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Name: ................................

Subject: English – Reading Comprehension

Class: Jr.3 ......................... Date: ................................


What has fins, sharp teeth, and swims in the

ocean? A shark!

Sharks have been around for a very long time.

Sharks have lived in the oceans even before dinosaurs

were on the earth! Sharks are fish, and there are over

400 types of sharks. When they have babies, the babies are called pups.

Sharks lose their teeth, like humans, but they don’t just lose their

baby teeth. They lose teeth throughout their lives. When a shark loses a

tooth, a tooth from another row of teeth will move into its place. New

teeth are always growing. Most sharks are carnivores, so they feed on

other animals, like fish or seals.

Sharks might look scary, but they are not usually dangerous to

people. People are more dangerous to sharks, since people hunt sharks. To

be safe, though, it is a good idea to leave sharks alone if you see them!
A. Answer the following questions.

1. How long have sharks been around?


2. How many types of sharks are there?


3. What are baby sharks called?


4. When do sharks lose their teeth?


5. Have you ever seen a shark?


B. Find from the text:

1. a word that means "kinds" in para. (1): ________________

2. a word that means "meat eating" in para. (3): ________________

3. the opposite of "safe" in para. (4): ________________

C. Choose the correct answer.

1. This text is (fiction – non fiction).

2. Sharks have lived before (fish – hippos – dinosaurs).

3. It's a good idea to (get away – get close – get along) from sharks.

4. The word "scary" in para. (4) is a/an (verb – noun – adjective).

D. Match the words to their meanings.

1. humans ( ) find and kill

2. hunt ( ) unable to find

3. lose ( ) people

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