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English Project


Aashik Roy
Dear graduates, esteemed faculty, distinguished guests, and
cherished members of this momentous gathering,

As we congregate in this esteemed institution to commemorate

the culmination of your academic endeavours, I am humbled to
chnnel the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Mark Twain's

celebrated "Advice to Youth." Permit me to weave a tapestry of

reflections and guidance, inviting you to embark on a journey
that extends beyond this joyous occasion.

Let us embark on a more profound exploration through the

nuances of Twain's wisdom. Firstly, cherish the pursuit of
knowledge as a perennial odyssey. Twain's resonant phrase,
"Never let your schooling interfere with your education," serves
as an eloquent reminder. Education extends far beyond the
confines of formal instruction; it thrives in the inquisitive spirit
that propels you towards new discoveries. Cultivate this curiosity
as your guiding compass, leading you to uncharted realms of
enlightenment and innovation.

dly, summon the courage to confront fear with unwavering
resolve. Twain's astute observation, "Courage is resistance to
fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear," resonates deeply.
Fear often lurks at the threshold of unexplored territories, casting
doubts and uncertainties. Yet, it is in acknowledging its presence
that the seeds of resilience are sown. Embrace fear as a catalyst
for growth, transforming it into a beacon that illuminates your
path to personal evolution and accomplishment.

Furthermore, safeguard integrity as the cornerstone of your

character. Twain's profound directive, "Always do right,"
reverberates as a moral compass amidst life's labyrinthine
complexities. Uphold your values resolutely, for integrity serves
as the fulcrum upon which trust, respect, and honor pivot.

Amidst life's bustling theater, never underestimate the

ive power of laughter. Twain, the sage purveyor of wit and
humor, believed, "Against the assault of laughter, nothing can
stand." Embrace laughter as a balm for the soul, finding joy in
life's smallest moments. Let its melody serenade you through
adversities, forging connections and fostering resilience in the
face of trial

In conclusion, dear graduates, as you prepare to traverse new

horizons, carry within you the quintessence of Twain's sagacity.
Embrace the pursuit of knowledge as a lifelong companion,
summon courage to navigate uncharted waters, uphold integrity
as your moral compass, and cherish the irreplaceable gift of
Today marks not merely an endpoint, but a prelude to the epic
adventures that await. May your journeys be painted with the
strokes of resilience, wisdom, and the kaleidoscope of
experiences that are uniquely yours.

Congratulations, graduates! Step forth with confidence, and

inscribe the narratives of your destiny with the pen of
perseverance, the ink of passion, and the parchment of
boundless possibilities.

Thank you.

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