak Preps software.
This training is designed for new Preps software customers.
Time required
2 days
Delivery method
This course is designed for instructor-led WebEx software delivery. A computer with high-speed Internet connection
and telephone are required to participate in the WebEx session.
Students can use the document and activities for self-study or self-paced review.


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1.3.1 How to use the Activity Guide

• Download the Preps activity files from this location4 to a folder on the desktop of your Preps workstation or
find them on the training DVD.
• Each activity represents a specific scenario. In regular operations and for other scenarios, you might make
different choices.
• The activities included in this guide show you one way of performing the task. Alternatives may exist.
Perform each task as shown so that the instructor can easily pinpoint issues and answer questions.
• Some activities require that you continue using the file created in the previous step. If this is the case, the
Activity Guide warns you not to close the file. Otherwise, close any open jobs in Preps before starting a new

1.3.2 If you’re preparing to participate in the WebEx session

1. Tell your colleagues that you are participating in this session.
2. Have a copy of this guide and any other reference material printed.
3. At the appropriate time, log on to the session and dial into the teleconference as directed.
4. Have your copy of Preps installed and running on a computer you can use throughout the session.

1.4 MODULE 1: Introduction to Preps

1.4.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Navigate the Preps user interface
• Identify the task-based views and panes

1.4.2 Introduction to Preps

The Kodak Preps imposition software is a prepress tool that you use to create press-run layouts for bound-work
impositions and ganged flat work. You can work "on the fly" in an interactive workspace, use stored templates for
frequently repeated layouts, and print the production output to common file formats. Preps also supports varying
degrees of workflow automation.
You can impose PDF input files or unpopulated job pages for sheetfed or web press-run layouts, and send the
output to any PostScript compatible device such as a computer-to-plate (CTP) device, imagesetter, on-demand
printer, digital printer, wide-format imposition proofer, or laser printer.

1.4.3 Preps user interface

The Preps user interface contains three task-based views, several panes, and lists.
The three dynamically updated task-based views and their uses are:
• The Pages view: use to set up the product run lists with blank, placeholder, or PDF content pages; preview
individual pages and page details; adjust the trim boxes; and reposition, scale, or rotate the PDF content.


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• The Press Runs view: use to create and interactively edit and preview any number of sheetfed and multiweb
press runs to accommodate the job's pages. Manage the stock, media, marks, and layout for each sheet or
• The Assembly view: use to provide the product intent for a customer job, which can include multiple
products and parts, and mixed binding styles. Interactively plan the binding assembly of each product's
parts and sections, and autogenerate the press runs based on your planned details.
The user interface regions and their uses are:
• The Products pane: view and manage the job structure. For manual layouts, you can select and drag
sections to the Press Runs workspace.
• The Files list: add customer PDF input files, create placeholder files, and select file pages to add to a run list
or press-run layout.
• The Resources pane: select and manage your resources for building press runs.
• The workspace: use to review, rearrange, and edit items in the workspace to dynamically update the
properties. Use viewing tools and menu options to control which details are displayed.
• The summary lists: use to manage a list of all applicable job items. Arrange the rows and columns, change
the sort order and width of columns, and expand or collapse the rows. Select an item in the Press Runs List
or the Pages List to display it in the workspace.
• The Properties pane: use to view and edit the settings of selected job items. All applicable panes and lists
are dynamically updated with your changes. Select an item in a workspace, summary list, or Products list to
display its settings in the Properties pane.

1.4.4 Preps Help menu

Several other helpful resources are accessed through the Help menu in Preps.
• Preps Demonstrations show you how to use several important features in Preps. They also contain activities
for you to try on your own.
• The Preps User Guide gives detailed information about Preps features and functions, as well as license
options and Preps shortcuts. To access the Preps User Guide, select Preps Help from the Help menu.

1.4.5 Review: Introduction Review questions

1. The Preps imposition software is a prepress tool that you use to create press-run layouts for bound-work
impositions and ganged flat work.
a. True
b. False
2. The Files list is used to:
1. Add customer PDF files
2. Create placeholder files
3. Select file pages to add to a run list or press-run layout
4. All of the above
1. The Preps imposition software is a prepress tool that you use to create press-run layouts for bound-work
impositions and ganged flat work.
a. True
b. False

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2. The Files list is used to:

a. Add customer PDF files
b. Create placeholder files
c. Select file pages to add to a run list or press-run layout
d. All of the above

1.5 MODULE 2: Configuring Preps

1.5.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Edit preferences in Preps
• Identify the lists in the Resources pane
• Add, edit, duplicate, or delete new media, stock, and marks
• Create a new mark group
• Search layouts

1.5.2 Activity 1: Edit preferences Preferences
You can set default values for various settings throughout the software. Define your preferences for the current
session, and, if desired, store the settings in a profile.
The default values appear in various other areas of the software, where they are typically editable for a specific
purpose, without changing the stored default values. The default values can be changed only in the Preferences
dialog box.
By default, Preps stores profiles in the Preps \Profiles folder in their respective .cfg file. If you are using
Preps integrated with the Kodak Prinergy Workflow software, you will find this folder on the Prinergy Workflow
primary server. Editing preferences

1. Perform the appropriate action for your client operating system:
• Apple Macintosh: Select Preps > Preferences.
• Microsoft Windows: Select Edit > Preferences.
2. In the Preferences dialog box, on the General tab, make the following adjustments:
a. In the Default Binding Style list, select Saddle-Stitched.
b. In the Press Sheet Edge to Punch Center box, enter a value greater than 0.75 inch (19.05 mm).
c. Click Saddle-Stitched to modify saddle-stitched preferences.
d. In the Head Trim box, type 0.25 in. ( 6.35 mm)
e. In the Front Lip and Back Lip boxes, type front lip and back lip values greater than 0.
3. In the Marks tab, Fold Mark Length box, enter a value greater than 0.
4. At the top of the Preferences dialog box, click Save Profile, type a name for the new profile, and click OK.
5. Click OK.

