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1. Julla Marco asks you which type of exercise is best A.

I understand why folle acid is important for

to strengthen perineal muscles. Your best anewer red cell formation.
would be: B. I'm careful to drink at least eight glasses of
A. Walk 20 minutes daily at a fairly rapid pace. fluid every day.
B. Alternately fighten and relax perineal C. I take an iron pill every day to help grow
muscles as if stopping voiding. new red blood celis.
C. Periodically push as if you're moving your D. I've stopped jogging so I don't risk becoming
bowels. dehydrated.
D. Lift both legs into the air while you lie
supine. 7.Angelina Gomez had tuberculosis as a teenager.
What Is a danger of this during pregnancy?
2. Julia wants to learn Lamaze breathing techniques. A. Calcium deposits that wall off old
What is a principle of Lamaze childbirth? tuberculosis lesions can break down.
A. Pain can be interrupted before it registers in B. Tuberculosis can tum to pneumonla if a
the brain as pain. woman has a folic acid deficit.
B. Labor contractions are not pain; they're C. PPD tests are negative during pregnancy so
muscle inflammation. TB goes undetected.
C. "Brown pain" like labor contractions can be D. If tuberculosis spreads to the stomach, It can
lessened. cause stomach ulcers.
D. Labor contractions are intensified by
abdominal massage. 8.Angelina Gomez routinely takes acetylsalicylic acid
(as-pirin) for arthritis. Why should she limit or
3.What is a goal of all birth settings? discontinue this toward the end of pregnancy?
A. To allow women to eat during labor A. Salicylates can lead to increased maternal
B. To keep childbirth pain free bleeding at childbirth.
C. To have a safe birth for mother and baby B. Newborns develop withdrawal headaches
D. To limit the cost of medical procedures from salicylates.
C. Aspirin can lead to deep vein thrombosis
4.Angelina Gomez is the 22-year-old woman you met following birth.
at the beginning of the chapter, Which condition D. Newborns develop a red rash from salicylate
would make her more prone than others to toxicity
developing a Candida infection during pregnancy?
A. She usually drinks tomato juice for 9.Angelina uses an insulin pump to administer insulin
breakfast. for gestational diabetes. Why is nighttime a
B. She was over 35 when she became pregnant. particularly hazardous time for her fetus with pump
C. Her husband plays golf 6 days a week. therapy?
D. She has developed gestational diabetes. A. The fetus can develop hyperglycemia from
excessive insulin administration.
5.Angelina develops a deep vein thrombosis B. Continuous insulin administration with no
following an auto accident and is prescribed heparin food can lead to hypoglycemia.
subq. What should you educate her about regarding C. The mother's lack of exercise at night tends
this? to lead to hypercalcemia.
A. Her infant will be born with scattered D. The pump's needie can migrate inward and
petechiae on his trunk. possibly pierce the fetus.
B. Heparin can cause darkened skin in
newborns, 10.Angelina received a laceration on her leg from her
C. Heparin does not cross the placenta and so automobile accident. Why are lacerations of lower
does not affect a fetus. extremities potentially more serious in pregnant
D. Same infants will be born with allergic women than others?
symptoms to heparin. A. A woman is less able to keep the laceration
clean because of her fatigue.
6. Which statement by a woman with sickle-cell B. Increased bleeding can occur from uterine
anemia would alert you she may need further pressure on leg veins.
instruction on prenatal care?
C. Lacerations can provoke allergic responses 16.You need to schedule a first home visit for Lee
because of gonadotropic hormone. Puente.When is a first home-care visit typically
D. Healing is limited during pregnancy, so made?
these will not heal until after birth. A. Within 1 hour after discharge
B. Within 24 hours after discharge
11.Suppose Beverly Muzuki develops a placenta C. Within 4 days after discharge
previa.What would be an important assessment to D. Within 1 week of discharge
make with her after her baby's birth?
A. Whether she recognizes that this is inherited 17.What should you do if, in the middle of visiting
and will probably happen again Lee Puente at home, her former boyfriend arrives and
B. Assessment of vaginal bleeding, as she is threatens you and Lee? What would you do?
prone to have more than usual A. Tell him threatening someone is not mature
C. Whether she appears "jittery" from the behavior and he should stop.
prebirth drugs she received B. Suggest that Lee change all of her home
D. Whether she understands that her uterus has locks so this man can't visit again.
a scar and so will be always weakened C. Leave the home and notify your agency that
you were in unsafe circumstances.
12.Beverly Muzuki is in preterm labor. When you see D. Telephone 91t and report that you and a
her in the emergency room, what should be your first client are being threatened.
A. Keep her walking so the fetal head puts 18.Lee Puente is developing constipation from being
harder pressure on the cervix. on bed rest. What measure would you suggest she
B. Ask her to lie down in a side-lying position take to help prevent this?
and assess her contractions. A. Drink more milk, as increased calcium
C. Obtain blood for a human chorionic intake prevents constipation.
gonadotropin hormone assessment. B. Walk for at least half an hour daily to
D. Caution her to not allow anyone to start IV stimulate peristalsis.
fluid; dehydration halts contractions. C. Drink eight full glasses of a fluid such as
water daily.
13.If Beverly Muzuki had developed severe D. Eat more frequent small meals instead of
preeclampsia, what would be the drug you would three large ones daily.
expect to administer?
A. Magnesium sulfate 19.Mindy Carson is still an adolescent. What is a task
B. Ranitidine (Zantac) of adolescence, according to Erlkson, that she needs
C. A nonsteroidal inflammatory agent to complete to be ready to be a mother?
D. A loop diuretic A. Establish a value system.
B. Grow to her final height.
14. If a patient developed a HELLP syndrome, what C. Prepare clothes for the baby.
symptoms would be most important to assess for? D. Finish her education.
A. Rapid, anxious breathing
B. Ecchymosis or petechiae 20.Mindy Carson was placed on an iron supplement
C. Blink reflex because her hemoglobin level was below normal.
D. Enlarged thyroid What. is a usual test to demonstrate adherence to an
iron supplement?
15.Suppose Beverly Muzuki was Rh negative. Under A. Assessing if her skin appears darker.
what circumstance would she be eligible for Rh (D) B. Assessing her blood reticulocyte count
immune globulin (RhIG)? C. Analyzing her urine for iron deposits
A. If she were having a multiple pregnancy D. Measuring if she has grown in height
B. If her fetus were found to be Ah negative
C. If her fetus's heartbeat became tachycardic 21.Women over 40 are at increased risk for
D. If her fetus's blood type was Rh positive developing pregnancy-induced hypertension. The
reason for this is:
A. Many are overweight before they enter
B. They drink more fluids daily than younger A. Forty-five seconds after the contraction is
women. over.
C. They do not exercise much, so edera fluid B. Thirty seconds after the start of a
accumulates. contraction.
D. Their blood vessels are not as elastic as C. After every tenth or more contraction.
those of younger women. D. After a typical contraction ends.

