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Gk & GS

Indian Polity
Fundamentals Right
Extra Question
Which of the following Article of the Indian Constitution contains Fundamental
(a) 45 A
(b) 51 A
(c) 42
(d) 30B

1. Which part of the Constitution is called the "Magna Carta of the Indian

1. Part 3
2. Part 4
3. Part 2
4. Part 5

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2. Fundamental rights are the rights guaranteed under
______________________of the Constitution of India.

A)Part III (Articles 12-32)

B) Part II (Articles 13-35)
C)Part III (Articles 12-35)
D) Part Iv (Articles 12-35)

3. How many Fundamental Rights are there in the Indian Constitution?

A. Six
C. Eight
D. Nine

Article 14 – 18 Right to Equality

Article 19-22 Right to Freedom

Article 23-24 Right against Exploitation

Article 25-28 Right to Freedom of Religion

Article 29-30 Cultural & Education Rights

Right to Constitutional
Article 32

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4.Fundamental rights in the Indian constitution have been taken from the
Russian constitution
U.S. constitution
British constitution

5 Prime. Who is the custodian of Fundamental Rights in India?

1. Minister
2. Parliament
3. Supreme Court
4. President

6. In which of the following articles of Constitution, the Right to Equality are


1. Articles 19 - 22
2. Articles 23 - 24
3. Articles 14 - 18
4. Articles 25 - 28

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Article - 14 Equality before law

Article - 15 Prohibition of Discrimination

There shall be equality of opportunity employment or

Article - 16

Article - 17 Abolition of untouchability.

Article - 18 Abolition of all titles except military and academic.

7. Which Article of the Indian Constitution abolished the practice of

Article 16
Article 17
Article 18
Article 20

8. Which of the following Article state the "Abolition of Titles"?

1. Article 18
2. Article 17
3. Article 16
4. Article 15

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9. Which of the following is/are incorrectly matched?
1. Article 14: Abolition of Untouchability
2. Article 15: Right against exploitation
3. Article 16: Right to equal opportunity in employment
4. Article 17: Abolition of Titles

1. 1, 2 and 3 only
2. 2, 3 and 4 only
3. 1, 3 and 4 only
4. 1, 2 and 4 only

10. Which fundamental right has been abolished by the 44 Amendment Act
A.Right to Life
B. Right to property
C.Right to Education
D.Right against exploitation

11. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?

1. Right to Constitutional Remedies

2. Right against exploitation
3. Right to freedom of speech and expression
4. Right to freedom of Religion

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12. Who among the following headed the nine-judge constitutional bench that
declared the right to privacy as a fundamental right?

1. JS Khehar
2. Dipak Misra
3. HJ Kania
4. TS Thakur

13. Access to the internet is the Fundamental Right under which Article of the
Indian constitution?

1. Article 22
2. Article 20
3. Article 21
4. Article 19

14. ____ had become the first state/UT in 2017 to declare access to Internet “a
basic human right”.

A. Uttarpradesh

B. Tamilnadu

C. Kerala

D. Maharashtra

15. Which Amendment to the Constitution inserted a new Article 21 A providing

Right to Education in the Constitution?
A. 86th Amendment
B. 87th Amendment
C. 88th Amendment
D. 89th Amendment
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16. Right to Education became a fundamental right on
A. March 15, 2010
B. April 1, 2010
C. July 17, 2010
D. October 10, 2010

17. Which Article of the constitution of India says, No child below the age of
fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in
any other hazardous employment?
A. Article 24
B. Article 45
C. Article 330
D. Article 368

18. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution contain the Right
to Religious Freedom?
(a) Articles 25-28
(b) Articles 29-30
(c) Articles 32-35
(d) Articles 23-24

19. Right to Freedom as under Article 19 is automatically suspended when a

proclamation of emergency is made under which of the following grounds?

1. Armed rebellion
2. Internal disturbance
3. Loss of election
4. War or external aggression

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20. Which one among the following pairs of Articles relating to the Fundamental
Rights can not be suspended during the enforcement of emergency under
Article 359 of the Indian Constitution?
A. Article 14 and 15
B. Article 16 and 17
C. Article 20 and 21
D. Articles 24 and 25

21. Which part of the Indian Constitution is called the “Heart and soul of the
Constitution” according to Dr B. R. Ambedkar?

1. Right to constitutional remedies

2. Fundamental Rights
3. Preamble
4. Fundamental Duties

22. Right to constitutional remedies comes under:

1. Fundamental Rights
2. Legal Rights
3. Constitutional Rights
4. Natural Rights

23. A ______ is a formal document containing an order of the court to the

Government issued only by the High Court or the Supreme Court of India.

1. Summon
2. Claim
3. Covenant
4. Writ
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24. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in Indian
A. Supreme Court
B. Parliament
C. Constitution
D. President

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