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Jejak Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 DOI:


Journal of Economics and Policy

Potential Alternatif Sources of Financing in Biofuel

Development in Indonesia
Amelia Zahara1, Muslihin2

Geography Educational Study Program, Almuslim University, Bireuen


Received: May 2023; Accepted: July 2023; Published: September 2023

Biofuels have been developed in many countries including Indonesia, which is an effort to reduce
dependence on fossil energy sources. As one of the countries with a high population, has a large
agricultural area and forest area, making Indonesia has the potential to become the highest biofuel
producing country in the world. Since the government launched its energy policy in 2006 it seems
interesting that, biofuel progress in Indonesia has not progressed well. The obstacles in the development of
biofuels in Indonesia are government policies and infrastructure development funding systems. The target
of the biofuel program in Indonesia seems very ambitious, therefore it needs alternative financing support
outside the State Budget that can support the development of biofuels in Indonesia, which is the focus of
this study. The research method is descriptive qualitative with a study that is, the potential for alternative
sources of financing in the development of biofuels in Indonesia. The alternative financing taken is PINA
(Government Non-Budget Investment Financing) which can contribute to financing the development of
national strategic infrastructure projects with commercial value that has an impact on improving the
economy in Indonesia.
Key words : Biofuels, PINA, Alternative Energy, Alternative Finance, Infrastructure Financing

How to Cite: Zahara, A., & Muslihin. (2023). Potential Alternatif Sources of Financing in Biofuel Development in
Indonesia. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 16(2). doi:

 Corresponding author : Amelia Zahara p-ISSN 1979-715X

Address: Matangglumpangdua, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi
Aceh e-ISSN 2460-5123

INTRODUCTION Currently there are many alternative ener-

gy sources to replace fossil fuels such as gas, fuel
In the early 19th century, the term fossil
cells, geothermal, marine power, solar power, wi-
fuel referred to fuels derived from coal, petro-
nd power, coal, nuclear fusion, and biofuels (Ab-
leum, natural gas formed from plant and ani-
baszaadeh et al., 2012). Among these alternative
mal remains buried beneath the earth's surfa-
energy sources, biofuels have advantages to over-
ce over millions of years. In the 1970s, a new
come problems in the energy sector (Putrasari et
word 'biofuel' began to be heard and used to
al., 2016). The advantages of biofuels (biofuels)
define renewable fuels to refer to solid, liquid,
are as follows: (1) is a renewable biofuel (Zhang et
or gaseous fuels, produced from biomass (Fat-
al., 2013), (2) biofuel resources are abundantly
ih, 2011).
available (Zhang et al., 2016), (3) neutral to gree-
433 Zahara, A., & Muslihin., Potential Alternatif Sources of
Financing in Biofuel Development in Indonesia

nhouse gases (GHG) (Zhang et al., 2012), (4)