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1.5.3 Activity 2: Add media and stock

You can add new media and stock in two ways.
• Right-click the list and select Add from the context menu.
• Select Resources > New Media or New Stock.
You can also edit and delete media by right-clicking the Media list and edit, duplicate, and delete stock by right-
clicking the Stock list. The Resources pane

The Resources pane helps you manage your resources through the:
• Media list
• Stock list
• Marks list
• Layouts pane containing the:
• Templates list
• Fold Patterns list
• Step & Repeat Patterns list
• Layout Search tool
In this activity, you will use the Resources pane to add new media and stock. You can also practice editing or
deleting media, and editing, duplicating, or deleting stock. Adding media

1. In the Resources pane, click the Media list to open it.
2. Right-click the Media list and select Add.
3. From the Media Type list, select Prinergy Refiner.
4. In the Nickname box, type 40 × 28 (1020 mm × 720 mm) and click OK.
New media 40 × 28 appears in the Media list.
5. Click Custom Size.
6. Click Add.
7. In the Custom Size dialog box, enter the following values:
a. In the Name box, type 40 × 28 (1020 mm × 720 mm).
b. In the Width box, type 40 (1020 mm).
c. In the Height box, type 28 (720 mm).
8. Click OK.
9. In the Size list, select 40 × 28 (1020 mm × 720 mm) and click OK.
To delete or change a media resource, right-click the resource, and select Delete or Edit. Adding stock

1. In the Resources pane, click the Stock list to expand it.
2. Right-click the Stock list and select Add.
3. In the Stock dialog box, enter the following values:
1. In the Stock Name box, type 20 × 35 (510 mm × 890 mm).
2. In the Width box, type 20 (510 mm).

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3. In the Height box, type 35 (890 mm).

4. In the Weight box, type 1 .
5. In the Caliper box, type 1 .
• Click Save.
To delete or change a stock resource, right-click the resource, and select Delete or Edit. You can also create a new
stock resource from an existing one by right-clicking, selecting Duplicate, and changing the details of the stock as

1.5.4 Activity 3: Duplicate and create SmartMarks Marks
All marks that you can create and add to press runs are based on the Kodak SmartMarks software technology. Each
mark is dynamically placed and sized, based on the positioning rules that you configure and store in its SMK file.
You can create collation, crop, custom, duplicating, fold, rectangle, and text SmartMarks and groups, and you can
also set preferences for built-in side guide and center sheet marks.
To create new marks, go to the Resources menu and select New SmartMark. You can also edit, duplicate, delete,
or rename an existing
mark in the Marks list by right-clicking. Duplicating a mark

1. Click the Marks pane to expand the list.
2. Expand the Tutorial group, right-click the ColorBar mark, and select Duplicate.
3. Select Duplicate.
4. In the Anchor section of the Duplicate Smart Dupmark dialog box, change the anchor location of the mark
on the sheet by selecting the bottom bar.
5. From the Mark Anchor options, select the middle bar.
6. Click Save.
7. In the Save As dialog box, select the Tutorial folder and save the new mark with the system-provided
name, ColorBar copy . Renaming a mark

1. Expand the Tutorial mark group.
2. Right-click ColorBar copy.
3. Select Rename.
4. In the Print file ID box, type the name ColorBar bottom .
5. Press OK.
The new mark is saved to the same group as the original on which it is based. Creating a crop mark

1. Select Resources > New SmartMark > Crop Mark.
2. In the Name box, type training crop
3. In the Length box, type 0.5 . (inches) or 12.7 (mm).
4. In the Offset from page box, type 0.25 (inches) or 6.35 (mm).
5. (Optional) In the Style list, select a style for the mark. Leave it as Solid for now.

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6. (Optional) If you want the mark to be a certain color, click the Mark Color button. Don't change the color at
this time.
7. In the Sheet Placement list, select Front for the location where the mark should be placed on the sheet.
8. Click Save As and save the mark in the Tutorial folder.
Note: To apply the mark to a layout you're working on at the same time as you save it, click Apply, and then
click Save As. If you want to save the mark to an existing group, select it from the list of folders in the dialog
box. To create a new group, click New Folder, create a new folder, and save the mark in it.
9. In the Save dialog box, click Save.
Once you have a crop mark applied to a layout with pages and you want to delete a single crop mark, in the Press
Runs view, hold down the Opt (Macintosh) or Alt (Windows) key, select the crop mark, and press Del. Creating a custom mark and mark group

1. Select Resources > New SmartMark > Custom Mark.
2. In the Name box, type training custom .
3. In the Image File list, select regmark1.eps as the mark image to use.
4. In the Rotation list, select 90 degrees.
5. In the Anchor to list, select Anchor to Media.
6. On the anchor diagram, select the top-left corner.
7. From the Mark Anchor positions, select the middle-right one.
8. In the Sheet Placement section, select Mirror on back.
9. Click Save As.
10. In the Save As dialog box, click the Create New Folder icon.
11. Type training marks as the new folder name and click Open.
12. Click Save to save the new custom mark in the training marks folder.
You can create additional folders and copy SmartMarks into them directly in the Preps
\Marks\SmartMarks folder.
The new mark group and mark appear in the Marks list.

1.5.5 Activity 4: Search layouts Searching layouts

1. In the Resources pane, click Layouts to expand the list.
2. Click the magnifying glass icon to activate the Search tool.
3. Click [+] to display the first line of search criteria.
4. In the search criteria list, select Page Count.
5. Type 8 in the box.
6. Click [+] to display another search criteria list.
7. Select Page Size.
8. In the W (width) box, type 38 (metric: 965.2 ). In the H (height) box, type 25 (metric: 635 ).
The long list of templates and fold patterns are narrowed down to fold patterns that meet the criteria. Feel free to
experiment with search criteria by adding, removing, or changing the criteria.
• To delete criteria, click [-].
• To reset all criteria, click Reset.

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1.5.6 Review: Configuring Preps

1. The profile that you set up in Preferences will be the only one used for all processing in Preps.
1. True
2. False
• You can add media or stock by:
1. Accessing the Resources menu and selecting either New media or New stock
2. Right-clicking the media or stock list in the Resources pane and selecting Add from the context menu
3. Both a and b
• All marks are dynamically placed and sized, based on positioning rules that you create. After you create a mark, you
can edit it and duplicate it but it remains in the Marks list forever.
1. True
2. False
1. The profile that you set up in Preferences will be the only one used for all processing in Preps.
1. True
2. False
• You can add media or stock by:
1. Accessing the Resources menu and selecting either New media or New stock
2. Right-clicking the media or stock list in the Resources pane and selecting Add from the context menu
3. Both a and b
• All marks are dynamically placed and sized, based on positioning rules that you create. After you create a mark, you
can edit it and duplicate it but it remains in the Marks list forever.
1. True
2. False

1.6 MODULE 3: Basic layouts, templates, and jobs

1.6.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Work in the Press Runs view
• Create a new template with and without a fold pattern
• Create a job using an existing template
• Work in the Pages view
• Add files and create a pages list
• Adjust page properties
• Create a manually ganged layout
• Save a job
• Print a job

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1.6.2 The Press Runs view

In the Press Runs view, create, interactively edit, and preview any number of sheetfed and multi-web press runs to
accommodate the job's pages. Manage the stock, media, marks, and layout for each sheet or web.

