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“Most natural organic

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Alain Berthod
products, the essential products of
Université de Lyon (France)
life, are asymmetric and possess such
asymmetry that they are not superimposable

on their image. This establishes perhaps the
only well marked line of demarcation that can
at present be drawn between the chemistry
of dead matter and the chemistry of
living matter.”

the middle ical properties in all isotropic conditions. Because biochemical

of the 19th century, Louis Pasteur manually separated the two systems are not isotropic, two enantiomers of a chirally active
mirror-image forms of crystallized sodium ammonium tartrate, drug may have dramatically different pharmacologic effects.
and interest in stereochemistry ensued (see the art above). The This is the basis for enantioseparations and for all chiral recog-
word chiral comes from the Greek cheir, meaning “the hand”. nitions: enantiomeric separation always implies interaction with
Lord Kelvin first defined chirality in 1904. He said that “any a pure chiral compound, the selector.
geometrical figure, or group of points,” is chiral and has chi- A complete understanding of the chiral recognition mecha-
rality “if its image in a plane mirror, ideally realized, cannot be nism, which has not yet been realized, would allow researchers
brought to coincide with itself ” (2). In 1858, Pasteur stated to predict which selector would best separate the enantiomers of
that interest in molecular chirality came from biological stud- chiral compounds. Chiral recognition mechanisms can be stud-
ies. Indeed, living organisms are composed of many chiral bio- ied most effectively when the exact structure of the chiral selec-
molecules, such as L-amino acids, D-sugars, proteins, and nu- tor is known, especially for smaller selectors. Unfortunately,
cleic acids. most derivatized macromolecules and polymers have little-
Because of this natural asymmetry, chiral compounds exhib- known structures. However, even with small selectors, the beau-
it different properties in biochemical systems, even though they tiful LC molecular modeling studies of chiral molecule–selector
are indistinguishable in most inanimate environments. Two association explain a particular enantioseparation after the fact;
molecules that are mirror images of each other are called an they have no predictive value, because they do not account for
enantiomeric pair, and they have exactly the same physicochem- critical solvent effects.

© 2006 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6 / A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y 2093

(a) (b)

One common form of molecular chirality

is due to the stereogenic centers of sp3 hy-
bridized carbon atoms that bear four dif-
ferent substituents, as in the case of D-
(–)-lactic acid (Figure 1a). Other causes
of molecular asymmetry (Figures 1c and
1d) are steric hindrances (e.g., ortho-
substituted biaryls) and chiral molecu- (2R)-2-hydroxy-propanoic acid (1R)-1-chloro-(3R)-3-bromoallene
lar strain, which is found in substituted or D(–)-lactic acid
binaphthols, helicenes, and natural
(c) (d)
polymers (e.g., cellulose). A chiral axis
is present in substituted allenes with
three adjacent sp2 hybridized carbon
atoms (Figure 1b). This article will pres-
ent an overview of the state of chiral sepa-

