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A product structure diagram is a type of diagram used in product design and

manufacturing that shows the hierarchical structure of a product and its components. It
is also known as a bill of materials (BOM). The diagram usually contains:- · Product
Name: The name of the final product that is being produced. · Component Parts:
The individual parts and components that are required to create the final product.
· Material Requirements: The type and quantity of materials needed for each
component part. · Assembly Instructions: The instructions for how to assemble the
individual parts and components into the final product. · Product Hierarchy: The
hierarchical relationship between the various components of the product, including
sub-assemblies and final assemblies. · Part Numbers: A unique identifier assigned
to each component part and sub-assembly. · Quantity Required: The quantity of
each component part and sub-assembly required to create the final product. The use
of product structure diagram is it provides a visual representation of the product's
architecture and helps to organize and communicate complex information about the
product's composition and structure

Also known as a bill of materials (BOM), this diagram is like a recipe for your product. It
breaks down the entire thing into its component parts, listing exactly what you need
and how much.

Here's what you'll typically find in a product structure diagram:

• The Final Product: The star of the show, what you're ultimately building.
• Ingredient List: All the individual components that make up the finished
• Materials Needed: The type and amount of material required for each
• Assembly Steps: A guide on how to put everything together, like putting
together a Lego set.
• Part Organization Chart: A clear picture of how all the pieces fit together, from
simple parts to bigger sub-assemblies.
• Unique Part IDs: A special code for each component, making it easy to identify
and track.
• Quantity Tracker: Exactly how many of each piece you need to build the final

Why use a product structure diagram?

Simple! It gives you a clear, visual map of your product's design. This helps you
organize everything, communicate the product's structure effectively, and avoid any
confusion during the building process.

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