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oo Fa vet Fi Fer: 19] (5m gira gsi a den : 15 Total No. of ‘Questions: 19} (Total ‘No. of Printed Pages ; bs j 2311212 fava : fare Subject : Science WAT; 3 ye] 7 (yates : 75 Time : 3 Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 75 Pre :— wire afrart | @ (ii) Sea Tae wert, fa ans agfsetta met “ag 9 ‘ast er et of ror ea ave-a fen moran aftr sec ede Hum sie Pratta’ | (ii) PTR 287 wet TEST wer inchs eT ate Pre ‘Tae ses ree a 30 Meee (iv) raised 1s ow gsaa eg sete ws abs amin sm 3 safes ere ita 50 ree | mane aT a zaziiez “spon Og S1 UIT] Plo} “SOU 7 sou uonsonb youd ‘adéa somsue os Aion ate / 01 Z “ON UORSaNg) “gre auo Aurwo uonsonb yous “wunyOo aap pred se, WoRDDS pue STE}A OUT UE THF Se, uoHDaS, ‘suonsanb sorovppajdnqnuase, y, uonoag sey yom ‘ody aan9afgo st 1 “ON wORSON) -fzosynduioo axe stonsanb [IV Undlbb kbj peti gobs UBEppbAblie | BBL DD) bash] wrpalte deb 6L BE PL sels LAK | QbslA OSL Unf bold nbuehyte 2S |p badplle sie 9 dh ERK sbboh | BERN pb BeLpye 6L fh BL blinds EAA |. DolR OOL Maj Dolk HDebtae Ise he | 2 balbelle ble S dh bk sbioH| BLK bpBepID ZL ph 91 sbi! LAE | gels SZ Unie bola bebe Le WEL p Balle ble ph LAK db | BEAK poe bp SL fe HL sell LAK @ a @® @ - suoyonagsuy oy (a) (ua) (a) @) ns a mea (iv) Question No. 8 to 13 are short answer type. Each question carries 3 marks. Word limit is 50 words, (). Question No. 14 and 15 are long answer type. Each question caries 4 atisn marks. Word limit is 75 words. (Vi) Question No. 16 and 17 are long answer type. Each question carries 5 arco ® ‘marks, Word limit is 100 words, (vii) Question No. 18 and 19 are very long answer type questions. Each question carries 6 marks. Word limit is 150 words. (Vili) Question No. 14 to 19 each question has an internal choice. (ix) _ Draw neat labelled diagram as per requirement. (aug - at) We-1 (at) aegPresuet-(aghrarta) [1x55] : ) Rétsaraeranfofian- —— © fertaah aston ait match the (ayer (a) ae i carries 2 (@) fret (2) Bare) wate Pro. 0 (i) Wer aenst a AAT (aye (@) >Re (a) seregtt (a) Wea Gi) farfanagd wet rakeia wea ag a fea- (an waaiad i> freer : (8) are ao < rer (3) ate Gt = fer : (3) FT, afer ema | (iv) Faaadené - (ayia (@B: (at (3) a) 2341212 6 () stifrarreaé- (snr (a) (a) farett ' (@) ami (Section - A) (A) © Select the right answer- (i) Which of the following is notan SI unit - (a) Meter * ; (&) Pound (©) Kilogram (® © Second. (i) Movingin the orbits of anatom- (a) Proton (b) Neutrons (©) Electrons (@) , Photon, 294t2t2 PIO. © Gil) Foran object moving a long a straight line without changing its direction the- (a) Distance travelled> displacement () Distance travelled < displacement (©) Distance travelled= displacement (@) Distance isnot zero, but displacementis zero. (iv) Fundamental units number are @ Five () Six (©) Seven (b) Neem (c) Butterfly (d)- Mango. 23ti212 m (@ug-a) () Reawaritat git ating - Lvs-s] Gi) wafers areca ---------- net? (ii) ERA ear eat at -———---——- aca (iti) Car rere farere er wenfeea eet &, Sa a ATH ---------— area | Civ) BaP RGA a Ua ST at ---------— aa (v) aataag ---------- ar ctear eTT aeT | (Section - B) GD = Fillinthe blanks: Gi) disease is caused by less secration of Insulin. (ii) Amicrophone converts sound energy into... (ii) | Acurrentcarrying conductor carries a..... field around it. (iv) Apair ofsimilar chromosome is calledas chromosome. () vaccine should be given after birth. asti2i2 PIO. ® (aug - &). (1D wet areca afin - : [1x55] (a) @ @ Afreranfagare (a) Feit art @) aw are (a) aifserreregior arate Gi) Warierarvahea (a) ast (iv) Siete vera ert (@) went! () aediateerisrn (3) fama | TAN STR (Section - C) (1) Match the columns : | | @ ®) | (i) Powerhouse of thecell (a) Chloro fluoro Carbon (ii) Dr.M.S. Swaminathan (0) (iii) Chemical name of the (c) Mitochondria Baking Soda i (iv) Depletionof Ozonelayer (4) Decreases Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (v) Atomicsizegoingfrom | (¢)_ Greenrevolution lefttorightin a period 23t1212 [1x5=5] ! @ ‘Peder :- erates 2.87 am atresia rere rete ueTUT2 sie Praifta ‘Sarat aera rere 30 mee Instruction : Question No. 2t0 7 are very short answer type. Each question carries 2 marks. Word limitof answer is 30 words. We? Torna dart art eager ae el wae et aaa aR RD (2] Why does a fast moving car slow down when its engine is switched off ? Wa-3 Tecra array 7 [2] What do youmean by acceleration duc to gravity ? wees feegut hat deci farfay [12-2] Give any twouses of bimetallic strip. Wes aqreask agted aia en araré 2 [141-2] What are the differences between Longitudinal and Transverse sound ‘waves ? 