1.6.3 The Pages view

Work in the Pages view to:
• Set up the product run lists with blank, placeholder, or PDF content pages
• Preview individual pages and page details
• Adjust the trim boxes
• Reposition, scale, or rotate the PDF content.
The workspace in the Pages view gives you real-time previews of the page that you're working on. It also allows you
to adjust the settings for a specific page or group of pages. The Pages List

Manage the product run-list pages in the Pages List in the Pages view, and immediately preview a page that you
select from the list.
You can add pages that contain content or add placeholders to the list. You can scroll through pages and apply
settings to a specific page, or select several pages and adjust settings for all of them.

1.6.4 Creating layouts and templates

You can create a layout by dragging or double-clicking media, stock, and marks from the lists in
the Resources pane. You can quickly create layouts on the fly for a job that will not be repeated or you can save a
layout as a template.
Templates are standalone files that store complete information about reusable layouts for a specific binding style.
Information about each unique layout is stored in a template signature within the template, including its media,
press sheet size, work style, template page positions, and marks. Templates are useful for frequently repeated jobs.
The Templates list contains complete, reusable layouts that predefine the press-sheet dimensions and template
page sizes, positions, and numbering for specific binding styles. The software includes a selection of sample
templates, and you can save frequently-repeated jobs as templates.

1.6.5 Activity 1: Create a template without a fold pattern

Although you don't need to create a template from every layout you make, it certainly can make things easier if you
have layouts you use over and over again. When you create a template, it either contains a fold pattern or it doesn't.
If you don't use a fold pattern you can adjust gutters and margins, and other elements, in the workspace of
the Press Runs view. After setting up the layout, you can save it as a template. It is then available for other jobs and
appears in the Layouts pane. Creating an imposition

1. In the Resources pane, click the Media list.

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2. Double-click Press Sheet Size.

The media is added to the workspace in the Press Runs view.
3. Click the Stock panel list.
4. Double-click 25 in × 38 in (B1) (metric: 635 mm x 965.2 mm).
The stock is added to the workspace.
5. Click the Marks panel list.
6. In the Tutorial group, double-click ColorBar.
The color bar is added.
7. Select Job > Create Imposition.
8. In the Imposition dialog box, make the necessary changes.
Do not make any changes at this time.
9. Click OK.
Note: Since we didn't change the horizontal and vertical values in the Number of Imposed Pages section, Preps
created a 16-page signature. Saving the layout as a template

1. Click the layout in the workspace.
2. In the gutter value boxes at the top of the layout, and working from left to right, set the following values:
• 0
• 0
• 0.25 ( 6.35 mm )
• 0.25 ( 6.35 mm )
• 0
• 0
3. Click the vertical values, the middle-right of the layout, and change them to 1 inch (25 mm) each.
4. To number the pages, click the Page Numbering tool , and then click the pages in the correct order.
Note: As you number the pages, they are grayed out. If you try to number a page that exceeds the number of
pages allowed on the layout, Preps warns you that it is out of range. If you number a page incorrectly, type
the page number into the Page Number box and then click the page to which you want to assign that
5. In the Press Runs List, Signatures column, click Untitled Signature and name your signature 16-page
perfect bound
6. Select File > Save As Template.
7. Click OK.
8. Type a meaningful name for the new template.
9. Click Save.
The new template is added to the list of templates in the Layouts pane and is searchable using
the Search tool.
Note: If you are using a Prinergy Workflow system, you could print at this point, since the Pages List is populated
with blank pages equal to the number of pages on your signature. If you are using a Kodak Prinergy Evo Workflow or
another workflow system, you still need to add pages and create a run list.

1.6.6 Activity 2: Create a template with a fold pattern

You can also create a layout with a fold pattern. Fold patterns quickly create press-run sections with prenumbered
page grids. The default or planned sheet and page size are automatically applied. If you use a fold pattern, you can
adjust the trims to suit your needs.

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Preps Training – Preps Training Shingling (creep)

Creep in a book can cause content to be trimmed due to pages pushing out when the sections are folded. You
compensate for creep by progressively shingling the page image areas towards the binding to decrease the page
gutter or margin width, without affecting content. If you must maintain the gutter and margin widths, you can
choose to progressively scale the images instead of shifting them.
The amount of creep in a book is affected by the number of folds and by paper thickness, and the affected pages
depends on the binding style. In a saddle-stitched book, the increased thickness at the fold can cause the inside
section to push out. In perfect-bound books, creep is limited to the inner pages in each individual section. Bottling (rotation)

When an imposition section is folded, its pages might bottle (also known as skew) due to the number of pages, the
thickness of the paper, or the folding equipment. You might also need to set or disable shingling for specific pages
in a book.
To compensate for bottling, you rotate the pages in the opposite direction. You specify either a positive or negative
degree of bottling:
• A positive amount rotates the pages counterclockwise relative to the head direction on the press sheet front.
• A negative amount rotates the pages clockwise on the press sheet front. The back side pages automatically
rotate to line up with the front side pages.
Specify the degrees and the point around which to rotate the pages. Creating an imposition

1. Close any open jobs in Preps.
2. In the Resources pane, click the Media list.
3. Double-click Press Sheet Size.
The media is added to the workspace in the Press Runs view.
4. Click the Stock panel.
5. Double-click 25 in x 38 in (B1) (metric: 635 mm x 965.2 mm).
The stock is added to the workspace.
6. Click the Marks list.
7. In the Tutorial group, double-click ColorBar.
The color bar is added.
Note: If you know the fold pattern that you want to use, locate it in the Layouts pane and double-click it or
drag it to the workspace. If you don't know which fold pattern is best, continue with the following steps.
8. Select Job > Create Imposition.
9. In the Resources pane, expand the Fold Pattern list and select JDF-F16-8.
10. In the Fold Flip list, select Yes.
11. In the Fold Rotation list, select 180 degrees.
12. In the Trims section, set the spine to 0.
13. Click OK.
Note: If you need to make any changes to the layout (for example the trims), click the layout in the
workspace and make the adjustments in the Section Properties pane.
14. To save the layout as a template, follow the steps in Saving the layout as a template (see page 15) in the
previous activity.