produces negligible or even zero SOx emotion
(Zhang et al., 2016) (5) produces lower NOx
emissions (Zhang et al., 2018), (6) environme-
ntally friendly fuels (Suganya et al., 2016), (7)
can be produced locally (Zhang et al., 2017),
(8) are biodegradable (Chew & Bhatia, 2008), Figure 1. Biofuels are classified according to
(9) sustainable (Zhang et al., 2018), and (10) commercialization status (Ruan et al., 2019)
livestock production processes and/or biofuels
Based on feedstock and conversion techno-
are generally safe (Alaswadet al., 2015).
logy, biofuels can be classified into four groups,
Biofuels can be obtained simply such as
namely first-generation biofuels, second-generat-
by cultivating food crops and raising farm ani-
ion biofuels, third-generation biofuels, and four-
mals. The advantages of energy from other bi-
th-generation biofuels (Demirbas, 2011). The co-
ofuels are, more environmentally friendly and
mposition and calories depend on the type of bi-
cheaper than complicated and expensive ba-
omass and the process used (Sikarwar, 2017). The
ttery energy, or like coal which has billions of
scope of the classification of biofuels is presented
tons of harmful carbon, the use of natural gas
in the following figure:
which requires large capital, geothermal ener-
gy that is not simple is also very expensive,
and the use of solar energy although abunda-
nt but requires expensive costs. For this reas-
on, biomass (biofuel resource) is the only ren-
ewable energy source that has great potential
to replace fossil fuels in various types (Harso- Figure 2. Biofuel Classification
no & Subroto, 2013). Source: Ruan et al. (2019)
Biofuels are classified into two groups, In Indonesia, bioenergy is included in the
namely, conventional biofuels and advanced group of biofuels which are part of new and rene-
biofuels, with the following levels of value
wable energy. The development of biofuels is also
(commercialization), commercial > initial co- inseparable from the driving factors, motivations,
mmercial > demonstration > research (Ruan and benefits that arise afterwards. One of the pr-
et al., 2019). The conventional biofuels inclu- oducts of biofuel that is widely developed in
de, (1) bioethanol, sugar-based, and starch, (2) Indonesia is biodiesel derived from the main raw
transesterification-based biodiesel, and anaer- material palm oil, which reaches 90%. So far the
obic digestion biomethane (biogas). While ad- domestic market has consumed 25% of domestic
vanced biofuels, namely vegetable oils, treated CPO production in 2016 and the largest use of
with water are in the early commercial stage; CPO (crude palm oil) is for biodiesel production
cellulose bioethanol (lignocellulose), biomass (Harahap et al., 2019). The use of palm oil main
to liquid biodiesel/ BtL (Biomass to Liquid), raw materials is influenced by the supply of palm
microalgae biodiesel, and biohydrogen, espe- oil raw materials in Indonesia which is quite
cially at the demonstration and research stage,
large, more competitive than commercial scale,
are presented in figure 1 below: and more efficient. Indirectly, this can improve
the economy of the community and the region.
The increase in biofuel energy is also a means of
connecting the domestic market to the interna-
tional market with the demand for renewable
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 434

energy based on biofuels (biofuels) and deri- similar to a crude oil processing plant with a sub-
vatives in the world market (Nuva et al., 2019). strate of crude oil, natural gas, or other fossil en-
In addition, the expansion of the use of ergy sources. Biorefinery is a complex technol-
B-30 to B40 and B50 in the country is believed ogical system that combines the biomass conver-
to save the country's foreign exchange to sion process and further processing of the conve-
reach 63 trillion rupiah. Downstream palm oil rsion product into fuels and chemicals, both final
began to be intensively developed domestic- and intended for further processing (Biernat &
ally to increase added value in biofuel produ- Grzelak, 2015).
cts and also as an effort to increase the abso-
rption of CPO which is the main commodity
of biofuel development. Indonesia has been
utilizing palm head-based biodiesel as a mixt-
ure in fossil diesel since the issuance of mand-
atory biodiesel policy in 2008.
Figure 3. Basic Scheme of Conventional Oil
Table 1. Total CPO-Based Biofuels in Refineries and Biorefinery Schemes
Indonesia Source: Biernat and Grzelak (2015).
Years (Million Ton)
No Desc. In the biorefinery system, resources are pr-
2017 2018 2019
ocessed in the petro refinery process on various
1 Target 4.2 3.92 7.37
products, especially fuel, electricity, heat, chemi-
(Million ton)
cals, and various other types of biomass mater-
2 Realization 3.42 6.17 8.39
ials. The substrate of the biorefinery is organic
(Million ton)
materials such as wood, energy plants, grass, and
3 Achievement 81.42% 157.39% 113.84%
organic waste, which are processed in a biorefi-
nery process similar to the refining process used
in conventional petroleum refineries. Similar to
Source: Sudjoko et al. (2022)
conventional refineries that produce energy and
The target achievement of palm oil-bas- chemical products from petroleum, biorefineries
ed biofuel development is increasing from ye- will produce various industrial products from bi-
ar to year. The development of palm-based bi- omass.
ofuels is targeted at 7.6% in 2020, 13.2% in In Indonesia, biorefinery is known as a gre-
2025, in 2030 with a target of reaching 19.7% en refinery, which is a strategy in accelerating the
and 32.3% in 2040. This is expected to provide national EBT (New Renewable Energy) mix target
benefits for Indonesia in the future. The use of in 2025. Currently, the green refinery is managed
renewable fuels that are environmentally frie- by Pertamina, with refinery processing using new
ndly, and can reduce dependence on fossil-ba- materials in the form of renewable feedstock su-
sed fuels. CPO is the main raw material to me- ch as RBDPO (palm oil), to UCO (used cooking
et the Indonesian government's target of 30% oil) to produce more environmentally friendly fu-
biodiesel blending by 2025 (Harahap et al., 20 el. This is also part of the National Strategy Proj-
19). ect (PSN) which is in line with the Regulation of
For biofuel development in Indonesia to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (E-
be commercially successful, biomass process- SDM) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2015
ing facilities must operate similarly to conve- concerning the Supply, Utilization, and Comm-
ntional oil refineries. Biorefineries have a cell erce of Biofuels.
435 Zahara, A., & Muslihin., Potential Alternatif Sources of
Financing in Biofuel Development in Indonesia

