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Arjun Dangle I Will Belong to It


That one should, at masturbating age,

Sit twisting rope instead
And at the age of eternal gazing
Upon a moonlike face
Wander the town wearing down soles
At playing-with-grandchildren age
Let disease play upon one’s self.

These lines from the poem describe different stages of

life and the activities associated with each stage. The
first line suggests that at a young age, one should
engage in self-exploration and self-pleasure. The second
line mentions the age of being captivated by beauty and
spending time admiring someone’s face. The third line
talks about wandering the town and wearing down one’s
soles, indicating a more mature age where one explores
and experiences the world. Finally, the last line suggests
that at an older age, one may have to contend with
illness or disease. Overall, the lines depict the passage
of time and the different experiences one may go
through at different stages of life.
Is this my life?
There, outside the village,
It is my blood that rots
Here in this lean-to I
Am the city edition of that same blood.
To whom can I tell this?
To the soil here?
The soil which has not allowed
The footprint of my existence
To make its mark upon her yet?
To the sun and moon here

These lines suggest a sense of isolation and longing for

connection. The speaker feels disconnected from their
surroundings, symbolized by the village and the soil that
has not acknowledged their existence. They express a
desire to share their feelings with someone or something,
questioning who would understand and listen. The
mention of the sun and moon hints at a search for solace
and understanding in the natural elements. Overall, the
lines convey a sense of loneliness and a yearning to find
a place where they truly belong.
Who wrench away the rays that fall
upon my home?
To whom…to whom. shall I tell?
In the land of fifty eight crores
This is how I must continue to live,
Who will listen to whose agony
In this density of people?
I want a life
That has the vital sap
I want a soil
That, smeared on the brow,
Will bring tears to the eyes

These lines emphasize the speaker’s yearning for a

meaningful and fulfilling life. They express a desire for a
life that is vibrant and full of vitality, symbolized by the
“vital sap.” The speaker longs for a connection with the
earth, represented by the soil, that would evoke strong
emotions and bring tears to their eyes. The lines also
highlight the speaker’s feeling of being unheard and
unnoticed in a densely populated land, where it seems
challenging to find someone who will listen and
understand their pain. Overall, the lines emphasize the
speaker’s longing for a more meaningful existence and a
deeper connection with their surroundings.
I want a sun and a moon
Who will with their rays lasso me to them and caress
I don’t want mere crowds, mere land
I want for it a name whose meaning
May engrave itself on my heart,
And gently blow upon my endless pain.
It will belong to me and I belong to it.

These lines highlight the speaker’s desire for a profound

connection with the sun and moon. They express a
longing for the warm embrace and gentle touch of their
rays, symbolizing a deeper emotional connection. The
speaker yearns for more than just being surrounded by
crowds or mere land. They seek a name that holds
significant meaning, one that will leave a lasting
impression on their heart. This name is seen as a source
of comfort and relief, capable of alleviating their endless
pain. The lines convey a sense of longing for a sense of
belonging and a deep connection with something greater
than themselves.

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