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1.6.7 Activity 3: Edit a template Editing an existing template

1. Close any open jobs in Preps.
2. Select File > Open, and browse to the Preps folder installed on your computer.
3. In the Templates\Folding Pattern Templates\US folder, double-click Letter Saddle.tpl
to open the template.
4. In the View menu, make sure the following options are selected:
• Show Template Page Numbers
When opening template files in Preps, the page number increments depending on the binding style
and the number of signatures within the template file. The template page number for each signature
is shown as the first number in a formula similar to this: 1 - A1 1, where "A" stands for the product
name, the first (red) "1" stands for the section number in the entire job, and the last (blue) number
stands the section number within the same press run.
• Show Folio (to hide the job page numbers)
5. In the Press Runs List, select Press Run 1.
6. Click the layout, and then click Rotate twice to rotate the imposition so that page 1 is now on the bottom.
7. Select File > Save As Template and click OK.
8. Give the template a new name and click Save.

1.6.8 Activity 4: Create a job using an existing template

Because a template stores all the layout information that you need for a job, using a template to create a job can
save time and decrease the possibility of errors.
This method works best for products with standard page counts that can be evenly divided into the autoselected
page grid.
Extract the files in the Activity package to your Desktop to a new folder called Activity
files and use them for this activity. Adding pages to a job

1. Close any open jobs in Preps.
2. Switch to the Pages view.
3. Locate the file OrchidBook24.pdf , or use any file that you have that is 16 pages or more.
4. Drag the file to the Files pane.
To see the list of pages in the Files pane, click the triangle next to the file name.
5. Drag the file to Pages List > New Product(A).
6. Switch to the Press Runs view.
7. In the Resources pane, click the Layouts list.
8. Under Templates > Folding Pattern Templates > US, right-click the Letter Saddle group of templates.
9. Select Auto Select.
Preps automatically selects the appropriate templates and creates press runs, which are displayed in
the Press Runs List, and previews the signature in the workspace.
Note: Preps will automatically create two press runs. If Preps does not automatically create what you want, you can
reorder the press runs by clicking the up and down arrows in the Press Runs List toolbar.

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Preps Training – Preps Training Saving and printing a job

1. Select File > Save.
2. In the Save As dialog box, File name box, type a meaningful name for the job.
In this case, type Orchid24 .
3. Click Save.
The job is saved as a .job file.
4. Select File > Print.
5. In the Send to list, select the type of output you want to create.
The output settings that are defined in the currently loaded profile are applied by default when you print a
job. The default output types are:
• Printer: Prints to the printer that is selected in the Connection dialog box
• PDF: Generates one or more PDF output files
• PS: Generates one or more PostScript files
• JDF: Generates a Job Definition Format file
• PJTF: Generates an Adobe Job Ticket file for workflows that require Portable Job Ticket Format job
• PPF: Generates one Print Production Format cutting-data file per press sheet
6. Make any other necessary adjustments.
7. Click Print.
The job is printed.

1.6.9 Activity 5: Manually create a ganged job Creating ganged layouts

A ganged layout consists of independently positioned pages on a press sheet. You can rotate, scale, align, group,
and step-and-repeat the pages, and edit the margins and gaps directly in the workspace or in the Properties pane.
You can generate ganged layouts manually or you can use the AutoGang (see page 27) feature. Step and repeat

To create a step-and-repeat group, use the Step & Repeat tool to select a page or place a New Step &
Repeat placeholder on the press sheet. As you drag a page or placeholder across an area, the number of copies that
will fit is displayed and updated.
When you click the Step & Repeat tool to apply it to a page or to place a New Step & Repeat placeholder, the Step
& Repeat Properties pane will appear on the right to give you further control in arranging pages and adjusting the
stagger type and amount. Manually create a ganged job:

Use the files in the Activity files folder for this activity.
1. Switch to the Press Runs view.
2. In the Media list, double-click to select Press Sheet Size.
3. In the Stock list, double-click 30 in × 40 in (700 mm × 1000 mm).
4. Locate the AnaelliaPostcard.pdf , Flyer2pg_Golf.pdf , and OrchidBusinessCard1.pdf
files and drag them to the Files pane.

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You can also use any three flatwork files of different sizes that you have. If you use different files, adjust Step
& Repeat sizes to fit the artwork to the sheet, as required.
5. In the Files pane, select the arrow in front of OrchidBusinessCard1.pdf to reveal Page 1 and Page 2.
6. Drag Page 1 to the workspace and position it in the lower-left corner of the sheet.
7. Click the Step & Repeat icon in the workspace toolbar.
8. Select the OrchidBusinessCard1.pdf and drag the business card up to the top of the sheet and over
one, so that you have two columns of the business card with 14 cards in each column.
9. In the Step & Repeat Properties pane, Arrange Pages area, select Trim to Trim.
10. Drag Page 1 of the AnaelliaPostcard.pdf to the workspace, position it next to the business card,
select the Step & Repeat icon, and drag the postcard to create one column of five postcards.
11. Drag Page 1 of the Flyer2pg_Golf.pdf to the workspace, position it next to the postcard,
select the Step & Repeat icon, and drag the flyer to create one column of two flyers.
12. Click the Flip icon to switch to the back of the sheet.
13. Drag the second page of each file and position it over the outline of the correct pages.
The group of pages turns gray as you hover over it, indicating that it is the group to which the pages will be
14. Click the Flip icon to return to the front of the sheet.
15. Select Job > Add File Placeholder, change the page count to 2, change the finished page size to 4 in. x 6 in.
(101.6 mm x 152.4 mm), and click OK.
A placeholder file appears in the Files pane.
16. Drag Page 1 of the placeholder from the Files pane to the workspace, and position it next to the flyer.
17. Click the Step & Repeat icon and drag the placeholder to create three columns of four postcards for a total
of 12 postcards.
18. Click the Flip icon to switch to the back of the sheet.
19. Drag Page 2 of the placeholder from the Files pane to the the step & repeat that you just created.
20. Save the job.

1.6.10 Basic layouts, templates, and jobs review

1. Templates store information such as media, press sheet size, work style, template page positions, and
1. True
2. False
• You can adjust the settings of a page or several pages by:
1. Selecting the page or pages in the Pages view and making changes to the settings in the Product Properties
2. Selecting the page or pages on the layout in the Press Runs view and making changes to the settings in the
Section Properties
3. Selecting the page or pages in the Pages List and making changes to the settings in the Run List Page
• Use the Step & Repeat tool to:
1. Add blank pages to the Pages List
2. Duplicate a sheet in the Press Runs view
3. Add content to the Pages view
4. Create ganged layouts in the Press Runs view
1. Templates store information such as media, press sheet size, work style, template page positions, and
1. True
2. False

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• You can adjust the settings of a page or several pages by:

1. Selecting the page or pages in the Pages view and making changes to the settings in the Product Properties
2. Selecting the page or pages on the layout in the Press Runs view and making changes to the settings in the
Section Properties
3. Selecting the page or pages in the Pages List and making changes to the settings in the Run List Page
• Use the Step & Repeat tool to:
a. Add blank pages to the Pages List
b. Duplicate a sheet in the Press Runs view
c. Add content to the Pages view
d. Create ganged layouts in the Press Runs view

1.7 MODULE 4: The Assembly view

1.7.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Create a job with product intent
• Move, combine, and split sections
• Change binding styles
• Add a new product and part
• Adjust section properties
• Work with JDF jobs
Use this view to provide the product intent for a customer job, which can include multiple products and parts, and
mixed binding styles. You can also interactively plan the binding assembly of each product's parts and sections, and
autogenerate press runs based on your planned details.