Three-point (minimum)
interaction model
The key step in chiral recognition is the forma- (R)-(+)-1,1´-bi-2-naphthol (–)-14-hexahelicenol
tion of diastereoisomeric complexes between the
enantiomers and a chiral selector. Molecular recogni-
tion results because of the differences in Gibbs free ener-
gy between the two diastereoisomeric enantiomer–selector
complexes. Biologists were naturally the first to be interested in
chiral recognition mechanisms. In 1933, Easson and Stedman
were working on quantitative structure–activity relationships FIGURE 1. Chiral molecules.
when they proposed that a minimum of three points of attach- (a) The sp3 hybridized carbon atom that bears four different substituents is by far
ment were needed between a dissymmetric drug and its target the most common asymmetric center. (b) The C=C=C allene arrangement forms
to explain the different physiological activities (3). Fifteen years a chiral axis. The 1-chloro-3-chloroallene would also be chiral. (c) Atropoisomer-
later, Ogston (another biologist) used the three-point model in ism occurs when the free rotation around a  bond is hindered. (d) Steric hin-
drances create a chiral plane in helicenes.
his work on chiral enzymatic reactions (4). Dalgliesh later adapt-
ed it to TLC (5). The model explains the differential binding of of isocitrate dehydrogenase, studies established that all four sub-
the two enantiomers to a chiral three-point site on the selector. stituents of the asymmetric carbon atom were used (7 ). The re-
Figure 2a shows that one enantiomer can present three sub- searchers presented numerous cases in which three points of in-
stituents to match the selector’s three-point site. No matter how teraction were not required (6, 8). For example, the -complex
its mirror image rotates, the enantiomer can match a maximum selectors use large and rigid aromatic associations that may dis-
of only two sites (Figure 2b). criminate between two similarly rigid chiral molecules through a
In the original three-point model, the interactions at all of the pseudo-two-point interaction model (6). The researchers point-
sites were attractions. From a modern separations point of view, ed out that the three-point interaction model is only a geomet-
repulsion and attraction are opposites. However, from a stereo- rical model. When the -complex selector involves a docking
chemical point of view, repulsion is considered as productive an contact and an interaction with a line or a plane, this agrees with
interaction as attraction. For example, two of the interactions can the idea of the three points of interaction because a line is geo-
be repulsive if the third interaction is strong enough to promote metrically defined by at least two points and a plane is defined by
the formation of at least one of the two possible diastereoiso- at least three points.
meric selector–ligand complexes (6). If the three interactions are
all attractive, then the enantiomer in Figure 2a will necessarily be Molecular interactions
more tightly bound to the receptor than the enantiomer in Fig- Table 1 lists the intermolecular forces between two enantiomers
ure 2b. The key points in the three-point interaction model are and the chiral selector. The strongest interaction is obtained with
that at least three simultaneous interactions are required and that coulomb force—for example, the high cohesion of salts. The hy-
they should occur with three different substituents attached to drogen-bond interaction occurs between the positively polarized
the stereogenic center. Two different interactions with the same hydrogen atom of a hydroxyl or amine group and the negatively
substituent increase only the selector–ligand binding energy, not polarized oxygen or nitrogen atom of another hydroxyl or amine
the chiral differentiation efficiency. group. Hydrogen bonds are very strong because the negative site
Although widely accepted, the model was recently challenged can come very close to the hydrogen atom that is depleted of any
(7, 8). In the case of D- and L-isocitrate binding at the active site remaining repulsive electrons. Steric hindrances are due to the

2094 A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6
(a) (b) evaluates the possible interactions (Table 1) and de-
signs a selector that will interact differently with an
enantiomeric form than with its mirror image. The
