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ICSE Grammar (2005 – 2020)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.
Example: (0) returned
After Christopher Columbus(0) _____ (return) from his
famous voyage across the Atlantic, the king of Spain (1)
_____ (wish) to celebrate the great event and do honour
to the man who (2) ________ (make) himself a national
hero. He (3)_____ (do) so by holding a great banquet in
honour of the explorer. To this banquet he (4) _____
(invite) many of the nobles of the kings court. Some of
them (5) _____ (be) jealous of the success Columbus
(6)_____(achieve). One of them sat next to Columbus.
He turned towards Columbus and said, "Of course you
(7) _____(be) a brave man but it doesn’t take much
intelligence to do what you have done. After all anyone
can take a ship and sail on and on till he (8) _____
(reach) land."
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
1. The safari parks of South Africa abound _____ wild
2. The young man excels _____ both music and dance.
3. She is a diligent student, worthy _____ praise.
4. I saw _____ his plan and realised that he was going
to cheat us.
5. I was _____ the impression that the meeting had been
6. Always be true _____ yourself.
7. The villagers lodged a complaint _____ the corrupt
8. I can rely _____ my sister for help.
C. Rewrite the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. Jasdeep has probably forgotten his mother's birthday.
(Begin: In ..... )
2. Mr Sharma advised the children not to go out in the
cold. (End with: " ………", said Mr Sharma)
3.For more information please contact the secretary of
the club. (Begin : Should....................)
4. He could not take part in the singing competition as
he had a sore throat. (use : Prevented)
5. Ritika returned to school a week ago. (Begin: It has
6. She was beautiful and humble. (Begin : Not only …)
7.Both the players are not adequately prepared for the
tournament. (Begin : Neither ………………)
8. A fragrant flower is the loveliest creation of nature.
(Begin : No other.........................)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.

Example : (0) giving

Mid-afternoon while (0) _____ (give) my report to Mrs.

Biggs, I (1) _____ (hear) a loud thumping (2) _____
(come) from the direction of
her storeroom.
"What (3) _____ (be) all that noise downstairs?" I
"Probably a rat. I don't hear anything," she replied.
I ran downstairs and (4) _____ (open) the store room
door. There was Mr. Biggs (5) _____ (look) very dusty
and very disgruntled; he wanted to know why Mrs.
Biggs (6) _____(shut) him up for hours. He had gone
into the store room in search of a walking stick and
Mrs. Biggs, (7) _____ (see) the door open, had
promptly (8)_____ (bolt) it.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :

1. He refused to put _____ with their interference in his

2. She has been going _____ the script for days.
3. It is our duty to protest _____ injustice.
4. He soon became accustomed _____ the harsh
5. Dilip went out _____his way to help the poor.
6. He was able to put _____ his ideas so cleverly that he
impressed everyone.
7. He persists _____ teasing the other children in the
8. I have been waiting for you _____ four o'clock.

C. Join the following sentences to make one

complete sentence without using and, but or so.

1. Sahil composed a wonderful song. It became a hit.

2. Rani reached the spot. We were to meet there.

3. Dick met me. I gave him the document.

4. Shenaz was very upset. I wanted to help her out.

D. Rewrite the following sentences according to the

instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.

1. As soon as the Chief Guest arrived, the band started

playing. (Begin : No sooner ……… )
2. He went to the library and to the bank.
(Begin : Not only ………...)
3. Though he is very poor, he helps others in need.
(Begin : In spite…)
4. He does not intend to leave the Company.
(Use : intention)
5."Do you want some more ice-cream or a slice of
cake?" asked my aunt. (Begin : My aunt asked ……….)
6. They are painting a mural on the front wall.
(Begin : A mural ……)
7. Tansen was the best singer in Akbar's court.
(Use : better )
8. You remembered to buy a loaf of bread, didn't you ?
(Begin : You didn't ………..)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.
Example: (0) am convinced.
I (0) ………. (convince) that my father (1) …………
(remember) by all those who value integrity. He (2)
………… (be) a man of learning and also saw to it that
he (3) ………. (teach) his pupils with passion and
patience. He, at times (4) ………. (use) to lose his
temper, but that was because he always (5) ………….
(want) his pupils to learn and learn well. As a person,
he was honest and simple. His greatness (6) ……….
(lie) in the fact that he (7) ………. (have) a pure heart,
devoid of malice. Such a man is always valued and (8)
………. (be) very rare to find.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate

1.Truth always prevails ………. the long run.