Figure 4. Comprehensive Concept of Biorefinery

Source: Biernat and Grzelak (2015)
inuously to create non-seasonal jobs (Pertiwi, 20
The construction and development of bior-
efineries (green refineries) in Indonesia has tech-
nical, economic, and non-technical obstacles su-
ch as government regulations and policies, stake-
holders, job creation arrangements, and manpo-
wer to meet the demands of biorefineries comm-
ercially. Behind the obstacles that accompany the
Figure 5. Energy Policy Mix in Indonesia
development of biofuel energy, of course, there
Source: Jupesta (2010)
are strengths that must be firmly held, namely,
The development of biorefineries leads the necessity to towards, with the aim of allevi-
to the production of petrochemicals substit- ating poverty by creating added value from local
ution. Biorefinery projects can grow due to the resources, empowering local communities by cre-
need for products, but the existence of raw ating jobs, saving foreign exchange reserves rep-
materials is also the basis for biorefinery dev- lacing fossil fuel oil with biofuels, and increasing
elopment, by taking into account economic income through the export of biofuel products
feasibility, can anticipate differences in harv- (Jupesta, 2010).
est seasons from various raw materials, and Biofuel development in Indonesia is a com-
the fulfillment of environmental aspects also plex one loaded with high technology and strat-
needs to be improved. Biorefinery is expected egy, so development has high consequences on
to meet market needs and can operate cont- the state budget. The limitations of the state bu-
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 436

dget and the need for the state to build inf- ative sources of financing in biofuel developm-
rastructure create a financial gap that can be ent in Indonesia.
overcome by providing alternative funds thr-
ough public private partnerships and other RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
procurements from the bank and capital mar- This section describes the research report,
ket sectors (Putri & Wisudanto, 2017). Based including describing the research data and the
on the description above, the author intends description of the required analysis which is an
to raise a problem study, namely, the poten- empirical answer to the question on the subject
tial for alternative sources of financing that matter and/or research hypothesis.
can be utilized for biofuel development in Europe is currently a key player in the glo-
Indonesia. bal biofuel market that plays a role in overcom-
METHOD ing the impact of biofuel sustainability itself
(Nuva et al., 2019). If described globally as a wh-
This research is qualitative, which is de-
ole, global consumption of biofuel or BBN (Bio-
scriptive analytical research. The objective to
fuel) reached 1.68 million barrels of oil equiv-
be achieved from descriptive research is the
alent per day or bopd throughout 2020. BP
formation of an overview of a concept and th-
Statistical Review of World Energy noted this
ought, which in this case is the potential for
number was down 5.2% from 1.77 million bopd
alternative sources of financing, which can
in 2019. In Indonesia, BBN is divided into two,
provide a further picture of the relationship
biogasoline is used in gasoline-fueled engines
between potential alternative sources of fina-
and biodiesel is used for diesel-fueled engines.
ncing to biofuel development in Indonesia.
The United States is the country that con-
The research analysis focused on policy
sumes the highest biofuel. The number reached
options that can be taken by the government
558 thousand bopd throughout 2020. This cons-
regarding potential alternative sources of fin-
umption accounts for 33.2% of the world's total
ancing in the development of biofuel-based
biofuel consumption. Brazil followed in second
energy in Indonesia. The analysis was condu-
place with consumption of 98 thousand bopd th-
cted by examining the discourse on govern-
roughout last year. Brazil's consumption acco-
ment policy choices related to potential alter-
unts for 24.9% of the world's total biofuel con-
native financing with laws and regulations,
sustainability, renewable energy, community
Indonesia is in third position with consu-
norms, and potential sources of funds in the
mption of 98 thousand bopd in 2020. Indonesia's
development of renewable energy infrastru-
biofuel consumption accounts for 5.8% of total
cture in Indonesia.
world consumption. Germany occupies the fou-
In this research study, the data used are
rth position with consumption of 63 thousand
primary data and secondary data. The collec-
bopd. China ranks fifth with biofuel consum-
tion of primary data and secondary data is
ption of 56 thousand bopd with consumption of
carried out by, (1) literature studies including
3.8% of the world's total biofuel consumption.
related laws and regulations, as well as scie-
France consumed 49,000 bopd (2.95%), Thaila-
ntific articles, and information from various
nd consumed 42,000 bopd (2.5%), India consu-
media; (2) Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
med 39,000 bopd (2.3%), Canada 36,000 bopd
and/or in-depth interviews with several acad-
(2.2%) and the United Kingdom 29,000 bopd
emics, practitioners, employers' associations,
government structural officials, and other key
resource persons to develop potential altern-
379 Danuza, M. C., & Farah, A., Estimating the Return
on Education: Evidence from Indonesian Survey Data