1.7.2 Activity 1: Create a job with a product intent

Product intent describes the customer's product requirements and may contain information such as planned
colors, planned page counts, the customer name, and other product information. Adding product intent

1. Select File > New Job With Product Intent.
2. In the Product Intent dialog box, Product Intent pane, type New Book as the name for the product.
3. If you use job identifications, type the ID in the Job ID box.
4. In the Customer Name box, type The Company .
5. In the Due Date box, type the date that the job is due: September 1 .
6. In the Page Count box, type 24 as the total number of pages for the entire job.
Note: The Binding Style list defaults to the style you selected when you set up your initial preferences.
Important: Clicking OK at the bottom of the Product Intent dialog box closes the dialog box. Do not
click OK yet.
Next: Continue with adding a cover part.

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Preps Training – Preps Training Adding a cover part

1. To add the first part, in the Product Intent dialog box, at the bottom of the Parts Intent pane, click [+].
2. In the Part Name box, type Cover as the name for the part.
3. In the Planned Page Count box, type 4 .
4. In the Largest Section list, select 4 pp.
5. In the Stock list, select 19 in × 25 in (B2) (metric: 482.6 mm x 635 mm).
6. In the Media list, select Press Sheet Size.
7. In the Planned Colors list, select C, M, Y, K.
Important: Do not click OK yet.
Next: Continue with adding a text part. Adding a text part

1. To add the second part, at the bottom of the Parts Intent pane, click [+] .
Note: Preps automatically creates two sliding title bars, and names the first one with the name that you
specified when adding the first part.
2. In the Part Name box, type Text as the name for the part.
3. In the Part Type list, select Text.
4. In the Planned Page Count box, type 20 .
5. In the Largest Section list, select 4 pp.
6. In the Stock list, select 19 in × 25 in (B2) (metric: 482.6 mm x 635 mm).
7. In the Media list, select Press Sheet Size.
8. In the Planned Colors list, select C, M, Y, K.
9. Click OK.
10. Switch to the Assembly view.
Important: Do not close this job.
Next: Continue with adding a new part to an existing product.

1.7.3 Activity 2: Work in the Assembly view

The Assembly view gives prepress operators or planners a visual and efficient way of planning a complex product's
sections before creating the press runs. You can define or edit the product intent, compare your settings with any
JDF-specified values, and use drag-and-drop or manual editing to make adjustments such as combining or splitting
sections or changing binding styles. You can also create a job with product intent directly in the Assembly view. Adding a new part to an existing product

1. In the Products pane of the Assembly view, right-click the New Book product that you created in the
previous activity, and select New Part.
2. In the Products pane, click Part, 0pp.
3. In the Part Properties pane, Part Name box, type Insert .
4. In the Part Type box, select Text.
5. In the Planned Page Count box, type 32 .
6. In the Binding Style list, select Saddle-Stitched.
7. In the Largest Section list, select 8 pp.
Important: Do not close this job.
Next: Continue with splitting a section.

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Preps Training – Preps Training Splitting a section

1. In the workspace, click the last 8-page section.
2. In the Assembly view, click the Split icon .
3. In the Split to box, type 3 and press either Tab (Macintosh) or Enter (Windows).
4. To add a fourth section, click [+].
5. To delete the third and fourth sections, click the red X to the right of each section.
6. Windows: Change the number of pages in the second section from 2 to 4 and click OK.
Macintosh: Change the number of pages in the second section from 2 to 4 , press Tab (to refresh the
remaining page count), and then click OK.
Important: Do not close this job.
Next: Continue with the next activity. Combining, moving, and changing binding styles of sections

1. In the Assembly view's workspace, click the first of the two 4-page sections in the Insert part (A10), and
drag it on top of the third 8-page section (A9).
This creates one 12-page section.
2. Click the last 4-page section (now A10) and drag it so that the bar that indicates its placement is vertically in
front of the second 8-page section (A8).
3. Release your mouse button.
The 4-page section is now between two 8-page sections.
4. Click the last section, which is now the 12-page section (A10) and drag it so that the bar that indicates its
placement is horizontally below the 4-page section that you just moved.
5. Release your mouse button.
The last section is now perfect bound within the Insert part.
Check your results against the screen capture that follows.
Important: Do not close this job. You'll use it in the next activity.

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1.7.4 Activity 3: Add a second product to an existing job Jobs with multiple products

You can use the Products pane in the Assembly view to quickly add products and parts for new jobs or in-progress
assembly jobs. Adding a new product and part

1. In the Products list, right-click a product and select New Product.
2. In the Product Properties pane for the new product, define the following details:
a. In the Product Name box, type Brochure .
b. In the Customer Name box, type The Company .
c. In the Binding Style list, select Perfect Bound.
3. In the Parts area, click [ ].
4. In the Parts section, double-click the new part, or select the new part that appears in the Products list.
The Part Properties pane displays the settings for this item.
5. In the Part Properties pane, define the following details:
a. In the Part Type list, select Text.
b. In the Page Count box, type 4 .
c. In the Largest Section box, type 4 .
d. In the Stock list, select 22 in × 28 in (A1).
e. In the Media Size list, select Press Sheet Size.
The part name in the Products pane is updated with these changes. The Assembly view workspace is also updated.

1.7.5 Activity 4: Work with JDF jobs JDF imposition jobs

The open-standard job definition format (JDF) is used by JDF-compliant systems to communicate data and
automatically trigger specific job tasks. The currently-loaded profile determines the type of automation that is
applied when a JDF file is opened, based on the JDF tab settings in the Preferences dialog box.
Incoming JDF files can contain enough product intent to autogenerate the Press Runs List via template-signature
matching or creation, and you can add or edit details as needed.

Preferences settings
Use the JDF tab in the Preferences dialog box to define how the software automates JDF-based jobs, and optionally
save the settings in a custom profile.