2. Sujata stood ………. the river and saw the ship pass
3. She took some money ………… her father to buy a
video game.
4. Shilpa gave me a rare gift ………. my birthday.
5. Deepak was very upset ………. me.
6. Michael is longing ………meet me.
7. It has been a long time ……… I met my sister.
8. The worker asked ………. his wages.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.

1.John gave me the novel. John wanted me to review it.

2. Debjani received my note. She sent her reply within a
3. Raja is a great footballer. He is also popular.
4. Jennifer saw that I was confused. She came to my

D. Re-write the following sentences according to the

instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence:

1.Anne paid a heavy price for her recklessness.

(Begin: It ………….)
2.No sooner had Ram narrated the story than he was
praised. (Begin: Hardly………….)
3.Tanuja is a very friendly girl and is always
cheerful. (Begin: Besides………….)
4.They had to put off the garden party because of the
heavy rain. (Begin: The heavy………….)
5.Margaret said to me, “Please do not forget to meet
me tomorrow”. (Begin: I was…………)
6.In spite of my warning Dev, he ignored me.
(Begin: Though…………)
7.The business talks failed because neither side was
willing to compromise. (Begin: Since…………)
8.They were very afraid and so they could not speak.
(Begin: Being…………)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.
Example: (0) was.
There (0) ………… (be) some confusion in the doorway.
A man, (1) ………(get) into the compartment, (2)
………… (stammer) an apology. Then the door (3)
…………. (bang), and the world was (4) …………
(shut) out again. I (5) ………… (return) to my berth. The
guard (6) ………… (blow) his whistle and we (7)
………. (move) off. Once again, I (8) ………. (has) a
game to play.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
1. The elderly man prepared himself for a life ……….
2. Do you take his word …………. mine?
3. Rohini is very concerned …………. her father’s
4. Altaf had many books and papers scattered all
………the room.
5. The Phoenix is a legendary bird that rises …………
its ashes.
6. The police pulled the briefcase from ………the table.
7. The mob rushed onto the pavement, everyone seemed
angry…….. everyone else.
8. The old woman looked.…...the cupboard, searching
for the photograph.
C. Join the following sentences to make one complete
sentence without using and, but or so.
1. The heart attack was mild. Mr Bose stayed in bed for
three weeks.
2. The men went out to see if anyone was missing. The
women stayed behind to care for the injured.
3. Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. She
told her not to accept gifts from people she did not know.
4. Everyone was drenched wet by now. The rain had
come down harder.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning
of each sentence.
1. “Have you walked alone, this long distance today?” he
asked Sumita. (Begin: He asked Sumita if……….)
2. The detective interrogated the suspect closely for over
three hours. (Begin: The suspect……….)
3. I suddenly realized that the room was too small for the
three of us to share. (Begin: I suddenly realized that the
room was so………….)
4. In spite of all her efforts, Susan did not succeed.
(Begin: Despite……….)
5. As soon as the bell rang, the children rushed out of
class. (Begin: No sooner…………)
6. Sachin stood first in class and he also excelled at
debate. (Begin: Not only…………)
7. She was the only person capable of being House
Captain. (Use: capability)
8. Rohan was the tallest boy in the basketball team.
(Rewrite using: taller)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.

Example: (0) spoke.