natural route follows Pasteur and is based on the fact
C C that the living world contains countless chiral selec-
tors and produces pure enantiomers. Once chosen, a
natural chiral selector is tested with its natural chiral
target(s) and many other enantiomers, and the re-
sults are used to postulate chiral mechanisms. Actu-
ally, neither of these two classes of selectors is 100%
pure. A semisynthetic class comes closest to the ideal,
because many synthetic selectors are based on a nat-
ural molecule and many natural selectors are chemi-
cally modified to enhance their initial properties
(Table 2).
Most information on chiral recognition mecha-
nisms is obtained by measuring the binding energy of
the two chiral-selector–enantiomer complexes. Spec-
FIGURE 2. The three-point interaction model. troscopic methods can work with the chiral selector
(a) A chiral molecule with an asymmetric carbon atom can present three groups that can
(in the solid or liquid state) associated with the ligand.
match exactly three sites of the selector. (b) Its mirror image, after all possible rotations, can Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion are
present a maximum of two groups able to interact with only two sites of the selector. The important methods for evaluating the structural prop-
binding constant of the chiral molecule in (a) will be higher than that of its mirror image.
erties of selector–ligand adducts (9). NMR can specif-
ically investigate 1H and 13C atom position and dif-
intrinsic room needed per atom or group of atoms; they are re- ferentiate one enantiomer from the other. X-ray crystallography is
pulsive and very strong at very short range. a powerful technique for investigating the absolute configuration
When -electron molecular assemblies (mainly aromatic rings) of diastereoisomeric complexes, but only in the solid state. Fluo-
interact with each other, – interactions are observed. Aro- rescence anisotropy is a polarization technique that measures the
matic structures are said to be -accepting, or -acidic, when rotational motion of a fluorescent molecule or a molecule–selec-
the ring has electron-rich substituents, mainly NO2 groups. tor complex in solution (10).
They are said to be -donating, or -basic, when the -elec- Separation methods use chiral selectors to partition the enan-
tron can delocalize, such as in a naphthyl group, or when elec- tiomers. Multiple selector– ligand association–dissociation reac-
tron-withdrawing substituents, such as methyl groups, are at- tions occur between a mobile and a stationary phase. In chro-
tached to the aromatic ring. The – interactions involved in matography, the selector is most often attached to the stationary
chiral recognition mechanisms are most often attractive;
a -accepting group of the enantiomer interacts with a
-donating group of the selector, or vice versa. Table 1. Characteristics of molecular interactions.
Ion–dipole, dipole– dipole, and dipole–induced-dipole
Type of interaction Strength Direction Range (d )
interactions occur with molecules that have a dipole mo-
ment. The strongest ion–dipole interaction involves the Coulomb or electric Very strong Attractive Medium
coulomb force between the ion and the partial charge of or repulsive (1/d 2)
the dipolar molecule. It is always attractive because a per- Hydrogen bond Very strong Attractive Long
manent dipole structure combines a partial positive charge
with an equal partial negative charge. For the same reason, Steric hindrance Very strong Repulsive Very short
the dipole–dipole interaction is also attractive, although it – Strong Attractive Medium
is weaker than the ion–dipole interaction. The weakest in- (donor or accep-
teraction is between a permanent dipolar molecule and a tor) or repulsive
dipole induced by the electric field. The London disper-
sion forces are the weakest intermolecular forces. They are Ion–dipole Strong Attractive Short
responsible for the hydrophobic effect and for entropy- Dipole–dipole Intermediate Attractive Short (1/d 3)
driven forces that cause oil to separate from water.
Dipole–induced-dipole Weak Attractive Very short
(1/d 6)
Getting information on chiral recognition
mechanisms London dispersion Very weak Attractive Very short
The quest for chiral selectors can be separated into the or van der Waals (1/d 6)
synthetic route and the natural route. The synthetic route