22.Women with high thoracic spinal cord injury can 28.Celeste has an amniotomy (artificial rupture of the
develop autonomic dysreflexia during labor. The best membranes). After this procedure, which of the
action to take for this would be: following would be an important nursing assessment?
A. Ask her to lie flat and take deep breaths. A. Ask her it her pain level is tolerable
B. Elevate her legs to restore her blood postprocedure.
pressure. B. Assess maternal heart rate to detect possible
C. Give a prescribed hypotensive medicine. bleeding.
D. Talk to her calmly to reduce her anxiety. C. Assess fetal heart rate to detect possible cord
23.Mindy Carson tells you she takes D. Document the amount of amniotic fluid that
methamphetamine almost daily. A fetus of a drug- has been lost.
addicted mother receives approximately what
percentage of the mother's drug concentration? 29.Jonny asks you what the purpose of a doula in
A. 20% labor is. Your best answer would be:
B. 50% A. She times contractions and keeps them from
C. 70% becoming too lengthy.
D. 100% B. She can cook for a woman in labor to keep
her from becoming dehydrated,
24.Celeste Bailey didn't recognize for over an hour
C. She can serve as a support person and coach
that she was in labor. A sign of true labor is:
during labor.
A. Sudden increased energy from epinephrine
D. She replaces the husband as a woman's
support person.
B. "Nagging" but constant pain in the lower
30.Jonny asks you if she could use warm-water tub
C. Urinary urgency from increased bladder bathing during labor. Your best answer would be:
pressure. A. No. No one is allowed to tub bathe during
D. "Show" or release of the cervical mucus labor.
plug. B. Yes, as long as her membranes are not
25.Celeste asks you which fetal position and ruptured.
presentation are ideal. Your best answer would be:
C. No, because warm water can diminish labor
A. Right accipitoanterior with full flexion,
B. Left transverse anterior in moderate flexion.
D. Yes, as long as the werm water doesn't raise
C. Right occipitoposterior with no flexion.
D. Left sacroanterior with full fiexion. her temperature.