Completing a JDF job

After opening a JDF file, you can check the autogenerated layouts, compare the current settings alongside the
source JDF values, and make any necessary adjustments before you print the output.

Preps Activity Guide – 25

Preps Training – Preps Training Mark rules and Mark Rules Editor

Mark rules define the criteria that determine which SmartMarks are added when press-run layouts are generated by
JDF and AutoGang automation. Use the Kodak Mark Rules Editor tool software to configure the criteria for each rule
that you create, and select the marks and mark groups that are added by that rule. Configuring JDF preferences

1. Perform the appropriate action for your client operating system:
• Macintosh: Select Preps > Preferences.
• Windows: Select Edit > Preferences.
2. Select the JDF tab.
3. In the Signature Creation area, select Create only.
4. In the Signature Creation Marks area, perform the following actions:
a. Select Add SmartMarks based on mark rules.
b. Confirm that Add JDF error marks is not selected.
5. Click OK. Creating a mark rule

1. Select Resources > Mark Rules Editor.
The Preps Mark Rules Editor application opens.
2. To add a new rule, in the Preps Mark Rules Editor, at the bottom of the Rules pane, click [+].
Untitled Rule 1 appears in the Rules box.
3. In the Rule Parameters pane, Rule Name box, type autogang1 .
4. In the Binding Type list, select Flat Work.
Note: It isn't necessary to provide a value for each of the settings. For example, a generic rule to apply crop
marks to all autocreated signatures might contain only the rule name.
5. In the SmartMarks area, double-click Sample Group.
Sample Group appears in the Marks to be added area.
You can also add an individual mark to the mark rule by double-clicking the mark rather than the marks
6. Click Save Rules. Creating a JDF job

For this activity, use the files in the Activity files folder.
1. Switch to the Press Runs view for this activity.
2. Select File > Open.
3. Locate the JDF_Activity.jdf file.
4. Select the file and click Open, or double-click the file.
The job is automatically created in Preps. The job displays all the parts and sections in the Products pane
and all the information is populated in the appropriate location in the Properties pane.
Note: If the JDF file uses a resource, such as stock, that isn't in your list, Preps will ask if you want to add it to
the list. Click OK.
5. To print the job, select File > Print.

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1.7.6 The Assembly view review

1. After you've created a section in the Assembly view, you can't change it.
1. True
2. False
• You can easily move a section by clicking it and dragging it to where you want it.
1. True
2. False
• To create a job with product intent, you must select File > Job > with Product Intent.
a. True
b. False
1. After you've created a section in the Assembly view, you can't change it.
a. True
b. False
2. You can easily move a section by clicking it and dragging it to where you want it.
a. True
b. False
3. To create a job with product intent, you must select File > Job > with Product Intent.
a. True
b. False

1.8 MODULE 5: AutoGanging

1.8.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Create an AutoGang preset
• Create an AutoGanged layout
• Create a mark rule
• Use AutoGang with hot folders
• Change a hot folder from manual to automatic print

1.8.2 The AutoGang feature

The AutoGang feature makes intelligent decisions to determine which PDF pages constitute a complete flat-work
product. It chooses the best positions for pages on the press sheets based on the settings and priorities that you
assign. You can review and adjust the results as needed.

1.8.3 Activity 1: Create a ganged job with an AutoGang preset AutoGang presets

AutoGang presets apply specific settings and optimization priorities.

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Marks will be added automatically by the Marks Rule that you created in Module 4, Activity 4: Work with JDF jobs (see
page 25). Creating an AutoGang preset

1. Select Resources > AutoGang Presets.
2. Click [+] to add a new preset.
The AutoGang Setting dialog box opens.
3. In the AutoGang Preset box, type a name for the preset.
In this case, type My Company .
4. In the Media list, select PressSheetSize.
5. In the Stock list, select 30 in × 40 in (A0).
6. In the left Press Sheet Margins box, change the value to 0.25 (6.35 mm). In the right Press Sheet Margins
box, change the value to 0.175 (4.5 mm).
7. In the Work Style list, select Sheetwise if it isn't already selected.
8. In the Step Direction area, select Horizontal.
9. Ensure the Allow Rotation check box is not selected.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Done. Creating an AutoGanged job

1. Switch to the Press Runs view.
2. In the Media list, double-click Press Sheet Size.
3. In the Stock list, double-click 30 in × 40 in (700 mm × 1000 mm).
4. Locate these files and drag them to the Files pane:
• ChysisPostcard.pdf
• Flyer2pg_Spa.pdf
• OrchidBusinessCard3.pdf
5. Click the AutoGang icon on the workspace toolbar, or select Job > AutoGang.
6. Choose to gang all three files by selecting the check boxes.
7. Enter the following quantities:
• For ChysisPostcard.pdf : 1000
• For Flyer2pg_Spa.pdf : 500
• For OrchidBusinessCard3.pdf : 2500
8. Click Gang.
The ganged layout is automatically created. If you're happy with the layout, you can print it.
Or, you can use the Step & Repeat tool to add to the layout. You can redo the layout by changing or editing
the preset that you used.
9. Save and print the job.

1.8.4 Activity 2: Create an AutoGang job with hot folders AutoGang with hot folders

If you are using a Prinergy workflow system that Preps monitors, this feature allows you to create hot folders, either
on the local drive or on the hot folders share. Regardless of how you use the hot folders, you must set up the root
hot folder in the Preferences dialog box. After setting up hot folders, you can create quantity-based folders and
select to either manually or automatically print AutoGanged layouts.

Preps Activity Guide – 28

Preps Training – Preps Training Setting up the root hot folder

1. On your Desktop, create a new folder called Preps AutoGang Hot Folder .
2. Perform one of the following actions depending on your client operating system:
• Macintosh: Select Preps > Preferences.
• Windows: Select Edit > Preferences.
3. In the Preferences dialog box, select the AutoGang tab.
4. In the Root Hot Folder box, browse to the location of the root hot folder and click OK. Creating a mark rule

You may have already performed this task in Module 4 Activity 4 (see page 25).
1. Select Resources > Mark Rules Editor.
The Preps Mark Rules Editor application opens.
2. In the Preps Mark Rules Editor, click [+] at the bottom of the Rules pane to add a new rule.
In the Rules box, Untitled Rule 1 appears.
3. In the Rule Parameters pane, Rule Name box, type autogang1 .
4. In the Binding Type list, select Flat Work.
Note: It isn't necessary to provide a value for each of the settings. For example, a generic rule to apply crop
marks to all autocreated signatures might contain only the rule name.
5. In the SmartMarks area, double-click Sample Group.
You can also add an individual mark to the mark rule by double-clicking the mark rather than the marks
Sample Group appears in the Marks to be added area.
6. Click Save Rules. Setting up an AutoGang hot folder