As she (0) ………(speak) I (1) …………(rise) and (2)

…………. (go) to the center blackboard. I (3) ……….
(find) the chalk (4) ………. (write) in block letters the
title of the book. Then I (5) ………… (put) the chalk
down and went to (6) ………… (sit), beside her, to (7)
………. (hold) her hand. The day had barely (8)

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate


1. I prevailed........ him to join the gymnasium.

2. The curious child eagerly begged ………an
answer to the riddle.
3. He was bent …………. coming first in the
4. The theory exam was followed ………a group
5. I ran ……….my teacher at the show last night.
6. She is extremely anxious ………. an interview
next week.
7. What a contrast ………. the two siblings!
8. The brothers fought ………… their father’s

C. Join the following sentences to make one

complete sentence without using and, but or so.

1. Swarna asked me a question. I was unable to

answer it.
2. You helped Tania. She will always be grateful.
3. I heard you won a prize. I am extremely
4. There was heavy traffic. We reached the
stadium on time.

D. Re-write the following sentences according to the

instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.

1.Study hard now or you will regret it.

(Begin: Unless……….)
2. Megha is too tall to crawl under the table.
(Begin: Megha is so……….)
3. The boy asked, ‘Why are you lying on the road in
this manner?’ (Begin: The boy asked why he……...)
4. He arrived in school on time even though he stopped
for a bite on the way.
(Use ‘in spite of’ instead of even though)
5. She opened the kitchen door and a cockroach ran out.
(End with ‘cockroach’)
6. Arjun was a better speaker than his brother.
(Begin: His brother…………)
7. Asha missed her examination because of her illness.
(Begin: Her illness ……….)
8. As soon as the curtain came down the applause rang
out. (Begin: No sooner……….)

A. In the following passage, fill in each of the
numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in brackets.
Example: (0) given.
But just when I had almost (0) ……(give) up hope. I
was (1) ……(strike) with a brilliant idea: my birthday
was due fairly soon, and if I (2) ……. (deal) with the
family skillfully, 1(3) ….… (feel) sure, I could not only
get a boat but a lot of other equipment as well. I (4)
…... (suggest) to the family that, instead of (5) …….
(let) them choose my presents, I (6) …… (may) tell
them the things that I (7) …… (want) most. In this way
they could be sure of not (8) …. (disappoint) me.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: [4]
1. I refrained ……… telling Reeta the truth.
2. The leader counted ………. the cooperation of his
3. The public was cautioned ………. pickpockets.
4. Janaki escorted her daughter to the cinema theatre
as she was anxious ………. her safety.
5. Their path was beset ……. difficulties yet they
6. The mouse crept stealthily ………. the cheese.
7. It was good ……. you to invite Sheila for the
8. Smoking ……… public places is now banned.