26.Celeste is having long and hard uterine 31.Jonny chooses to have epidural anesthesia. What
contractions. What length of contraction would you are two risks associated with this?
report as abnormal? A. Hypotension and prolonged second stage of
A. Any length over 30 seconds.
B. Severe headache and coldness of all
B. A contraction over 70 seconds in length.
C. A contraction that peaks at 20 seconds. C. Continued back pain and short first stage of
D. A contraction shorter than 60 seconds. labor.
D. Hypertension and a reduced red blood cell
27.You assess Celeste Bailey's uterine contractions. count.
In relation to the contraction, when does a late
deceleration begin?
32.There is no reason to think that Jonny will need a 38.Roseann Bigalow has prolonged labor. What is the
general anesthetic. If she did, what type of drug is most common cause for arrest of descent during the
usually prescribed to minimize the risk of aspiration second stage of labor?
of vomitus? A. Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
A. An anticonvulsant such as diazepam B. Maternal calcium deficiency
(Vallum), C. The fetus is asleep during labor
B. A nerve relakant such as phenobarbital. D. The maternal outlet Is narrow
C. Metaclopramide (Regian) to spaed gastric
emptying. 39.Suppose a woman experiences a uterine inversion
D. Oxytocin to Increase the effectiveness of and the placenta is still attached. What would be your
labor. best action?
A. Remove the placenta manually so that the
33.Jonny reports in early labor she isn't having much uterus contracts.
pain. You assess that her contractions are also not B. Attempt to replace the uterus so that it
strong. What position usually promotes efficient
becomes compressed.
uterine contractions in early labor?
C. Increase the woman's intravenous fluid to
A. Sitting or standing.
help restore blood loss.
B. Lying supine.
D. Give an emergency bolus of an oxytocin
C. Lying prone. such as Pitocin IV.
D. Side-lying.
40.Oxytocin is administered to Roseann to augment
34.Moja Hamma is concerned she may lose an labor.What are the first symptoms of water
excessive amount of blood with cesarean surgery. intoxication to observe for during this procedure?
What is the usual amount of blood lost with cesarean A. A high, choking voice
birth? B. Headache and vomiting
A. 100-220 mL
C. A swollen, tender tongue
B. 250-350 mL
C. 300-500 mL D. Abdominal bloating and pain
D. 500-1,000 mL
41. Which of the following actions would alert you
35.What is an important measure to reduce the size of that a new mother is entering a postpartal taking-hold
the bladder and keep it away from the surgical field phase?
during a cesarean birth? A. She tells you she was in a lot of pain all
A. Restrict fluids in the woman for 4 hours during labor.
before surgery. B. She sleeps as if exhausted from the effort of
B. Insert a urinary catheter to drain the bladder labor.
and decrease its size, C. She urges the baby to stay awake so that she
C. Administer an oxytocic to contract the can breast-feed him or her.
bladder. D. She says that she has not selected a name for
D. Give a diuretic to reduce the bladder to its the baby as yet.
smallest size.

37.Moja Hamma asks you how big her scar will be 42.You observe Joan Cooper holding her newborn.
after cesarean birth. Your best answer would be: Which position would best reassure you that she is
A. The incision is big and runs vertically across relating well to her newbam?
your abdomen. A. She looks directly at her infant's face and
talks to him.
B. The incision is made through the vagina so
doesn't leave a scars. B. She holds the Infant over her shoulder to
C. Most cesarean-birth incisions are so low burp him.
they don't show over a bikini. C. She sits in a rocking chair and rocks the new
D. It is so large that it will always show but infant.
think of it as a mark of pride. D. She lies in bed and places the Infant on her
43You care for Joan Cooper at a 6-week postpartum B. If she must have a fallopian tube removed,
visit. What should her fundal height be at this time? she will be sterile afterward.
A. Six fingerbreadths below the umbilicus. C. She will have a continuous nagging pain
B. No longer palpable on her abdomen. through the rest of pregnancy.
C. One centimeter above the symphysis pubis. D. Ectopic pregnancy can be either medically
D. Inverted and palpable at the cervix. or surgically treated.