A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6 / A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y 2095
A statistical thermodynamic study of the CSP– enan-
Table 2. Chiral selectors. tiomer interaction demonstrated that the possible enan-
tioselectivity factor  (the ratio of k1 to k2) was not sig-
Selector Mechanism Primary interaction nificantly different when the three interactions involved
Synthetic selectors were of comparable strength, or when one interaction
dominated the two others. However, in the former case,
Ligand exchange Diastereoisomeric Coulomb or ion–dipole
ln  should be a linear function of 1/T ; a departure from
analyte complex
this van’t Hoff behavior would suggest that multiple re-
tention modes are competing (12).
-Complex Transient three-point selec- – Computer methods use chemical theory to establish
tor–analyte association chiral recognition mechanisms. Software computes the
MIPs Key-and-lock association Selective shape interaction atom’s coordinates and calculates the best molecular
with the imprint conformation that minimizes the energy between the
chiral selector and the ligand. The resulting beautiful
Chiral crown ethers Inclusion complexation Ion–dipole models of chiral-molecule–selector association are partic-
Polymers Diastereoisomeric Hydrogen bond ularly useful in crystallography and GC. In LC, they may
selector–analyte complex well explain a particular enantioseparation, but they often
have no predictive ability because models ignore critical
Natural selectors solvent effects in a particular interaction. Another ap-
Proteins Multiple binding sites Variable proach is to compile many results and identify quantita-
tive structure–retention relationships. This approach
Polysaccharides Insertion into helical Hydrogen bond,
classifies experimental results, associating conditions, se-
structures dipolar, or steric
lectors, and enantiomeric pairs successfully separated;
CDs Inclusion complexation Hydrogen bond however, it does not yield much information on the chi-
ral recognition mechanism (13). Nevertheless, such a
Macrocyclic Multiple binding sites Variable
database, used with probability rules and a statistical ap-
proach, has a very good predictive ability (14 ).
Cinchona alkaloids Ion pairing Coulomb
Mechanisms and CSPs
The interactions between molecules and the possible chi-
phase, to produce a chiral stationary phase (CSP). The enan- ral selectors are known. Methods that give information on the se-
tiomers are introduced in the liquid, gas, or supercritical-fluid lector–ligand associations exist. So, it should be possible to un-
mobile phase. They move at slightly different speeds according derstand how the two stereoisomeric complexes form transiently
to their binding constants with the chiral selector. In CE, no sta- between the enantiomeric ligands and the selector. The problem
tionary phase actually exists; the charged chiral selector is added is that, because several simultaneous interactions are required to
to the electrolyte and moves in the electric field according to its discriminate one enantiomer from the other, the selector–chiral-
electrophoretic mobility to differentially bind the two enantio- molecule association is never single and simple. All enantioselec-
mers. The dissolved chiral selector can be treated as a pseudo- tive chiral mechanisms involve a combination of interactions.
phase. The migration times of the enantiomers provide their The strongest one may be as important as the weakest one for
binding constants. enantiomer discrimination.
Researchers can observe the thermodynamics of chiral mech- To complicate the situation, the critical selector–ligand interac-
anisms by varying study temperatures. The slope and intercept of tion often is not pure, either. For example, a bulky naphthyl group
the van’t Hoff plots (log k vs 1/T, where k is the enantiomer re- may have a -basic character in a given chiral recognition mecha-
tention factor and T is absolute temperature) contain the enthal- nism with a -acid-containing ligand; on other occasions, the same
py and entropy variations, respectively, of each enantiomer–se- naphthyl group may interact through steric hindrances with
lector global (chiral + achiral) interaction. A comparison of the nonaromatic enantiomers. In solution, solvent molecules may
values for the two enantiomers gives information on the chiral completely change the nature of the solute–selector interaction.
part of the interaction (11). The thermodynamic parameters, Water molecules may screen a static charge. Acetonitrile molecules
binding constant, and enthalpy or entropy changes correspond may fill an apolar selector cavity. Solvent molecules are always pres-
to the global ligand–chiral-selector association. Information con- ent at a concentration far in excess of the analyte. However, they
cerning the enantioselective separation mechanism can some- are forgotten too often when chiral mechanisms are described.
times be inferred by changing the experimental conditions in a GC, MS, and crystallography do not involve solvents; they allow
controlled or sequential manner. The composition, pH, polarity, direct investigation of the chiral recognition mechanism. Never-
or ionic strength of the mobile phase can be modified, or a theless, an easy chiral recognition mechanism is rare. However, the
chemical group of the analyte or the selector (or both) can be choice of selectors (Table 2) is mainly controlled by the strongest
substituted or derivatized (or both). interaction between the chiral selector and the analyte.