United States




. Biofuel Consumption Graph by Country 2020

Source: (2022)
Indonesia is the third largest producer (2014), and B-20 (2016). This downstream route
of biofuels (BBN) in the world. Fuel producti- aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports
on in Indonesia is 126 million barrels of oil as well as reduce emissions from fossil fuels.
equivalent per day (bopd) in 2020 (Katadata, The downstream policy of palm oil in the
2022). BBN production in Indonesia is curr- country has succeeded in improving the comp-
ently only inferior to the United States and osition of Indonesian palm oil exports from the
China. Since 2011 Indonesia has downstream- dominance of crude palm oil to the dominance
ed palm oil domestically through three dow- of refined palm oil.
nstream channels, namely, the downstream In 2018, biodiesel consumption was recor-
path of the oleofood industry, the downst- ded at 3.55 million kilo liters, up 49% compared
ream path of the oleochemical industry, and to the realization in 2017 of 2.37 million kilo lit-
the downstream path of biofuel. This down- ers. Biodiesel consumption skyrocketed again in
stream aims to increase added value and also 2019 to 6.37 million kilo liters. In semester 1 of
to reduce Indonesia's dependence on the wo- 2020, biodiesel absorption was recorded to have
rld CPO market. The downstream biofuel pa- reached 4.36 million kilo liters or reached 68%
thway is associated with mandatory biodiesel of the absorption rate throughout 2019 (Indone-
policies from B-5 (2010), B-10 (2012), B-15 2021).
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 438

(1) Total Export

(1a) Processed CPO


(1b) Oleokimia export

(1c) CPO export

(1d) Lauric export

(1e) Biodiesel export

(2) Total of Local


(2a) Food

(2b) Boidiesel
(2c) Oleokimia

Figure 7. Indonesian Palm Oil Consumption by Product Use, 2021

Source: Katadata (2022)

Consumption Consumption proportion on production

Figure 8. Development of Biodiesel Consumption in Indonesia

Source: (2023).
Energy policy can be expressed as a pu- renewable alternative energies to support natio-
blic economic policy related to various issues nal energy mix policies, such as the development
and issues that surround it, such as environ- of biodiesel as a blending material for diesel fuel.
mental issues, social issues, and politics. Var- This effort continues to be strengthened by the
ious rules and policies are certainly issued by issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 79
the government as a guarantor of energy sec- of 2014 concerning National Energy Policy which
urity, including in finding various new and contains optimal energy mix policies, with the
439 Zahara, A., & Muslihin., Potential Alternatif Sources of
Financing in Biofuel Development in Indonesia

