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Topic 1:

Vinh: Hey there, Khôi! I was absent from school and didn't quite grasp the homework assignment. Would
you mind explaining it to me?
Khôi: Of course! I'd be happy to help. What part of the homework are you having trouble with?
Vinh: It's the English assignment. I missed the instructions for the essay we're supposed to write.
Khôi: Ah, got it. So, for the essay, we need to focus on structuring our arguments effectively and
providing evidence to support our points. Have you started thinking about what you want to write about?
Vinh: Not really. I'm struggling to come up with a clear thesis statement.
Khôi: No worries. The thesis statement is like the backbone of your essay—it sums up your main
argument in one concise sentence. Let's brainstorm some ideas together. See what I mean ?
Vinh: That sounds great! Thanks for your help, Khôi.
Khôi: What i'm trying to say is we get through this together.

Topic 2:
Vinh: Hello Khôi, can you suggest me some dishes for dinner tonight?
Khôi: Of course, you can cook some grilled dishes.
Vinh: what do you mean?
Khôi: I mean you should cook grilled shrimp and grilled beef. It's also quite easy to cook.
Vinh: How to cook and what ingredients are needed to cook this dish.
Khôi: The required ingredients are very easy to find. You just need to season it with a little salt and
pepper, then put the shrimp and meat in the microwave and you're done.
Vinh: That sounds like a great idea! I really like appreciate your help.

Topic 3:
Vinh: Good morning, how can I have you?
Khoi: actually, yes. I came here to complain about our room. Its so dirty and messy.
Vinh : tell me specifically what is dirty and messy?
Khoi : well, our room smells so terrible and the rest of the room has so many cockroaches . I can’t relax
in our room and I can’t take a shower and the water is too cold. In addition, when I was taking shower, a
bid cockroach flew on to my hair. Finally, I heard a loud noise in another room. They were playing loud
Vinh : Oh dear, I’m sorry about that. I’ll call our service to clean your room as fast as I can. I’m so sorry
we let you down. Would you like to change your room.
Khoi: of course, we need a better room or you can bring me to the best room in this hotel.
Vinh: ok, follow me, I’ll bring your luggage.
Khoi: thanks!

Topic 4:

Khoi: hi Vinh, I heard you said you had a math exam this week. I'm sorry you didn't get the marks you
wanted. Did you do well?

Vinh: unfortunately, although I studied a lot, I got C on my exam and I’m so scare of my family if they
know that bad news.
Khoi: Did you encounter any difficulties during the exam?
Vinh: It's nothing, I just didn't study carefully enough.
Khoi: hmm, don’t worry Vinh I think you should be brave, you should apologize to your parents and why
don’t you join an extra class with me.
Vinh: that sounds like a great idea, I will go to apologize to my parents and join an extra class math. I will
do my best. Thanks for the support and advice

Khoi: great, what a brave man.

Topic 5:

Vinh: Hey Khoi, I wanted to talk to you about something.

Khoi: What's the matter, buddy?

Vinh: I'm really sorry I missed your birthday party.

Khoi: It's okay, but I was really hoping you could make it. What happened?

Vinh: My grandmother was sick and had to be hospitalized. At that time, there was no one to take care
of her, so I had to go to the hospital to take care of her.

Khoi: yep i see, if I were you i would do the same. How is your grandmother now?
Vinh: She is much better now, Thank you for your understanding.

Khoi: No problem.That's what you have to do!

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