C. Join the following sentences to make one

complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. You will surely be late. Hurry up!
2. The trekkers got lost due to the heavy fog. They
had misplaced their map as well.
3. She has to apologize. He will not meet her again if
she does not do so.
4. I wear this expensive outfit very sparingly. I bought
it last month.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. Unless Ria takes care of her health, she will not be
able to look after her family. (Begin: Ria must…)
2. His arrogance was the cause of his losing the
election. (Rewrite the sentence using “arrogant”)
3. If you are not a member you cannot borrow books.
(Begin: Only………….)
4. It is a pity our vacation is not longer.
(Begin: I wish……….)
5. Raju did not complete the exercise on time.
(Rewrite the sentence adding a question tag)
6. Rohan was so terrified of being left alone in the
house that he started screaming. (Begin: So…)
7. The teacher asked, “How many of you think the
answer is correct?”
(Rewrite the sentence using indirect speech)
8. Sunil is the fastest runner in the school.
(End: ………. as Sunil).
A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) We were not (allow) to talk during the lecture.
Answer: allowed.
The children (1) ………. (sit) in a neat circle and (2)
……… (begin) (3) ………. (copy) their multiplication
tables. Most (4) ……… (scratch) in the dirt with sticks
they had (5) ………(bring) for that purpose. The more
fortunate (6) ………. (has) slate boards that they (7)
………. (write) on with sticks (8) ………. (dip) in a
mixture of mud and water.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
1. He congratulated me ………….my great
2. The poor man is afflicted ………arthritis.
3. She is blind ………the faults of her husband.
4. The boss had many complaints ………Shyam.
5. You must prepare ….…. the examination.
6. She is not aware ………. the danger.
7. Ravi was accurate ………. his calculations.
8. They hid the money ………the carpet.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. The minister was wise. The king did not trust him.
2. We reached the port. The storm came on.
3. One should not borrow money. One should not lend
4. She will win the prize. She deserves it.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. This horse is better trained than yours.
(Begin: Your …)
2. The children will sit out in the garden, if the weather
is cool. (Begin: The children won’t…….)
3. The thief ran so fast that the police could not catch
him. (Rewrite using: too)
4. Her attitude often annoys me.
(Rewrite using: annoyance…)
5. The child disappeared as soon as the bus stopped.
(Begin: Hardly…………)
6. There is no success without effort.
(Begin: Whenever…..)
7. “Please teach me to cycle” she asked her brother.
(Rewrite in indirect form……….)
8. The peasants regarded him as a thief and called him a
villain. (End: ……………… the peasants)
A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
My guide (0) ………. (tell) me if I wanted to meet these
people, I would have to walk two miles.
Answer: told.
We finally (1) ………(reach) a village where I (2)
………… (meet) a lady whose age I (3) ………… (can)
not immediately make out. My translator (4)
………(find) it difficult to interpret the lady’s words
because her dialect was quite different. She (5) ……….
(is) a dark-skinned and dark-haired lady. She must have
been around seventy years old but there was no grey in
her hair. She obviously could not afford to dye her hair.
So, what was her secret? Nobody (6) ………. (know). It
must have been a ‘secret’ common to all for not one
person in that whole village (7) ………… (has) a trace
of grey hair! I (8) ………. (think) about it for long time.
B. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate
1. He was touched ………. pity when he heard the
2. There is always a demand ………. good tailors.
3. The mother prevented her child ………… going
out in the rain.
4. The baby crawled …………. the table and hid
5. Once upon a time the great king ruled ………… all
these villages and towns.
6. She is the smarter ………. the two.
7. Sheila insists ………wearing that dress, although
her mother thinks it is too short for her.
8. The teacher complained ………… him when she
met his mother in the market.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. He lived in the city for many years. He could not
find his way out.
2. She complained that her brother did not know
anything. Her brother claimed he knew everything.
3. The coffee isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.
4. I finished my homework. I switched on the TV.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. My mother left a month ago. (Begin: It has……)
2. Anil was wrong to lose his temper.
(Begin: Anil ought……)
3. As soon as the Chief Guest had seated himself the
play began. (Begin: No sooner…………)
4. Rajiv said to Arjun, “Is this the book you were
reading yesterday?”
(Begin: Rajiv asked Arjun if…………)
5. Only a foolish person would be taken in by this
trick. (Begin: None……….)
6. Everybody has heard of Gandhiji. (Begin: Who…?)
7. He will issue the cheque only when he hears from
the head office. (Begin: On……….)
8. Father will send you a message if his flight is
cancelled. (Begin: Should……….)
A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) A woman ……. (wait) at an airport one night, with
several long hours before her flight.
Answer: was waiting.
She (1) ……… (hunt) for a book in the airport shops,
(2) ………. (buy) a bag of cookies and found a place to
sit. She (3) ………. (engross) in her book but happened
to see that the man sitting beside her, bold as could be,
grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between,
which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene. So, she (4)
………. (munch) the cookies and watched the clock, as
the gutsy thief diminished her stock. She (5) ……….
(get) more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking,
“If I wasn’t so nice, I (6) ………. (black) his eye.” With
each cookie she took, he took one too. When only one
was left, she wondered what he would do. With a smile
on his face, and a nervous laugh, he (7) ……... (take)
the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half,
as he ate the other. She had never known she could be
so angry and turned to gather her belongings. As she
reached for her baggage, she gasped with surprise, there
was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes. If mine are
here, she moaned in despair, the others were his and he
(8) ……… (try) to share.
B. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word:
1. She takes a lot of trouble………. her work.
2. Our English friends have taken………. Indian food
quite quickly.
3. He got an A+………. the Mathematics test.
4. He jumped………. the river to save his friend from
5. Always be prepared ………… a surprise test.
6. She hid………. the cupboard and gave everyone a
7. She is fond………. pets.
8. The brothers quarrelled………. themselves for
their father’s property.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. We had better get ready now. We may not have
time to reach the airport.
2. Mr. Liew has been sick. He has been so since he
came back from Japan.
3. The debating teams were very happy. Both were
declared joint champions.
4. He escaped from the prison. He looked for a place
where he could hide.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. These windows need cleaning again.
(Begin: These windows will……….)
2. My mother said I could go with you only if I
returned home by five o’clock. (Use: as long as)
3. It doesn’t matter which chemical you put into the
mixture first, the results will be the same.
(Use: difference)
4. Who, does this pen belong to?
(Being: Do you know….)
5. Heavy rain has caused the cancellation of the
outdoor garden party. (Begin: Due………)
6. I’ve never seen so many people in this building
before. (Begin: This is……….)
7. If we light the fire, the rescuers will see us.
(Begin: We will……….)
8. Only a few books were remaining on the shelf
when we left. (Begin: Most…….)
A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) From his perch behind the clock, Hugo could (0)
……. (see) everything.
Answer: (0) see.
He rubbed his fingers nervously against the small
notebook in his pocket and (1) ……… (tell) himself to
be patient. The old man in the toy booth (2) …….
(argue) with the girl. She (3).…… (be) about Hugo’s
age and he often saw her go into the booth and (4)
……. (disappear) behind the counter. The old man (5)
……... (look) agitated today. Had he figured out some
of his toys were (6) ……. (miss)? Well, there was
nothing to be (7) ……. (do) about that now. The old
man and the girl argued some more and finally she
closed her book and (8) ……. (run) off.
B. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word:
1. The teacher spoke ......... for Raju when he was
wrongly accused of stealing money.
2. We can visit her in the hostel ........ 3 pm and 6 pm
on Saturdays.
3. The Sinhas have lived in New Delhi ........ 1943.
4. Little children are often afraid ......... the dark.
5. Sneha has applied ........ a scholarship.
6. It took Ahmed many months to get ........ the loss of
his friend.
7. She turned ......... the generous offer made by the
8. We were asked to take …….. our footwear as we
were entering a place of worship.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. He is good at gymnastics. His handwriting must
2. Her grandfather gifted her a paint box. He knew
she was good at art.
3. Ravi fractured his arm. He insisted on playing the
4. Mona has been ill for a month. She stood first in
the examination.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. As soon as we lit the candle, the power supply was
restored. (Begin: No sooner……….)
2. The bee is more industrious than all other creatures.
(Use: ‘most industrious’)
3. The old woman was too slow to catch the bus.
(Begin: The old woman was so………)
4. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” he promised.
(Rewrite in indirect speech)
5. Though Reema got an expensive gift she was not
happy. (Begin: In spite………)
6. I prefer reading a book to watching a movie.
(Begin: I would rather……...)
7. I have never seen Mr. Roy lose his temper.
(Begin: Never……...)
8. She found your keys in the garage.
(Begin: The keys…)