2096 A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6
Information concerning
the enantioselective
The chiral ligand-exchange principle was es-
tablished in the late 1960s (15). The basic
separation mechanism methacrylic acid), a cross-linker (e.g., ethyl-
ene glycol dimethacrylate), and an initiator
mechanism involves a metal ion (most often,
Cu2+) at the core of a complex with the enan-
can sometimes be in- [e.g., 2,2-azobis-(2-methylpropionitrile)].
The mixture is reacted for several hours at
tiomers and the chiral selector. For an accept- elevated temperature. The resultant bulk
able chromatographic efficiency to be ob- ferred by changing the rigid polymer is ground into a sieved pow-
tained, the complex must be kinetically labile, der and the template enantiomer washed
forming and dissociating at a high rate. The
central metal ion has definite positions in its
experimental conditions. off. Knowing how the MIP was prepared
makes it easy to ascertain the strength of the
coordination sphere (six positions for Cu2+), affinity for the enantiomer that served as the
and each can be occupied by a lone electron pair of an organic template. The interactions are mainly steric, and shape recogni-
group or a water molecule. The only chemical functional groups tion associated with other interactions is solute-dependent (19).
that meet these two requirements—lability and a lone electron The drawback is that MIPs are too specific. They play no essen-
pair—are amino, carboxy, hydroxy, amido, and thio derivatives, tial role in enantiomeric separations. They are limited by their
all of which bear at least one lone electron pair on the hetero poor capacity and the lability of the imprint to varying solvent
atom. The chiral selector is an amino-acid derivative or other conditions.
analogous chiral bidentate ligand. Crown ether host and chiral guest. Chiral crown ether selec-
Through its amino and carboxy groups, the chiral selector oc- tors are derivatized forms of polyoxyethylene crown-6 (20). This
cupies two positions in the copper ion coordination sphere. Small crown ether has a cavity that exactly matches the size of the ion-
water molecules occupy two positions, leaving two positions for ized primary amine group NH +3. The host–guest ammonium–
the ligand. The enantiomer analytes must be able to form biden- crown-ether interaction, which is one point of attachment, is the
tate chelates, which are - or -amino acids, amino alcohols, hy- driving force of the enantiomer with this class of chiral selector.
droxyl acids, diamines, amino amides, and dicarboxylic acids. The The two other necessary interactions are steric and hydrophobic;
two interactions described are necessary but not sufficient; the they occur between the crown ether substituents and the host
third interaction, required for chiral recognition, is provided by substituent. Chiral crown ether can only discriminate chiral mol-
steric or dipole-type interaction with the selector. Bulky and/or ecules with a primary amine group at low pH.
rigid groups in the analyte situated close to the stereogenic cen- Synthetic polymers. Helical polytriphenylmethyl methacrylate
ter will greatly enhance the chiral recognition (15). was the first synthetic chiral polymer able to separate a limited
number of enantiomers (21). Recently a polymerized diacryloyl
Molecular adjustment for three-point interaction derivative of trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane [(R, R) or (S, S)]
The -donating and -accepting chiral selectors were introduced bonded to silica gel in a thin layer was proposed as a new, fully
in the late 1970s (16). Later, the (R)-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) synthetic LC CSP (22). This CSP could not resolve many enan-
phenyl glycine selector was specifically designed tiomeric pairs. However, when it could resolve a racemate, the
to have -bonding capabilities (17 ). The amount that could be loaded was much larger than on most
dinitrobenzoyl group of the selector other CSPs; this means that it has many active sites. Hy-
(which is a -donator) can interact drogen bonds were pivotal in the chiral recognition
with an added -accepting sub- mechanism of this CSP. The enantioselectivity was ad-
stituent of the enantiomer. The justed by varying the methanol content in the organic
two other necessary interactions H
mobile phase. Polysodium-N-undecanoyl-L-leucin-
can be dipole stacking, hydrogen N ate and polysodium-L-leucyl-valinate are dipeptide
bonding, or steric repulsion. The O
NO 2
polymers that form micelles and are useful in a
concept was demonstrated when, Si O broad range of micellar electrokinetic chromatogra-
in making the (S) version of the H3C CH 3 phy applications (23).
phenyl glycine selector, the elution Proteins. Proteins were introduced early as natu-
order of the -donator-substituted Whelk-O-1 ral chiral selectors (24). They are a logical choice be-
NO 2
enantiomers was reversed (18). Some cause biomacromolecules are responsible for the chiral
rigidity in the molecule enhances chiral discrimination of drugs and nutrients in the body. Proteins
recognition. The most successful charge- can discriminate a wide spectrum of charged and neutral mol-
transfer selector at the moment, the Whelk-O-1, ecules. However, they may be difficult to use because small
has two asymmetric centers that are part of a ring and two bonds changes in the experimental conditions, pH, ionic strength, and
with two bulky -electron-rich (acidic and basic) substituents. added organic solvent may cancel the enantiorecognition. It is
not possible to describe a simple mechanism, because a single
Various CSPs protein may contain several sites that can act as chiral selectors.
Key-and-lock recognition with MIPs. Molecularly imprinted All listed interactions may be involved.
polymers (MIPs) are prepared in a solvent solution with the Polysaccharide selectors. Cellulose, amylase, and chitin are the
pure enantiomer to be imprinted, a functional monomer (e.g., most abundant optically active natural polymers. They can be

