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ga eat A dem: 25) [ga ata gst A eT: 11 Total No. of Questions : 25) . [Total No. of Printed Pages : 11 2211202 fae: soit Subject : English wa: 3 wwe) (pit : 100 Time : 3 Hours] : [Maximum Marks : 100 Note :- Allquestions are compulsory. [ PROSE ] Q.1. (A) Choose the correct alternatives from the each one :- [Ixt=4] () There wasa------—----- in the coconut shell : (a) Snake (b) Bee (©) Frog (ii) Kondiba was blind: (a) Bybirth. (6) Duetoan accident. (©) Duetosmall pox. Uy Pro, @ (iii) Pt- Nehru was imprisoned in: (@) Allahabad : (6) Naini (©). Lucknow. (iv) Who taught the lesson of ‘Ahimsa"to Gandhifji : (@) Hisuncle (b) His father (©) Hismother. : (B) Answer the following in ome word each :- ‘ [1x4=4] () Who had dug the well ? (ii) Whatis the unit of measuring sound called? (iii), Who hada passion for Omaments’? (iv) How old was Neema’s grandfather? Note : Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each : [2x6=12] Q.2. Why did the monkeys make fun of the squirrel ? Q.3. When did the tiger realize that he was totally wrong about the opinion he had formed about human beings? Q.4. Why did the youngman refuse to get his shoes polished? zaiize2 Qs. Q6. Q7. Qs. Q9. @) ‘How did the old man leam carving ? What did he expect from his son? What according to Dr. Kalam should Indians protect, nurture and build on? ° How is the reusing of waste beneficial ?Explain. Or What were the top four civilian awards that Bismillah Khan received? Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each : (any two) (3x2-6] @ — Whatis therole of middlemen? (i) Why did Jijabai refuse to believe that Shivaji was dead? Git) How did Mother Teresa make herpatents fel comfortable? [ POETRY ] Answer the following questions in one word each : : [12-2] (i) Whattime of the day does the poet refer to in poem “Tall Trees”? Gi) Who can builda better world? 2241202 PTO. ) Note: Answer the questions in two or three sentences each : [2x3=6] Q.10. Whatis the central idea of the poem “Nine Gold Medals”? Q.11. What do you think the poet means by ‘recreate the human community’? Q.12. Why do words burt more than weapons ? [ VOCABULARY ] Q.13. Mateh the words of column (A) with their antonymsin column (B):. [1x5=5] Column (A) 1. Weak @ 2. Infrontof (>) 3. Protect © 4, Fearful @ 5. Extraordinary . © ‘Column (B) Attack Fearless Behind Ordinary Strong Q.14. Make adjectives by adding appropriate suffixes to words given below : (any two) @ Length (i) Beauty Gi). Use [1x2=2] 2ati202 re © Q.15. Combine the prefixes in column ‘A’ with the column ‘B’ to form appropriate word: : [1x3=3] (A) @) Lor ~ (@) iterate 2 un (6) form 3 il (©) timely [ COMPREHENSION ] Q.16. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it: . [2x4=8] “Have you heard of Mother Teresa ? Mother Teresa looked after the dying and destitute. She was bom in South-Yugoslavia. At the age of nineteen, she came to Darjeeling, India. She belonged to the Order of Missionaries of Charity. She is a winner of the Nobel Prize and the Bharat Ratna for her work among the poor.” Questions: (a) Where was Mother Teresa born? (b) When did she cometo India? (©) Why did she getprizes? \ 2211202 PTO. (@) Find outthe opposite for the words given below from the passage: @ Died (i) Rich. Q.i7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it: [2x48] “Time is precious. We should not waste it. Some persons are lazy. They put off till tomorrow what they can do today. They seldom achieve anything in life. They put the blame on fate. It is their folly. God helps those who help themselves. It is also true to say “Where there is a will, there is a way.” We should therefore make the bestuse of time.” Questions : @_ Whyshould wenot waste time? (6) Whatdo lazy people do? (©) What dothey do when they.do not achieve anything? (d) “ Find out the opposite for the words given below from the passage : : (i) Praise (ii) Often. 2211202 ” [ TRANSLATION ] Q.18. Translate into English :- (any five) [1x5=5] @ Farwmans? (i) Freaaeengs Gi) Re fraH Rear | @v) FRAT (v) qeaeaen ? (vi) gear at aml atk aaa cere | (vil) FASTA [GRAMMAR ] Q.19. (A) Fillin the blanks with correct prepositions given in the brackets : [1x5=5] Lin, off, at, since, to] : @ Smoking is injurious ------------- health. (ii). Ithas been raining -moming. (iii) The train is arriving ------------- platform. (iv) Ram got-------------the bus at the stop. (v) Welive------------- the same city. 2241202 PTO, @ (B) Doas directed :- (any five) [1x5-5] (@) _ Theteacher said, “The Barth revolves round the Sun”. (Change into indirect speech) (i) Idomy work. (Change into negative sentence) (iii) He shutthe door. (Change into interrogative sentence) (iv) If hedoesnot goto Agra, he cannot see the Taj Mahal. (Use ‘unless’ in place of ‘if?) (v)_ B.S.P. produces steel. (Change into passive voice) (vi) He does his work. (Change into present continuaus tense) (vii) She is fond of singing songs. (Pick out the gerund / present participle) 2211202 © Q.20. (A) @) ° Fillin the blanks with a, an, the (any two) [azz @ Mr. Sharmais -——-—-—-—- ML. (ii) ~Heis —----------- University student. Gi) Raginiis --- best student of the class. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals given in the brackets :- . (any3) : [13=3] @ You -- play amatch tomorrow. (will/ shall) (i) He ——------run when he was young. (can/could) (iii) How ———- you to speak like this ? (dare / would) (iv) ------------ God bless you: (may/ should) [ WRITING | Q.21. Writean essay in about 100 words on any one of the following topics : [5x1=5] @ Wonders of Science (i) Importance of Games and Sports (iii) My favourite Leader (iv) Importance of Trees. 2211202 PTO. (10) Q.22. Find the error in each of the following sentences and-rewrite the sentence correctly :- (any two) [1x2=2] (@ Naresh play cricket daily. (ii) They have score 300 runs. ii) Hediedin Corona. 023. Find errors in each sentence and rewrite the sentence correctly :- (any 3) [1x3=3] @_— Weshall goto Picnic yesterday. (ii) The train stop at Bhatapara station. (iii) Tam waiting here for two hours. (iv) He jumped in swimming pool. Q.24, Write an application to the Secretary, C.G. State Open School, Raipur, requesting, him to issue you a Duplicate Marksheet. [5] Or ‘You are Satish Verma residing at Shantinagar in Bhilai, Write a letter to your friend Mukund Sahu who lives at Gayanagar in Durg to attend your birthday party. my Q.25. Complete the passage using the words given in the brackets belew :- [1x5=5] [incharge, wristwatch, identify, lostarticleroom, playground ] A (J) ~-------------- was found yesterday in the (2) -. Anyone who lost it may contact the (3) ------- —~and (4) --------------- and claim it from the (5)----------- during the recess period.

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