A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) One morning I (0) … (see) the python curled up on
the dressing table.
Answer: saw.
It was (1) …... (gaze) at its own reflection in the mirror.
I (2).… (go) for grandfather but by the time we (3) …
(return) to the room, the python (4) … (move) on. He
was seen in the garden and once the cook saw him (5)
… (crawl) up the ladder to the roof. Then we (6) …
(find) him on the dressing table again (7).…(admire)
himself in the mirror. “He’s trying to look better for
Aunt Mabel” I said. I (8) … (regret) this remark
immediately because grandmother overheard and held
up my pocket money for the rest of the week!
B. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word:
1.He found the key just _______ the front door.
2. I could not accompany my cousin _______ the trip
because I had fever.
3. The noise prevented us _______ sleeping.
4. The young man put the flute _______ his lips and
began to play.
5. Ashok leaned ________ the wall tiredly.
6. The paper dart went gliding ______ the air.
7. The cyclist rode quickly ______ the path.
8. The young child carried the heavy bucket ______ the
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so.
1. He has learnt to cycle. He has yet to learn to swim.
2. The child helped her mother to make breakfast. She
washed the tomatoes.
3. They bought a new car. They can travel long
4. Sunita opened her purse. She found the money
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. Arun gave Ramesh some excellent advice.
(Begin: Ramesh was…………)
2. As soon as Sania sat down to study, the lights went
off. (Begin: No sooner ……….......)
3. Has Alia written to you? (Begin: Have you …….)
4. As soon as the function got over. The crowd
dispersed. (Begin: Hardly had …….........)
5. The monsoon is the best season in our country.
(Rewrite using ‘good’)
6. Harish was so tired that he could not keep his eyes
open. (Begin: Harish was too ……....)
7. Father said to Sunil, “I can help you with your
homework.” (Begin: Father told Sunil………)
8. Naresh goes to a school which has over a thousand
students. (Begin: There……………….…)
A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) He had been (0) ______ (sit) on the bank of a small
irrigation canal.
Answer: sitting
He was (1) ______ (gaze) at a couple of herons (2)
______ (fish) in the muddy water, when he (3) ______
(feel) something bump his elbow. (4) _____(look)
around, he (5) ______ (find) at his side a little goat, jet
black and soft as velvet with lovely grey eyes. Neither
her owner nor her mother (6) ______ (be) around.
She continued to (7) ______ (nudge) Mukesh, so he (8)
______ (look) in his pocket for nourishment.

