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7 Fea wei st de: 27) (ye yfea 7st at det: 16 ‘Total No. of Questions :27] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 2311213 © faves anofite fag Subject : Social Science Wa: 3 We] ; Cypita : 100 | Time : 3 Hours } { Maximum Marks : 100 freer :— @ wheat atadté: (i) Wea wae 1 a aves ave (a1) aghracda we, Gus (4) a wt fd afin, avs (a) aeeystaeI WH, VE (z) Shaq AAP ATL wee wer & fore 1 ai area e | Git) WH seAiw 28 13 ae fe MEE wer E ee we A 2 sie ania EL Sa a Safran are eT 30 He | vy) Farris 48 Teak ra ree aT TS se Tae EL SR HATA MR GAT 50 TEE | zowe1s : AME TT no. mis w ETS 208 25 aw age MTB Rae ETH 4 ais TET FL | ST re 75 we Ewe raf ae Ry 8 | (vi) era 24 Wes Seber wea 8 sch we ab aneea # sat ores ia oom nc arf fame Reet (vii) Her 26 wa 27 eMisatea mere iach we a6 abe aatin Bra lca som (reer fs ewe Rare Instructions :- @ Allquestions are compulsory, () Question No.1 contains four parts, Part (A) has ‘multiple choice, Part (B) | fill in the blanks, Part (C) True or False, Part (©) Match the following, Each question carry i mark, Git) Question No, 210 13 are very shortanswer type questions. Each question Carries 2 marks. Maximum limitof answer is 30 words, G) Question No. 14 to 19 ate very short answer type questions. Bach question carries 3 marks, Maximum limit of answer is 50 words. 2311213 Peas eaeeeEEEEe [1 @ ©) Question No, 20 to 23 are short answer type questions, Each question carries 4 marks, Maximum word limit is 75 words. Each question has internal option, (¥i) Question No. 24 and 25 are long answer type questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Maximum word limit is 100 words. Each question has internal option. (wil) Question No. 26 and 27 are long answer type questions. Bach question Wr carries 6 marks. Maximum word limit of answer is 150 words. Each question has internal option. (aug - 7) (Part - A) (91) at ener pra fara - [15-5] (A) Choose and write the correct option - @ watfatergaeaa amg- (31) fasta (a) ant (@) sitet (%) amt 2311213 @ Gi) @i) @ The British came to Indias + @ ) © @ conquerors travellers invaders traders wan fer sere — (®) ert wert @ wt (a) ear faders (3) Tap The Ramakrishna Mission established by- @) ) © @ ‘Swami Dayanand Saraswati Raja Ram Mohan Roy Swami Vivekanand Ramkrishna Paramhansa 2308313 (i) Gi) (iv) © ar CH ATH TOA AAT AH ST RTT HE (a) 1952 (@) 1989 (@) 1977 (%) 1967 Since when the coalitional governmentin India have cometo stay atthe national level - ‘ (a) 1952 (b) 1989 () 1977 (@) 1967 arte eh 8 fe ra ras TB (a) Fey Cm) afrerTg (a) Fawr (%) SATS 231213 PIO. 6) (iv) The Shiv Senais apotitical party in- ”) ) (@) Maharashtra () TamilNadu (© Bihar (®) Uttarakhand Sacite eta ata aa Te a Ga ? (3) 1985, (™) 1785 (a) 1885 (%) 1685 The Indian National Congress was formed in - (a) 1985 (b) 1785 (© 1885 (@) = 1685 2511219 (@) @ (ii) Gi) Gv) ww) @) @ Gi Gi) dv) w o (qos - 4) ‘Frere carr at fet watt - [15-5] ‘fig # --------~ ata a ea 3 wradta Gar 3 STENT fees ‘Fra aT nana fats fore aT &, Dane ar Feel Ba waa fet ste RT -----—--~ atta Ae, ae, Te - aria arenes ar AMC BT -—— (Part - B) Fillin the blanks - In the South, it was the .. .. Dynasty that held way over most of the peninsular India. _aspecial type of merchant who mainly traded food items. Gandhiji broke'Salt Law in the year... ‘Lal, Bal, Pal' leader of... dal, National integration is the awareness of a ..... citizens of acountry. 2340213 PIO. @ Gi) (iii) Civ) Wy) @ Gi) iii) (iv) @) ®) (aug —z) (@) We, sree afi - ‘ [axs-5) SAC te rae Fer sr was eae i ae | RETA | | SR STEIN a 8 aa Fae eo | Tenire crt ecersat wastage (Part- Cy Write True or False- Paddy isnota khariferop. CWilSociety Organisations intrest group in India Flection held after the expiry of ‘the full term of ‘the legislatures are knownas Mid-term Election, ‘When habitats are destroyed is lost Biodiversity, India has a strong case for becoming a permanent member in the Security Council, 230213 o (ee- a) (3) sierra sitign — i [1x5*5] @ (=) G) sorefeariaseaenar - akaart Gi) tr 20088. 8 sift Git) FRET Se ol (iv) BaF - phasic erreren water Tar (vy) anetater 1953 - rar, rare eT fe a (Part -D) (D) Match the following- (A) ®) () —TropicalEvergreen Forest. - © Mumbai toThane (i) Democracy - Above 200cm. rainfall (iii) Sovereignty +> Milk production (iv) White Revolution ~ Complete political freedom and supreme authority (v) _ Indianrailway 1853 : Of the people, by the people; for thepeople 231213 PTO. (10) aig ata oa ens dears & ara Farhan [1+1=2] Write the name of founder of Buddhism and Jainism. ‘wre area fram se) pee Sect Beara feafiare | [141-2] Write thename of any two greatcenters of Education in Ancient India. Sarr wet S17 fafay, wel fects feage & eer ey ae rere a [141-2] Write the name of two Japanese city were almost wiped off when atomic bombs were dropped on them. 19a eh a Brea A St arenstee wens oe ATH Forfa [1+1=2] Write the name of two social practices in 19" Century in India. 