2ani212 (19) wea Spare A wearer eet ror era eT at | (THT ARTI) [141-2] Intwo sentences, justify the term photosynthesis (Photo + synthesis). we? Rarreig sea rie ? [2] Why diamond has high melting point ? We Free :— wen arnies 0-8 13 wen sete eT E a ETAT aie orate Ft | ware aftreram reg eT SOMEEE! Instruction : Question No: 8 to 13 are short answer type. Each question carries 3 | hia ‘marks. Word limit is 50 words. wes ser sicvad at aera tare fafa! : Uibaes) | Write any two differences between mass and amount of a substance. wen 9 refer a trees a fei - tras} @) wtcaehe Gi) eater ectags (it) arena | | «ny ‘Write chemical formula of the following compounds :- (i) CopperSulphate (i) Aluminium Fluoride (iii) Ammonium Sulphate. WeH-10 He B: Te Harr aay, Farad ferega Herat waT tee [}<6-3] ‘Name any six device in which electric-motors are used. wei) Spa an sage aire & ate ag ca are fafa [13-3] Write any three differences between saturated and unsaturated compounds ? Wer 12 WRaa ae ? fare eras fafies seanl am feafiaa | [142-3] ‘What isan ecosystem? Name the various components ofan ecosystem. WHr-13 She-dew Bert fee eae eT ST Ts ? Tea Hea WaT | Aenea aads ? : (1h+13=3] ‘What can be done for removing plant destroying insects” What harm can be caused by chemical insecticides ? ders weer armen 14 at 15 eat adder pr Een me 4 fas ora * (12) savant antec sree tien 75 weet i siritten reer termes Instruction : Question No. 14 and 13 are long answer type. Each question carries 4 Wer 14 Ue wegen Tarte ia ene 2 UH Aye Tate aa A) marks. Word limit is 75 words. Each question has internal option, aafirerarar feria | * [143-4] What is a balanced chemical equation ? Write three characteristics of a balanced chemical equation. (37a ) (OR) Sh-seer ervey fara ere? froeit at wate ga faera a a ara] vad ar sete athe What is the atomic theory proposed by John Daltons ? What changes have taken place in the theory during the last two centuries ? 2att212 i aI Oe (13) wratiee &) | WIS ter at safe weal strata & frat ge fag a 2 (aa A) [14-4] ‘Whatare the main points of Oparin's theory of Origin of life? (Any 4) 3 (3rear) carries 4 (OR) on. Taare rere we ee afin ae feria a ate Write short note on Neo-Darwinism. [143-4] ; Peder: “upranmin 16 val 17 dhtsetta wer# lucten apr OTs sie sratea Ese tics of a ‘ait aiftrencte are eer 100 sre & 1 aircatten reser Ree mee Instruction : Question No. 16 and 17 are long answer type. Each question carries 5 marks, Word limitis 100 words. Each question has internal option. wer16 artarteraat ? paar Taare ya ferea ae dia se fea | Fela [1+1#3=5]_ What is Baking Soda ? Write its chemical formula and any three uses, (srr) COR) ‘aif areraears Deere Treats aa ferent ag as set fafa | What is Washing Soda? Write its chemical formula and. any three uses. TT aati PTO. SS (14) We17 SSR eg era a RAE 7 a ache ver a ere wie) : [2+3=5] 1 ‘What do you mean by hard and soft water ? Explain the types of hardness in water, (srr) i (or) ral wer eels an & 2 Be afar stra 3 Fore da ere ? Whatis rainwater harvesting ? Howisit beneficial for everyday life ? Pree: opraraas 18a ro antarier ae & aston wera ore sate et Feat sires Pree eer 150 Pret 1 siraftes Pease fen Instruction : Question No, 18 and 19 are very long answer type questions. Each ‘mestion carries 6 marks. Word limit is 150 words, Each question has ‘internal option, We-18 SS Fee sro shat festa 8a ewe an fea 1 (3+3=6] Name any three non-renewable sources of energy and give at least one advantage of each, 2aitaig 5) (srr) (OR) AR aT raters a sat ot sere & fora sag ae aH Tar AHA e ? fafiaes (IS B:) [1x6=6] ‘What are the steps that you can should take for saving energy at home or in the office? We 19 Tire Rare a a aes fea Fara rag (aN 6 TAT) [3+3-6] Draw aneat and labelled diagram of human respiratory system. (any 6 name) (strat) (OR) pata ar earss arnifana fara aaee sik SF Tit A ferfiae eT TA SATS 7 Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Nephron and label only the part where filtration occurs. 23t212

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