B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:

(i) There was a steep rise ______ onion prices.
(ii) Air pollution is responsible for the spread
(iii) He was ______ pressure to complete the work.
(iv) Joan jumped ______ the river to rescue the
(v) His teacher is very pleased ______ him.
(vi) Ali took ______ his cap and wiped his face.
(vii) The old woman could not get ______ the shock.
(viii) He should not get ______ with such rudeness.

C. Join the following sentences to make one

complete sentence without using and, but or so:
(i) My grandfather is very old. He is very active.
(ii) Mala is not in the classroom. Mala is not in the
(iii) She was so excited about her performance. She
could not sleep at night.
(iv) Mumbai is densely populated. It is one of the major
cities in the country.
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.

(i) The book was so interesting that I could not put in

down. (Begin: The book was too …….……)
(ii) The Principal said, “All the prizes will be
distributed tomorrow.”
(Begin: The Principal said that ………)
(iii) Last night’s dinner was cooked for us by father.
(Begin: Father …………………………….)
(iv) If Mary catches the first bus, she will be on time for
school. (Begin: Unless……….)
(v) In spite of having high fever the girl came to school.
(Begin: Despite ……………………….)
(vi) I prefer going out with friends to staying alone at
home. (Begin: I would rather ……………)
(vii) Hardly had the teacher left the room, when all the
children started making a noise. (Begin: No sooner …)
(viii) This is the funniest movie I have ever seen.
(Begin: Never ……………)

A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
Answer: (0) started
My mother (0) __________ (start) school when she (1)
__________ (be) six and (2) __________ (stop) the
same term. She was unusual in the village as she had a
father and brother who (3) __________ (encourage) her
to go to school. She was the only girl in a class of boys
and claims she was brighter than the boys. But every
day she (4) __________ (will) leave behind her girl
cousins (5) __________ (play) at home and she (6)
__________ (envy) them. There (7) __________
(seem) to be no point in (8) __________ (go) to school
just to end up doing housework.

