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CO SMILE GEnewm Prystes “EPRAWANCS BN), OF EL ECTRUMAGINET GANONG, Al ACTOVETY 4 WRENAFY HY INDACHICN : \magnet (FgSa)} 9 magnet, Ctg0) Foch: “Me ctrengtn of the magneb \o tums (Tglba) zohms (Td \0’) Factor: Number Of coil wrap or Loop of wire gz. — MAQneL mored Slower (To lid) Magner nuoves faster Tacks: Me speed of the relative mohon between the Condiwthoe and te magnehe Held A Figute \Qa | Figure 12 Fadas: ate Mi the -somtucron- Orventarion of +he cert. oy Guide Question Table 4: Comparison of mognnide ol Induced Elec tmmotie Forte (emf) caused vy identified factors h Wogmhde.o} Indweed et ont | Hechromotieg Fig Ao |rigiy ~ |Fighh | Fight | §. Which tgus chops eon} ter roca oat \e Gro in he d.alvonomeber arnane A fi, [2 What. dose ane defyedhon of ne } Needle in the eoree ammeter Indicate alot the magni tude of Linducet emt w \olh Bau? Woot facr affects the tm niche ol inthiced ems io boty tigueee? A tow doe the, Jactor ofect A Magnitwde of vnaueed. emf {a Wvoth Ligures? ‘Jable 2- Compar\son af Magni Covsed by idendtied Jacors Tne magnitude of tpy | ind vow (unre Jie anf agent SAS Farbolntcr_ Sie enghn Fi oor sp earl oO ine une oye rhe e\ahy lane He oe net ‘We Groner rs go the Jone ME ‘de te rogte [ae 09 CIMA ‘) ages Nic field she |o¥1 is sesiete cess che mss, epi reo ymagnihiy oad niyed fide of Indinced Cyne nt, [P-voantate of \nduced current gna) Fg 2b Tiga se Fig Figba ig \d0 Figdb efi 4. Wnieh Kaures shows greater needle def Pod ™M gdlvono- mexer eet 2. What does Ae def\echon Of He need\e in She golronorneter Jam- meker indicate’obouy the magni Aude ol Ane induced dane Ay loot figures? 3 Wok Socers ofecke the shen Hide a} Induced current in ye Argues A How does the Sato affect dice Tine y magnnde ol induced Rae area re jarter [Me Wee wrrent in boty Ngurac 7 re ee oe eke se a res RERWEUEE EC bio. suaealll 2. Woh Cpoetrre thirlol Bekwenr va Tale 9 Com ANON ‘ea Ub eh a Budo LOC onl Non Onsen aire because it doce net work in MA- Ving a charg, orer a Usted Paty - Conservarive and Goes no nek worle can pe associated with elechvgentic ficld. / Is due 4o Vary My Stpacation of cratic | ing magnetic elecng charger generates / clectnc Sield )bieldis tes elecrostatio field. Wi atugy / om induct have field \wnes staring r \ ane Jp yelahird) at a negaire Charge (eotign a gon- / and ending an ot wooihre ductors ana \ charge 1) MAgneho field Two uniike Paca\\e - plate oapocl- Charges and (tor » consist of +hoo Uke dnarges J pocalte 2) plates with Wh areund an {sv- \otet gesi hve, And neganve oharge, / peti gf SHON WE WY DIRECTION ° Guide Gieckion’, 4. \n what way \s clectostatc {eld smilar fo non- clectroctatic, field? => Bohr induced electoctatic freld and electostat o field apply a pre gre jgiectio charge and that force will 6e the Same if elther i ' magninae at that pont. , ee pare tre ae 2. Whar Way is elechoatatiy fed dh non - - 4 ee Sie sPoa-hereag mduced clecheetahc fiekt IS known as a nonconcervahtc veld. Ubis circular, and can de work on chaigcec Pound wittin it , while a elecinstatic fi dg den0t continuous work 0” chage after i movea ac + equalize phe charge pt (0-1334 7/<) (0: 00026 = 0-019 mv r CEM» IO nV ] Gg ‘ Ayre Find 10°0M ~ magnehe field change CV) 5.0. «+ 2-0A Coluhon V=)R Using Faraday ’s law, oxprecs Ine voltage 19 Rage of chenge of magnetic flux v= 40 “App _ pp - V _ 6.0{ 10cm) Ati wane. Padi oho i GeIo\am Renecrion 4. Wadt Te the most Important thing yor trated today ? Why do you thnk so 7 Pre teamed through thic lesson abou} the Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction. It is a lao vf electro magnepism prdichng how a magretic field wil) interact with an electic oroult fo produce an electomoh force (EMF) . Faraday law states frat a current will be Induced th a Conductor which expased + a changing magnetic field. tens Law og € eoty magnehg induct? ctatec that the direction y this induced werent will be widely phat fhe Magnetic Feld create by Ihe eee h by fhe induced ourrent oppores Me larhal changing mag metic field produced jt, me direchon o} nie ca ae, - dekrmined using Fleming)s ndht -hand rie. Ik is eesen~ tial stace were using elecinc current, we hare me che on how magnetic frldh induced oinrent producec cle c cu rrent- 2. what do You want t+ teorn more about, URY 7 ! Want fo learn more the other fundamental factore that affects the megneho field and why do batpnes Tun out of energy: Is it connected 4 the magnetc fitld, or electnoctahc fel. thw magnehc field Is created? $8. when were yeu of your bect Pday, hy? J would cay about underctanding He flow of aurrem on how cach factors affect each other. Since | was not really it the laws of electric or other mattr, thic gires nen refreching idea en what js going en for example je ; bakery and how conduchrs have wirer and Francfer ourient from one another,

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