49. Suppose Beverly Muzuki develops a placenta

44.Suppose Mary Blackhawk has a retained placental previa. What would be an important assessment to
fragment that is causing extensive postpartal make with her after her baby's birth?
bleeding. What hormone lest would you anticipate A. Whether she recognizes that this is inherited
being ordered to detect whether placenta is still and will probably happen again.
present? B. Assessment of vaginal bleeding, as she is
A. Placental and cord blood estrogen prone to have more than usual.
B. Progesterone from the placenta C. Whether she appears "jittery" or nervous
C. Human chorionic gonadetropin hormone from the prebirth drugs she received.
D. Systemic prolactin (a pituitary hormone) D. Whether she understands that her uterus has
a scar and so will be always weakened.
45.Mary Blackhawk develops endometritis. What
would be the best activity for her? 50. Beverly Muzuki is in preterm labor. When you
A. Lying in bed with a cold cloth on her see her in the emergency department, what should be
forehead. your first action?
B. Walking around her room listening to music. A. Keep her walking so the fetal head puts
C. Reading while resting in a Trendelenburg harder pressure on the cervix.
position. B. Ask her to lie down in a side-lying position
D. Sitting with her feet elevated while playing and assess her contractions.
cards. C. Obtain blood for a human chorionic
gonadotropin hormone assessment.
46.Which statement by Mary Blackhawk is most D. Caution her to not allow anyone to start IV
suggestive of a woman developing postpartal fluid; dehydration halts contractions.
A. "I wish my baby had more hair."
B. "My baby has the devil's eyes. 51. Mindy Carson is still an adolescent. What is a
C. "I feel exhausted since birth." task of adolescence, according to Erikson, that she
D. "Breast-feeding is harder than I thought." needs to complete to be ready to become a mother?
A. Establish a value system.
47.Beverty Muzuki, the woman you met at the B. Grow to her final height.
beginning of the chapter, had a miscarriage when she C. Prepare clothes for the baby.
was younger. What would be the best advice to give a D. Finish her education.
woman who tells you she is miscarrying?
A. Lie down and do not move for 24 hours to 52. Mindy Carson was placed on an iron supplement
stop the bleeding. because her hemoglobin level was below normal.
B. Do not do anything special; early What is a common test to demonstrate adherence to
miscarriages happen all the time. an iron supplement?
C. Save any clots or material passed for your A. Assessing if her skin appears darker.
health care provider. B. Assessing her blood reticulocyte count.
D. Use a tight tampon to put pressure on your C. Analyzing her urine for iron deposits.
cervix and stop the bleeding. D. Measuring if she has grown in height.

48. Suppose Beverly Muzuki was discovered to have

an ectopic pregnancy. What advice would you give 53. Baby Atkins was given a drug at birth to reverse
her? the effects of a narcotic given to his mother in labor.
A. Most ectopic pregnancies go to completion, What drug is commonly used for this?
although the newborn is small. A. Sodium chloride
B. Morphine sulfate
C. Penicillin G 59.What is an important nursing measure for a
D. Naloxone (Narcan) newborn with a diaphragmatic hernia?
A. Feed the infant immediately to decrease air
54. Why are small-for-gestational-age newborns at in the intestine.
risk for difficulty maintaining body temperature? B. Keep the infant positioned head down so the
A. They are preterm, so they are born relatively intestine can expand.
small in size. C. Wrap the infant's abdomen tightly to better
B. They are more active than usual, so they contain intestine.
throw off covers. D. Position the infant in an infant chair to
C. They do not have as much fat stores as do contain intestine in abdomen.
other infants.
D. Their skin is more susceptible to conduction 60. Baby Sparrow may be developing increased
of cold. intracranial pressure. What vital sign changes occur
with this?
A. Decreased temperature, increased blood
55. Baby Atkins has surfactant administered at birth. B. Increased respirations; decreased pulse rate.
The purpose of surfactant is to: C. Increased temperature; decreased pulse rate.
A. Help raise lung secretions by relaxing the D. Decreased blood pressure; increased
airway. temperature.
B. Prevent alveoli from collapsing on
expiration. 61. What is an important care measure to teach
C. Paralyze respiratory muscles to synchronize parents of a child with torticollis?
breathing. A. Encourage the infant to turn his head to
D. Reduce gastric secretions by action on the stretch the neck.
pancreas. B. Wrap the infant's neck in a warm towel
twice daily.
56. Baby Atkins develops hyperbilirubinemia. What C. Massage the infant's shoulders and torso at
is a method used to treat hyperbilirubinemia in a bedtime.
newborn? D. Administer 1 grain of aspirin with each
A. Keeping infants in a warm and dark bottle feeding.
B. Early feeding to speed passage of 62. Children with developmental hip dysplasia have
meconium. Pavlik harnesses prescribed. You would advise the
C. Gentle exercise to stop muscle breakdown. parents of a child with this type of therapy that their
D. Administration of a cardiovascular stimulant child:
A. Will be anesthetized to have the harness
57. Why is it important for infants of diabetic women applied.
to be fed early? B. Will experience dull pain all the time it is in
A. Their stomachs are empty at birth. place.
B. To help prevent hypoglycemia. C. Will need to wear this for only 1 or 2 weeks.
C. Their mothers could not eat during labor. D. Should wear it all day except for clothing
D. To clear mucus from their intestinal tracts changes.