B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:

1. She shouted angrily __________ the disobedient boy.
2. I asked them to provide us ___________ a guide.
3. The tree grew at a dangerous slant and had to be cut
4. My daughter believes __________ fairies.
5. He drew a beautiful diagram __________ the board.
6. She battled her way __________ the crowd.
7. We were asked to gather __________ the teacher.
8. They had to climb _________the steep pathway to
reach the top.

C. Join the following sentences to make one

complete sentence without using and, but or so:

1. This is the hospital. I was born here.

2. The children have been sick for a week. They were
unable to go to school.
3. Mrs. Kumar has been a teacher for thirty years. She
will now retire.
4. We have had no respect for nature. Now we are
suffering from the effects of global warming.

D. Rewrite the following sentences according to the

instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.

1. Not many people read for pleasure these days.

(Begin: Few……………………………)
2. Since her childhood Meera has been good in
Mathematics. (End: …………childhood.)
3. “We have had no rain since January”, Ramu said.
(Begin: Ramu said that they……………………)
4. It is dangerous as well as illegal to drive a motorcycle
without a helmet. (Begin: It is not………)
5. He had plenty of wealth but he was not happy.
(Begin: In spite……………………………)
6. He was so tired that he could not stand. (Use: too)
7. Every one of them was an experienced mountaineer.
(Begin: There was no……………………………)
8. I have never seen a film as bad as this.
(Begin: This is……………………………)

A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) beginning
Alice was (0) ______(begin) to get very tired of
(1)_____(sit) by her sister on the bank and of having
nothing to do: once or twice she had (2) ______(peep)
into the book her sister was reading, but it (3) ______
(have) no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is
the use of a book,” (4) _______(think) Alice, “without
pictures or conversations?”
Alice wondered whether the pleasure of
(5)_____(make) a daisy-chain would be worth the
trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when
suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes (6) ______
(run) close by her. Alice did not think this was very
remarkable, until the Rabbit actually (7) ______(take) a
watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and (8)______ (look)
at it, and then hurried on.
B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:
1. The poet’s mother was stung ______ a scorpion.
2. “Please write _______what I tell you otherwise you
will forget,” the teacher said.
3. The dog was hiding _______ the bed, barking at the
4. Sheila’s grandmother found it difficult to climb
______ the steep staircase.
5. The soldier fought bravely _______ his country.
6. There is no use crying _______ spilt milk.
7. I don’t know what they were arguing ______but I
could hear angry voices.
8. The school playground is out ______ bounds for the
pupils of the primary school.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so:
1. They have to go to bed early every night. They are
allowed to stay up late on Saturdays.
2. The children were delighted. The exams had been
3. We are not allowed to play in the sun. We are not
allowed to play in the rain.
4. This is the place. The dog was rescued from its cruel
D. Re-write the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. She laid the table after she had finished the cooking.
(Begin: When…...)
2. He is old but still he works hard. (Begin: Despite…)
3. The delivery boy was requested to bring the parcel
the next day. (Rewrite using direct speech)
4. I prefer playing a game to watching television.
(Begin: I would rather………)
5. Every family has a black sheep. (Begin: There is no..)
6. I have never worn a more ill-fitting suit. (End: ……
ever worn.)
7. Anil is too fast a runner not to come first in the race.
(Begin: Anil is so………)
8. As soon as the sports meet ended, the children ran on
the field. (Begin: Hardly…………………)