role of renewable energy at 23% in 2025 (bio- for the Development of Palm Oil-Based Renew-
fuel 4.7%) and increased to 31% in 2050. able Energy to Become One of the National Stra-
The policy of utilizing biofuels (biofue- tegic Projects. The establishment of the Palm
ls) is also affirmed by the issuance of Presi- Oil-Based Renewable Energy Program is aimed
dential Instruction (Inpres) No. 1 of 2006 con- at supporting an increase in the share of new
cerning the Supply and Utilization of Biofuels renewable energy in the national energy mix to-
(biofuels) as Other Fuels. Article 3 Paragraph wards 23% by 2025.
2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy One of the mandates of Presidential Reg-
and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Number 25 of ulation No. 61/2015 jo. Presidential Regulation
2013 concerning the Supply and Utilization, No. 66/2018 is that palm oil funds are used as the
and Biofuel Commerce as Other Fuels, busin- supply and utilization of biodiesel type biofuels,
ess entities holding fuel trading business with the program carried out is mandatory bio-
licenses are required to use biofuek as other diesel, namely, marrying the mixing of diesel
fuels in stages (Nuva et al., 2019). In addition, fuel with palm-based biodiesel which was imp-
Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 1 of 2014 lemented in 2008 with a biodiesel mixture cont-
concerning the Preparation of the General ent of 2.5%. Biodiesel levels increased by 7.5% in
Plan of National Energy (RUEN), General 2020. In the period from 2011 to 2015 the perc-
Plan of Provincial Regional Energy (RUED-P), entage of biodiesel was increased from 10% to
and General Plan of National Energy of 15%. Furthermore, in 2016 biodiesel was increas-
District/ City Areas (RUED Kab/Kota) was ed to 201% (B20) and on December 23, 2019 Pre-
also issued. The main policy for the develop- sident Joko Widodo inaugurated the use of B30
ment of biofuels in Indonesia is Presidential (KESDM, 2019).
Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning the Plan

Figure 9. Subsidy Value and Volume of Biodiesel Distribution, 2016-2020

Source: Saputra (2021)
Since the implementation of the B30 Pr- ram is able to reduce imports by USD 2.53 billion
ogram in 2020, the government recorded an (Directorate General of Oil and Gas 2021). One
increase in biodiesel by 8.4 million kiloliters of the successes of the B30 Program is influenced
(Directorate General of New Renewable Ene- by the provision of subsidies by the government
rgy and Energy Conservation, 2019a). This has to Biofuel Business Entities (BU-BBN). Subsidies
an impact on decreasing diesel imports, whi- are a way for the government to increase the
ch has been one of the causes of the current economic value of biodiesel (LPEM FEB UI, 20
account deficit (Saputra, 2021). The B30 prog- 20). The mechanism is that subsidies are given
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 440

to BU-BBN based on the difference between of Biodiesel Type Biofuel in the Framework of
HIP (Market Index Price) and the realization Financing by the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Man-
of its distribution (LPEM FEB UI, 2020). The agement Agency (BPDPKS) the flow is described
planning, implementation, supervision, and as follows.
monitoring of the subsidy program are carri- Pertamina as the main buyer of biodiesel
ed out by EBTKE (Directorate General of New in the country currently needs to make a bala-
Energy and Energy Conversion), Directorate nced policy related to the purchase price of bio-
General of Oil and Gas, and BPDPKS (Direct- diesel by collaborating with the central govern-
orate General of New Renewable Energy and ment and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Energy Conservation, 2019a.) Resources in determining the price of biodiesel.
As for funding support for the current This is an effort to support the national energy
mandatory biodiesel program, in accordance mix that is aligned vertically and horizontally
with Presidential Regulation number 66 of with various parties, both between producers
2018 concerning the Second Amendment to and between consumers. The development of
Presidential Regulation Number 61 of 2015 palm oil-based biodiesel in Indonesia is certainly
concerning the Collection and Use of Palm determined by high quality governance in the
Oil Plantation Funds and Minister of Energy development and implementation of biofuels in
and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 41 Indonesia.
of 2018 concerning the Supply and Utilization

Figure 10. Financing Framework Scheme

Source: BPJS Sumber (Palm Oil Fund Management Agency, 2020)
The biofuel program in Indonesia was and stronger parameters to measure their succ-
initiated as an alternative to reduce depende- ess (German et al., 2017).
nce on fuel and fuel imports (Caroko et al., Returning to the issue of financing, a series
2011). Increase tax revenue, reduce fuel subsi- of efforts that have been made by the govern-
dies, provide alternative markets for oil palm ment have not been enough to meet the target
farmers, job creation, rural development, dec- costs needed for infrastructure development in
entralized energy systems, smallholder inclu- biofuel development in Indonesia. Based on cal-
sion (Hunsberg et al., 2017), and climate cha- culations, the ability of the State Budget even
nge mitigation. Governments need to set though it is added to the Regional Budget
better articulated goals for biofuel programs (APBD) is estimated to only be sufficient for
around 41.3% of the total infrastructure develop-
441 Zahara, A., & Muslihin., Potential Alternatif Sources of
Financing in Biofuel Development in Indonesia