58. What is the most important consideration in the 63. M.C. makes friends with another adolescent at the
care of the child with an omphalocele at birth? prenatal clinic: a 19-year-old who has a cognitive
A. Position the infant on his stomach to contain defi-cit. When planning care for this patient, what
the intestine. would be the best way to meet this patient's
B. Wrap the omphalocele in cold icy gauze to educational needs?
prevent fever. A. Provide simple, written materials rather than
C. Keep the infant seated upright under a providing verbal instructions.
radiant warmer. B. Provide education to the patient's partner or
D. Contain the intestine in a sterile saline-lined another person with full cognitive function.
bowel bag. C. Ensure that teaching is appropriate to the
patient's level of cognition.
D. Enlist the help of a social worker when
teaching the patient. 68. R.G.'s baby is not only large but also in an
occipito-posterior position. The nurse would want the
64. M.C. tells the nurse she uses methamphetamine team members to know which position is best for a
almost daily. What priority nursing intervention patient whose baby is in the occipito-posterior
should the nurse perform? position during labor?
A. Obtain a urine or serum sample for A. On their right side to stretch the pelvic inlet
toxicology. B. Walking about to encourage fetal descent
B. Emphasize the fact that meth is not good for C. Sitting in a rocking chair to aid presentation
her. D. On their hands and knees to help fetal
C. Advise her to stop taking the substance rotation
D. Refer M.C. to substance use disorder 69. To determine which risk factors were associated
support services. with shoulder dystocia, researchers evaluated 19,236
births at five hospitals in the United States for
shoulder dystocia and its risk factors. The results of
the study found an increased incidence of shoulder
65. R.G. states that her contractions are irregular in dystocia associated with increased fetal weight,
frequency and short in duration. She screams in pain, gestational age greater than 41 weeks, diabetes,
however, every time she has a contraction. What obesity, epidural use, and nulliparity (Santos et al.,
action by the nurse would be best? 2018).
A. Recognize that this is a usual response to Based on this study and the fact that a sonogram has
labor and offer her a back rub. shown R.G.'s fetus to be extremely large, what
B. Notify the anesthesiologist that R.G. needs assessment would the nurse want to prioritize for
to have epidural anesthesia. R.G.'s baby after birth?
C. Obtain a prescription from her primary care A. If the abdominal wall appears to be ruptured
provider for an analgesic. B. If the arms feel warm and are the same
D. Document/report frequency and duration of length
contractions plus facilitate pain relief. C. If the buttocks or back have extensive
66. R.G.' primary care provider is considering D. If the eyes can focus steadily on a nearby
whether to augment her labor with oxytocin. What object
would make the nurse question the care providers use
of oxytocin for her? 70. Suppose M.H. had an amniotomy during her
A. Her blood pressure is slightly elevated above labor. Immediately after this procedure, which
normal. nursing assessment would be most important for the
B. Her membranes ruptured after only 1 hour of nurse to make?
labor. A. Ask her to rate her pain level after the
C. Her fetus is large for gestational age by a procedure.
sonogram. B. Assess maternal heart rate to detect possible
D. She had an amniocentesis performed during bleeding.
pregnancy. C. Assess FHR to detect possible cord prolapse.
D. Document the amount of amniotic fluid that
67. The nurse notices R.G.'s contractions are 70 has been lost.
seconds long and occur every 90 seconds when
assessing the frequency of her contractions after she 71. The nurse gives a report to an OR nurse prior to a
receives oxytocin. What would be the nurse's first cesarean birth and describes actions they took to
action? reduce the size of the patient's bladder and to keep it
A. Ask R.G. to turn onto her left side and away from the surgical field during the procedure.
breathe deeply. Which action should the nurse describe to their
B. Increase the rate of R.G.'s IV fluid infusion. colleague?
C. Discontinue the administration of the A. Inserting a Foley catheter to drain the
oxytocin infusion. bladder and decrease its size
D. Give an emergency bolus of oxytocin to B. Administering an oxytocic drug to cause the
relax the uterus. bladder to forcefully contract
C. Restricting the patient's fluids for at least 16 C. "Let's talk about the risks and benefits of
hours before surgery both types of deliveries to help you make
D. Administering a diuretic to reduce bladder your decision."
volume D. "My coworker had a vaginal birth after a