1. In your root hot folder, set up the following sub-folders: JDF Layouts , Product Files , and Jobs .
2. In the Resources pane, click AutoGang to expand the list.
3. Select Manual print.
4. Click [+].
5. In the AutoGang Hot Folder Name box, type a name.
In this case, type MyCo .
6. In the Scan every box, change the number of minutes to 5 .
7. In the Quantity Folders boxes, type 100 , 250 , 375 , and 500 .
8. In the Output ganged layout to box, browse to and select the JDF Layouts folder.
9. In the Move product files to box, browse to and select the Product Files folder.
10. In the Output Preps .job files to box, browse to and select the Jobs folder.
11. Click OK. AutoGanging a job

Requirement: Use the files from the Activity files folder for this activity.
1. Locate these training files in the Flatwork folder:
• BrassiaPostcard.pdf
• Flyer2pg_Spa.pdf
• OrchidBusinessCard2.pdf
• OrchidBusinessCard3.pdf

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2. Add the files to the quantity-based folders as follows:

1. Add BrassiaPostcard.pdf to the 100 folder
2. Add OrchidBusinessCard2.pdf to the 250 folder
3. Add Flyer2pg_Spa.pdf to the 375 folder
4. Add OrchidBusinessCard3.pdf to the 500 folder
• Return to Preps, and in the Resources pane, AutoGang list, click Rescan.
• Click the triangle to expand the MyCo folder.
• Click the triangle to expand Sheet1 when it appears.
• Select Sheet1 to display the preview of the layout in the workspace.
• If you are happy with the layout that Preps automatically generated, in the AutoGang list, click Print. Preps
automatically prints the layout in the format that you selected when setting up the hot folder.
If you are not happy with the results, adjust the layout manually or change the AutoGang preset settings and re-
gang the job. Changing an AutoGang hot folder to automatic print

1. In the Resources pane, AutoGang list, select MyCo and click Edit.
2. Click Automatic print at the bottom of the dialog box.
3. In the Print list, select when you want Preps to automatically print AutoGang jobs.
4. (Optional) Adjust how much of the sheet must be used before printing by changing the percentage displayed
in the when sheet utilization is above box.
5. Click OK.
Note: To remove a hot folder from Automatic print, click [-].

1.8.5 AutoGanging in Preps review

1. You can create as many AutoGang presets as you want. After creating the presets, you can choose which one
to use for a layout.
a. True
b. False
2. To use the AutoGang feature with hot folders, you must:
a. Have the correct license
b. Set up quantity-based folders in a hot folder monitored by Preps
c. Set the root hot folder on the AutoGang tab in the Preferences dialog box
d. All of the above
3. If Preps automatically creates and prints a ganged layout, you can manually add marks before printing.
a. True
b. False
1. You can create as many AutoGang presets as you want. After creating the presets, you can choose which one
to use for a layout.
a. True
b. False
2. To use the AutoGang feature with hot folders, you must:
a. Have the correct license
b. Set up quantity-based folders in a hot folder monitored by Preps
c. Set the root hot folder on the AutoGang tab in the Preferences dialog box
d. All of the above
3. If Preps automatically creates and prints a ganged layout, you can manually add marks before printing.

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a. True
b. False

1.9 MODULE 6: Advanced layouts

1.9.1 Module summary

After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Identify the benefits of come-and-go, multi-web, and multi-section layouts
• Explain when to use come-and-go, multi-web, and multi-section layouts
• Create come-and-go, multi-web, and multi-section layouts

1.9.2 Custom fold patterns

Preps allows you to create and save your own custom fold patterns, increasing the number of fold patterns
available beyond those included in the basic catalog. You can define custom fold patterns by starting with a classic
imposition or by making adjustments to an existing JDF fold pattern and saving the new properties.
For custom fold patterns to work properly, all pages must be numbered starting from page 1, single section only,
and no size attributes are saved, including stock or trim size.

1.9.3 Step-and-repeat placeholder

In Preps, you can define placeholders and sections for different step-and-repeat patterns for packaging label and
flexible bag printers.
When you select the Step & Repeat tool from the toolbar, you can define a pattern of "castletop" or "staircase" on
the Step & Repeat Properties pane. You can also save patterns to the step-and-repeat pattern folder that is
accessible from the Layout pane.
Assign artwork to a step-and-repeat pattern by dragging a PDF file to different "hot corners" of the placeholder to
fill a single position, row, or column, or to fill the whole step-and-repeat pattern.

1.9.4 Activity 1: Create a come-and-go layout Come-and-go layouts

In a come-and-go job, the entire run list flows twice through the same press runs, which are automatically divided
into two press-run sections. The template pages are numbered so that the run list first flows through the first
section in run-list sequence, and through the last section in reverse sequence. The resulting two identical books are
perfect-bound together on a common edge, and then cut apart. Creating a come-and-go layout

1. In the Assembly view, Products pane, click the part.
The Part Properties pane appears to the right of the workspace.
2. In the Part Properties pane, in Planned Page Count, type 64 .
3. In the Binding Style list, select Come and Go.

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4. In the Largest Section list, select 8pp.

5. Select all eight sections in the workspace.
6. In the Section Properties pane, from the Fold Pattern list, select JDF-F8-1 .
7. Switch to the Press Runs view.
8. Click Generate Press Runs.
9. Select File > Save and save the job.

1.9.5 Activity 2: Create a multi-web layout Multi-web layouts

You can create a web press run with any number of webs, and then insert, delete, move, or copy webs as needed.
Webs provide flexible options for working with sections:
• When you duplicate a web that contains an imposition section, the imposition is duplicated, and the page
numbering is auto-updated across all the webs.
• You can also number or renumber the pages on each web individually.
• The pages for one product section can be laid out across all the webs in a press run.
• The printed press sheets that are cut from the web rolls can be placed on top of each other and folded to
form a single signature.
• Each web in a press run can be shared by multiple sections. Creating a multi-web layout

1. Switch to Press Runs view and start a new job.
2. In the Products pane, select the Part.
3. Make the following selections in the Part Properties pane:
a. In Planned Page Count, type 16 .
b. For Binding Style, select Saddle-Stitched.
c. For the Largest Section, select 16pp.
d. For Media, select Press Sheet Size.
e. For Press Type, select Web.
4. In the Products pane, select the new Section.
5. In the Section Properties pane, make the following selections:
a. From the Fold Pattern list, select JDF-F16-7.
b. For the Fold Flip, select Yes.
c. For the Fold Rotation, select 180.
d. Set all trims to 0.25 inches (6.35 mm).
e. Set the Back Lip to 0.325 inches (8mm).
6. In the Resources pane, in the Media list, double-click Press Sheet Size to add it to the workspace.
7. In the Stock list, double-click the stock called 25in x 38in (650mm x 1000mm) to add it to the workspace.
8. In the Marks list, double-click Sample Group to add it to the workspace.
9. In the Products pane, click the section, drag it to the workspace, and position it as needed on the sheet.
10. On the Press Runs List toolbar, right-click the Duplicate Sheet icon and select Duplicate as Web.
Note: In the Products pane, the product, part, and section show 32 pages and Press Run 1 in the Press
Runs List displays two webs. The icon beside Press Run 1 has also changed to indicate it is a web press.
11. Save and print the job.