ment financing in Indonesia (Ananda, 2018). nal development targets; (2) meet the financ-ing
The rest is expected from cooperation with needs of domestic investment; (3) consoli-date
other parties such as private companies and long-term funds; (4) increase Indonesia's
SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) in order to competitiveness in the international market; (5)
avoid debt growth. The government's latest mobilize strategic sectors of the domestic econ-
efforts to attract investment interest or infra- omy; (6) optimize the contribution of Capital
structure financing can be done by refreshing Revenue and Investment to Indonesia's develop-
the PINA (Government Non-Budget Invest- ment projects; and (7) increase investment
ment Financing) scheme (Ananda, 2018). financing capacity through asset optimization to
PINA is a financing scheme that does achieve national development goals.
not involve the State Budget. The concept us- The important role of PINA is to optimize
ed is to cooperate with investors to increase the role of SOEs and the Private Sector in dev-
capital. PINA is a facility for the private sector elopment financing, in fulfilling 58.7% of dev-
and SOEs to give birth to creative and altern- elopment financing or Rp. 2817 trillion in the
ative financing (Ananda, 2018). PINA can be RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development
used to contribute to financing national stra- Plan) for 2015-2019. Increasing development
tegic infrastructure projects that have comm- financing capacity, through (1) Mobilization of
ercial value and have an impact on improving potential long-term funds such as bonds, invest-
the Indonesian economy. PINA is important ment funds, such as pension funds and insura-
to implement because the fiscal space of the nce funds; (2) encourage recycling investment in
government budget is very limited due to the brownfield category projects (development proj-
limitation of the width of the budget deficit. ects); (3) Private corporations have better levera-
The need for infrastructure investment is so ging capacity than the government so that the
large that the government budget is focused same funding can be used to invest several times
on infrastructure that cannot be managed more. The private sector also has a greater oppo-
commercially (filling the gap). rtunity and flexibility to attract funds from abr-
Infrastructure and non-infrastructure oad (due to low investment returns) and take
development that brings benefits to the peo- advantage of tax amnesty funds.
ple of Indonesia can be carried out without PINA also has the potential to accelerate
using government budgets. The PINA scheme the implementation of priority projects, where
complements the Government and Business infrastructure development involves multi-stak-
Entity Cooperation Scheme (PPP) as an alter- eholders so that a special mechanism is needed
native to infrastructure financing. With the to coordinate and encourage related parties.
aim as, (1) support the achievement of natio-
JEJAK Journal of Economics and Policy Vol 16 (2) (2023): 432-445 442

Figure 11. Potential Capital Gains during Investment Recycle Brownfield Project
Source: BAPPENAS (2017)
PINA's project priorities have the follo- CONCLUSION
wing characteristics, (1) support the achieve-
Indonesia is the country that consumes
ment of priority development targets; (2)
the third largest biofuel after Brazil and Ame-
have economic and social benefits for the
rica, with consumption of 98 thousand bopd in
people of Indonesia; (3) has commercial viab-
2020. Biofuel consumption in Indonesia accou-
ility; and (4) meet readiness criteria.
nts for 5.8% of total world consumption. Biofu-
PINA does not use the government bud-
get, but is implemented by utilizing financing els in Indonesia are divided into two, namely
sources derived from, (1) investment; (2) ma- biogasoline and biodiesel. Since the implemen-
naged funds; (3) banking; (4) capital markets; tation of the B30 program in 2020, the increase
(5) insurance; (6) financing institutions; (7) in biodiesel has increased by 8.4 million kilo
other financial service institutions, including liters, which has an impact on decreasing diesel
pawnshops, guarantor institutions, Indone- imports, which has been one of the causes of
sian export financing institutions, housing the current account deficit. Infrastructure deve-
secondary finance companies, and instituti- lopment as an effort to increase biofuel comm-
ons that carry out compulsory management ercialization in Indonesia is not only sufficient if
of public funds, including providers of social you rely on APBN and APBD funds, but also the
security, pension, and welfare programs. potential alternative costs that can be taken are
Infrastructure plays an important role the PINA scheme. The important role of PINA is
in a country's economic growth. Proper and to optimize the role of SOEs and the Private
adequate infrastructure is able to increase the Sector in development financing, in fulfilling
acceleration of a country's economic and soc- 58.7% of development financing or Rp. 2817
ial development through the creation of effec- trillion in the 2015-2019 RPJMN.
tiveness and resulting efficiency. One of the
important components in the development of REFERENCES
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