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7/25/2019 Lantek Expert v27 Instruction Installation

Run the Setup.exe file in the folder:

\ Common \ Tools \ SQLEXPR \ SQLEXPR32

Follo these steps to the letter. E!"h option or "h!n#e the s"reen is ! step$ !nd therefore

%e respe"ted. &f the error does not or' (:

) * Che"' +& !""ept the li"ense terms$ !nd+ !nd "li"' ,ext

2 * Cli"' &nst!ll

3 * ,ext

- * ,ext

 * ,ext

/ * 0n"he"' +1&E 4,CE C5,F&60RT&5,S 5ptions+ !nd "li"' ,ext

7 * Cli"' on +Client Components+ !nd sele"t +ill %e inst!lled on lo"!l h!rd

8 * Repe!t step 7 for +Conne"ti9it Components+ !nd "li"' ,ext

; * Sele"t the +ef!ult &nst!n"e+ !nd "li"' ,ext

)< * =!r'> !nd SQL Ser9er !nd SQL ?roser !nd "li"' ,ext

))* =!'e =ixed =ode !nd enter the p!ssord in the folloin# ex!mple:

SP@ !nd ,ext

)2 * =!r' Col!ttions SQL !nd "li"' ,ext

)3* ,ext

)- * ,ext

) * &nst!ll

)/ * &f ou #et ! !rnin# !%out msml/r.dll file$ Aust "li"' 5B !nd "ontinue

,5TE: &f ou see more th!n this mist!'e !#!in !nd !#!in from the %e#innin#$ %e"!use
e9erthin# uninst!ll e9er st!#e so f!r h!s %een done ron#.

)7* ,ext

)8 * Finish 1/3
7/25/2019 Lantek Expert v27 Instruction Installation

,o inst!ll L!nte' th!t the m!in folder "!lled SET0P.EXE

); * enter the "omp!n n!me !nd seri!l num%er /<; L)83*7<<

2< * ,ext
2) * ,ext

22 * Sele"t +& !""ept the terms of the li"ense !#reement+ !nd "li"' ,ext

23 * ,ext

2- * ,ext

2 * ,ext

2/ * Sin#le Sele"t !nd "li"' ,ext

27 * =!r' =etri" !nd "li"' ,ext

28 * L!nte' Expert =!r' @os$ ?!se Ser9er

Flex3 S@ !nd !dd ! plu#in for Solid@or's. Cli"' the ,ext %utton.

2; * ,ext

3< * =!r' +o not "re!te ! d!t!%!se no+

3) * ,ext

32 * es

33 * ,ext

3- * Sele"t +Cre!te es'top ...+ !nd un"he"' +re#ister our produ"t+D Finish

,o #o to St!rtD Pro#r!msD @&?0*BED Ser9er ,etor'

,o in the sstem

GLl ri#ht*"li"' tr!
!nd #o sin#in#
st!tus$ !nd ise is !nremo9e
then "li"' i"on of !nd
! 0S? 'e$

,o "op the files from the folder S&HE:


!nd p!ste in the folder C: \ L!nte' \ Expert hi"h is the inst!ll!tion folder L!nte'

S&HE Cop files !nd folders \ Sstem32

*E?F2.sentinel 2/3
7/25/2019 Lantek Expert v27 Instruction Installation

!nd p!ste in the folder C: \ indos \ Sistem32

3 * Run Emul!tor0tilit.exe p!ste the file to inst!ll !nd L!nte' thus

"li"' &nst!ll !nd uninst!ll !nd reinst!ll. To or'.
5pen L!nte' Expert mSQL does not inst!ll the dri9er Sentinel in"ludin# 'e folder
Common \ Tools \ PR5TEC \ Sentinel ... fter inst!ll!tion Aust open the exe"ut!%le file !nd
"li"' o'

Repe!t step

3 * dministr!tor File ""ess Be

3/ * ,ext

37 * next

38 * to enter the p!ssord ou set in step )).

St!rt L!nte' Expert C= 5' I !ppe!rs on the s"reen$ !it ..... no ou "!n useJ 3/3

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