Lesson Plan

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Central Focus Integrating Text Features

4R7: Identify information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in

charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, illustrations), and explain how the
information contributes to an understanding of the text. (RI&RL)

Lesson # _1___ of ___1__ Grade Level: 4

Students will be able to identify illustrations from the story by explaining how they
fit into the rest of the text.
pencils, erasers

The purpose of integrating text features is to help students identify illustrations

from the story, so that they can understand how it connect to the rest of the text.

Provide clear instructions before starting the lesson. “Everyone, bring your brown
and green packets and your pencils and come to the meeting area. Do you
remember the book “Four Feets, Two Sandals” that we read before?

Activate prior knowledge/hook:

You will tell them what the story is about. “The story is about Lina and Feroza
who are refugees in Afghanistan. And they have to fight for resources that are not
enough for everyone. One day, Lina finds a beautiful sandal with another one
missing. She met this girl called Feroza who wore the missing sandal. They
become friends and decide to share sandals to wear every day. One day, Lina and
her family had the opportunity to resettle in the United States. So Feroza gave
Lina one sandal for her to remember their friendship.” And show one page of the
book on the screen. You will cover the words and ask students, “What do you see?
How does the image help you describe the characters or events of the story? ”

“Now I will uncover the words, and see if you can find some details from the
paragraph. I want you to give me one thing to support your answer. And think first
and then I will give you 30 seconds to share with the person next to you”.

“Now I want you to go to the article “Caring for Kids in the Bag” in your brown
packet. We figured out the main idea of the passage “Caring for kids in the bag,
the main idea is on the board”. “Can you name two details from the story that
support the main idea? If you have one detail, give me a thumbs up. If you have
two details, add another finger!” Ask students to share with the person next to
them and pick two students to share with the class.

“When you read, authors often include pictures, diagrams, and charts. They are
not there to look pretty. They are there purposely. Today I want to teach you that,
as you read any text feature, you must ask, “How does this part connect with the
rest of the text?”

“Let’s look at the photo in the reading. We will read one of these questions and
think, how does the information in the picture fit with the rest of the text?
Remember to underline important details that help you find the answers in the

Teacher Modeling:
“By looking at the photo, what do you see in the picture? I see toys, slippers, and
blankets. Now I will go back to the reading and find details that help me answer
this question. Let’s go to paragraph two, which states: “She went to businesses in
her town and asked people to donate toys and shampoo. She and other volunteers
placed these items in bags to give to children who needed them. " In paragraph 4,
it states: “Volunteers who sew make the bags that hold the donated items and also
make other things that are included in the bags, such as blankets and bibs.” Based
on these two details from the story, we know the toys and blankets in the photo
are included in the care bags. And when you ask yourself, why is the photograph
here, it already gives you the perspective on what was in the bag.”
Question on the board:

Why is the photograph of the Care Bags included in the article?

A. It provides the reader with an understanding of what the Care

Bags are like.
B. It shows evidence that the bags are each filled with goods
appropriate for children of all ages.
C. It suggests that people want to help by volunteering.
D. It provides evidence that Annie has delivered 20,000 bags to
places all over the US and the world.

Then you will say: “Which choice is closest to my answer? Is it A, B, C, or D?

“Does anyone have a different answer?” “B is true in the story, it states that care
bags are for children of all ages. But that is not the information in this photograph.
You need to pick the answer that matches the photograph and the rest of the text.
“So A is the best answer because it shows us what the care bags are like. Right?”

“Next time when you see questions like this, I want you to read the question
twice, think about what the question is asking for, and underline important details
to help you find the answers!”

Guided Practice:
“Right now, I want you to work with your test prep partners on question 1 first,
after you finish question 1, continue working on question 2. Can you give me
three things that support your answers? Remember to underline details in the
story! After all of you finished answering the questions, I will ask you to explain
and share with the class.”

“What is the answer to question 1? Which part in the story you underlined helped
you to find the answer? Show me!”

“Does anyone have a different answer? Did you also underline details from the
story? Show me!”

“C is the best answer for question 1 because that is the information in the
photograph. Gabriel is surrounded by kids who have attended the soccer camps. B
is true in the story. But that is not the information in the photograph.

“What is the answer to question 2? Which part in the story you underlined helped
you to find the answer? Show me!”

“Does anyone have a different answer? Did you also underline details from the
story? Show me!”

“ D is the best answer for question 2 because both photographs show a sense of
joy that these projects are spreading. In the photograph in “Fighting Hunger with
a Kick”, we can see Gabriel looking happy surrounded by kids in his club. The
photograph of Care Bags shows us that the care bags are filled with toys and other
items that make children happy. B is true in the story, but that is not the
information in both photographs. The photo of the care bags does not show you
that information. ”

PRACTICE QUESTIONS (correct answers: 1. C, 2. D)

Part A

1. Why is the photograph in "Fighting Hunger with a Kick" included in the


A. It demonstrates how Gabriel Whaley wanted to solve problems in his

B. It provides evidence that Kicking4Hunger has spread around the world.
C. It shows Gabriel Whaley surrounded by the kids who have attended his
soccer camps.
D. It shows how much food Kicking4Hunger has collected for the food

Part B

1. The photographs in "Fighting Hunger with a Kick" and Caring for Kids in a
Bag were included to:

A. Teach readers how to fill care bags.

B. Demonstrate that young people can stir others to volunteer to help.
C. Compare how soccer camps and care bags both make a difference.
D. Give readers a sense of the joy these programs are spreading.

After students share their answers, ask them: “Now I will give you 10 seconds to
go back to your seat and take out your orange packet, read the passage “Rushing
West” and complete all short responses. Go! Give me a thumbs up if you are
ready. ”
Students will complete the packet independently. Walk around the classroom and
Learning Task
check if students need assistance.

Closing / Debrief
After students finish their packets within the given time. Then you will ask the
table captains to collect their packets for their tables.

Assessments Students will be assigned an informational reading packet to take home.

Turn and Talk strategy helps students to better understand the text and learn
different perspectives from their peers.
For one of my students who has IEP, I will sit with her and read the passage
Differentiation together. During the reading, I will ask her guided questions to help her underline
details from the text to support the claim. For example, I will ask her: “Can you
underline sentences that show how loud noises can damage our hearing?”. “Can
you underline details in the story that tell you what the author is trying to say?”
Establish- set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent
Appropriate- suitable or proper in the circumstances.

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