A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6 / A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y 2097
groups were predominant. Derivati-
zation of these hydroxyl groups
9 OH produced a wide variety of CDs
with adjusted polarities and
H CO 3 functionalities that can sepa-
rate a broad spectrum of
N enantiomers (27 ). For exam-
O ple, naphthyl-ethyl carba-
Quinine, 8S, 9R H S Si
Quinidine, 8R, 9S Chiral O mate-substituted CDs, as-
OCH3 sociated – interactions,
H H hydrogen bonds, and inclu-
N O N Silica sion complexation widen
+ X – surface the applicability of the se-
O HO lector (28).
CH3 Polar enantiomers can be
silanol separated with CDs in a
N nonaqueous polar medium
repulsion (e.g., 99% acetonitrile with
– interaction 1% methanol). In this situa-
tion, inclusion complexation is
Ionic unlikely because the solvent mol-
interaction NO2 ecules occupy the CD cavity. The
O chiral mechanism involves hydrogen
bonds with the spatially oriented hy-
droxyl groups at the rims of the cavity and
NH other interactions with numerous asymmet-

OOC NO2 ric carbon atoms of the glucopyranose units
(29). Polar organic mobile phases, which were tried
readily modified to carba- with other CSPs, greatly extended their usefulness and
mates or esters through reac- enhanced the role of hydrogen-bond interactions that were
tions with isocyanates or acid FIGURE 3. Chiral recognition screened by water molecules.
chlorides, respectively (25). mechanism by a quinine CSP. Imitating bacteria. Armstrong et al. thought that macro-
These selectors are broadly dis- The strongest interaction is the ionic cyclic antibiotics would be wonderful chiral selectors for amino
criminating because they have docking attraction between opposite acids because they inhibit the development of Gram-positive
the advantage of chiral individ- charges. DNB-D-valine is more re- bacteria by blocking cell-wall development by binding to the D-
ual carbohydrate monomers tained by the quinine CSP than is its Ala-D-Ala terminal of an essential protein (30). As expected,
L enantiomer. DNB-L-valine is more
and a long-range helical sec- retained by the quinidine CSP than is these selectors were the best ones for separating native amino
ondary structure that effects its D enantiomer. acids, because the binding constant of the D form is significant-
separations. The most popular ly stronger than that of the L form (31). The critical role of the
selectors (Chiralcel OD, which is a cellulose, and Chiralpack AD, ionized carboxylic acid group was demonstrated. However,
which is an amylose) are derivatized 3,5-dimethylphenyl carba- methylation of this group cancels all chiral recognition (32).
mate (a -donating or -basic group). Therefore, – interac- These selectors could do much more than amino acids be-
tions will probably be part of the mechanism. However, these chi- cause of their numerous active groups and many possible mech-
ral polymers have many possible interaction sites. Therefore, anisms. The most useful selectors—vancomycin, ristocetin, and
many enantiomers can be discriminated (if three different points especially teicoplanin—have similarities in their complex struc-
of interaction are found), but the mechanism can only be partial- tures. They contain one or two charged sites, hydroxyl groups,
ly established. aromatic rings, and polar (e.g., amido) and apolar (e.g., alkyl
Inclusion complexation. Cyclodextrins (CDs) are small cyclic chain) groups. Thus, the types of interactions listed in Table 1
polysaccharides that form a cone-shaped cavity with six, seven, or occur, although the mechanism can be difficult to ascertain (33).
eight glucopyranose units for the -, -, or -CD, respectively. These three selectors show a complementary separation effect
The interior of the cavity is rather nonpolar with ether groups, when used in LC. If a partial separation of a given pair of enan-
and the larger and smaller rims of the cavity are lined with polar tiomers is obtained with one glycopeptide, then chances are
primary and secondary hydroxyl groups, respectively. Inclusion good that a full baseline separation can be obtained with one of
complexation is the driving interaction in chiral recognition by the other two selectors. From a mechanistic point of view, this
CDs. Native CDs were proposed in the early 1980s as chiral se- means that the stereo binding sites of these related selectors have
lectors (26). Polar secondary interactions with the hydroxyl subtle differences.

2098 A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6
Cinchona alkaloids. Two cinchona alkaloid selectors can be
used to delve into a particular chiral recognition mechanism.
Quinine is a natural alkaloid extracted from the bark of the South Alain Berthod is a research director at the Centre National de la
American cinchona tree that is commonly used as an antimalari- Recherche Scientifique and he also works in the Laboratoire des Sci-
al drug (Figure 3). It has 8S and 9R configurations. Quinidine, ences Analytiques at the University of Lyon (both in France). His re-
the stereoisomer of quinine, is also found in cinchona bark; it has search interests include chromatography theory, separation of chiral
8R and 9S configurations. These two alkaloids can easily be de- molecules, and using ionic liquids and liquid phases in countercur-
rivatized to prepare two useful CSPs with opposite configura- rent chromatography. Address correspondence about this article to
tions (34). Berthod at Laboratoire des Sciences Analytiques, Bat. CPE, 69622
The active site that is responsive to the enantiomer separation Villeurbanne, France (
can undergo an ionic reaction with quaternary ammonium, –
interaction with the quinoline group, and dipole and hydrogen References
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