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Week VI: Impulse, Momentum and Impact

Hakan Dogan

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Hacettepe University

MMU 204 - Dynamics

23-24 Spring

Acknowledgement: These lecture slides are almost completely same as

Prof Dr Engin Tanik’s and Prof Dr Volkan Parlaktas’s previous Dynamics lecture

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum

∑ F = mv̇ = dt (mv) or ∑ F = Ġ
where the product of the mass and velocity is defined as the linear
momentum G = mv of the particle. The above equation states that the
resultant of all forces acting on a particle equals its time rate of change of
linear momentum.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum (contd.)

ˆWe now write three scalar components of the equation ∑ F = Ġ as

∑ Fx = Ġx
∑ Fy = Ġy
∑ Fz = Ġz
ˆThese equations may be applied independently of one another.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Linear Impulse - Momentum Principle

ˆMultiplying the equation ∑ F = Ġ by dt gives ∑ Fdt = dG which we

integrate from time t1 to time t2 to obtain
Z t2

∑ Fdt = G2 − G1 = ∆G
ˆHere the linear momentum at time t2 is G2 = mv2 and the linear
momentum at time t1 is G1 = mv1 . The product of force and time is
defined as the linear impulse of the force, and the above equation
states that the total linear impulse on m equals th corresponding
change in linear momentum of m.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Linear Impulse - Momentum Principle (contd.)

R t2
ˆThe components of t1 ∑ Fdt = G2 − G1 = ∆G equation become the
scalar equations
Z t2

∑ Fx dt = (mvx )2 − (mvx )1
Z t2

∑ Fy dt = (mvy )2 − (mvy )1
Z t2

∑ Fz dt = (mvz )2 − (mvz )1

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Conservation of Linear Momentum

ˆIf the resultant force on a particle is zero during an interval of time,
we see that equation ∑ F = Ġ requires that its linear momentum G
remain constant. In this case, the linear momentum of the particle is
said to be conserved.
ˆIf there are two or more particles that interact during an interval of
time, the momentum of these particles due to interactive forces
cancel out each other. Therefore, the total linear momentum of the
’system of particles’ is also conserved if there is no external force
acting on the system.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Sample Problem #10

The loaded 150-kg skip is rolling down the
incline at 4 m/s when a force P is applied
to the cable as shown at time t 0. The
force P is increased uniformly with the time
until it reaches 600 N at t 4 s, after which
time it remains constant at this value.
Calculate (a) the time at which the skip
reverses its direction and (b) the velocity v
of the skip at t 8 s. Treat the skip as a

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Solution #10

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Sample Problem #11

The 50-g bullet traveling at 600 m/s strikes the 4-kg block centrally and is
embedded within it. If the block slides on a smooth horizontal plane with
a velocity of 12 m/s in the direction shown prior to impact, determine the
velocity v of the block and embedded bullet immediately after impact.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Solution #11

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Sample Problem #12

Car B weighing 1500 kg and traveling west at 48 km/h collides with car A
weighing 1600 kg and traveling north at 32 km/h as shown. If the two cars
become entangled and move together as a unit after the crash, compute
the magnitude v of their common velocity immediately after the impact
and the angle θ made by the velocity vector with the north direction.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum

ˆThe moment of the linear momentum vector mv about the origin O is
defined as the angular momentum HO of P about O and is given by the
cross-product relation for the moment of a vector.

HO = r × mv

ˆThe angular momentum is a vector perpendicular to the plane A defined

by r and v.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Rate of Change of Angular Momentum

ˆThe moment about origin O is the vector cross product

MO = r × ∑ F = r × mv̇

ḢO = ṙ × mv + r × mv̇ = v × mv + r × mv̇

ˆThe term v × mv is zero since the cross product of parallel vectors is
identically zero.
∑ MO = ḢO
ˆThis equation states that the moment about the fixed point O of all
forces acting on m equals the time rate change of angular momentum of
m about O.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Rate of Change of Angular Momentum (contd.)

ˆEquation ∑ MO = ḢO is a vector equation with scalar components

∑ MO x = ḢOx
∑ MO y = ḢOy
∑ MO z = ḢOz

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

The Angular Impulse - Momentum Principle

Z t2
∑ MO dt = HO 2 − HO1 = ∆HO

where HO2 = r2 × mv2 and HO1 = r1 × mv1 . The product of moment and
time is defined as angular impulse, and the above equation states that the
total angular impulse on m about the fixed point O equals the
corresponding change in angular momentum of m about O.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Plane-Motion Applications
ˆFor a particle of mass m moving along a curved path in the x − y plane,
the angular moment about O at points 1 and 2 have the magnitudes
HO1 = |r1 × mv1 | = mv1 d1 and HO2 = |r2 × mv2 | = mv2 d2 , respectively. In
the illustrated both HO1 and HO2 are represented in the counter clockwise
sense in accord with the direction of the moment of the linear momentum.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Conversation of Angular Momentum

ˆIf the resultant moment about a fixed point O of all forces acting on a
particle is zero during an interval of time, ∑ MO = ḢO requires that its
angular momentum HO about that point remain constant. In this case,
the angular momentum of the particle is said to be conserved.