A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) roamed
Once upon a time, in the days when genies and giants
_____ (0) (roam) the land, there______ (1) (live) a
farmer______ (2) (name) Baba Ayub. He lived with his
family in a little village by the name of Maidan Sabz.
Because he had a large family to feed, Baba
Ayub______ (3) (see) his days______ (4) (consume) by
hard work. Every day, he_______ (5) (labour) from
dawn to sundown, ____ (6) (plow) his field and______
(7) (turn) the soil and______ (8) (tend) to his meagre
pistachio trees.
B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:
1. The puppy was hiding______ the sofa.
2. Stop worrying______ your future.
3. When I stepped______ the lift, I found it had stopped
4. We had to use a bridge to go______ the river.
5. I have lived in this town_______ ten years.
6. Please switch_______ all lights and fans when you
leave the room.
7. Ronnie is married_______ my cousin.
8. The gift came_______ a birthday card.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so:
1. He was very ill. He did not take any medicine.
2. You come back from your holiday. We will discuss
the problem.
3. He remained absent on Friday. It was foolish of him.
4. Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop. He missed the
D. Rewrite the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. The old woman said to Arun, “Can you help me to
cross the street?” (Begin: The old woman asked
2. As soon as the sun rose over the hills, the fog
disappeared. (Begin: No sooner…...)
3. It rained so heavily that they could not go for the
picnic. (Rewrite: Using ‘too………to’)
4. If your friends get here before 7 o’clock we can take
them out for dinner. (Rewrite: Using ‘unless’.)
5. The school captain was elected by the students of
classes XI and XII. (Begin: The students………….)
6. Greenland is the largest island in the world. (Rewrite:
Using ‘larger’.)
7. How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of
flesh! (Begin: It was cruel………….)
8. Arun was asked by his mother to explain the missing
buttons on his shirt. (Rewrite: Using ‘explanation’)

A. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets.
(0) taught
By the time she was three, Matilda had (0) _____
(taught) herself to read by (1) _____ (study) newspapers
and magazines that (2) _____ (lie) around the house.
At the age of four, she could (3) _____ (read) fast and
well and she naturally began (4) _____ (hanker) after
books. The only book in the whole of this enlightened
household was something called Easy Cooking (5)
_____ (belong) to her mother, and when she had read
this from cover to cover and had (6) _____ ( learn) all
the recipes by heart, she (7) _____ (decide) she (8)
_____ (want) something more interesting.
B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:
1. It has been raining _____ two hours.
2. He has scraped _____ his examination.
3. Mrs. Kapoor was bent _____ attending the meeting.
4. She is proud and looks _____ upon her colleagues.
5. Rahul plays football _____ his grandfather.
6. The mother was sitting _____ the sick child.
7. Monica is leaning _____ the wall.
8. Rosie is very good _____ art and craft.
C. Join the following sentences to make one
complete sentence without using and, but or so:
1. Sarah and Tyra are twins. They look exactly alike.
2. Rohan does not like to play cricket. He does not like
to play hockey either.
3. Sania pushed as hard as she could. The door would
not open.
4. The school bus drove through the gate. The clock
was striking eight at that moment.
D. Rewrite the following sentences according to the
instructions given after each. Make other changes
that may be necessary, but do not change the
meaning of each sentence.
1. The librarian orders books for the school library
every year. (Begin: Books ………)
2. No one will deny that the children have worked very
hard this year. (Begin: Everyone ………)
3. As soon as the teacher enters, she is greeted by her
candidates. (Begin: No sooner ……….)
4. She is so busy that she finds no time to entertain her
friends. (Rewrite using ‘too’)
5. In spite of the very hot weather, Kevin stepped out to
buy some bread. (Begin: Despite……..)
6. Sheela will be selected for the competition only if she
goes for the auditions. (Begin: Unless ……….)
7. I would rather eat fruit than a lot of unhealthy junk
food. (Begin: I prefer ………..)
8. The tree was cut down ruthlessly. (Begin: They

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