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1.9.6 Activity 3: Create a multi-section layout Multi-section layouts

A press-run layout can contain multiple identical or unique product sections to control placement of pages.
Identical sections can be used to print multiple deliveries of a product or product section on the same press run, or
you can organize an imposition into multiple sections to flow the pages through different press runs and still be
able to collate them correctly. Creating a layout with multiple sections

1. In the Resources pane, in the Media list, double-click Press Sheet Size.
2. In the Stock list, locate a stock that is 30 inches wide by 22 inches high (762 mm x 559 mm or A1).
If you don't have a stock of these dimensions, create one (see page 11).
3. In the Products pane, select the part.
4. In the Part Properties pane, enter the following information:
• In the Planned Page Count list, type 32 .
• In the Trim Size boxes, enter 5 inches by 7 inches (127 mm × 178 mm).
• In the Binding Style list, select Saddle-Stitched.
• In the Largest Section list, select 8pp.
• Switch to the Assembly view and select all four sections.
• In the Section Properties pane, make the following selections:
• In the Fold Pattern list, select JDF-F8-5.
• In the Fold Flip list, select Yes.
• In the Fold Rotation list, select 90 degrees.
• Switch back to the Press Runs view.
• Drag one section at a time and position it on the sheet in the workspace.
• Save and print the job.

1.9.7 Advanced layouts review

1. A come-and-go press run:
1. Flows through the same press run twice
2. Numbers the template pages so that the run list flows through the first section in run-list sequence
3. Numbers the template pages so that the second section flows through in the reverse sequence
4. All of the above
• A layout with multiple sections can only contain unique product sections.
1. True
2. False
• To impose a 64-page job using four webs to print the job, you should start by creating a section of:
1. 8 pages
2. 16 pages
3. 4 pages
4. 32 pages

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1. A come-and-go press run:

a. Flows through the same press run twice
b. Numbers the template pages so that the run list flows through the first section in run-list sequence
c. Numbers the template pages so that the second section flows through in the reverse sequence
d. All of the above
2. A layout with multiple sections can only contain unique product sections.
a. True
b. False
3. To impose a 64-page job using four webs to print the job, you should start by creating a section of:
a. 8 pages
b. 16 pages
c. 4 pages
d. 32 pages

1.10 Preps training wrap-up

1.10.1 Training wrap-up review

1. When you work with the Properties pane:
a. You can view and edit the settings of selected job items
b. You can select an item in a workspace, summary list, or Products list to display its settings
c. All applicable panes and lists are dynamically updated with your changes
d. All of the above
2. While browsing the fold pattern catalog, you can rotate and flip a pattern and save any changes as a new
fold pattern.
a. True
b. False
3. Layouts that you create but don't save as templates are saved with the job and are added to the Layouts
pane so that they can be used for other jobs.
a. True
b. False
4. To access the Mark Rules Editor:
a. Select File > Mark Rules
b. Right click in the Marks list of the Resources pane
c. Go to Preps \Utilities\Preps Mark Rules Editor and launch PrepsMarkRulesEditor
d. Select Resources > Mark Rules Editor
5. After adding files to Preps, you must autogang all of them at once.
a. True
b. False
6. When working with advanced layouts, such as come-and-go layouts, you'll mostly use the:
a. Press Runs view
b. Pages view
c. Assembly view
d. Any of the above

1. When you work with the Properties pane:
a. You can view and edit the settings of selected job items
b. You can select an item in a workspace, summary list, or Products list to display its settings

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c. All applicable panes and lists are dynamically updated with your changes
d. All of the above
2. While browsing the fold pattern catalog, you can rotate and flip a pattern and save any changes as a new
fold pattern.
a. True
b. False
3. Layouts that you create but don't save as templates are saved with the job and are added to the Layouts
pane so that they can be used for other jobs.
a. True
b. False
4. To access the Mark Rules Editor:
a. Select File > Mark Rules
b. Right click in the Marks list of the Resources pane
c. Go to Preps \Utilities\Preps Mark Rules Editor and launch PrepsMarkRulesEditor
d. Select Resources > Mark Rules Editor
5. After adding files to Preps, you must autogang all of them at once.
a. True
b. False
6. When working with advanced layouts, such as come-and-go layouts, you'll mostly use the:
a. Press Runs view
b. Pages view
c. Assembly view
d. Any of the above

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2 Post-training review activities

These activities are designed for customers who have taken one of the Preps remote online training courses and
who want to review what they learned or to train others at their work site.

2.1 Preps video series: Review of online training

Partner Place Answer ID 727005 (no login required) contains a collection of videos that are intended as a "refresher"
resource for trained users. They provide students who have attended Preps online training (Preps Standalone
operator training SD-0015-666 or Preps for Prinergy Connect training SD-0015-717) with a recap of the material
covered in the training. They are not meant to be a complete self-paced training solution.
For the most comprehensive and efficient training outcomes, new Preps users are encouraged to use instructor-led
Preps courses and start-up assistance.
• For more details about the Preps (and other UWS software) product training offered in North America, see
the KODAK Unified Workflow Solution (UWS) Course Catalog for North America8.
• For Preps and other UWS products, see also the Catalog of KODAK self-paced UWS training materials9.
More Preps online training recap videos are being developed. They will be posted in Partner Place Answer
ID 7270010 when they are available.
Note: If you have problems viewing these videos, try another browser.


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3 PREPS Page Marks Behaviour

This document was created for customers who are planning to upgrade and currently use PREPS Page and Page
Bleed Marks.
It covers PREPS versions 8.4 through 10 and illustrates what to expect for existing, output and creation of Page and
Page Bleed marks.

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