Top Notch 1A Quiz 2 Online Version

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Top Notch 1A Quiz 2

Online version

Part A Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase.

Example: What kind of job (do / [does]) your husband have?

1. Where (do / does) your sister live?
2. My father doesn’t (live / lives) in an apartment.
3. My parents (teach / teaches) university students.
4. I usually (work / am working) with my grandparents for four weeks in the summer.
5. Does your mother want the job that she (have / has)?

Part B Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Example: If people agree to marry each other, they’re ______engaged___.
6. If a man dies before his wife, she is .
7. If Meg and Lola have the same mother but different fathers, they’re .
8. If a man and a woman aren’t married anymore, they’re .
9. If a man marries a woman who already has a daughter, that girl is his .
10. A woman who used to be married to a man is his .

Part C Read the answers in each conversation. Complete the questions.

Example: A: __Who___ do you ____look___ the most like, your father or your mother?
B: Oh, I look the most like my mother.
A: you your parents?
11. 12.
B: I call my parents every Saturday afternoon.

A: your sister ?
13. 14.
B: She lives in an apartment near the mall.
Part D Complete the paragraphs with words and phrases from the box.

both but different the same look alike

don’t look alike similar Both of us

Example: Max and I are the same in many ways. For example, we like rock music, so we like ____similar____ music.

We like kind of clothes, and we often dress like

each other. We , so people usually think
I am him. I have brown eyes and dark hair, and so does Max.

We’re the same height. like

the same kind of food, too. We love Mexican food!

I have another brother but, as you can see, we like

kind of clothes, He wears formal

and I wear informal. I like rock music,

he likes classical music. That’s why

we like different music.
This is the reason I think we .
We are very different in many different ways.
Part E Complete each conversation with forms of there is or there are.

Example: A: ____Is there more food? I’m still hungry.

B. Yes, _____there are______ cookies in the kitchen.

A: any more meat. We had it for lunch.

B: That’s true, but carrots, peppers and onions.

A: Tom ate all the apples. Please check if some left in the fridge!
B: only one apple I hid in the cupboard for you.

A: more tomatoes? I want to make some tomato soup.

B: any left. Let’s go to the store to buy some.

Part F Complete each sentence with the correct category of food.

Example: Apples, bananas, and oranges are types of _________fruit__________.

28. Butter, milk and cheese are all types of .
29. Cake, pie, and cookies are all .
30. Shrimp, clams, and fish are all kinds of .
31. Rice, bread and pasta are all .

Part G Write a, an, or the to complete the paragraph.

Example: We wanted to go to __a__ nearby restaurant.

My wife and I first met at Croatian restaurant. We decided to go again last Saturday.
They had excellent special: free soup with any meal. We love soups
33. 34. 35.
there. It’s great restaurant, so we would like to go back there because __________ food is so
36. 37.
Part H Choose the correct sentence to complete each conversation. Write the letter.

Example: A: __________________________
B: Yes, I know what I want.
[a. Are you ready to order?]
b. Would you like your check?
c. Do you need more time?

38. A: What kind of soup is there?

a. Do you need another napkin?
b. And what would you like for a main course?
c. Our soups today are vegetable or chicken and rice.

39. A:
B: Yes, it is.
a. Can you give us our check?
b. Is the tip included in the check?
c. Oh, no, I don’t have any money.

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