∆HO = 0 or HO1 = HO2

The above equations express the principle of conservation of angular


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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Conversation of Angular Momentum

ˆConsider now the motion of two particles a and b which interact during
an interval of time. If the interactive forces F and −F bewteen them are
the only unbalanced forces acting on the particles during the interval, it
follows that the moments of the equal and opposite forces about any fixed
point O not on their line of action are equal and opposite.

ˆTherefore the total angular momentum of the ‘system of particles’ is also

conserved if there is no external force acting on the system.

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Sample Problem #13

A small mass particle is given an initial velocity v0 tangent to the
horizontal rim of a smooth hemispherical bowl at a radius r0 from the
vertical centerline, as shown at point A. As the particle slides past point
B, a distance h below A and a distance r from the vertical centerline, its
velocity v makes an angle θ with the horizontal tangent to the bowl
through B. Determine θ .

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Solution #13

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Kinetics of Particles Impulse and Momentum

Sample Problem #14

The two spheres of equal mass m are able to slide along the horizontal
rotating rod. If they are initially latched in position a distance r from the
rotating axis with the assembly rotating freely with an angular velocity ω0 ,
determine the new angular velocity ω after the spheres are released and
finally assume positions at the ends of the rod at a radial distance of 2r .
Also find the fraction n of the initial kinetic energy of the system which is
lost. Neglect the small mass of the rod and shaft.

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

ˆImpact refers to the collision between two bodies and is characterized by
the generation of relatively large contact forces which act over a very short
interval of time.
Direct Central Impact
ˆThe collinear motion of two spheres of masses m1 and m2 travelling with
velocities v1 and v2 . If v1 is greater than v2 , collision occurs with the
contact forces directed along the line of centres.

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Direct Central Impact (contd.)

ˆBecause the contact forces are equal and opposite during impact, the
linear momentum of the system remains unchanged. Thus, we apply the
law of conservation of linear momentum and write

m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1′ + m2 v2′

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Coefficient of Restitution
ˆe is the magnitude of the restoration impulse to the magnitude of the
deformation impulse. This ratio is called the coefficient if restitution.

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Coefficient of Restitution (contd.)

Fr dt
e = R tt00
0 Fd dt

v2′ − v1′ |relative velocity of seperation|

e= =
v1 − v2 |relatve velocity of approach|

ˆIf the two initial velocities v1 and v2 and the coefficient of restitution e
v ′ −v ′
are known, then equations m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1′ + m2 v2′ and e = v21 −v12 give
use two equations in the two unknown final velocities v1′ and v2′ .

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Energy Loss During Impact

According to this classical theory of impact, the value e = 1 means that
the capacity of the two particles to recover equals their tendency to
deform. This condition is one of elastic impact with no energy loss. The
value e = 0, on the other hand, describes inelastic or plastic impact where
the particles cling together after collision and the loss of energy is a
maximum. All impact conditions lie somewhere between these two

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Sample Problem #15

The ram of a pile driver has a mass of 800 kg and is released from rest 2
m above the top of the 2400-kg pile. If the ram rebounds to a height of
0.1 m after impact with the pile, calculate
(a) the velocity vp′ of the pile immediately after the impact,
(b) the coefficient of restitution e, and
(c) the percentage loss of energy due to the impact.

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Solution #15

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Oblique Central Impact

(1) Momentum of the system is conserved in the n− direction. This gives

m1 (v1 )n + m2 (v2 )n = m1 (v1′ )n + m2 (v2′ )n

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Oblique Central Impact (contd.)

(2) and (3) the momentum for each particle is conserved in the t−
direction since there is no impulse on either particle in the t− direction.

m1 (v1 )t = m1 (v1′ )t
m2 (v2 )t = m2 (v2′ )t

(4) The coefficient of restitution, as in the case of direct central impact, is

the positive ratio of the recovery impulse to the deformation impulse.
Then, the velocity components in the n− direction.

(v2′ )n − (v1′ )n
(v1 )n − (v2 )n

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Sample Problem #16

A ball is projected onto the heavy plate with a avelocity of 16 m/s at the
30◦ angle shown. If the effective coefficient of restitution is 0.5, compute
the rebound velocity v ′ and its angle θ ′ .

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Solution #15

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Kinetics of Particles Impact

Next Week
1st Mid-term exam

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