cesarean birth, and she was satisfied with
72. M.H. needs to have an IV infusion started prior to her choice."
her cesarean procedure. Which course of action
would be best? 75. M.H. tells the nurse she does not intend to
A. Introduce the cannula into the back of either continue breastfeeding after she returns home,
hand. stating, "My stomach's too painful." What action
B. Begin the IV infusion in the hand nearest to would the nurse add to the plan of care that is most
you. apt to be helpful to M.H.?
C. Ask M.H. which hand she would prefer you A. Insist that M.H. speak with one of the
to use. hospital's lactation consultants.
D. Explain that IVs are typically started in the B. Instruct her to take over-the-counter
right hand. analgesics just before breastfeeding.
C. Design a study to identify factors that affect
breastfeeding success.
73. The nurse notices that a colleague who was D. Explain that her uterine pain will not last
helping to prepare M.H. has left the room to liaise more than a few more days.
with the OR in anticipation of the cesarean birth. The
nurse also notices that the colleague left M.H.'s 76.All postpartum patients are at risk for uterine
electronic health record open and in view of her hemorrhage. What assessment data should the nurse
support people. Which course of action would be first collect when appraising B.C.'s risk for
best? hemorrhage?
A. Immediately close the record even though A. Ask her to describe her perineal care.
all care may not yet be recorded. B. Assess the skin integrity of her abdomen.
B. Locate the nurse and ask them to come back C. Assess her oxygen saturation level.
so they can close the record. D. Assess her uterus for height and tone.
C. Minimize the record and wait for the nurse
to come back and close it. 77. Suppose B.C. has a retained placental fragment
D. Report the nurse to the nurse manager for that is causing extensive postpartum bleeding. Which
violating confidentiality. test prescribed by her primary care provider would
best reveal a retained fragment is present?
74. The majority of patients wo have cesarean birth A. Placental and cord blood estrogen
are physically eligible to attempt future births B. Progesterone
vaginally. Researchers examine what influences a C. Pelvic ultrasound
patient's choice in birth mode. They looked at 536 D. Oxytocin
people who had a previous cesarean birth. Those
choosing a VAC were more like to be younger and 78. B.C. has a risk for DVT during the postpartum
who a lower BMI as well as fewer complications period. What would be the best suggestion the nurse
during their first pregnancy. People seeking repeat could make to help prevent this?
cesarean were more likely to have had a preterm birth A. Rest in bed as much as possible for the first
in the first pregnancy (Herman et al., 2020). several days.
M.H. tells the nurse that although she knows she will B. Assume a knee-chest position for 15 minutes
be eligible, she isn't certain if she wants to have a every day.
vaginal birth for her next child. Based on the previous C. increase fluid intake to reduce blood
study findings, what would be the nurse's best viscosity.
assurance for her? D. Ambulate early and consistently to improve
A. "It doesn't matter. Once a cesarean, always a circulation.
cesarean is the rule."
B. "Birth is such a personal experience it's 79. Postpartum depression can affect not only the
impossible to say." postpartum patient but also other family members
they may have. For example, partners can become
depressed during this time as well. To assess
developmental impacts on children, researchers
assessed 61 no birthing parents, 17 of whom met
criteria for depression, and their interactions with
their infants in a play session. Non birthing parents
with depression were more likely to be withdrawn in
their behavior with their infants, providing less
stimulation for their babies (Koch et al., 2019). Based
on the given study, which statement by B.C.'s partner
would concern the nurse he might be as depressed as
she seems to be?
A. "I never guessed I'd ever really be lucky
enough to be a Parent."
B. "I don't like talking to the baby because they
talk back yet."
C. "I didn't really understand the reason that my
partner bled after the baby was born."
D. "No one told me people could become
depressed after giving birth."

80. A.G. develops DVT while in the hospital on bed

rest and is prescribed LMWH. The nurse identifies
which action as important when planning care for
A. Showing her how to self-administer the drug
as a rectal suppository
B. Cautioning her that her hemoglobin level
will be closely monitored during therapy
C. Allowing her to choose a subcutaneous site
for the injection
D. Monitoring her WBC count daily for
decreased coagulation

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