1857 & fade & 3 aeragel Amal & a9 fafa | [141-2] Write the name of any two important leaders of the Revolt of 1857. ara at feat ca fara fafa | [i+1-2] Write the location and extands of India. TATE FTA HAT HA VI AST AAT [i+1-2] Write the two reasons of low density population of Uttarakhand. 211213 a wet-9 anfes sata ar ard ferfiae (2) Write the meaning of collective responsibility. Wer-10 Sela cae a at fartreeTe feafeae | [1412] Write tw6 characters of the Federal System. We) wa feeraa ar ferfae [141-2] ‘Write two functions of the State Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly). Wr-12 Ta red ante Fat fafa [441-2] Write two qualities of a good citizen. Wer 13 Wale are eh afore wif | {2] Define the environmental degradation, | Wer 14 aa fer ren a ci Hea Fehler | (1+1+1-3] Write three importances of water ways for India, wer-15 farensiters ie ard farfar [1141-3] Write the three functions of the District Magistrate. Wet-16 Gfaur ged wey ais aftr a Stare a ATT | [1411-3] Enumerate the three Fundamental Rights granted to the Constitution. Explain briefly. 2311213 PO. (12) We 17 Sea aT aH safeH Sell a aH AT | {3] Explain briefly the Supreme Court Jurisdiction. Bers srr Teta ae a a weap GAIT 2 (3 What are the major challenges to National Integration in India ? We 19, Tre rca oer & Fes eee a ee ae ere ae aa ea fea | [3] ‘Suggest any three measures forimproving Human Development Index in the States where Human Development Index is very low. Wet-20 ‘wel aaha wens at rae a ite at 1” Sao A aA | [4] i "The Russian Revolution was inspired by the ideology of Socialism." Explain briefly. | (s1@av/0R ) : STMT a area Te oth wai aha oe aha aT fof Write the similarities between the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. eT 21 Safe area Ue fare gafeiane Se qereat Y To UM her wera a ere aifag [4] Explain the role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy reformers in caste system and advocating widow remarriage. uO zan213 A) © (RTATV/OR ) 9d ae F aa A afeensti at fare & ferera AF ate-at arent ong af? ‘oferear ferfiaa ‘What were the obstacles in growth of women's education in India in the 19% Century? Write int detail. WeA-22 agen rer archer are sa HTT eT? SET Ta Tera RT FeaRAT | [4] Do you think the Non-Co-operation Movement was successful in its goal ? Give reasonsin support of your argument. (sRTaT) (oR) art Tea arden a queasy ate & Ages A sere fee Ba at fra a TARE! Explain the role of Azad Hind Fauz Jed by Subhash Chandra Bose in the Indian National Movement. 2311213 PTO. (4) Wet-23 “ual mpfr a ata t ah eee eae | SRR aT a a aif) [4] "Environment is dynamic in nature and keeps on changing." Substantiate this statement with examples. (378/0R ) Was ea A AT Explain the importance of Environment. WA-24 Trae sites at hry fare sivhferar uftfeateet at qerratfire 1 [2}+2] Compare the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of rice and | wheat. (SPaT/OR ) Peter sidan d ata orn ere afc Differentiate between Personal Communication and Mass Communication, Wr-25 dae Svs eri fafan| [s] Write the five functions of Parliament: (3PRaT/0R ) 2311213 SE (13) ee arrears a Sere? Te a safer AAMT | How is the Supreme Court constituted ? Explain its Judicial authority. Wer 26 Sera at atu foray Us ceca a gee ER a aT aA! [145-6] Write the definition of public opinion and discuss its importance in a democracy. (31ra7/0R ) ‘arches are mene wT aeT ade ? Tea HEEB aHETET | ‘Whatis meant by Universal Adult Franchise? Explain its importance. We-27, Proven ant urea a etree arate a eae [1+141+1414126] (Fert Gi) Arafat ya Gil) aR Ferre (iv) FAR at art (v) facarster (vi) BaraIIR AT ISR ‘Show the following on outline map of India- ()— Mahanadi Gi) Nilgirimountain (ii) Mumbai Port (iv) Bayof Mannar (¥) Chitkalake. (vi) Chhota NagpurPlateau. 2atta1a PTO. (16) (area) (or) (were Gi) erator eda (iii) srearere (iv) SiseraeeTE (v) arrsearear at” (oi), te : ' Show the following on outline map of India @ — TaptiRiver (i) Karakoram Mountain Gi) Arabian Sea (iv) Kandla Port (¥) TeaProducing Area (vi) Tropicof Cancer. . e213 FIAT see 21945 INDIA ara 213

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